(But if I did; oh the things I'd add to this anime) *smirks evilly*

We laughed.

We hugged.

We kissed.

We loved.

It seemed so short.

But whether I believe it or not, Natsu and I have been together for about a year now.

It will be official next month! December 23rd! The day he asked me!

I'm so excited I could burst!

I realize that I'm squealing a bit too loudly and I shoot up from my bed and look out my window.

"Another fall day" I say smiling.

I walk towards my bathroom and do my average routine.

As I run out of the bathroom, throw on some clothes and head for the guild, I look back inside my room.

"One year" I said smiling, and I closed the door.

I walk merrily towards the guild and spot a blue headed Levy walking and reading!

"Levy! Hey Levy!" I yell.

She turns and smiles "Lucy-chan!" She runs towards me "What are you doing here?"

"I'm walking towards the guild" I smile "What about you?"

"I'm doing the same, just stopped by the bookstore to pick up some new releases"

"Ooh. Speaking about picking things up, I have to start thinking about an anniversary present for Natsu"

Levy blushes with her mouth open, shocked. "Really?! Your anniversary is coming all ready?"

"Mhm" I nod "We'll officially be a year next month, on the 23rd"

Levy giggles "Aww, how sweet. My anniversary with Gajeel isn't until February. He may seem cold, but the cheese ball actually asked me out on Valentine's day" Levy blushes and smiles "I can't wait"

I smile too "I want to get to the guild as soon as possible! Knowing our anniversary is so close, I want to make sure it's special!"

"Is it a surprise?" Levy asks.

"Hm, I don't know actually. I never really thought if should've made it a surprise. It's definitely something to think about"

Levy giggles "Does Natsu even take surprises very well?"

I think "I actually…Don't know…OH MY GOSH! I DON'T KNOW! How can I not know something so simple about my own boyfriend!?" I fall to the ground in over dramatic tears "I'M A TERRIBLE GIRLFRIEND!"

"Now, now. Come one Lucy, It's not that bad" Levy says trying to comfort me "I'm pretty sure anything you give Natsu, he'll love" Levy reaches for me and I take her hand standing back up with the dignity I still had left.

As we walk a few more steps, Levy and I begin to see the guild.

"We're here" says Levy.

I smile but as soon as I was about to go in with Levy, someone lightly grabbed my wrist. I turned to see who it was and wouldn't you know it!

"Natsu" I smile.

Levy looks back "I'll see you inside Lucy-chan!"

"Okay!" I wave. I turn back towards Natsu and see his sad expression. "What's wrong?" I ask concerned.

"Lucy…We need to talk"

"About what?" My heart pounds a bit faster in the fear of what he's going to say.

"I just…" Natsu lets go of my wrist and rubs the back of his neck "I just don't know about us anymore"

"W-what do you mean?" I manage to get out.

"I mean…I want to break up with you"

I felt my heart stop and my world shatter.

Hope that was enjoyable :D

(Hey guys! Shuper shorry for the late updates and junk! Blarghh! This is a really short chappy but it will be something great :D! GAHHH I LOVE YOU GUYS!)

Stay tuned...

Review, if you please