A/N: Howdy! Sorry it's been so long. Work, vacation, a wedding and other stuff have just kicked my butt this last month. What was that you asked? What wedding? Well, after 12 years together, 9 of which we considered ourselves married, my wife and I actually went to New York and did it officially and legally and thanks to the overturn of DOMA we are able to get full Federal benefits. About dang time!

So now, without further ado, here is another creepy case fic sending this team to two countries to try to track and catch a serial killer. Enjoy!


On Sunday the Prentiss family had gotten up to go to church together. Yes, their kids were a wonderful reminder of the good in the world but it doesn't hurt to have faith, too. As Emily chats with Mrs. Nettles after the service, JJ is with Henry and Rocky in the playroom chatting with other parents.

"I did some Googling and have to ask," Mrs. Nettles whispers to Emily. "Was your team the group in Miami or the one in Portland?"

Emily grins. "Miami."

Mrs. Nettles shivers. "Oh, those men are so…so horrible. I am so sorry you girls had to deal with someone so depraved. Two someones, actually! Did one of them give you that bruise on your forehead?"

Emily lifts a hand, having forgotten about it. "Uh, no, actually. Had a disagreement with a cop who was having some personal issues."

"Oh, what a shame. For him, I mean. I am sure you put him in his place."

Emily chuckles. "Not really. Jen took care of him." Mrs. Nettles giggles. "But he is getting help now so I am happy for him. We've all needed a hand and I hope he takes the one offered to him."

"You are so sweet," Mrs. Nettles says, squeezing Emily's arm.

"So, are you going to see your daughter at Christmas this year?"

Sadness flickers in the older woman's eyes. "No, I'm afraid not. My grandkids are doing things with their significant others so she and my son-in-law are going on a cruise. They asked me to join them but, well, ships go out into the ocean and I have no desire to swim with the sharks if it goes down."

Emily bursts out laughing. "You and Jennifer are two peas from the same pod, Mrs. Nettles. What about your sons?"

The older lady shrugs. "Just too far away. I'm not much for flying and driving this time of year is too risky."

Emily takes the woman's hand. "You know, it would be an honor to have you spend Christmas with us. I mean, unless you get a better offer. So if some rich, handsome widower decides to sweep you away for a romantic getaway in the Bahamas or something, go for it." Mrs. Nettles giggles again, blushing. "But if not, we'd love to have you spend it with us."

"Oh, Emily, you all have so many people over for Christmas. You don't need one more."

"Actually we're a few short this year. Henry will spend it in New Orleans with his father and stepmother. My parents are never sure if they can make it or not until the last minute. Please, consider joining us. We'd love to have you. You can even come home with us after Christmas Eve service and be there to experience Rocky getting her gifts from Santa."

Mrs. Nettles smiles, tears in her eyes. "It's been many years since I could experience a child's wonder and excitement on Christmas morning. If you're sure, Emily, I will happily accept."

Emily smiles and nods. "I am more than sure."

Mrs. Nettles pulls Emily into a hug. "You are a wonderful woman, Emily Prentiss. Thank you for loving a little old lady enough to share your family with her."

"Truly my pleasure, Mrs. Nettles. Now, I need to go fetch Jen and the kids. We have lots of laundry to do and pretty soon Jen will be wanting to watch her Redskins play as she eats, ugh, peanut butter covered dill pickles," Emily finishes with an amused sneer.

Mrs. Nettles chuckles. "Oh, my. That is…well…quite a combo."

"To put it nicely," Emily agrees.

"Well, I am going to head home. I'm meeting some ladies later for bingo. Let me know what I can bring for Christmas dinner."

"Anything you want, Mrs. Nettles. Everyone brings something they love so it's usually a fun, interesting, and always delicious spread."

"Good to hear. I'll let you know." She gives Emily a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Have a wonderful week and be safe."

"Thank you, Mrs. Nettles. See you next Sunday, work permitting."

JJ smiles at her wife. "I think it's a wonderful idea, Em. I am glad she won't have to spend Christmas alone."

Emily grins. "Glad you feel that way. I know I should have asked you first since it's a family holiday but she has always been so supportive of us- -"

"No need to explain, honey. I support it 100%."

"Good. She seems so happy," Emily admits. "I'm glad she said yes."

"I guess we need to talk to Will tonight and finalize travel plans for Little Man. Mom can take him down and Will said he will bring him home. We just need to decide what days that will happen."

Henry perks up. "I go see Daddy?"

JJ nods and turns to him. "Yep. You will go see Daddy and Helen for Christmas."

He gives the idea two thumbs up. "Cool!"

JJ grins. "Yes, very cool indeed."

"You come, too?"

JJ's grin fades. "Uh, well, no. We'll still be here."

Henry frowns as he looks at his sister, then back to his mommy. "Rock?"

"Uh, she'll be here, too."

He thinks a second and his eyes well with tears. "But…want Rock go with!"

Emily and JJ exchange a glance. To stave off a tantrum, JJ capitulates. "Well, we can talk more about it later, okay?"

Henry frowns. "Okay, Mommy. But want Rock go with."

JJ just nods, knowing they will have to come up with a good way to explain to Henry that his little sister will not be going with him to New Orleans for Christmas. A blended family is very full of ups and downs.

Emily and Henry are playing with his learning tablet while Rocky naps and JJ watches her Redskins. Since the team is playing badly Emily is glad she has the kids in the playroom. JJ is not exactly being nice in her scolding of the team that day. Emily decides to blame the hormones.

"Okay, Henry, let's see if we can find the word that completes the sentence, okay?"

He nods. "Okay, Mama."

"Okay. The first sentence is 'The apple is _.' What word is right, Henry? Red, blue, purple, green?"

Henry studies the picture and pushes the button for the colour "red". Winnie the Pooh claps his hands ands tells Henry "Good job!" Emily hugs him close.

"Great, Henry! Let's go to the next one."

By the time they have finished Henry has gotten 8 out of the 10 sentences correct. Emily kisses his forehead.

"You're doing great, Champ. I am so proud of you."

He smiles and snuggles up against Emily. "Mama? Is Helen my Mama, too?"

Emily stiffens. They had all assumed this question would come up eventually. She just hates that she is alone when it has come up.

"Uh, well, uh, yes, she is. You see, your Daddy and Mommy are your birth parents. Their love created you. But now your Mommy loves me and your Daddy loves Helen. That makes Helen and I your stepmothers."

"What that mean?"

"It means we love you so much we're just like your birth parents. We love having you in our lives and hope you love us, too."

"So you not my Mama?" he asks in confusion.

She lifts him up and turns him so she can stare into his eyes. "Henry Alan LaMontagne, I am most definitely your mama. Nothing can change that. I promise you."

He throws his arms around her neck. "I love you, Mama."

She hugs him close. "I love you, too, Henry. Very, very much."

"Love Mama! Love Ree!" Rocky chimes in.

Emily looks over and rolls her eyes. "Why in the world are you naked again, little one?"

Rocky just grins proudly. Henry shakes his head.

"Her just don't get it, Mama."

Emily laughs at the frank assessment. "You said it, Champ. How about you go check on

Mommy while I get Rocky dressed again."

"Okay, Mama. I tell her I did good?"

"Yes, you can tell her you did great on your learning game."

He smiles and gives it two thumbs up. "Cool!"

As he races off, Emily turns to her daughter. "Now you, little one, need to stop stripping down to your bare bottoms."

Rocky shrugs. "Hot, Mama."

Emily rolls her eyes. "You are not that hot, little monster. Come on, let's get you a fresh diaper and your clothes back on. Then maybe we can make a treat for Mommy and Henry. Sound good?"

Rocky nods. "Si, Mama. Good."

Emily smiles and pulls her close. She loves to hear her kids speak Italian, even if it is only a few words. And despite what blood might say, Henry IS her child. And he always will be.

That evening Emily finishes setting some bills up to pay and walks out of the office. From her vantage point she can see JJ standing sideways at the sink, her hand running over her baby bump as she stares into the mirror. Emily smiles, seeing the serene look on the beauty's face. She walks in and wraps her arms around JJ from behind.

"My empire for your thoughts."

JJ chuckles. "Good one. Pen can't top that." Emily just winks into the mirror. JJ sighs happily. "At 17 weeks they are moving their little joints, which my bladder is not happy about. Their hearing is developing. Their skeletons are getting harder. God, Em, there is just so much going on in there. It's…it's just so amazing again. I mean, it was incredible when it happened the first time. And then it was so…so just…wow to watch it happening to you. And now it is just as wondrous again because…because there are two in there, Em. Two!"

Emily hugs her and kisses her cheek, a hand stroking over the babies. "Yes, there are. And you're right, it is just as incredible this time around. Thank you so much for carrying our children, Jennifer. God, 'thank you' just doesn't seem like enough."

JJ reaches back and strokes her wife's cheek. "It's more than enough, baby. But if you're still worried you can buy me something pretty."

Emily chuckles. "Deal, Mommy Prentiss."

The two stand a few more minutes, just rubbing the baby bump and imagining what their children might look like when they are born.

"So, any chance one is a brother?" Emily finally asks.

JJ shrugs. "I sure hope so. Otherwise Henry will demand a refund from Dr. Manton."

Emily laughs. "True." She sighs. "Or he could question God."

"Maybe. We'll just…cross that bridge when we come to it. For now, we need to think about first names for a boy and girl, a second name set for each sex, and we need to start thinking about the process for finding an assistant nanny for Francesca."

Emily pretends to pout. "Geez…why's it gotta be so much work."

JJ laughs and rolls her eyes. "You are so twisted sometimes."

"Ah, but you love me anyway."

"Yes, I do." She turns in her wife's arms. "How about we head to bed and I show you how much I love you?"

Emily gives her wife a kiss. "Perfect idea. Let me brush my teeth and I'll be right in."

They share another kiss and soon so much more as they celebrate their love.