you ready for the last chapter? Omg, I think I teared up typing this one. I hope I wrapped it up in a satisfying way for everyone.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of its characters.

"Kakashi! Kakashi! Pay attention!" Tsunade slapped her brother-in-law with a chakra powered hand. He fell over but finally had snapped out of his daze. Mita's body laid limp on the dusty ground in front of him, turning pale with every second that was passing. He turned around quickly to see Sakura holding a naked baby, still covered in blood.

"Is Mitsuki okay?" He turned his eyes back at Mita. The newborn stopped crying and he knew Sakura would keep her safe.

"Yes, she's fine and healthy… What about Mita-san…?" Sakura wrapped Mitsuki in a blanket to keep her warm, but she was also worried about Mita. Kakashi looked down at his wife, a look of defeat on his face. She was dying. Her heart was seconds away from stopping, but Kakashi didn't want to give up. The copy-nin slipped his hands under Mita's neck and knees when Tsunade stopped him. Her frowning face, tears going down, gave it away. Mita... was gone.

"Wait... no... there has to be something we can do," Kakashi started to panic. The Hokage paused as she looked over at Meera's body on the table and back at her sister's pale body.

"Kakashi, hold her! This might sting…" Tsunade bared her teeth as she waved her hands above her sister's body. Her hands started to turn from white to yellow to red. It made the copy-nin confused. He had no idea why Tsunade was emitting the same color chakra as Mita until he looked up. Meera's body was also glowing. Tsunade nearly lost her balance as a chakra orb started forming between Mita's body and her hands. But before anyone could react, Tsunade slammed her hands straight into Mita's chest, the orb being absorbed instantaneously.

Mita's eyes shot open so fast and her body jolted up. She gasped for air as if she had drowned and was revived through mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Her chest was heaving as she kept inhaling air for her lungs to survive.

"What.. happened…?" she could barely let her words out. Her lungs were on fire, and her limbs felt like it went through electric shock.

Kakashi fell backwards on his rear end as he saw his wife sitting in front of him, alive. He could cry if he had the energy. He watched as Mita scanned the room and her eyes stopped at the blanket bundle in Sakura's arms. As if words were exchanged telepathically, the pink-haired medic-nin brought Mitsuki to Mita. The newborn made a few gurgling sounds as she wiggled around in her arms. There she was with a thin layer of silver hair on her head and her little fists to her face. She hadn't opened her eyes yet, but she was already expecting bright brown orbs to be staring at her soon.

She's safe. Mita felt relieved.

"How am I alive?" Mita looked at both Tsunade and Kakashi. There was so much exhaustion in her voice.

"You idiot! Don't do that to me!" the older sister punched her sister on the arm. Tears were streaming down her face. While she was grateful her younger sister was okay, the thought of losing her sister was terrible. Mita grimaced as the punch actually hurt this time. But she didn't yell back at her sister like she normally would have. Instead, she let her sister weep and be angry.

"Let's just get you back. Good grief…" Tsunade finally said, standing up and helping Kakashi get Mita on her feet.

"Yes, let's go home..." Kakashi pressed his face against Mita's hair, glancing down at his newborn daughter in her arms.


"Do you want to try breastfeeding again?" Sakura brought Mitsuki's baby cradle closer to Mita's bed.

"Yes, please. Can you pick her up for me?" Mita held her arms out as Sakura gently placed the baby in her arms. Mita removed one side of her hospital gown and brought Mitsuki closer to her breast, hoping she'll grab on this time. Mitsuki wiggled her face around and finally latched on. It made Mita so happy that her daughter finally was breastfeeding, she was unaware of her husband walking into the hospital room.

"Oh, she's finally feeding," Kakashi smiled at his wife and daughter. Is this what happiness looks like? Sakura took this moment to excuse herself and left the family of three.

"Where's Ryo?"

"I left him at the daycare. He was overly excited and I didn't want him to disturb you," Kakashi leaned in to kiss Mitsuki on the forehead before pecking his wife on the lips. She smiled at her husband and kept looking at her daughter. They've been in the hospital for a few weeks now, closely monitoring both Mita and Mitsuki. They were fine but Tsunade was being overprotective and decided to keep them a little longer.

"Does it hurt?" Kakashi tilted his head watching his daughter.

"A little, but it disappears as she keeps feeding," Mita smiled. The newborn eventually stopped feeding and pulled away. Her little mouth opened wide as she yawned, and it made both Mita and Kakashi melt.

After a bit, Sakura came back in to check on Mitsuki as well as have Mita sign discharge papers. They were ready to go home.


"Hmm?" The copy-nin glanced up from packing Mita's things.

"I've been in the hospital for almost a month now… will you finally tell me what happened that day?" she grabbed the long tunic dress Kakashi left on the bed so she could change. She kept her eyes on him as she quickly changed out of her hospital gown and finally into some normal clothing. Kakashi sighed. He knew he would have to eventually tell her about what happened that day.

"I don't know what happened before I got there, but according to Tsunade, you injected yourself with a lethal poison right after you released the binding seal on your body. I'm assuming you wanted to... kill yourself and cut off Meera's chakra supply since she feeds off you," Kakashi paused when he saw his wife look away. He slid his hand under hers and held it tight.

"Mitsuki came way earlier than expected, I didn't have time to wait for you and Tsunade…. So I just went for it. I was so desperate for Mitsuki to be alive. I knew once I released the seal, Meera would start absorbing my chakra right away, especially with Mitsuki on the way," Mita sighed.

"Were you trying to overload her with chakra?" Kakashi's eyes widened at the thought. While it wouldn't have been possible for a normal ninja, for Mita, it would have been very doable.

"Yes… I knew Mitsuki would be fine. And the minute she was separated from Meera, the chakra would kill that bitch before she could do anything. I was…. I was ready to die, Kakashi… I didn't want to leave you or them, but-" she tried to explain but was stopped when Kakashi dropped her duffle bag on the floor.

"Stop." Kakashi walked over to the window and just leaned against it, sighing deeply. Mita stared at his back, wondering what he was thinking about. She knew it was selfish of her to try to kill herself, but Kakashi's life and the children came first for her. All she could do was hope for he would understand.

Tik. Tik. Tik. Tik. The sounds of the clock took over the room as the sun was slowly disappearing.

"Do you feel any different?" He broke the silence.

"No, I feel like before. Why?"

"Because Tsunade extracted the rest of the chakra that was in Meera, killing her, and used it to revive you. You were dead. And she brought you to life," Kakashi finally turned around to look at his very shocked wife. She realized why Kakashi was hesitant to tell her about what happened that night.

"Wow, I didn't know… I didn't know Tsunade was capable of that…" Mita trailed off.

"That's because a sister's love conquers all," the blonde huffed as she stepped into the hospital room. Mita smiled at her older sister.

"Thank you…" She held her sister's hand.

"So Meera is gone. For good?"

"Yes. We cremated her body that day… you were unconscious for a few days but even after that we wanted you to rest and just think about Mitsuki," Tsunade explained. The Hokage took this chance to look over at the little bundle of joy in the cradle and picked her up. Mitsuki's eyes were open and she cooed as she made eye contact with her aunt. Everyone in the room had their attention on the baby.

"Everything… is over then," Mita had a sigh of relief.

"Let's go home," Kakashi picked up her duffel bag and held out his hand. The brunette smiled as she took his hand, slipping her feet into a pair of shoes and Kakashi put a thick jacket over her as they left the hospital room. They hadn't even reached the hospital daycare when a flash of brown zoomed towards them and latched onto Mita's legs. She smiled as she picked up Ryo who was smiling at his mother.

"Okay, you need to take her before I keep her," Tsunade teased as she handed Mitsuki to Kakashi. "Don't forget you have a check up appointment for her in two weeks."

Mita waved at her sister as the family of four left the hospital. She was so focused on Ryo running around in front of them that she didn't realize Kakashi was leading her in the opposite direction of their apartment. Mita looked around to see where they were and saw they had passed majority of the town and towards a residential area. Not asking her husband where they were going, she quietly followed the copy-nin to wherever they were heading.

They stopped in front of a two-story house, where Kakashi pushed open the front gate and fumbled for the keys to open the front door. Mita looked around the front yard that was dimly lit in the cold night but still didn't ask where they were and followed Kakashi into the house. It wasn't until they were inside that everything looked more familiar. While there were new furniture, some of the things they had in their apartment were now in this house.

"When... did you get a house?" Mita walked around and continued to peek around.

"While you were recovering in the hospital. The apartment is too small for all of us now," he walked around while turning on a few lights and went down a hall way with a sleeping Mitsuki in his arms. Mita followed him and gasped when she entered a room. It was painted a pale lavender color with a few paintings on the wall and a crib. She watched as Kakashi put the duffel down and safely put Mitsuki in the crib. She could see him smile through his mask.

"I was able to find most of the things we used when Ryo was born, but we might need to go shopping for a few more things," he said matter-of-factly and left the room with a baby monitor in hand. Mita took one last look at Mitsuki before quickly following Kakashi. She was surprised to see him already getting Ryo ready for bed. The young boy grinned as Kakashi pecked him on his forehead and he slowly drifted off to sleep.

"Come on, our room is down here," Kakashi took her hand and led her down a different hallway where he opened the door to the master bedroom. Glancing around, she saw the layout was very similar to their apartment and felt a bit more comfortable. She turned around and gasped when her husband was inches away from her without his mask.

"Finally... we're alone..." the copy-nin pulled her into a hug, resting his head against hers, breathing her scent in.

"Kakashi, are yo-" Mita was cut off by a surprise kiss from him. Her face started to feel flushed as their kiss became more intense to the point Mita let out a small moan. Kakashi finally pulled away and stared at her, who was trying to catch her breathe. Her arms reached around his neck as she leaned in, wanting more of him. Kakashi brushed his lips against hers before leading her towards their bed and pushing both of them down. He missed her and she missed him. They kissed again passionately, his hands pulling up her dress and her fingers entangling in his hair when the baby monitor on their dresser voiced Mitsuki's cries.

"She's probably hungry again," Mita giggled as she sat up on their bed. "This is our life now."

"Yea... this is our life," Kakashi pecked her on the cheek as she got up to check on their daughter.

***6 years later***

"Onii-chan, stop! Give it to me!" A young silver-haired girl ran after an older brown-haired boy who had a shuriken in his hand. The boy laughed as his body flickered and he ended up in the center courtyard of their home. The young girl, frustrated, ran after her brother, her hand glowing a pink-yellow hue, ready to punch. The boy panicked for a second and body-flickered again back into the living room, turning around to see his younger sister created a hole in a large rock.

"Hey! Don't run with shurikens in your han- Kami! Suki, Ryo! Ughh.. Your mom is going to kill me," a familiar silver-haired father figure stepped out of his bedroom and glared at the young ones running around the living room.

"Ryo, are you ready? It's your first day of- what the hel- urk," Mita caught herself mid sentence. While she wanted to finish what she was saying, all she did was glare at her husband who quickly ran towards their son and took the shuriken out of his hands. Mitsuki quickly hid her hands behind her back when she saw her mother's intense gaze at her and the destroyed rock next to her.

"Seriously. Ryo, put your shoes on. Mitsuki, are you seriously okay with bright purple leggings? Kakashi, get dressed too!" The mother got her house in order as everyone did what they were told and got ready to leave the house.

"I told you we taught them too early!" Mita punched her husband who groaned and tried to laugh it off. The family quickly left their house as it was a special day for them. Ryo was running ahead of them full of excitement while Mitsuki groaned, being stuck next to her father, holding his hand. She wanted to run around like her brother too.

"Mama, when do I get to go to the Academy like Nii-chan?" Mitsuki was quite grumpy as her older brother was sticking his tongue out, teasing her.

"You will in two years, Suki baby," Kakashi answered as he watched the two siblings bicker again. The family of four stood in front of the Academy's gates.

"Okay, you ready?" Mita asked her Ryo. Her eyes started getting misty.

"No no no, don't cry again. You cried when we were enrolling him. You know what? Ryo, go before your mom puts you in a headlock. Mita, go to work, you can watch him as you're walking," Kakashi shooed his wife away before she started bawling.

"Okay, bye! Don't cause trouble! Love you!" Mita waved her arm as she walked away backwards, watching her son body-flicker towards the gates of the Academy. There they saw a familiar blonde foxboy who was herding the new wave of students in. Naruto high-fived Ryo as he ran into the classroom and he looked up to grin at Kakashi and Mita.

"Hey, I thought I told you to go to work," Kakashi smirked at his wife who was standing next to him suddenly. She then watched Mitsuki release Kakashi's hand and run off to see her friends at the pre-k next door to the Academy. The parents waved at their daughter who walked into the building and sat near the window, waving at them with a huge grin on her face.

"I can't believe they're in school," her voice wavered again and Kakashi quickly hugged her to stop her from crying.

"The next thing we know, they'll be taking their first A-Rank mission," he joked, only to get punched.

"Don't say that!" Mita officially started crying, making Kakashi panic.

"Is she crying cause of my cute niece and nephew?" Tsunade stepped towards them with Sakura right behind her. The pink-haired kunoichi who was once a student of Tsunade was now pregnant with her first child and her baby bump was showing. Tsunade patted her younger sister on the shoulder, attempting to comfort her and grinned with pride when she looked towards the schools.

"What are you doing here?" Mita sniffed as she wiped her tears again on Kakashi's shoulder.

"I wouldn't miss their first day of class," the Hokage felt proud as she saw her niece and nephew through the classroom windows. They saw their aunt and immediately waved at Tsunade.

"It wasn't that long ago that we were in there. Then we graduated and somehow got Kakashi-sensei as our team leader," Sakura elbowed the copy-nin, laughing. He smiled at his former student, thinking back when he first met her, Naruto and Sasuke.

"Well, this is our life now. I better head to work before I start crying again," Mita turned around and started to head to the hospital.

"I have a few meetings to go to but I'll stop by the hospital later," Tsunade waved bye as she headed to the Hokage office.

"I'll see you at the hospital, Mita-san!" Sakura walked off towards the hospital, leaving the married couple alone.

"Have a good day, my husband," she leaned in to peck her husband on the cheek when he pulled her in, giving her a deeper kiss through his mask. Mita blushed and stared at her husband as it wasn't common for her to display PDA in front of other parents who were around them, now staring. Kakashi just smiled at her as he held her hand and started leading her towards the Konoha Hospital.

"Aren't you going to work?" Mita tilted her hand and stared at the silver-haired former-ANBU in front of her. He stopped walking when they were in the vicinity of the hospital and turned towards Mita as if he wanted to ask her something.

"So... I was thinking... what do you think of expanding our family?" he said nervously.

"What?! Another child?!" Mita was taken back that Kakashi would be the one to bring this subject up.

"No, no. I mean, I wouldn't mind, but I was talking about a pet. Maybe a dog? I think Suki and Ryo would like it," Kakashi quickly cleared the air.

"Oh, I wouldn't mind! Ryo's 8th birthday is coming up, so we can surprise him then," Mita smiled, but she also felt a little antsy. Kakashi picked up on it and furrowed his brows together. He was about to ask when Mita spoke first.

"So you wouldn't mind having another baby?" She turned the conversation around again, now taking Kakashi by surprise. He rubbed the back of his neck and shrugged. Honestly, he wouldn't mind. He was happy with his family and having more would make him happy too. She stopped and stared at him, her face a little flushed. Was it from the kiss or did she need to say something? Kakashi patiently waited for her to speak.

"Okay, I'm glad because... I'm pregnant," Mita's face turned red and she laughed as Kakashi's eyes widened. He hugged her, picking her up and swinging her around. The father of two was about to become a father of three soon.

"I hope I'm giving you the life you always wanted, even though we've had some crazy times," Mita smiled sweetly at him.

"Of course. I wouldn't have it any other way. This is our life now," Kakashi still felt exhilarated from the news.

"I'm glad. Ha, okay, I'm officially late for work. See you tonight?" Mita pecked her husband on the cheek as she started walking towards the hospital doors. Kakashi nodded and waved at his wife as she went in, and started to walk towards his own work.

And just like that, Mita Hatake, director of Leaf Village's Hospital, and Kakashi Hatake, consult for ANBU, went on with their normal lives.

I'm bawling right now. The last two chapters definitely reflected my own family moments just like Kakashi and Mita were having.

I hope this was a good and clean ending for all of you. This story took longer than expected but it's good to see it finish.

There's other projects in the works. I hope those will live up to the fanfics I have already written. Not sure if I can write lemons anymore, just because it feels awkward now that I'm a mother. Is that weird? haha!

Thank you for all of your support! See you in another fanfic!