(Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY or Harry Potter. RWBY is owned by Roosterteeth and Harry Potter is owned by J.K. Rowlings.

As a side note I would like to direct you towards 88mph's story Goodwitch Apprentice and my brother, Smilingjester's story, Vampire of Beacon. Both of them are great stories in the HP/RWBY xover section.)

Nothing Left

Chapter 1: Before Vytal

The trip home for the seventh year of Hogwarts was made in nerve wrecking silence. There was not much to be said on the train. Everyone was mourning for someone they had lost in the battle of Hogwarts.

After fleeing from the school, the students were placed on the express several miles away at a back-up train station that was made for the exact situation, the school found itself in.

Voldemort had finally gone public with his attacks and his first attack was in what was supposed to be the safest place in the country. The ministry had ignored them for the past two years and had done nothing to hinder the building of his army, and it really showed in how many people Voldemort was able to get under his command.

Harry could not help, but think of how much difference it would have been if Voldemort had stayed for several more minutes while Harry was in the ministry. Maybe the minister would have seen the Voldemort was actually back and ready to attack, but it was not to be so. The minister and aurors had only arrived a minute after Voldemort had left the atrium and completely ignored the evidence that he was back. Even the men in death eater garbs were glanced over because they were 'upstanding citizens' that were framed.

That had been the beginning of what would be the end of the wizarding world. Harry and his friends were able to escape arrest through carefully constructed lies on Dumbledore's behalf and eventually the minister and his lackeys had settled down and let them go back to Hogwarts.

Then Dumbledore announced something that would remove any defense that the country may have built up for Voldemort. He announced that everything that Harry had said about Voldemort's resurrection had been a lie and that he really was not back. Basically saying that everything that Harry had sprouted over the past year was completely false and the daily prophet was right about him being an attention seeking brat.

This led to a rash of auror cutbacks and made the country even more defenseless than it was before that whole debacle. Dumbledore then had the nerve to drop one of the biggest bombshells on Harry right after his speech and tell him the prophecy that had dictated his life from the very beginning. The reason that his family had died, the reason that he spent the first eleven years of his life in hell, and the reason why Voldemort had been trying to kill him since day one.

The entire situation disillusioned Harry from Dumbledore way of thinking. After everything had settled down and the end of the year drew to a close, the old codger tried to send Harry back to the Dursley's house like nothing had ever happened. He had just stated that Voldemort was coming after him and then turned around and decided that Harry did not need any training in combat or magic that may help him in a life or death situation that would be sure to follow.

The black haired wizard decided to take his training into his own hands. After the train ride back where none of his supposed friends talked to him. Harry suspected that Dumbledore may have had a hand in that, he got on the knight bus and left to go to Sirius' old home.

Upon arrival, Harry found out from Kreacher that he was the new head of the black house because Sirius had willed everything, but his wardrobe to Harry. The clothes went to Moony because Sirius could not stand that Remus wore such rags. Evidently, Sirius' time in Azkaban had not only ruined him physically, it lead to him being unable to sire children of his own.

After laying in despair for several days, trying to get over Sirius' death, Harry got to work with what he had originally planned.

While he was on the train he remembered that Sirius' house contained a library full of dark and grey magic that the Weasley's tried to throw out during the summer, but failed because of a persistent house elf. It was full of the kinds of books that he would need in the coming battles with the death eaters so he decided that since Dumbledore was not going to prepare him, that he was going to prepare himself.

He spent most of the summer locked up in the library, it was there that he learned about how to fight. Using the training room that he had found in the basement, he practised everything that he learned. Kreacher had been contracted to help and done so willingly because his master was finally using 'noble' spells.

Over the summer he also found that he had a talent for runes. He was able to pick them up and instinctively know how they were put together to form the best results. Harry theorized that he got this from his father because he had designed the marauder's map according to Sirius and Remus, and the map was a masterpiece of runes.

One of the most surprising things he found was that he was proficient in occlumency. All that it took was the right books and tips to set up his barriers and mindscape. Harry was not the best in the art. If Someone like, Dumbledore for example, really tried, he could brute force his way in if given a couple minutes of intense concentration, but it was good enough to protect him from most other attacks and passive legilimency attempts.

Harry's sixth year was spent mostly in the room of requirements. His grades in class fell dramatically and Harry lost contact with most of the people he knew. Hermione and Ron were dating and started drifting away from Harry. The entirety of the Dumbledore's Army save for the more loyal had distanced themselves from him after they heard about the ministry disaster.

All of this piled up until he could barely stand to be around his classmates any more and his training in the RoR became an escape from his reality rather than a necessary evil.

Dumbledore was almost constantly calling him to his office to try and talk about what he did the previous summer or to make him view the memories of Tom Riddle as a child. He started ignoring the invitations after the third day in the pensieve. Knowing that Tom was a kleptomaniac as a child was interesting and would lead to some banter during combat, but none of it really helped Harry prepare for his return.

The green eyed teen did learn an interesting fact about the room of requirements though. It was able to replicate anything or anyone that had ever been through the halls. Harry was able to learn how to duel from the likes of Flitwick in prime by a construct the room made. he learned how to plan from generals that had lead armies to victory. How to cast spells from Moody when he had both legs and eyes, and how to fight from masters of their arts.

Harry found that he could not use hand to hand combat to save his life, however he was able to wield a sword with the best of them. His master, Himura, visited Hogwarts over a hundred years ago in his around the world trip to see the sights before he died. He learned the coveted Hiten Mitsurugi ryu sword style from the man. However he did not get taught it immediately, his body was malnourished from the Dursleys and he had to train and eat properly to build it up to the required level the style needed. It had taken almost until the end of the year until he was allowed to even hold a boken. Himura had warned Harry of the dangers of the style. Himura in his old age was unable to wield a sword anymore because of the extreme muscle strain and tearing that the style had built up over the years. It had taken awhile until Harry solved this problem.

The solution was rather simple for all the work that he put into the research. There was a simple spell that most healers learned in their first year of apprenticeship. The spell repaired muscle tissue after it had been damaged in an accident. The spell was rather hard to find because it was mostly used in the rebuilding of limbs after a wizard or witch lost a limb, thus rather restricted material for all without a healing license from the ministry. If he used the spell every couple of years, then it should remove the crippling effects from the style.

Though the best thing that he learned in his opinion over the year, was how to become an animagus. The RoR had a journal that his dad had made, detailing the process and potion used to start. After carefully brewing the potion, Harry drank it and found his animagus spirit. Once he had discovered it, all it took was figuring out how to let it go and shift his body into it. That was where he had an issue. While he was good at transfiguration, his skills did not transfer over to self-transfiguration, so it was slow going for mastering his animagus form.

Harry ended the year at school with barely passing grades in all of his classes and failing in some of them.

There had been no attacks by Voldemort in almost a year since the ministry and Harry was getting worried. Voldemort had over a year to build up his army and he could attack at any time. The order, from what Harry learned by eavesdropping on Ron and Hermione, was too gathering up as many people as they could to fight, but it was slow going.

Another summer at 12 Grimmauld place had been spent with adding to his knowledge and refining what he knew.

Seventh year was relatively uneventful. Harry had gotten proficient with his animagus. He could in no way, shape, or form use it in the middle of combat yet, but it was getting there with practice. Once he had deemed himself alright at changing his own body, he came across the wonders of wandless magic, which was extremely draining for his core. In the beginning, a simple lumos would drain his entire core, but with enough practice and plenty of pepper-up potions, he was able to get it so that simple charms did not automatically drain him dry.

In the way of his sword training, Himura had taught Harry a great deal in the short amount of time that he knew him. He had mastered the basics and advanced katas to the style and was starting to learn the techniques associated with them.

On his social relationship front, he was still in the strained relationship with many of his old friends, but that did not matter to him anymore. Even though Himura Kenshin was a construct made by Hogwarts to be his teacher, Harry found a father/brother in him. Himura's easy going attitude was a breath of fresh air for Harry's stressful life, well when Kenshin was not being a sadistic bastard while training him. He was able to take his problems to Kenshin and hear wise solutions or just vent with the red headed man listening and soothing his anger.

Seventh year ended with Voldemort attacking Hogwarts. Many children died in the assault, whether it was from curses being thrown or by the castle collapsing on top of them. Hogwarts wards were able to hold out until most of the students that had not turned to the side of the death eaters, had floo'd out of the building and back home. Though it was not enough time to bring them all through.
That was the first battle of a war that would spend the next year, tearing apart the wizarding and muggle society.

Harry dodged to the right, then the left and dropped to the ground when the bright green curse flew over head. The snake faced bastard was slinging the killing curse like it was nothing. Voldemort's red orbs glowed with rage, but Harry noticed fatigue beginning to gather behind those red orbs. They had been dueling for almost an hour by that point and there was no sign of stopping anytime soon. All of Harry's other weapons were forgotten for the moment. While they had their uses in combat. Getting close to Voldemort was testament to committing suicide and his rifle had no place in a magic duel.

The green eyed man slashed his wand diagonally and a purple flame shot out of the tip. It was the same spell that Dolohov had used against Hermione back in his fifth year. Harry eventually learned that it was a necrotic spell that rotted the victim inside out. Voldemort conjured a silver shield to block it and sent back a dark blue curse of unknown properties right back at him.

Harry ducked the spell and sent a confringo to the wall next to him. Harry used his distraction to dive to the right and fire a white spell at him. Voldemort sidestepped the spell and returned it with a cruciatus curse. The younger twisted his body to the right to allow the spell to fly behind him and strike the scarred landscape around them harmlessly.

Spells were traded with such speed and power that the ground was being overturned and craters formed where spells missed the two combatants. Both of them were casting spells so fast that one could not tell where one ended and the other began. Shield were raised then destroyed in an instant, conjured animals fought each other, trying to flank the other side only to be tore apart.

Everything was turned into a weapon. The ground was moved to trip up the other, fire was made into burning whips, water was pulled from the air to combat the intense blaze, and blades of wind, sharper than steel, were sent at one another. After a particularly brutal exchange that gave Harry's shoulder a new opening and made Voldemort's hand a little crispy, they stood warily watching each other.

"Why do you still fight, Potter?" He suddenly called out over the scorched battlefield. "For what reason do you fight? Look around us, there is nothing left! No men, no country, nothing!"

Harry did not want to admit it, but there was no denying it. The war had spiraled a lot further than Harry or Tom ever dreamed of. The field around them was a river of blood and ash. The once grand city of Blackpool was in ruins and nothing besides burnt out buildings and rubble remained. All the other fighters that came with the pair were dead or critically wounded. This would be the site of the last battle of the war.

"I need to end this, Tom!" He yelled back over the wind. For once, Voldemort did not react to his old name, he just looked tired. "You killed everyone, all of my friends are dead, this country is in ruin and it is all because of you and your crazy followers!"

Harry sent out a bone breaker curse and that set off another bout of spellcasting and dodging from both parties. Another lull in dueling occurred faster than the last one did. The signs of fatigue and magic exhaustion was becoming more and more obvious.

"You think that I wanted this to happen?" Tom cried out. He swiped his off-hand and flung rubble towards Harry with a wandless banishing curse. A quick vanishing charm from Harry removed it from the equation. The attack was more of a vent for his frustration then it was to finish off Harry. "I wanted to create a country where wizards did not have to hide from those filthy muggles. We are better than them! We bend reality to our whims, but we are the ones that have to hide! I did not want this to happen, but that old bastard had to get the muggles involved." Voldemort was referring to Dumbledore's "brilliant" of hiring muggles to help bolster their army. It helped in the short-term and they momentarily pushed back the death eaters, but too many of them died and went missing that the muggle ministry had gotten involved. The revelation of magic was soon to follow as the government's ability to keep secrets was as existent as Tom's nose.

"What is the point of being king of a country filled with the dead." He continued, "This was not supposed to happen!"

Harry had to agree with Tom on that. He had disagreed with having the muggles get involved for that exact reason, but once Dumbledore decided that it was a good idea, everyone thought it was a good idea. The wizarding world was filled with sheep and like sheep, they followed whatever their shepherd wanted.

The two, one being a 73 year old man and the other being a 18 year old teenager, stood warily watching each other to see who would kick off the next session of deadly curses. Harry twitched his wand and off they go. Tom blocked the spell with his wand and a banishing curse sends rubble at bone breaking speeds towards harry, but with a quick transfiguration. The green eyed man changed the rubble into hawks and sent them to distract Tom, but it was not meant to be. Tom sent a bombarda hex into the group of hawks that turned them into a mist of blood and bone, but as his attention went back into the fight, he noticed the black curse flying towards him a bit too late.

He may have been a powerful and long lasting fighter, but he was not as young as he used to be and his body not a sturdy. The homunculus body he occupied was never meant to be a long term solution to his situation, but he had been to hard pressed to find a replacement and it had started to fall apart. He had an army to build and a government to overthrow so instead of finding a new more permanent body, he went through ritual after ritual to keep his current one going.

Harry had casted one of his most used and favorite spells. The one that he created, vita furari, or the life stealing curse. Harry had found the base spell in one of the books that was in the black library. It was called the fatigue curse by the men who created it, originally it took the life energy and magic out of the victim and dispersed it into the air to tire or kill them. Harry saw a lot of potential in it and decided to tweak it a bit. He made it so that the spell did not just take away the life energy or magic, but it would be absorbed into Harry. The spell would heal any wounds or fatigue that he had and replenish his reserves of magic, allowing him to fight longer and harder than ever before. A side effect that he really should have seen coming was that the spell made his core and the amount of stamina he had, grow exponentially, which was a godsend for the war.

After months of arduous research and editing the fine details, he had finished it. When it came to practising the curse, he could not use dummies due to the nature of the curse, so instead, he used all the willing participants on the death eater's side to perfect it. The spell was what gave him the nickname, Soul Thief, from his enemies. There was a general misconception that he was absorbing their souls on the enemies side and Harry saw this as a chance to lower their moral so he rolled with it.

Voldemort tried to dodge the curse, but his legs could not move fast enough, so all that he could do was watch as the black curse flowed over his chest. He could feel the telltale drain on his already depleted reserves and the energy he had left in his body disappear.

He fell back as Harry cut of the magic to the spell. His body impacted with the unforgiving ground, and he that was where he laid, still and barely alive. Everything just stopped, even the wind seemed to have stopped blowing. The only sounds left over the war torn land was the sounds of Tom's wheezing for air and Harry's heavy breathing.

Harry stared at Tom's body for a moment before he brought up his wand and prepared to cast the killing curse on Voldemort, ending him with the spell that made him into one of the most feared man in wizarding history. It would be a just and deserving end. The tip of his wand glowed green and he was about to finish the curse when he heard Voldemort muttering under his breath. Harry quickly tried to kill him before he finished what he was doing, but suddenly Voldemort screamed out. "mortem abruptionis" and pointed his yew wand at his archrival. Harry's spell missed Tom's head by inches and the green light dispersed over the inanimate object.

The next thing he knew, a rift had opened up right in front of Harry and started pulling him in. Harry tried to fight it as hard as he could. he dug his feet into the ground and grabbed a waist high wall next to him. His legs strained to remained rooted to the ground. His fingers were being flayed by the sharp brickwork, however it was all for not. The final battle with Voldemort had been a long and tiring one that used up a lot of his magic and that brief absorption of magic from Tom was not enough. He had just enough energy to stand, but anything beyond that was out of the question. Harry looked at Voldemort and saw him staring right back.

"You may have won, Harry." He stated calmly as blood dribbled down his chin, "But I am not going to hell alone," Then his eyes closed and his face went slack in death. The spell would be the last one that he would ever cast.

The boy-who-lived struggled to remain in one place, but the bricks on the wall he was grabbing suddenly gave way and sent him tumbling forward. The loss of footing proved to be his downfall. The rocks dug into his chest as he was dragged into the tear in space.

Harry's leg was the first thing that was caught in the rift. It felt as if needles were being stuck into every cell of his leg. It was worst than the cruciatus curse by far. It was not long after that did his other leg join the first and the rest quickly followed.

His body felt like it was on fire. He felt as if his body was being disintegrated and then rebuilt only to be torn down again.

The only thing around him was darkness. The inside of the rift held no light, the only thing that he could hear was the sounds of his own screams as he floated through the empty space. Then suddenly the pain stopped like it was never there in the first place. It was not long after that when the days events caught up to him and he let his conscious mind slip away.

(A/N: This will be one of my first crossover stories. I have attempted several before, but none of them met my standard and are stored away on my hard drive until I can bring myself to rewrite them or at least make them better.

I glossed over the sixth and seventh year because I wanted to get straight into the RWBY universe. I will have flashbacks and references so that you, the reader, can hear about Harry's various exploits throughout the school year and beyond.

Yes I did rip the "Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu style from Rurouni Kenshin, which I do not own. Personally I find that the style that would suit Harry the best. It is meant for fast paced combat that requires a good mind and quick thinking. Both of which Harry has if he applies himself.

Now I won't make Harry extremely OP. I just made it so that he would not be clueless on how to fight in the RWBY world and have to start from scratch. I want Harry to eventually get to beacon and that would not be possible if he could not even wield a sword or a gun. He won't be able to do superhuman acts like lifting weights that could rival a house (At least without cheating ;) Featherweight charm anyone?) or cut down a hundred foes without breaking a sweat. That just won't happen. The life stealing curse will make a reappearance, whether it is a good or bad thing, keep reading to find out. To make it simple, think of it like an absorb health/magicka/stamina from skyrim.)