"Eren. Run. Hurry."

"Mikasa, I'm trying. Shouldn't you be behind me?"

"No," Mikasa's slate eyes were blank, "I will always protect you."

"You idiot, that's not how it works." Eren grabbed onto the back of her hand, littered with cuts, bruises and burns. "Where are we going?"

"Somewhere where we'll be safe." Her voice was soft, gentle, kind. She was only ever this way to him.

"Idiot, there's no place where we'll be safe."

"That's not true. Keep running and I'll prove you wrong like I always do."

The streets were broken, littered with body parts and dead bodies. It was something only someone would have graphic nightmares about. Something that everyone thought one day might come, but had never thought would actually happen. A woman ran screeching down the other side of the street, her dead child's corpse cradled in her arms.

Eren looked away, the only thing in his world that was real, or that felt real was Mikasa. He hated needing her, relying on her. But she was the only thing he had left, and he would be lying if he said that he needed her protection now more than he ever had.

Mikasa hurried and jerked Eren around a corner. She pressed his body close to her own, telling him to stay silent. There was a man with a shotgun parading down the road, aimlessly firing his gun, screaming insanities and nonsense.

"Mikasa, stop coddling me."

Secretly he needed to be held.

"I'm not a baby."

Don't let go of me.

"Okay, I'll let go, let's go." She dashed out in front of him, checking the surroundings to make sure they were safe before she let him go. Her hair was tossing and turning so effortlessly in the night sky. She looked like a guardian angel trapped in a fiery hell.

"Wait, Mikasa."

She turned, her grey eyes were swirling, sparkling like stars. Her plush pink lips parted to speak, her hair tumbling around her face. "What is it?"

"Let's hold hands again, just for protection." Eren's lips turned into what he could only imagine was an attempt at a smile.

"Of course, Eren." Her pale ivory hand extended to his, he reached for it, his lips still strangely turned upwards.

But his hand didn't meet hers. He looked up, everything happened so fast; he was so disoriented and confused in those few brief moments.

He saw her on fire.

He saw her beautiful hair and her soft expression. Then everything was ablaze. Her eyes were still astonishingly delicate as she took her last glance at her younger brother. In a few seconds, his reason for living exploded and dispersed into ashes, drifting into the night sky.

The blow from the bomb knocked him back from the sight, if he had been a few feet closer, he surely would've been extinguished just the same as Mikasa had.

He wished he had never let go of her hand, and they had died together.

He awoke with his jaw fallen wide open, and he was almost certain that a screeching scream was leaving his mouth. Beads of sweat clung to his body, desperate to remind him of the uncomfortable fear that still transpired within him. Eren surveyed the room. He noticed Levi wasn't there. But he did however, notice that the door to the cell was open. Tempting as a leg being exposed from a slit within a dress, or money lying on the ground, Eren was not sure he could resist the temptations of leaving his cell. His feet were as quiet as a mouse searching for scraps of food in the dark of night. He approached the bars, and looked out of them, down the long dreary corridor. Seeing no one in sight, he drew in a breath of courage, and stepped outside. To his surprise, he didn't suddenly combust, get shot in the face, or get the shit beaten out of him by Levi. No, he made it just fine down the corridor, where he faced another heavy door. It opened with a load ear-popping screech; he bit at his lower lip, hoping no one had heard the sound. He opened the door just enough so he could squeeze his slender body through, he had entered the main entrance. There was a set of double stairs leading up to other rooms. He took the stairs to the left, the ones closest to him. The house was so big, yet there were no pictures, decorations, plants. The house was so hollow, simply a place to cover your head, not to relax or reminisce. Levi's life was dark, twisted, shrouded in secrecy.

At the top of the stairs, he was faced with a decision of whether to go left or right. Choosing to continue going left, he headed down the hall. The walls were covered in dark blue wallpaper, with a deep wooden trim. The floors were stained mahogany, and so clean he was certain he could lean down and lick it. At the end of the long walk there were two double doors. The doors were intimidating him, daring him to set foot within. He couldn't put his finger on it, but he knew this door was devious, that this door was more tempting than his initial escape from the cell.

He grabbed the handle it seemed to curve into his hand. The metal was cool against his heated flesh. He turned it ever so slowly, his green eyes illuminating with the thought of what lay inside. Slowly, the door gave way to its secrets within. Dark mounds of boxes pilled close to the high ceilings. Tables certainly washed of the powered substance that was divided upon them. Eren could smell the drugs. He could smell Levi's brand. Things began to happen in his brain that he couldn't describe with words. Nerve ends were firing, impulses traveling throughout his entire body. He made it to the first pile of boxes, and tore one open. It was completely full of cocaine.

Levi won't miss one measly little bag. That asshole's been torturing me for weeks anyways, confusing me and kissing me, touching me and hitting me. I need this. This is the only answer.

His hand trembled out to grab one of the miniscule bags with the wings logo on the front. It felt like sand in his hands, he felt like a child at the beach playing with sand. He would build a sandcastle, and smile as it came tumbling down. He practically ran to the table, ripping open the bag and spreading it out on the table. He released a breath, lowering his head down to sniff up anything, everything he could.

With great force he was knocked onto the ground. His head clattered against the wooden flooring. He looked up to see Levi towering over him, his hands reached out, violently sweeping the drugs off the table and watching it float into the air, scatter on the ground.

"No! Levi, stop, please!" Eren reached out a hand in a vain effort to grab at his leg.

Levi's eyes were demeaning him so much as they peered down at him, it would've probably sent any other person off crying, "You really want to give up all that work for just a few seconds of relief?"

He leaned down, as if to emphasize his point. His eyes were not angry, disappointed, or sad. They were so blank, so empty. It sent shivers up Eren's spine. "What would Mikasa want for you? Look at who you've become Eren Jaeger. Look at how weak and helpless you are. You should be ashamed of yourself."

Eren gasped, his throat searching for words, but he could not find any but, "I don't know what I'm doing Levi. I don't know who I am."

Levi snatched up his chin swiftly, green eyes met grey, "You are Eren Jaeger, and you are better than this."

Eren's eyes were shifting under the heavy gaze, "Then why do you do it Levi? Why do you sell drugs?"

"It was the only thing I knew after the drug war. I had always been a drug user myself."

At this Eren's eyes connected back to Levi's, "I know what you're feeling Eren, but it's not worth it. I almost killed myself so many times, and I was okay with that. But after everyone was blown to pieces in the war, I realized how pathetic I was. I disgusted myself. This war is the best thing that ever happened to me." Levi's hand dropped slowly, caressing Eren's face before falling.

Levi had invaded his brain and stripped all his walls down. Eren had no retort for he had no objections. What he wanted was to feel his warmth. His skin, which he knew, would be warmer than his words that wrapped around him as well. He wanted to feel his lips erase it all. He didn't want drugs. He wanted the man before him.

"Levi," Eren's voice was so soft, his brown hair looked black in the absence of light as chunks of hair fell in front of his eyes.

"What is it?"

"Would you, can you…" His seafoam eyes were shattered as they looked up at the man above him.

Levi's hand extended out to Eren. He said no words, but his eyes seemed to change, just the slightest bit. Eren reached up, taking the hand offered to him. He stood a few inches taller than Levi.

"Back to your cell for some rest then." Levi, who was in his soft blue pajamas, turned to leave.

Eren didn't want to go back to the darkness. He didn't want to be alone.

Levi stopped when he felt Eren's arms encircle him from behind.

"Eren, what are you doing?" His words came out in a single breath.

"I thought you wanted things from me. Like that kiss." Eren's words were hot on his earlobe, his hands rested on his abdomen. He could feel the heat of his chest on his back.

"Eren, you don't know what you're doing."

"Yes I do Levi. I'm grateful. Grateful that you rescued me, and fed me, cleaned me and got me away from drugs. I want to return the favor."

Levi scoffed, "Yes, I'm sure it's not you who wants more favors from me."

"We would both be doing a favor for each other. That sounds better, right?"

Levi could practically feel the desire in Eren's hands, the way his fingertips leaned in, just to hold his skin closer to his own. Levi would be lying if he said that he didn't want the same things. Life was bleak, lonely. Eren was a flame he couldn't contain; he was erratic and stupid, and so beautiful.

"Just shut up and follow me brat." Levi shrugged off Eren's arms, leading the way out of the room and down the other side of the huge hallway.

The double doors at the other end were even more large and elaborate. Levi swung them open with ease, entering. He glanced back over his shoulder to see if Eren followed him. Sure enough he did, closing the doors tight behind him. Levi made his way in the darkness to a candelabra on the table. He lit up a dozen candles, casting the giant room in a sepia light.

Eren noticed the room was grand and furnished, but their was no personality in any of it. It was all neat and tidy, as if it were a show room instead of someone's bedroom. Levi's voice suddenly filled the void room, "You're Mikasa's brother. You really think she would be okay with this?"

Eren felt his lips cock upwards, a feeling he used to have all the time, but not often anymore, "She's gone. I'm sure she wouldn't mind that much. If you guys were friends, which means that she liked you. I think she wouldn't care."

"I suppose so." Levi walked closer to Eren, until they were only a few footsteps away from one another, "I didn't want to want you like this. But, you've ensnared me Eren."

Eren reached out for Levi, only to have his hand captured. Levi's hand was tight on his wrist. "I thought it was you who wanted to be touched. Not the other way around."

"It's a mutual agreement, remember?"

"True." He walked those few steps separating them, his grip on his wrist never releasing. He guided Eren's hand to his lips.

Those thin, perfectly crafted lips leaned in, kissing the tips of Eren's fingers. Considering what a clean freak he was, Eren was surprised that he didn't make him wash his hands. The kisses were soft and cool against his hand. He circled the hand, kissing his palm, his wrist. He returned back to his fingers, pressing them against the opening of his mouth until he engulfed them inside the heated orifice.

Eren could feel his cheeks stain, he could feel the blood rushing through his body just a little bit faster, his pants suddenly feeling just a little bit tighter. Levi's tongue circled each digit, dove in between them before drawing back with a hard suck. His melted steel eyes were sharp with want as they looked up at the flustered Eren. When he released his fingers from his mouth, Eren wanted to groan out in protest.

"Get on the bed." Levi commanded.

Eren, suddenly realizing that he really was going to get somewhere with the flawless drug lord, swallowed a lump in his throat. He stepped over to the tall bed, sitting on it.

Levi walked over to meet him, "Lie down Eren."

Eren wordlessly did as he was told.

He watched, his heart hammering in his chest, as Levi straddled his way on Eren's hips, both knees on either side of his thighs.

Levi's face was softer than usual, even if only the slightest bit. "Eren, I thought you wanted this. You've just been sitting there growing more red than a fucking tomato."

Levi pointing out that he was blushing didn't help, as he blushed even harder. "I-I don't know what you want me-"

"I'll wait for you." Levi's hands remained at either side of Eren's head, his eyes carving into him.

Eren felt so small in the situation he thought he had wanted, but was now shying away from. He scrunched his eyes closed for a moment, allowing his body to focus on the heat of Levi's legs by his own, the blow of his breath as he exhaled onto his face ever so gently.

When Eren's eyes snapped back open, they were hazy like beautiful green leaves dying in the middle of autumn. They were ready. He wouldn't hide anymore. He wouldn't be a coward. He wanted Levi, he wanted every part of him, and he wasn't going to stop now.

His hand reached up, resting on the back of Levi's neck. His skin was hot. He looked like he was crafted of marble, but he was human, just like him, just like everyone else who suffered though everyday in this insane world.

He pulled him closer, letting his eyes close again as he closed the distance between their lips. Just like before, their lips seemed to meld together, fit together at the seams. Their lips were mingling softly, dancing together until Levi finally commanded more, drawing back from Eren's lips only to come back and capture his bottom lip in between his teeth, stretching and biting the lip before releasing it. His tongue ran over the surface of his soft lips once more before he dove in. Eren gasped at the feeling of Levi's tongue running over his own. He explored all of his mouth, twisting around Eren's own tongue, digging deeper, his hands pushing harder into the surface of the bed.

Eren's breath was quickly becoming short as he grabbed harder on the back of Levi's neck, feeling the base of his silken hair. His other hand began on its own expedition, running down Levi's chest, feeling the hidden planes of lean muscle. He dug his hand under his shirt, pressing the palm of his hand against the warm skin.

Levi withdrew from his mouth, "Shit you're cold Eren."

Eren's eyes slowly eased open, his lips wet with saliva as he opened them to speak, "Oh." He commented lamely.

Levi pulled his hand out of his shirt, lifting up Eren's own. His long fingers traced Eren's abdomen, as if trying to memorize the dips and curves of each inch. His mouth followed suit, his tongue following each sigh and breath that Eren released. He made his way up to Eren's pink nipples. They were perked in the cool night air that was quickly becoming warmed by the lustful acts that were filing the air with the mild scent of sweat and saliva.

He let the pink appendage circle his nipple, white canines peaking out to bite at the sensitive skin. Eren let out a gasp, his head tossing back, his neck fully extended and exposed. Levi began to suck on the mound, watching Eren with churning eyes as he continued to release labored breaths. He grabbed one of Eren's hands that had been tossed back uselessly and guided it to the hem of his own pants.

Eren's eyes opened, "What are you doing?"

Levi stopped his administrations on his nipple to reply, "I want you to feel yourself. Feel me making you hot."

Eren didn't have a chance to turn pink, or to reply before Levi had unbuttoned his pants and forced his underwear down. His lips changed to the other nipple as his hand guided Eren's to his own length.

Eren was actually surprised to feel how hard he was. He couldn't remember the last time he had had true, real, sex. And never with someone like Levi, never with someone who made him melt just with a glance of those silver slits of eyes. Levi pushed down on his wrist, wanting Eren to urge himself on. Eren wrapped his hand around his own stiff member, trembling as he gave himself a few ragged strokes. He moaned out louder when Levi continued sucking on him in time with the strokes he gave himself.

Levi seemed to lose his patience. Which Eren didn't know could happen. Levi released his nipple, and smacked Eren's hand away from his weeping length, doing it himself now, increasing the pace. He leaned down, blowing a soft breath against the head of his cock. Eren's teeth tore at his bottom lip, trying to suffocate the scream that wanted to erupt from his mouth.

Levi released him from his hand. Leaning down to claim his lips again, his hand tugging at the base of his chocolate colored hair. In between kisses he spoke again, "Undress me."

Eren finally met Levi's gaze, noticing his hazy eyes, and his cheeks might have actually been glistening just a bit, his inky hair was scattered. Levi was coming undone. Just the thought could've sent him spiraling off the edge of ecstasy.

Eren's hands unbuttoned Levi's shirt, his previous prediction about his chest proving to be true. He was wrapped in lean muscles and milky-white, flawless skin. His pants came off easily because they were just thin pajama bottoms. His length came popping out of the fabric that had encased it, making Eren choke on the air he was breathing in.

"See something you like Jaeger?" A smug smirk played on the edge of Levi's lips.

How could he remain so confident at a time like this?

Eren wanted to hide form his gaze, and that unbelievably sexy smirk that was on his lips that had been all over his body. Eren could only nod, afraid that words would betray him.

Levi made sure Eren kept his eyes on him as he inserted his own, long, ivory fingers into his mouth, sucking and coating them in saliva. Eren gasped at the twitch in his cock and the pain that went shooting up his stomach, signaling how ready he was.

Levi withdrew his fingers, parting Eren's legs for better access to what he wanted. Eren leaned his head back, waiting for Levi to continue.

"Let me know if it's too much, brat."

"I will." Eren managed to speak out the two words with minimal difficulty.

Levi's fingers teased him, before finally entering him. Eren gasped out, as always, it was at first uncomfortable. Levi began kissing his raw lips again, distracting his mind. Levi forced more fingers in, twisting them, pulling them in and out. Eren began to feel his body responding, liking the way they tugged and pulled at the walls of the inside of his body.

"Levi," Eren moaned out, "I want you now. Stop."

Levi leaned back, drawing out his fingers. "Was that enough?"

"I need you now." The words dragged out of Eren's mouth.

"Tsk, brat." Levi kissed the tip of his nose and Eren's heart almost exploded inside his chest.

Eren's emerald eyes tried to turn away, but Levi held them. "I can't remember the last time I enjoyed something like this so much. Eren, you really are something else."

"Will you just fucking hurry up?" Eren was about to die on the spot.

"Patience." Levi's breath spread across his face. "It's better slow and aching like this. I want to make you quiver."

Eren scrunched his eyes closed, "Levi."

When he opened his eyes after he didn't hear a reply from the man above him, he saw Levi coating himself with a clear liquid. He swallowed the lump in his throat.

Levi pushed his legs farther apart again. Leaning down he kissed his lips again, the head of his cock pushing into Eren. Eren tossed his head back, a scream seriously about to erupt from his lungs, but Levi leaned in, swallowing his scream with a deep, sloppy kiss. Levi took his time, judging his movement by the contortion of Eren's face. When he was in all the way, he waited for Eren to say something.

Shimmering green eyes slowly were revealed from the lids that had been hiding them. "Why aren't you moving?"

"I'm waiting for you idiot."

Eren chuckled, that smile rising on his lips.

Levi almost lost it, Eren's smile perhaps was the most beautiful and hidden part of him. "You smiled." He commented softly.

Eren blushed, "Well you smirked earlier."

Levi hadn't even noticed he did, "Really?"

"Yeah, that shit's dangerous, don't show that to anyone."

"Why?" Levi's hands traced Eren's chest, "Is it just for you?"

"I-I…" Eren lost the words in his mind.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Eren responded, "You can move, it must be torture just waiting."

"I like it, you're really hot inside, in case you were wondering."

Eren flung his arm over his eyes to not only hide his embarrassment, but to hide his expression of the pleasure that wracked through him when Levi began to push in and out of him.

He couldn't stop the moans, "Levi…"

Levi moved in and out, deeper, faster. Eren could hear the pant in his breath.

Levi's fingers reached down, pulling away Eren's arm. "Eyes up here brat."

"B-But, I.." Eren struggled to finish his sentence when he met Levi's slate eyes that were glistening with desire, his hair was so dark, contrasting his perfect pale face.

Levi leaned down, kissing his neck, his hand trailing down to Eren's length that had been stranded between them. He stroked him base to tip in time with his thrusts. Eren moaned a slur of swears, his nails raking blunt scratches against Levi's back. He raised his legs around Levi's hips, putting them at a better angle. Levi struck Eren's sweet spot, making the younger man see stars.


"Done already?"

"Shut the fuck up."

Levi's head rose from the crux of Eren's neck. "It's okay Eren." His free hand brushed away his loose hair, "You're so beautiful."

"Shut up." Eren moaned as he felt Levi's fingers squeeze his aching length.

"You have a bad habit of hiding. Look at me when you cum brat, I want to see your face."

Eren forced his gaze on the man above him. Levi was perfection. He was everything he would never be; yet they shared common ground somewhere along the way. He felt his heart ache, not from the beating, but from the feelings he had for this raven-haired man. It was ridiculous really, but after this he just wanted Levi to hold him and shower him with soft kisses. But he was probably pushing his luck with that wish.

A few deep thrusts and strokes later Eren felt himself building up and about to explode from the inside out. "Levi, I-I'm going to…"

"Good. I will follow you."

Eren blushed again; his hands reached up and pulled Levi in for a kiss. His body touching his, filling him, heating him, was just too much. He moaned out the older man's name, throwing back his head and releasing all over both of their stomachs.

Eren tightened around Levi so hard, he couldn't withdraw in time to hold back his release. He leaked into Eren with a soft moan of his name. Eren couldn't believe he had actually elicited a moan from Levi's lips.

Time passed slowly, their breath mingled together, the beat of their hearts calming. Levi withdrew when the time came, grabbing a towel to wipe his stomach free of Eren's mess. His eyes met Eren's, yet no words were spoken

"You should wash yourself. My bathtub is in there." Levi nodded towards the space.

Eren felt naked all the sudden, not physically, but inside of him, like he had been hollowed out on the inside. "Uh, are you sure you don't want to use it first?"

"You're the one who's worse off."

"Yeah, well, I'll be using that then." Eren awkwardly shimmied off the bed, and off to the bathroom, not bothering to turn back to the man who he had just had sex with.

He didn't know what the hell he had just done. Was that passion he saw deep within Levi's eyes, or just consuming lust? The steam of the bath soaked into his pores, into his mind.

The water was warm on his skin; the edge of the tub was a perfect white. If he was in a perfect world, Levi would be joining him in this bath, washing his back, teasing his skin with a loofa, then playful kissing would lead to a second round of love making. But no, he had been born into this world where nothing was right and fulfilling. He wondered if Levi would make him leave, send him back to his cell after he had toyed around with him for the night. This made Eren soak in the bathtub as long as he possibly could, without turning into a complete prune.

He dried off and put back on his clothes that had been so easily shredded off of his body. He noticed a few red marks, where Levi's lips or teeth had been a little more harsh than necessary. He didn't know whether to cherish them or hide them.

Back inside Levi's room, the candles had been blown out, leaving the entire space in darkness. Eren tried to navigate his way through the room without tripping and cracking his skull open. His hands touched the edge of the bed, where they had just lain together. But he could feel a form underneath the sheets, a soft body, the rise and fall of a chest. Was this Levi, sleeping?

Eren knew he had to sleep, but here, now, he was just so vulnerable. Ad exposed as he ever was, even more exposed than just a few moments ago.

He couldn't help himself as he reached down to touch that soft hair, brushing it back from his forehead. His fingers lingered on his skin, just touching him, made him feel better inside. Slate eyes snapped open and met his own in the darkness.

"What are you doing?"

"Uh," Eren removed his hand, "Just wanted to say goodnight."

Almost as mysterious as cats' eyes, Levi blinked, "Goodnight then."

Eren felt his heart wrench in his chest as he turned to leave. Before he could get out of reach, he felt a hand on his wrist. Eren was tugged back to the bed, Levi's lips meeting his own.

"D-does this mean you want me to stay?" Eren stuttered out.

Levi's perfect lips moved, barely visible in the dark, "Yes, it does."

Eren still seemed shocked by the request, even as Levi pulled his body under the sheets with his own.

"Your hair is way too soft, it's almost creepy." Long, skilled fingers were playing with thick tresses of chocolate hair.

Eren felt his lips curve into a smile he couldn't fight, he leaned back against the man who he would've never thought could make him feel this way. "I never really got to thank you for everything Levi, you've done a lot just to find me and bring me here."

Levi's hands halted their teasing, lowering their way to lay across Eren's side. "Mikasa meant a lot to me as a friend, and I knew how much she loved you."

"So, does that mean you're welcome in strange, Levi-avoidance speech?"

Levi fell silent for a few seconds, and Eren was worried he might have struck some type of nerve, but when he spoke again, his voice was calm and quiet.

"That means I have feelings for you in strange, Levi-avoidance speech."

"Oh.." Eren trailed off lamely. He wanted to reciprocate these strange feelings that were pulsing throughout his frame. His hands wandered up to where Levi's lay on his skin. He traced the soft surface of fingers with tight tendons and shiny, smooth nails.

"I have feelings for you too. I can't describe them…" Eren's brows furrowed with focus, searching for the right words to say.

Levi laughed. He laughed at him. Eren didn't know whether to be angry that he laughed at his semi-confession, or be shocked that he was making a soft chuckling sound that some might call a laugh.

"You're so young. You act tough skinned and hollow, but you're not."

"Neither are you." Eren retorted.

"More than you are."

"Sure, keep telling yourself that."

"Shut up brat." Levi leaned down, kissing his forehead almost delicately.

Eren blushed in the dark of night.

"I…I also really appreciate tonight. I needed that."

"From anyone or me?" Levi's black eyebrow arched ever so slightly.

"From you, it wouldn't matter if it was anyone else."

Levi lay his head back down on his pillow, letting his eyelids slide close.

"What are you doing?" Eren turned to face him, nudging his shoulder with his hand.

"I'm ready to sleep now, aren't you?" One silver eye popped open to examine the young blushing boy in the monochrome colored night.

"Yeah, I am." Eren fell back down onto the bed, scooting just a little bit closer to Levi, enjoying the feeling of his heat against his back. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight Eren." Levi's arm found its way back around him, and secretly, Eren was relieved that it stayed there until he too fell asleep.

The morning after sex, you can expect one of two scenarios: the person left, or you wake up in each others arms as the sun gleams through the windows, birds chirping like natures' little alarm clocks. Eren Jaeger experienced none of the above when he woke up the next morning.

A scream.

A gunshot.

Shattered glass and footsteps, pounding against the floors that Levi himself had scrubbed so diligently.

Eren was so disoriented at first, he didn't know where he was, what time it was, or really what the hell was happening. He rubbed at his green orbs of eyes, until they came into focus.

It was Levi's perfect room with no personality. He remembered exactly how he ended up in this room, and last night's ordeal, and his cheeks stained pink briefly. He turned to face the body next to him in the bed.

He wanted to lie down and sleep longer. He wanted to have breakfast and have playful kisses turn into a heated make-out session. He wished the world were like it used to be. Everything would be so perfect if that were the case. Instead he was faced with a wide-eyed Levi who leapt out from his slumber to scan the room with sharp, intent eyes.

"What was that?" Levi snapped out.

"What do you mean?" Eren's voice was still laced with sleep.

"That so-"

Another bang erupted from downstairs.

This time Eren woke up.

"Eren, get out of the bed, we need to go, now."

Eren jumped up, following Levi, who was already running to his closet, grabbing a bag out of the depths within. He pulled a gun out of the black bag, checking to make sure it was full of bullets.

"What is happening?" Eren's eyes were wide with impending fear.

"We're leaving. We never have to come back. Me and you can start a better life together, how does that sound?" Levi wasn't even facing Eren's way. He was pulling on his pants and boots.

"Levi, don't avoid my questions, what the fuck is happening?"

"You don't want to run away with me?" He finally turned to face him. His features were calm as always, albeit the subtle panic in between his eyebrows.

"I would any day, just tell me what the hell is-"

"It's settled then," Levi interrupted, "Let's go."

Levi grabbed Eren's hand before they left out of an opposite door that they had come through last night.

Eren was bursting with frustration. He could be extremely stubborn when things weren't explained to him, when he didn't understand or was being put in the dark about something that was so obviously right around him.

Eren ripped his hand out of Levi's grip. The shorter man swiveled to look at him.

"Eren, don't do this right now. We need to hurry."

"No, I won't until you tell me what the fuck is going on!"

Levi sighed, his eyes tired even though they had gotten plenty of sleep.

"This isn't the first time something like this has happened. One of the other drug companies has found out that this is where I've been hiding out and now they're trying to kill me."

A vein on Eren's forehead bulged, "You act like this is no big deal!"

"It usually isn't if we're quick about everything, now take my hand and hurry." Eren begrudgingly took Levi's hand in his own again and followed right behind him as they ran. They made their way down a flight of stairs to a back entrance. There was one of the black vans that Eren had been carried here in waiting out back for them.

Levi hit the side of the van with his free hand. "Let's go." He called out.

No response.

Levi looked back at Eren, "I'm going to see if everything is fine. Wait here okay?"

"Let me come with you idiot!" Eren was clearly fuming, yet his eyes seemed to be sorrowful of the fact that Levi didn't believe in him enough to help him out when he needed it most.

"You can't get hurt Eren. Now just wait for a minute brat." Levi's hand was tighter on his own for a minuscule moment before he turned and went up to see what was happening in the cab of the car.

Eren stood where he was told, still pissed that he had to wait like a damsel in distress while Levi was endangering himself for him. Eren felt like such a liability, he always caused people trouble. Luckily Levi appeared around the front of the van.

"Get in, we're driving it ourselves. Seems as though the driver has gotten his head blown off."

Eren's face contorted in disgust, but he ran up to the door of the van and hopped in. He sat in the passenger seat until he saw Levi jump into the driver's seat. He had to pull his seat forward a few inches in order to reach the pedals. If this weren't a life-threatening situation, Eren probably would've laughed at him.

They sped out of the back lot behind one of Levi's many headquarters and out onto the desolate streets. During the morning, no one ever lingered there. They were all inside passed out from last night's binge. Levi's foot was pushed down completely on the gas, the engine roared and hissed as the van jumped over the deep potholes in the road.

"Shit. I wasn't expecting that one. I'm sorry Eren."

Eren turned to Levi, just happy that they were safe and away. Eren let out a soft, nervous laugh, "Maybe we can start that new life, eh?"

Levi's stormy grey eyes met Eren's, "Sure."

"I'm just joking."

"It's not like I have anything to lose Eren, this life just gets me in trouble. I have enough money in that bag I took to support us for at least a year, and a luxurious year at that."

"There's no such thing as new beginnings in this world."

"You don't know shit then Eren, because you create your own sadness and your own pain. This job got me what I needed, what I wanted, you. Now I don't need it, we can do something else."

Eren's moss colored eyes shimmered in the daylight, "Do you really truly mean that Levi?"

"Of course I do, Eren." He turned to face Eren again, and he was divinity in motion in that precious moment. His features were still sharp and fierce, his ebony hair reflecting light in the day-glow of morning, his ash colored eyes were captivating. Eren wished he could capture that moment in his memory forever, in his heart forever.

The glass of the window gave way to the object crashing through it. Eren was still young; he was still innocent despite what he believed. He watched as Levi's face fell, as his eyes sparked once more, and then faded. Blood pooled out of a hole in his forehead.

"Levi!" Eren slid across the cab, catching his falling body into his arms, shaking him.

"Levi…Levi…. Levi…." Tears bulged on the edges of his eyes and trailed down in thick hot trails. Eren knew no one was steering the car that they were falling off the course of the road. Eren couldn't do anything, not even move a muscle. How could he let go of Levi? His fingers were desperately clinging in his hair, his warm blood staining the front of his shirt. He pressed his head to his chest, listening for any faint sounds. He knew a bullet to the head was not a good prognosis, but this was the Levi, his Levi, the one who was supposed to be indestructible and made of steel.


Eren buried his face into the now cooling skin, Levi's hot blood falling on Eren's face, mixing with his uncontrollable tears. Eren's lips trembled as he tried to force out a sentence he should've spoken much sooner than this.

"Levi, I love you…"

"Levi, it really is you. I couldn't believe it when I heard of the drugs going around under your name. Figured it must've been coincidence."

"Mikasa, I am not a man of coincidence."

"I suppose that is true." The woman with short black hair crossed the room; admiring all the nice things Levi had furnished his new house with.

"What did you come here for?" Levi was never one with bullshitting.

"I have a favor to ask you, and I want you to be honest with me, and don't lie to me if you agree to help."

"Tell me what it is."

Mikasa approached her friend, standing a few inches taller than him. She reached within the depths of her tan coat, pulling out a faded photograph, which she placed on the table. "The drug war has begun. My parents have died."

"I'm sorry."

"Save it. I didn't come to cry on your shoulder."

"What is it then?" Grey eyes met each other, smoldering with the words that they both didn't say aloud to one another.

"Look here." She pointed to the boy next to her, younger than her by a few years with tasseled brown hair and electric green eyes. "This is my younger brother Eren Jaeger. Should I die too, I ask you Levi. No, I beg you, to protect him."

"Mikasa, I can't do that."

"Yes you can! With all this money you've inherited, you can care for him."

"No, I can't afford to have him as an obligation."

Mikasa tugged the scarlet scarf around her neck. Levi's eyes snapped to where it was hidden under her coat.

"You still have this?"

"Of course, "Mikasa pulled out of his reach.

Levi's eyes sparked with empathy for the smallest amount of time. "Fine. I will do it."

"Really? I-"

"But I will not just take him in, you too."

Mikasa's pink lips parted wordlessly.

"If you need me, you just need to call, and you can both stay with me."

Mikasa seemed to find her grounding once again, "Thank you. This won't go under appreciated."

"Whatever." Levi turned to leave.

"Levi," Mikasa called out, "I'm leaving this picture, just in case."

"It's your family, you should keep it Mikasa."

"Well, all the belongings in the house were completely destroyed in the fire from the bomb dropped on our house, this is all there is left. Use it to identify Eren if I am not around."

"You won't die Mikasa."

"You won't either Levi."

They need not say another word as Mikasa left the room.

Levi walked up to the table; scooping up the photo he examined the small boy with the captivating, yet sorrowful and honest eyes.

"Eren Jaeger. I made a promise to protect you, and I will do just that, no matter what."

So, this is the end. I hope you enjoyed my story. I won't be writing a new one for awhile. Maybe even next year, but probably a month or more break. I turned out so many stories in these past three months, I need a breather. But, I will always be formulating ideas and thinking of new stories that I would love to write for you guys. Sorry for the downer ending, but, not often do I believe everything is happily ever after. I am really thankful for you guys, if I didn't have your commentary and compliments, I probably wouldn't be able to write like I do. Please let me know what you thought of the story, the ending, and anything else you might like to see from me in the future. See you soon!