Two in a week! Yes! Enjoy!

Raph heard the tone of his shell cell ring from his belt pocket. Looking at the caller ID, he saw it was Casey. "Case?"

"Raph!" Casey's voice was loud and abrupt. "We see a figure across the street that looks like Liza, but there are a lot of other bodies too. Maybe EPF."

"Shit!" Raph cursed. He immediately began the trek back to the meeting point set up by Master Splinter when they met to search for Liza. He had been at Angel's when he got the frantic call from Mikey, and thankfully, she understood when he had to leave so fast. "Where?"

"In front of tha house! We think we see Bishop. Whoever it is, they've got her backed up to the edge of the roof."

Just then, his shell cell started a siren-like noise, a sound it only made when someone pushed the emergency button. Looking down at the phone, a little map appeared, signaling the location of Liza. Raph changed his direction, heading to the area their new house was in now. "It is Liza! She sent out an emergency signal! We're on our way." He knew wherever Mikey, Splinter, and Donny were, they got the alert too and would be on their way.

In the background, Raph suddenly heard April scream louder than before. "SHE FELL! RAPH HURRY!" Casey yelled on the other side of the line. Suddenly, the call dropped.

Raph ran faster. He knew he was probably the closest to the townhouse and it was only a few more blocks away. Suddenly, something zoomed over him that came from the street, and a shell cell fell from the object as it passed over. Picking up the phone, he realized it was Liza's. He followed the flying object with his eyes and suddenly felt sick to his stomach. It was an EPF hover craft, with the silhouette of a female laying on the back. He immediately knew that silhouette was Liza's from the dropped shell cell. After tucking the phone into his belt, he went chasing after the craft.

Raph ran with everything he had in him, calling out her name and hoping she would respond. There was no movement from her though, she was dead still. The hover craft was faster than he was, and soon it shot out of sight, along with his chance of rescuing Liza.

Leo went stone cold when he heard the emergency alert go off on his shell cell.

In a few seconds, he heard light footsteps coming his way. Cassie burst through the doors of the lab with her own shell cell in her hands. Her mismatched eyes looked petrified, and Leo's heart broke as she said, "It's Liza."

He didn't care what kind of pain he was in now, his body jumped off of the lab table despite searing pain in his arm. "Stay here, Cassie, I'll go meet the others."

"Like hell I'm staying here," Cassie barked as she followed Leo out. "I'm coming too and you can't stop me."

Leo flashed around, inches from her face now. He could tell Cassie was moments away from breaking down and he hoped he didn't have the same look on his face. "Stay here, Cassie. If it's the EPF, chances are they are out looking for you too."

"But Leo, I – "

"Stay here," He forced, in his most authoritative voice he could muster. "Liza would never forgive me if they got you too." He used his good arm to turn her around and guide her to the bedrooms. Surprisingly, she wasn't resisting much. They were soon standing in front of the metal door to her bedroom. Leo opened it and guided her inside. "Stay in here, stay quiet. Hide somewhere, in case the EPF come looking for you in the sewers." He took one of his katana off of his back and put it in her dainty hands. Her eyes went wide with fright, almost as if she finally knew how serious the situation was and that she needed to keep herself safe. "Use this if necessary."

"Leo, I don't know how – "

"Stab anything that tries to hurt you." With one more reassuring look at her, he turned around and walked towards the door. "Everything will be okay. We'll get Liza back and we'll be back soon for you." She gave him a meek nod before opening the door to the wardrobe and sliding inside. Leo shut the door behind him, and head out of the lair to the surface. As soon as he hit the rooftop, he drug out his shell cell. Within a few rings, someone answered. "Don, what's going on? Where are you guys?"

"We're coming back to the lair as quick as we can," His brother answered. "We've got Casey and April with us, it's too dangerous at the townhouse right now. We just dropped down in the sewers."

"What happened?" Leo demanded, and he heard his brother go silent for a moment.

"They took Liza."

"What?" Leo practically whispered, disbelief in his voice.

"Bishop took Liza, Leo! He got her!" Donny responded impatiently. "We have no idea where he went. We're going back to the lair to regroup."

"No, no, no. She's got to be out here somewhere," Leo spoke, looking around the dark rooftop. They couldn't have gotten far.

"Here?" Donny repeated. "Are you topside?"

"I'll keep looking up here Don," Leo started. "Make sure Cass is safe." With that, he hung up the phone.

Liza had no idea where she was. As soon as they were a great distance from the townhouse, one of the EPF agents blindfolded and gagged her. Wherever they had stopped, she had no clue where it was. She didn't even know how long it took them to get there. It seemed like she was blindfolded for an eternity.

Strong hands pulled her up off the hover craft and guided her along. As soon as her feet touched the ground, she tried to get an idea of where she was. She couldn't see where the EPF agents had brought her, but she could try to figure it out.

The ground her shoes were walking on felt soft and smooth and seemed to sway a little bit, causing her to lose her balance once or twice before being shoved back in line by one of the agents guiding her. She heard mechanical noises that were all too familiar because of her time near Donny. Sniffing the air a little bit, she smelt salt water and oil. Her senses seemed to tell her that she was on a boat, but she couldn't be one hundred percent sure without her sight.

After walking for what seemed like forever, she was shoved onto a cold metal wall. Restraints secured themselves around her waist, ankles, and neck. The handcuffs on her wrists separated for a moment, but then her hands were magnetically pulled onto the table. Hands found their way to the back of her head and, suddenly, her mouth and her eyes were free from their restraints. Bright light greeted her, and after adjusting her eyes, Liza saw the smug smirk of Agent Bishop welcoming her from across the room. The wall she was shoved against was actually a table that moved back until it was parallel with the floor. Bishop approached and looked down at her. "Welcome back to the EPF, Miss Montgomery."

Liza didn't say a word, she just glared at him. What could she even say? She didn't even want to give Bishop the satisfaction of hearing her plead for her life.

"Now, now," He grinned. "When last we met, I knew you'd be angry with me, but I thought we'd at least be on speaking terms."

"I have nothing to say to you," Liza growled, her teeth gritting and her mind racing. Every EPF torture headed by Bishop was coming back now, and she tried to remain calm.

He smiled more, then turned around. He walked over to another metal table with various equipment scattered on it and two EPF scientists handed him some things. When he turned back around, Liza saw he had blue latex gloves on now and held a pair of steel scissors in his hand. Heart racing, the brunette focused her eyes ahead as she felt pools of tears forming in her eyes. She tried to control her breathing, but she was slowly losing her grip on her sanity. Her mind was flooded with memories and she couldn't reign them in this time.

Bishop walked behind her, so he was standing right by her head as he sneered down at her. In his hand, he menacingly snipped the scissors a few times. Liza slammed her eyes shut as his free hand reached down and grabbed her hair.

After she heard a dull snip noise, she opened her eyes. Bishop held a long chuck of her hair in front of her before throwing it on the floor. Something inside of her felt relief at it only being her hair, but a different part of her broke as she watched the brown locks fall to the floor. He grabbed more of her hair and snip. Soon, she couldn't feel any of her long curls anymore, just short, spikey pieces.

Bishop disappeared out of sight, and that's when Liza heard the sound of a hair clipper buzzing to life.

Cassie sat completely still in the wardrobe. She heard voices approaching the room, but couldn't quite make them out. She heard the sound of metal sliding as someone opened the door to the room. Clutching Leo's katana till her knuckles turned white, Cassie prepared herself for a fight. It was quiet for a moment and then the door to the wardrobe slid open as well.

Cassie shoved the katana out of the opening of the door, but the blade hit something hard.

"Hey!" Looking out, Cassie saw Mikey looking down at her with a sympathetic smile.

"M-Mikey?" Cassie asked. "I could have hurt you!"

He held out a hand for her, which she gratefully took and climbed out of the wardrobe. She was thankful that her friend was a mutant turtle with a hard plastron, or she would have seriously injured him.

Mikey didn't say a word to her, and that worried her.

"Is Liza okay?"

Again, he was silent.


This time, he sighed. "Bishop has her. She dropped her shell cell. We have no way to track her. We came back here with Casey and April to regroup." He said in a low voice.

Cassie felt her heart sink at the news. She knew that must have been what the emergency signal was about. As she felt tears welling up in her eyes, Mikey pulled her into his arms, gripping her tight.

She didn't say anything after that, she just cried. That's all she knew to do. Cassie wasn't anything like Liza. Liza planned their escape from Bishop the first time; she constantly had plans for helping her friends out of danger. Cassie wasn't like that. She had no plan, no ideas, nothing. Nothing at all to help her friend.

She felt Mikey plant a small kiss on the top of her head before guiding her out to the living room where the others were.

They were all gathered around, quietly discussing what to do next. Raph and Casey both stood with their arms crossed as Donny explained the steps they could take next. Master Splinter sat with April on the couch, his paw set on her shoulder as she sniffled. Cassie noticed Leo wasn't back yet either and hoped she didn't have to worry about him too.

April turned around at hearing their footsteps approach and quickly stood. "Cassie!" The red-head launched herself at the young woman, holding onto her with a death grip. "I'm so glad you're safe!"

Cassie embraced the woman she now saw as a mother figure. It was the closest thing she or Liza ever had to a mother, and the embrace somehow brought a little peace to Cassie's heart. Two new arms wrapped around the two women, and Cassie knew it was Casey. She thanked God that her small, newly found family was safe.

All around them, the turtles and Splinter were silent, watching this broken family cope with losing Liza. Cassie started to cry as she embraced her adoptive family. Even though they were fine, one of them was missing and in terrible danger. It felt as if there was a hole of something missing in Cassie's heart, and she knew that space could only be filled by her best friend's safe return.

She couldn't help but think if it had been her, Liza would have been better equipped to help in a situation like this. If it would have been her, Liza wouldn't have to endure new memories of torture that will plague her until her death. These thoughts caused her to grip April tighter and sob louder. She couldn't remember the last time she had cried so hard.

"It should have been me… It should have been me…" Cassie began to chant through her tears. April quietly shushed her as she stroked her hair. Her heart broke at Cassie's thought, and she knew everyone was feeling the same heartbreak at hearing the small girl wishing to take her best friend's place.

"We have to start looking now if we're going to find her," Donny cleared his throat, even though there was pain behind his eyes. If they had any chance of finding Liza, it would be better to immediately start looking rather than later. Also, he wanted to find her as quickly as possible, so Cassie would be happy again.

Casey broke away from the embrace, sniffing and coughing to hide his tears. April continued to hold Cassie though, as the guys went into full planning mode.

"I'm going to run some scans on the EPF headquarters like we did last time, maybe we can pick up on Liza's heat signature that way, " Donny began. "Raph, you and Mikey can continue the search up top. Look around the townhouse for any clues and try to find Leo before he gets himself killed."

Splinter stood from the couch, "I will accompany Raphael and Michelangelo."

"What can I do, Don?" Casey asked.

"It's too dangerous for ya to be up top. The EPF know you and April are linked to the girls now," Raph stated, throwing a hand on his friend shoulder. "Help Don here anyway ya can."

"Actually," Donny pulled out his shell cell and tossed it to Casey. "I need you to contact some people for me. We need all eyes we can get on the lookout for Liza. You can start with Regina. She's got plenty of contacts on the surface we can utilize."

At Regina's name, Donny saw Raph tense up. He briefly remembered their last encounter with Regina had left everyone pretty confused, especially Raph. But with Liza's life on the line, they needed all the help they could get. In his frequent meetings with Regina before she announced her pregnancy, she mentioned to him that her father ranked high in the government and her mother was a professor at NYU. She could help them keep an eye Liza's potential locations through some of her parents' connections.

Casey took the phone and went off to the kitchen to call Regina. Mikey, Raph, and Splinter left to go look for any sign of Liza around the townhouse, or clues that could lead them to her. Donny took a glance at Cassie, still huddled in April's arms, before turning around and heading into the lab to conduct some scans.

April led Cassie to the couch and sat her down. She wanted to tell the young girl it would be okay, but honestly, she wasn't sure if it would be. The best thing for them right now though was to stay together and stay out of sight. Bishop wouldn't be getting two of April's girls in one night.

After the call, Regina walked to the coat closet to grab her jacket. The leather was still cold from when she arrived at Quinn's apartment only ten minutes ago. After speaking to Casey though, Regina knew she had to get out and do something.

"Where are you going?" Quinn rounded the corner from the bathroom, her tightly curled hair now put up in a bun on the top of her head. The dark brown eyes of her friend glared at her as Regina shrugged on her jacket.

"There's been an emergency. Liza is missing. I'm going to go help look."

Quinn eyed Regina to gauge if she was telling the truth. Without another word, Quinn stepped around her to the coat closet and grabbed her yellow hoodie. She stepped into brown fuzzy boots and grabbed her keys. "Let's go then."

"Quinn, I can't ask you to go with me…"

"You didn't, and that's the reason I'm going. You're acting suspicious. And 'sides, the last time you went out alone," Her friend then glanced towards Regina's stomach. "Well, we know what happened last time. It's safer to stick together."

Regina had planned on calling Mikey to meet up with their search party, but if Quinn was tagging along, she couldn't expose their secret to her friend. Quinn wasn't going to take no for an answer though. She would just have to communicate with them through text about where to look.

Regina sighed. "Okay, let's go. I'm going to stop by the police station and talk with a few of my mom's friends to see if they'll keep an eye out. Then we can start looking."

Leo sat perched across from the townhouse. He had just searched the whole area for any sign of where the EPF took Liza, but no luck. The only thing he had found was foot scrapes along the edge of the building's roof, where he assumed someone fell. He hoped that person wasn't Liza.

Behind him, he heard thuds against the roof, and he recognized the heavy footfalls as Raphael's.

"What the hell you think you're doing here?" Raph demanded as he set a hand on Leo's shoulder. "You were supposed ta stay at the lair!"

Leo brushed his hand off. "Liza's not at the lair, she's somewhere out there with Bishop," Just saying the name made Leo's teeth grit together. "Probably scared to death and hoping we rescue her."

"We had to regroup, Leo," Mikey spoke up, as he went to his eldest brother's side. "Donny's doing those thermal scan thingies as we speak. We'll find her in no time."

"Any time she is in the clutches of Bishop is too long, Mikey."

"Don't go getting all angsty on us now, fearless," Raph spoke, an eye roll clearly heard through his words. "We need ya to be levelheaded about this if we're ever gonna have a chance at findin' her."

Leo finally stood and turned to look at his brothers. He was surprised when he saw Master Splinter as well. Hoping to not get in too much trouble for disobeying his master, Leo bowed. "Sensei, let me explain…"

Splinter held up a hand. "I understand my son. But just because I understand, does not mean you are not foolish."

Leo sighed his agreement, and before his brothers could continue their disappointment in him, he told them about what he found. "The only thing I see that indicates a struggle are these scrape marks." He pointed down to them. He realized then that they weren't scrape marks so much as they were tracks created in the dirt, dust, and soot that had fallen on the building.

Raph cursed under his breath, earning a glare from their sensei. "Casey said they had her surrounded. The only way she could go was down."

Leo's stomach churned at the thought of Liza jumping from three stories. He hoped she had made it okay without hurting herself too much. There was no indicator of blood on the sidewalk though, so he assumed she was caught before hitting the ground.

Just then, Mikey's shell cell beeped in his belt. He pulled it out and read the message out loud, while his brothers and master listened carefully. "Hey Mikey, this is Regina. Didn't know if you had my number yet. I've alerted some friends at the police station to keep an eye out for Liza. Is there any place I can search that would help?"

"She shouldn't be out this late," Raph crossed his arms.

"Where do I tell her?" Mikey asked, ready to respond.

"If she really wants to help, she can meet us here," Leo said. "We need to search inside the townhouse to see if Bishop's agents came back for anything once you guys got Casey and April out."

Mikey nodded and typed on his phone quickly. After he sent the message, the four jumped down in the alley to run across the street. Raph took a key out of his belt, opening the front door in a few seconds. Quickly, they went through the house, closing curtains and blinds so no one on the outside would see them through the windows.

"My sons," Splinter started, pointing a slim finger upstairs. "Raphael and Michelangelo, you search the second and third floors. Leonardo and I will search this floor and the garage."

With a nod – and Raph giving his eldest brother a slight glare – the two vanished up the narrow set of stairs. Leo shook off Raph's attitude and set his focus on the only thing that mattered – Liza. Walking through the open door to the office, he started examining the bookshelves. Various books filled two of the eight shelves, but he knew Liza was slowly building up her collection and would have the shelves filled completely in no time. He moved aside several of the books, looking in and around them for anything left by the EPF. Bishop loved to play games and mock the turtles as often as he could. There had to be something.

Leo felt a small hand rest on his shoulder, light enough to cause him no pain in his arm. Turning, he saw his father looking at him with sympathetic eyes. "Keep your emotions in check, my son," he said. "No matter what you feel for her, Raphael was correct. You will be more help to Elizabeth if you stay focused and mindful of your actions."

Leo's eyes widened. "Father, I don't – "

"You may not fool your elders, my son. I am years wiser than yourself," he smiled, removing his hand and walking out to check the small bathroom on that level. Leo sighed, deciding his family was right. It was just as he told Liza before. If I had been truly thinking about you and Cass, I would have realized that you need me alive to protect you.

Those words echoed in his mind, and slowly, his rage went down. Now, all he felt was sadness and a drive to get Liza away from Bishop as soon as possible.

He suddenly heard shuffling at the front door. Stepping out of the office slightly, Leo looked back towards Splinter, who stuck his head out of the bathroom at the noise too. Suddenly, there was a key being shoved in the door and it turned slowly to unlock. Leo's hand reached for his katana, but he realized that he only had one. The other was still at the lair with Cassie.

The doorknob turned and nighttime air filled the entryway.

Regina stepped through, putting the key in her coat pocket. Leo felt relief as he put his single katana back in its holder. "Regina, I'm glad it's only you," he said, stepping out farther to greet her. At the sight of him and Splinter, Regina's eyes went wide and she uttered out a single word.


Another body stepped through the door then. Upon seeing Leo and Splinter in the house, the girl's eyes widened in fear and a scream came out of her lips.

Two chapters in one week? Hell yeah! I've had ideas just flowing for this story lately, and after having writer's block for so long, it is a welcomed relief. Anyways, I'm already hard at work on the next chapter and hope to have it out by the weekend. I hope you all are enjoying the story along with me. I'd like to try a new story at some point because I feel like my writing has evolved over the years since I first started this one, but I'd like to at least get this one almost done before I continue onto something else.

You know the drill! Leave a review and tell me what you like or don't like! I always love reading what you guys think. Constructive criticism is the only way I'll become a better writer!

Until next time,