Hey minah-san! It's Cams here ^^ This is my very first FT fic! So please, go easy on me. I rarely write fics. Most of the time, I am a lazy ass. Probably a slow update :)

Oh and cover credit to whoever drew, I AM SO SORRY PERSON WHO DREW THIS T^T But it was so beautiful, I coulcn't resist.

Reviews most appreciated!


Natsu and Sting battles in a drinking challenge and the prize is Lucy?!

Lucy's a little OCC.

And this is based on school life!

Rated T for the much cursing and other stuff.

Oh yeah, I forgot this on my last fic so,


Chapter 1

"Remind me again, why are we here?" Lucy groaned. She hated parties. Why can't she just stay at home on this nice Sunday evening and read? Oh yeah, her best friend, that's why.

" 'Cause if we're not, I'll go home and burn your manuscripts." Levy winked.

"You're evil."

"I know, but you love me." she winked again. "

Come on, let's go in!" Levy grabbed my arm and dragged me to the front door. She rang the bell.

A guy appeared, obviously half-drunk.

"Oh hey, Levy! Come, come!" he slurred

"Thanks Droy." The bluenette smiled.

Levy dragged her best friend in, although she did protest and grumbled, Levy just ignored it.

Lucy sighed.

Did she mention how much she hate parties? The whole house was completely crowded and it reeked of alcohol. Lucy turned to Lexy, but it she wasn't there. She got washed away with the crowd, just great.

She scanned for a less crowded space. Damn, everywhere's full of crazy high teens.

She saw a sliding door and slipped out. The huge swimming pool in front of me was full of people, some half-naked, some in the mist of sex. Urgh. She turned to jacuzzi next to it, which was also full of people making out.

Man, is there nothing better in life than sex around here?

She wander around a little more, looking for Levy. And also trying not to get lost in the crowd.

Oh, Natsu, I wish you were by my side, she thought hopelessly.

Sting's POV

There he was, in the jacuzzi, making out with two hot sluts when he spotted a blond chick in a red dress. Oh sweet Edolas, she's hot, was what he first thought.

He let his eyes rake her body. Blonde hair, brown eyes, full lips, huge tits, sexy-ass legs. She's got it all, that girl. Why haven't I seen her before?

One of the sluts, he think her name was Kelly stopped and followed his gaze.

She pouted, "Sting-kun, what are you doing looking at Natsu's girl?"

Sting raised an eyebrow, "Natsu-san's girl?"

"Yup, but I heard that-"

He ignored her and immediately got out to put on some clothes.

Before he walked to the blond, he turned to the sluts and told them, "And bitch, don't call me Sting-kun. It sounds disgusting coming from you."

The two sluts were raging, but Sting didn't care.

He have found something more interesting to play with.

As Sting reached the blond, he tapped on the Natsu-san's rumored girl's bare shoulder, a faked smile plastered on my face.

"Hey I-" he wanted to say but she didn't turn around, nor did she even respond.

He tapped on her shoulder again, trying to be keep his cool. Again, no respond. She acted as if nobody touched her at all!

He tapped again, harder and more impatient.

She finally moved! But she did the most unexpected thing. She flicked thefinger away muttering, 'stupid fly'. What's with this girl?

Then, she realized it wasn't a fly and turned, "Oh, hello there sir."

Sting was getting so fucking pissed with this girl. First, she called his finger a fly and flicked it away. Now she's calling him sir, as if he's some old man or something? How the fuck did she became Natsu-san's girl?

"Err, I don't think I'm that old to be a 'sir'." He smiled, doing his best not to strangle the chick.

She took a better look at him.

"Ah! Sorry, my bad. You reminded me of a butler, so that was why I called you sir." she said.

She is really getting on his nerves.

"Ah, well. Butlers are the new sexy." Sting tried.

"Sorry to burst you bubble but I don't think that actually works in real life, not with you I guess.."

Sting narrowed my eyes. "You're really getting on my nerves." he yelled over the music that mysteriously became louder.

"So I was told." she yelled back.

That was when her 'Prince Charming' appears. (That was sarcasm, I am a million times hotter than he is, Sting boasts inside)

"Lucy!" Natsu-san called. He seemed really glad to see her. They talked. Lucy blushed at something Natsu-san said, Natsu-san then blushed at Lucy's smile.

'For the love of all Earthlanders, I swear this will make me puke.' Sting thought, staring at the two. Something stirred inside of him. Jealousy, I suppose.

Suddenly an idea popped out of his mind. He's thought of the perfect game! He grabbed the blond's waist and pulled her to him. She smelt of strawberries. He liked it.

"Oi Natsu-san." he called to the semi-confused but irritated Natsu. He smirked, obviously enjoying the pissed-off Natsu and the blond chick screaming profanities and 'let me go's.

"Let's have a drinking challenge." he started. He looks at the blond, - their eyes meet for a split second - and back to Natsu-san. "Whoever wins, get the blond."

Both Natsu and Lucy's eyes widen.


(A/N Actually I wanted to put 'NANI?!' instead but…meh XD)

Err, yeah. This fanfiction is pretty lame.

I might flip a coffee table and give up in the end, but i hope I don't.

If there are spelling & grammer mistakes, GOMENDASAI. I suck.

Quite a short, maybe I'll make it longer the next time :3