Thanks to emrys90 who beta-ed this.

Warnings: mentions of past Jackson/Stiles and the Sheriff and Jackson finally appear

I'll be your Alpha

Chapter 4: Annoying

Cora was running through the preserve, as she does every day after school, well normally. But for the past two weeks she hasn't been able to, since she is stuck training a pack of idiotic brats, but today they decided to call it off since everyone was making a very good progress.

The redhead gained control in just a two days, after that they started teaching them how to track scents and how to use their other senses. Soon the McCall pack would be ready to start fight lessons. She is so glad to have a free day; she loved running in the forest, sensing all the smells, the nature.

It brings her a peace she usually doesn't have, she was in a very peaceful state until she catches an unwelcome and yet familiar scent. She heard someone creeping behind her. She hated being interrupted so she grabbed he trespasser shoulders and threw him back into the ground, falling on top the intruder in the process.

"What the hell?!" Isaac grunts in pain.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" She roars right in his face.

"Sorry I thought I could come over to finish the paper we have due to next week. Your sister told me I'll find you here." The boy rambles with eyes wide.

"Of course she did." She mutters under her breath, Stiles did joke about Isaac in front of Laura. Of course she has been victim of her sister's teasing.

"Well, not that I'm complaining or anything this position is quite comfortable, but are you going to stand up?" He asks cockily, realizing she was straddling the male. She jumps on her feet and couldn't help the blush that creeping down her cheeks.

"Are you blushing?" The boy mocks while standing up, "Badass Cora Hale is blushing, who would have believed it?"

"Shut up! Let's go before I get really mad!" She growls and started walking toward her house, Isaac trails behind her chuckling loudly. She doesn't know why a smile creeps on her face.


"Why are we here?" Stiles asks, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Because we are going to hang out since we all are free." Erica rolls her eyes.

Stiles was about to give her one of his sarcastic remarks, when he spots a familiar tanned face enter the place with the rest of his pack, minus Isaac. "Look who just got in," He whispers, "I'm gonna call them."

"Don't you dare," Erica mutters.

"Hey, guys over here!" He yells catching the attention of the McCall pack. Not long after that everyone is sitting next to them.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Scott greets enthusiastically. The others greet the same way, except for Lydia, who barely grumbles something.

"We're waiting for our friends to get here." Erica sourly replies.

"Is Ethan coming?" Danny asks flushing lightly.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure he'll be so happy to see you." Stiles smirks, he already is very informed of Ethan and Danny's mutual crushes. He just doesn't know why neither of them has made a move yet.

"Why are you guys here?" Erica questions not so nicely.

"We decided to see the town a bit, since we haven't had a chance to do it. Besides Lydia has a date." Allison replies.

"Yeah, and she wouldn't let him pick her up at our loft." Scott smiles connecting his gaze with Stiles who blushes a little.

After some bickering and semi-friendly chat, Boyd and the twins arrived. Even though they weren't expecting the other pack's company, they were having a good time, even with Boyd and Erica sucking faces. Ethan and Danny constant flirting, Aiden making dreamy eyes at Lydia who was just ignoring him. Scott and Stiles stoles glances, everything was perfect until Lydia's date arrived.

"I didn't know you were friends with these losers." Jackson Whittemore's voice makes everyone from the Hale pack groan in annoyance.

"I'm not we're just acquaintances." Lydia says standing up.

"You really have a crappy taste if you date with this self-centered asshole." Erica mocks.

"Bite me Reyes!" Jackson snarls.

"Don't tempt her." Stiles snaps.

"Wouldn't you know Stilinski, that night you were very feisty." Jackson mocks, Stiles wanted to rip the guy's face off. He regrets so much of what happened between him and the jock.

He just broke things with Ethan and Erica took him to a party where they mix booze with a special kind of wolfs bane, courtesy of Laura. So they could get drunk and he was really wasted when he slept with Jackson. He just remembers waking up in an unknown room, naked with Jackson besides him. It was the worst mistake of his life.

"Maybe you should leave," Scott growls standing up. The Alpha was feeling a great amount of jealousy at the moment and so much hate toward the rich boy.

"Yeah are you gonna make me?" Jackson threatens trying to look intimidating.

Stiles eyes widen when Scott defends him, it's not like he needs someone to protect his honor or something. He could easily kick Jackson's ass physically and verbally, but still it was really flattering.

He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice when everyone start yelling and insulting, each person in the place were staring at them. He tried to make them shut up before someone called the cops on them, but it was too late for that.

"Is there a problem here?" The Sheriff's voice stops the yelling match, "We better take this outside."


"Who wants to start?" The Sheriff orders crossing his arms.

"This guy threatened to punch me just because he was jealous of my date with her." Jackson says immediately pointing at Scott. It was typical of the boy he always put the innocent façade, he was such a snake.

The Sheriff looked like he wanted to smack the teen in the face, "Son, do you think I was born yesterday? I know a lie when I hear one. I'll let you all go with just a warning and you," He points at Jackson, "being the DA's son doesn't mean you can do wherever you want. Go before I take it back." Jackson gulps and glares at everyone before almost running away, forgetting of his date with Lydia.

"Now, care to tell what really happened and no lies. I can hear your heartbeats." The man says, Scott's eyes widen. The man is a wolf or have a really good hearing.

"Dad c'mon, you know how Jackson is." Stiles whines, once again the True Alpha's eyes looked like it might pop out of his skull. He finally knows who Stiles' father is, the freaking Sheriff. He was thinking of asking the other teen on a date, but the man was watching him in a very very scary way.

"I know, we'll leave it like this for now, all of you go home." The man orders.

"If you don't mind, dad I was going to give Scott a ride. I promise I'll go home right after." Stiles pleads.

The man frowns for a moment, "Fine, but straight home." The man orders, even though Scott was scared of the man he was beaming because of the news.


"Okay, I'm so glad this is finally over. I hate English!" Isaac comments while Cora was leading him out.

"Yeah, me too, I can't believe we actually agree on something." Cora laughs.

"Yeah, you're not so bad when you leave out all the angry faces." He jokes.

"Well, don't get used to it." She smiles.

"Well, I guess I'll go it's a long walk." He says about to open the door.

"I couldn't help overhear," Laura voice interrupts.

"Of course you couldn't." Cora mutters.

Laura roll her eyes at her sister annoyance and carries on, "You could stay for dinner and crash in one of the guest rooms, it's too late to walk."

"I'll love too, but it's a school night and I didn't bring any clothes." The curly haired teen replies.

"No biggie, Derek or Stiles can lend you some. Cora you can show him one of the guest rooms." Laura winks.

"Sure, follow me." Cora says glaring at her older sister.

"I have the feeling that this is going to be awkward." Isaac says to himself.