Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia in any way shape or form though I wish I did.

Chapter 1- The Chains of Life

It was a warm beautiful night. The sun had just sank down below the horizon leaving the clouds different shades of purple and blue with a little bit of pink. The moon was rising slowly and the tiny twinkling stars could be seen as they peaked out from behind the colorful clouds, eager to shine and show the world their beauty.

If only he could enjoy it from somewhere other than the back of a smelly drunk's car. But that was Romano's life. Every night he would stand outside of Otallo's Bar and Ivory Night Club looking for someone to pick him up. It wasn't the life he wanted, it wasn't even the life he chose. It was the life he was forced into by his brother who would starve if he didn't and the bastard of a pimp that made him start and wouldn't let him stop.

You see, Romano wasn't always like this. Before he and his brother moved to America he was actually cheerful, happy and a bit hopeful. But after spending three years as a prostitute, a 'job' which showed you people's true colors, he began to grow callous, caustic and even a bit derisive. And it was all thanks to that fuckface. If it wasn't for him Romano and his brother would be living a normal, maybe even better, life.

Romano could still remember the day he met the bastard. It was a cold Saturday afternoon and he had gone out looking for a job. He had been on his way to a small Italian restaurant by the name of Marcello's Italian Grill when the fucker grabbed him at gun point. He told Romano about how he had been watching him and his brother. He explained that if Romano wouldn't work for him then he would kill Feliciano and that was something Romano would never allow. So, just like every night he was in the back of someone's car giving them whatever it was they paid for.

The Italian had to hold his breath has the seemingly plastered man began to breathe harder on him. His breath wreaked like whisky mixed with something dead. It was positively revolting and Romano wasn't sure how much more he could take. To be honest, he was a little grateful when the man shoved his face into the seat as he tried to switch positions, at least then he wouldn't have to smell him. Romano however, didn't appreciate how sloppy the man's movements were. He was trying his hardest not to simply push the man off of him and leave and then, like an angel sent from heaven, the man's phone started to ring.

"H-hello honey, how are the kids?" the man asked as he answered the phone. Romano laid there slightly annoyed, not at the fact that they had been interrupted but at the fact that the man was still in him. "I'll be home soon, I'll see you then. I love you, bye," he said, still panting, before hanging up.

The man looked down at Romano with an annoyed sigh before pulling out and pulling his pants back up.

"My money," was all that Romano said as he sat up right and began to get dressed. The man looked at him slightly agitated but threw him the money he owed. The Italian counted each bill coming up with a satisfying $200. Romano quickly pulled his clothes back on and exited the car with a slight smile. He had finally fulfilled his weeks quota. He would have to give $600 of his $700 to his pimp but the other hundred was his to hold on to and spend however he pleased. Of course he would use it to pay the rent and buy something for him and Feliciano to eat.

Romano couldn't help but smile at the thought of how his brother would cheer and sing when he got home. He wasn't sure why Feliciano was always so happy to see him but it gave him something to look forward to each night.

Ziiiinng, Ziiiinng, Ziiiinng

"Hello?" Romano asked answering his phone. He knew very well who was on the other line since his screen read 'Bastard of a Fuckface'.

"Do you have my money?" the man asked, his voice full of amusement. Romano couldn't help but grind his teeth and ball his hand into a fist at the sound.

"Yeah Bastard, I got it," Romano answered with deep agitation.

"Good, I expect it to be in my hand within the next twenty minutes," the panderer announced catching the Italian off guard.

"What?! I can't get ther-" Romano was silenced as two small beeps indicated that the man had already hung up. "Fucking shit!" he yelled shoving his phone back into his pocket. Last time he was giving a time and missed it he ended up with a broken arm and three bruised ribs. He was not going to have that happen again not while he was still able to run like hell.

He reached the man's house with merely minutes to spare. He quickly climbed the steps and knocked on the red apartment door with what little remaining energy he had. He was still panting when the door opened.

"I knew you could do it." Romano looked up to find the man in a black cape that seemed tattered and torn with age. His blonde hair was all over the place and his eyes shone a poisonous green.

"Fuck you, Arthur," Romano growled handing him the money. The blonde frowned and back handed him with great tenacity and speed. A sudden sharp of pain filled the Italian's cheek leaving him in shock for a split second. Romano's hand automatically shot up covering the now red spot. He wanted to cuss the man out and yell one of his many threats but Arthur spoke first.

"Remember your place, Trash," he spat with a dark glare that promised more pain would follow if he said the wrong thing. Romano swallowed his pride to save his body from any unnecessary pain and bowed his head in apology. "I expect twice as much by Friday. Now get out of my sight," he ordered closing the door in the Italian's face.

How was he going to make that much in such little time?!


Romano got home around two to find his brother asleep on the sofa. It looked like he had stayed up waiting for him all night but simply couldn't hold out, slipping into a peaceful sleep.

"Fratello," Romano called shaking the boy lightly. Feliciano stirred lightly before opening his large, intimate, honey-golden eyes.

"Ve~ fratello you're home!" he said with a smile as he wrapped his arms around his waist. "How was work? Did your boss make you work late again?" the boy asked rubbing his eyes.

Feliciano didn't know the truth about Romano's real "job", his brother believed he worked in some large building as an assistant or something of that nature. Romano didn't have it in him to tell the boy the truth, to tell him that he sold himself out for money, that he was nothing but trash.

"Uh, yeah, I had a lot of paper work to do. I brought home some takeout but I'm sure its cold now," Romano replied holding up the bag of food.

"Ve~ grazie," Feliciano chirped taking the bag. He opened it up to find a small Chinese box containing fried rice and different kinds of chicken.

"Hoide China was the only place open. If you don't like it you can give it to me and I'll eat it," Romano explain with a shrug before twisting left and right trying to pop his now sore back. Why did people always have to be so fucking rough with him?! He had better not wake up in the morning with more bruises.

"No, its fine. Grazie."

"I'm going to bed, I'm worn out. Don't make a mess and when you're done eating go to your bed so that you don't catch a cold," Romano instructed as he started walking towards his room wanting nothing more than to collapse on his bed and sink into a deep, dreamless sleep.

"Buonanotte~" his brother yelled.
