A/N: Hey there guys! Its me again, with my second story, seeing as Nix has two already. Anyway, I had been skimming through Deviant art, which I happen to do frequently, and came across some pretty interesting Ulquihime art. And it basically inspired me to write this! Um, I'm probably gonna end up posting a few of the pictures on my tumblr page if you want to go there and check them out. Anyway, I'm not sure how far I can make it on this, and I'll try to keep it going as long as I can, if I run out of imagination I'll hand it over to Nix. Anyway! It's been a pleasure writing for you! (If this is the 1st story you've read of me, well, my update times suck, I'm a total pushover.)

Bleach is not mine, belongs to Tite Kubo.

Grey eyes stared blankly out across a desolate desert, the only thing standing out, was brilliant, flaming orange hair. The grey orbs and fiery hair belonged to a woman, a rather curvy, busty and beautifully pale woman. Her face held no emotion, her pink lips in a complete line. There was nothing around her but sand, blood and vividly colored feathers. There was nothing covering her body but a torn, tattered and crimson stained make shift coat of some sort. It just barely covered her breasts and just made it half way down her thighs. Two bone white flowers sat on either side of her head, being no bigger than the palm of her small hand. They were positioned just above her ears and were connected by a small piece, of what seemed like bone, that wrapped around the back of her head. A large hole sat over her sternum. A sword was held loosely in her right hand, the guard held the same flower shape as the ones on her head, the hilt was sapphire blue.

"My, seems like you finished off those adjuchas rather quickly." Someone behind her laughed lightly. Her face didn't change but she turned slowly towards the voice. A tall man with chocolate eyes and hair filled her vision. She could sense that he was very powerful, even though he was keeping a great deal of power under wraps. He had a small smirk on his lips, his dark brown hair was pushed back but with a single tendril hanging down over his face. His clothes were all black and white, the only thing standing out was the pink sash he had around his waist.

"You must be lonely, out here fighting, wasting away in this desert." She took notice that the smirk he had never fell away and wondered if it was permanently glued there, "My name is Sosuke Aizen, mind telling me yours?" She gazed lazily at him, then looked up into the night sky.


"Pardon?" Aizen looked slightly surprised she had spoken at all.

"My name, is Orihime." her voice was softer than a whisper but was the only sound to be heard.

"A princess? Well does she have a last name?"

"I can not recall one." She murmured, looking back at him with dulled grey eyes. Her grip tightened around her sword.

"How about I give you one then?" He tapped his chin a thoughtful manner than smiled back at her. "How about Alula? Orihime Alula, I like the sound of that."

"Alula..." The name rolled off her tongue nicely.

"Well, now that I've given you a name, I believe you owe me something in return." His eyes were menacing and had a devilish glint in them, "In return for your name, serve me. Join my cause." She didn't ask what it was, nor why she was needed. She just nodded solemnly and took the hand he offered her. She didn't care what happened to her, as long as she wasn't completely alone, she didn't care if she was betrayed in the end. The only thing she wanted, was to feel, something, anything but the emptiness that filled her being.

"Lord Aizen." A soft voice echoed through out the large white room. Aizen lounged on his rather overly large white throne, a small, spiraling, table like thing sat next to him.

"Yes?" He answered, the door opened and a fiery haired girl walked into the room, she had a tight fitting sleeveless dress that revealed the large hole in her chest. She fashioned a long coat with a large collar, and belled shoulders. The sleeves covered the tops or her hands and the inside of it was black. Black and white boots covered her feet. A large Gothic 4 was printed on the top of her left breast. Her zanpakuto was sheathed and tucked into a sapphire sash wrapped around her waist.

"I have met with the other Espada as you have asked of me." She kept her grey eyes on his brown ones.

"And what do you think?" He asked, that smirk still plastered on his face.

"I think that they are all very strong. Some of them are rather loud, but I believe they are all eager to serve you my Lord." Orihime was still quiet, still emotionless, there was nothing but a bland look on a pretty face.

"Ah, I think your speaking of Grimmjow and Nnoitora?" Orihime nodded.

"I have a question, if you do not mind me asking Lord Aizen."

"And that would be?"

"What is a fraccion? I have seen that many of the Espada have them." She asked, her voice bouncing around the room.

"They are arrancars that serve the Espada." Aizen stated simply, "Was that all?"

"Yes my Lord."

"Then you may go." He motioned for her to leave with his hand. She bowed slightly then turned on her heel and walked out. Her face still blank, but her mind was filled with thoughts. Should I have a companion? Who should I pick? Is there a limit to how many I can have? But then she stopped, and shook them out of her head. She couldn't have anyone, because no one who be able to filled the void. No one.

She walked to her room, quietly passing everyone, almost like shadow. She'd already gained a nickname, Shizuko, and that was the talk of Los Noches. How quiet and beautiful the Cautro Espada was. Orihime hated listening to it, and rushed to the silence of her room to be rid of it. The pale corridors flew by as she quickly used sonido to arrive at her quarters. There was nothing special in that large room of hers, a white couch and a glass coffee table sat in the center. A pale wardrobe off in the left corner next to equally bland bed. The only splashes of color was a a blue blanket folded neatly of the back of the sofa and the throw pillows, which were the same sapphire color.

Orihime removed her zanpakuto from her light colored sash and set it on her lap when she plopped gracefully onto the sofa. She leaned into the cushions and sighed lightly. Her eyes drifted shut and she sat there in peaceful silence away from prying eyes. But now, she was alone.

A/N: Okay, tell me how this is! Thank you for reading, can't wait for the reviews!