Disclaimer: All rights belong to J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series, and Suzanne Collins, author of the Hunger Games trilogy

Warnings: slash, meaning boyxboy, violence but nothing to extreme

Main Pairing: future Finnick/Harry

Love and War

Harry glanced both ways before swiftly and expertly ducking through the hole of the metal fence. He ran into the forest, checking over his shoulders every now and then to see if anyone caught sight of him. Once he traveled far enough from civilization, Harry slowed and searched for his traps. Smiling, he bent down and picked up a rabbit caught in one of his snares. Sure it wasn't the turkey his relatives were having back at the house, but at least it was still food.

After skinning and cleaning the rabbit, Harry quickly made a fire and sliced the meat into strips with his pocket knife. Hanging the meat onto a stick, he waited for it to roast, breathing in the familiar smell of crackling twigs and raw meat.

Chewing on a small piece thoughtfully, Harry straightened in alert when he heard the sound of rustling. A pale face framed by black hair similar to his own emerged from the bushes. Harry relaxed as he recognized the tall frame and strong build.

Gale flicked his eyes toward the fire and sighed. "You should put out that fire. Someone will catch you one day, I swear."

Harry flashed a cheeky smile. "You'll save me when that happens." But he still stomps out the burning embers obediently.

Gale rolled his grey eyes in exasperation as he settled down next to his friend. Harry tossed the elder a strip of hardened rabbit.

"It's your first reaping this year."

Harry didn't reply as he drew figures and shapes in the dirt with the tip of his worn shoe.

"How are you feeling?"

Harry snorted, finally looking up. "I think you should be more worried than me, Mr. I-Have-18-Tesserae-Entries."

"You're not half bad yourself with four entries so far. By the time you're my age, you'll have almost caught up!"

He chose to ignore that comment, reaching over to check on the strips of meat before placing them in a pouch.

"They shouldn't have made you take tesserae," Gale said bitterly. "What kind of family forces their nephew to do that when they obviously don't need it?"

"They're family by blood but not anything else," Harry agreed.

He tied the string of the pouch together and handed it to Gale. As the other opened his mouth to protest, Harry pushed it forcefully into the stronger, more experienced hands. "You need it more than I do. You have brothers, a sister, and a mom to look out for. All I have is myself."

Harry paused and looked deep into grey eyes. "No one has it tougher than you, Gale. Accept help when you need it."

Harry smiled slightly as he stood up. "Take care."

With those last words, Harry trekked back out of the forest and under the fence, mentally preparing himself for the reaping about to take place.