Hello! My name is Ellie and this is my first divergent fanfic so go easy on me please:)

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or Divergent which saddens me.

Chapter 1

Tris POV

I looked at the list of jobs that I could apply for in Dauntless and thought about what I would want to actually do for basically the rest of my life


Dauntless Leader


Tattoo Artist





After looking at the list for a while I decided I wanted to be an Instructor with Tobias but since I could only do that once a year I wanted to work in the tatoo palour with Tori as well. With that I went and applied.

Today was my first day at the tattoo palour and after I finished breakfast with my friends annd Tobias I gave him a quick kiss and went to work and I was nervous.

Tori had showed me how to do a tattoo but that still doesn't mean I couldn't be nervous even if I was just observing today.

"Hey Tris! You excited?" Tori said as she saw me walk in to the tatto palour.

I laughed and nodded,"Yeah, it should be fun," and at that she laughed.

"Hey aren't you instructing the new initiates next week?" Tori asked as she set up the machines and stuff.

"Yeah, I will be known as six," I laughed as I said this but I was really excited to be training initiates.

Tori laughed and said," How long do you think it will take for them to figure out you and Four are dating?" I thought about that and smiled.

"I have no idea but that sounds fun, you know? to see what they would do when they found out, to be honest I could have fun with this," Me and Tori laughed and joked for the rest of the day at the tatto palour except from when we had cutomers.

Tomorrow me and Tobias would be startinng to instruct the new initiates and I was still thinking about what Tori said earlier today.

"Tobias?" I asked whilst we sat together on the couch in his apartment, he turned to me, smiled and made a little 'hmm' sound," Tori said something earlier today and it got me thinking how about we wait to see how long it takes the initiates to figure out that we are dating?" He looked thoughtful and the smiled.

"That sounds like fun actually," he said to me and I smiled, excited about it and Tobias laughed at me as I did a little bounce on the couch.

"What?" I asked with a giggle.

"Nothing, your just so odd, I love it though," he replied as he leant over and kissed me.

We spent the rest of the night talking and kissing basically until we went to bed.

Okay so that is the first chapter, I'm sorry it is so short but chapter 2 should be uploaded soon, I hope you enjoyed it. I tried my best to write in american since it was in Tris' point of view and I am british so I don't know if I did a good job, sorry if I didn't. Please review and tell me what you think!:)