AN: Okay so first let me just tell you I'm so sorry for not updating in soo long so I have wrote a little snippet thingy because I just didn't have time writing a full chapter but I felt bad for all you readers to wait for an update, so here you go! Oh and just to let you know Tris' parents didn't die in this so yeah...they're still here and alive!:)

Chapter 3

I jumped in shock as Jessica shouted...and continued shouting,"HA, YES!" but once she realised that everyone was staring at her she stopped.

"Um, Jessica? can you come with me and four for a minute?" I asked her whilst still staring at her strangely.

She nodded and followed us out,"OK what was that?" Tobias asked her. She looked down at her feet before spilling it all out.

"Your parents sent me to spy on you both..."