Prologue: Crimson Day

Midnight, in one of New York City's cemeteries, a lone security guard does his usual patrols and checks on the graves. Normally this cemetery wouldn't need a guard, but after the events of Otto Octavius's reign in Spider-Man's body, New York's current mayor Stanley Lieber made all graveyards upgrade their security just in case any more villains cheat death. The guards himself walked pass the mad doctor's grave that had been grafittied and vandalized with phrases like "burn in hell Ock!"

"Poor bastard…" The guard sighed to himself as he continued his shift.

It was at that moment he saw a hooded figure looking over two other men who were masked and seemed to be digging at the grave. Thinking they were grave robbers, the guard grabbed a baton and ran towards them as he yelled "Stop right there thieves!"

The hooded figure turned towards the guard as he simply walked towards him casually. For some reason, the hooded man's mere presence stopped the guard as it seemed this man wasn't what he appears to be.

"Uh sir, you can't simply just dig up a grave…" The guard tried to reason as he began to have cold feet.

The hooded man simply chucked as he said "But as the king, I can do whatever I want…" It was then a toothy grin appeared under the hood as red tendrils wrapped around then guard's neck and squeezed tighter and tighter until…


The guard's neck snapped as he fell dead. The hooded man then began the laugh maniacally as his clothes morphed into the blood red monstrosity Carnage.

"No wonder Kasady enjoyed a slow death, it's very satisfying!" Carnage said who was really Norman Osborn who found a way to cheat his own demise by stealing the secrets of his own killer, Otto Octavius.

"I could've killed him myself sir…" A voice said above as Osborn turned to a tree to see his second in command Phil Urich, now the Green Goblin.

"But my boy, a king should enjoy taking the life of his enemies himself." Carnage chuckled as he went to check on his other minions at the grave.

"We're done my king!" The grunts said as the opened the casket.

"Excellent, I can revisit one of my favorite kills!" Carnage gleefully said as he looked over the body.

"You're lucky I'm getting more genetic samples, otherwise I wouldn't agree in desiccating this goddess's grave." Another new voice was heard as Miles Warren, The Jackal appeared behind him along with Carrion.

"But good doctor…" Osborn began to explain as he grabbed a piece of dull blond hair "...I need a message to show the Spider's a new era is coming HAHAHAHAHA!" Osborn continued to laugh as lighting flashed, highlighting the grave marker of Gwen Stacy.

The next day, New York seemed to be a much more peaceful place thanks to Octavius's demise and the election of the new mayor, but for a certain wall crawler, it's just another day on the job.

"You'll pay for killing my beloved Octavius!" Angelina Brancale aka Stunner proclaimed as she, Boomerang, Beetle, Speed Demon, Shocker, and Overdrive faced off with Spider-Man as a new "Superior Six".

"I would explain he was an egomaniac that was about to wipe out reality, but I guess you must be crazy as well to date the guy Stunner!" Spider-Man quipped as the shot webbing in Shocker's face while punching Speed Demon in the face.

"Don't you dare talk about my man like that bug!" Stunner said in rage as she tried to throw a car at Spider-Man, only to have it stopped by Spider-Man making a web net.

"Have to stop these nut jobs from turning New York into WWE!" Spider-Man thought as suddenly he saw Beetle blasted by a beam of energy as they all looked up to see Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Wolverine, Thor, and Black Widow leaping from the Quinjet as Spider-Man smirked and yelled "AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!"

And it a few moments, all but Stunner were defeated by The Avengers and Stunner simply starred down Spider-Man as she was about to charge at him before her holographic body began to glitch out before it disappeared.

Spider-Man sighed as he pressed his earpiece and asked "You got her Cat?"

"She's no longer a problem Spider." Black Cat answered as it turns out Spider-Man traced the Stunner signal to Angelina's location so while he distracted her and her six, Black Cat would defeat Stunner with ease.

After having SHIELD arrest the villains and clearing things with the police (including Carlie Cooper) and the press, Spider-Man excused himself to as he heard something from the citizens that he would never thought to hear, cheering.

A few minutes later, Spider-Man lands on the roof of his condo and changes into his civilian clothes as enters his home to see his eight pregnant wife Mary Jane waiting for him on the couch while watching a news coverage of Peter's heroics.

"Hey tiger, how was your day?" MJ asked as she gave Peter a kiss as he joined with her on the couch.

"Well I found a way to hack Octavius's ex-girlfriend's systems, get the jump on her and her 'Superior Six' with my super pals, and I manage not get yelled at by a random old man of being menace. Just a usual day for your Spider-Husband. How were things at the Chelsea?" Peter answered as he asked how his wife's day was.

"Well today was my official start of my maternity leave, but I'm not sure I can last a day without working." MJ joked about her day.

"Hey you need to relax and also Felica said she'll watch over the place." Peter tried to reason with his wife.

"I can the place full of cats by the time I come back…: The two laughed as something occurred to MJ as he continued "…oh tiger, also found package for you, it's weird as it doesn't said who it from is."

Peter grabbed the package with some curiosity and his spider-sense wasn't being set off so it must be safe. He then opened it and once opened, his eyes widened as he simply starred at the package's contents.

"Peter…" MJ asked in concern as he went to see what was in the package, only to have her cover her mouth as the two stare at clump of the dull blond hair of Gwen Stacy with a letter saying "The King will Come" with a red stamp of the Goblin Army at the bottom.

Meanwhile across town, Julia Carpenter, the second Madame Web, was simply enjoying lunch with her daughter as she was glad she was to be with her daughter. She was glad she fully recovered from her coma and not only enjoyed time with her family, but she hasn't had a vision since Octavius's death. Unfortunately she then grabbed her head, knowing she was about to have a vision.

"Mom?!" Julia's daughter came to her aid.

In Julia's perspective, she then began to see images of a desolated New York with the bodies of all heroes litter the streets with Spider-Man, Agent Venom, and Scarlet Spider skeletal remains hanging in red webbing while a demonic laugh could be heard.

"Oh no…" Julia whispered in fear.

"Mom?" Julia's daughter asked with some slight relief as she was glad her mother isn't in a coma again.

"I need to warn to Spiders…" Julia said to herself.

That night, the staff of the refined Ravencroft Sanitarium was finishing off their shift as one guard was checking off the inmates. And ever since Ashley Kafka's death and Massacre's escape, SHIELD upgraded the asylum to ensure there would be no more escapes.

"Angelina Brancale…check, John Doe aka Jack O Lantern…" The guard said as he turned to see the restrained Jack O Lantern smiling with his mangled face as was singing.

"This is Halloween; this is Halloween, pumpkins scream in the dead of night…" Jack O Lantern sang.

"Freak." The guard thought as he continued his shift "…Gabriel Stacy…check."

Suddenly the hallway exploded as a dozen armed men burst through as opened fire on the security guards and nurses with little to no mercy.

"Dear god…" The guard pulled a revolver as revolver on the armed men before red tendrils wrapped around his neck from above her tried to fight off the unseen assailant before a flaming sword was plunged from his spine from behind killing him instantly.

"Ooh nasty." Jack O Lantern giddily said as he watched the mayhem in fascination.

"Are they dead?" Carnage said as he jumped down from an air duct as Green Goblin removed his flame sword from the dead guard.

"There're no survivors." Phil Urich confirmed.

Carnage then walked to Gabriel Stacy's cell and used his symbiotic strength to remove door with ease.

"Why are you here Carnage?!" Gabriel demanded.

Carnage then commands his symbiote to flow off his face and then said "It is me my son…"

Hearing the voice, Gabriel said "Father?"

"Yes my son, I am reborn." Osborn said calmly as he sliced off the restraints as Gabriel gave his "father" a hug.

It was then a voice in the cell next to Gabriel's can be heard as Jack O Lantern asked "Hey there, can I join you guys? I'm sure you can have one more killer on your team!"

Carnage then turned to Urich and said with a devishly grin "Release him and have him meet me and my son in the contraband vault.

A few minutes later Carnage, Gabriel, and the rest of the Goblin Army came as the starred at a tank filled with water and a "unique" occupant.

"So why we need this ugly thing boss?" Jack O Lantern asked as he grabbed his gear.

"Simple Jack…" Osborn chuckled "…we need something to sniff out the family." He then turned back to the tank that contained the Spider-Man Doppelganger.

To be continued.