Author Note: I do not own anything related to Strawberry Panic! All © goes to their respective owners!

Chapter #1 - Tamao's Prologue

In the quiet halls of St. Miator, not one sound echoes, the sign of emptiness. This is what Tamao is experiencing in her dorm room, and in her heart. For a long time, she has wanted to have Nagisa to be hers, but now that special girl is no longer hers to have. Even though her and Nagisa are friends still, she can't help but feel lost in her heart. The thought of her letting go made her go back to the night when Shizuma, the silver-haired star of Astraea Hill, expressed her love to Nagisa in front of the many students of the Strawberry Dorms during the last day of the Étoile Competition. Then Tamao, letting go of Nagisa to let her be happy, pushes her toward her love Shizuma. As Nagisa and Shizuma left in the night, Tamao looked down and started to cry, but no one else noticed as they were standing in awe of what has transpired in front of them. After remembering that night once again, Tamao shed a single tear like the other times she has when remembering that. She was sitting on her bed, just sitting motionless while looking down and saying to herself,

"Am I truly alone? Alone in the heartbreak of love?"

After saying this, she looks outside to see a rain storm approaching. She remembers that a lot of the students, including Nagisa, were enjoying the beautiful summer weather outside. Tamao also remembers that Nagisa is with Shizuma, probably walking and enjoying each other's company, not caring about what the others think of them being together. In fact, many of the other girls think that Shizuma and Nagisa are a very cute, loving couple that is perfect for each other. As the rain started to fall, the commotion grew louder as the girls that were outside started to flood back into the dormitory building of St. Miator. Tamao then turns on the light in her and Nagisa's room, not wanting Nagisa to know that Tamao was crying and being alone in the dark room. She wiped away the dried up streaks of tears and also straightened her uniform.

She thinks to herself in her mind saying, 'I can't let Nagisa know that I was thinking to myself...she can't see me in pain.'

Just after saying this, she hears Nagisa outside the door speaking and laughing with Shizuma, talking about what they did outside before it started to rain. Tamao then quickly stood up, hearing the lovebirds saying their goodbyes to one another. After the exchange, Nagisa enters the room, seeing Tamao standing up by their beds.

Nagisa asks Tamao a question saying,

"Tamao-chan, why were you inside while the weather was lovely earlier?"

After hearing the question Nagisa just asked, Tamao suddenly looked surprised, thinking to herself that Nagisa was actually concerned about her. She thought Nagisa wouldn't really notice, especially being with Shizuma.

Thinking about what to say, Tamao quickly replied saying,

"Oh, I didn't feel quite well enough to go outside. Maybe it was the cold tea I drank earlier...haha."

Nagisa then had a disappointed look on her face, looking down at the floor for a second and then replied back saying,

"I see Tamao-chan, well then I hope you feel better soon!"

She then smiled and giggled, trying to show that she is still in her usual nice and bubbly mood. Tamao then gives a slight smile, remembering again that Nagisa is still her friend and she can be happy knowing that. After smiling back, Tamao then asks Nagisa a question saying,

"So, what did you do outside Nagisa-chan?"

"Oh, I first admired the scenic view of the small garden at the door entrance, how it shows that summer is finally here and our short week break will be beginning. After this, I saw Shizuma-sama standing under a tree, looking back at me. Her and I met up and then walked the trails of Astraea Hill, taking in the gorgeous warm air. And then..then.."

Nagisa then starts to blush a bright strawberry red color, thinking about the moment when Shizuma grabbed her unexpectedly by the waist with her arm and pulls her closer. Nagisa remembers Shizuma saying into her ear, "Isn't this summer weather beautiful, Nagisa-chan? It's almost as beautiful as you, my dear."

Realizing that she dozed off, Nagisa quickly forces her mind to return to the current time, feeling sorry that she just stood there not speaking to Tamao.

"I'm terribly sorry Tamao-chan!" says Nagisa, "I should not have dozed off daydreaming like that."

Once she apologized, Nagisa bows down in front of Tamao, who promptly giggled saying,

"It is okay Nagisa-chan, you were actually being quite cute daydreaming like that!"

Even though saying the kind words to Nagisa, Tamao was thinking about how she was jealous, then back to being sad and down always wanted to be close to Nagisa like Shizuma was, holding her and saying the nicest things to her. After giggling as well, Nagisa then replies saying,

"Oh okay Tamao-chan, but I still feel bad for not saying anything for a bit. I was looking like a strawberry huh?"

Her and Tamao then laughed together, but not too loud because of all the St. Miator students in the hall still walking around and coming in from outside.

"Yes Nagisa-chan, like a sweet red strawberry!" replies Tamao.

Nagisa then looks at the clock on the wall across their room and realizes that it is almost time for dinner. She then asks Tamao,

"It is almost time for dinner Tamao-chan, would you like to join Shizuma and I? Or are you not feeling well yet?"

Tamao then replies back saying, "Oh..I think I should relax here for a bit in here, as you are right. I do not feel well enough yet, so you go and enjoy dinner with Shizuma-sama."

Just then, a knock was heard on their room door. Nagisa turns around and opens the door, seeing Shizuma standing there.

"Nagisa-chan, are you ready to go and enjoy our dinner together?" asks Shizuma.

Nagisa nods, then turns to Tamao saying, "Tamao-chan, I really hope you feel better very soon! Let me know if I can help in anyway!"

Nagisa then smiles and turns to Shizuma, letting her know that she is ready to go. Shizuma then gently grabs Nagisa's hand and off they went to dinner. After hearing the door clicking shut, Tamao keeps repeating over and over the words that Nagisa said in her head.

'Let me know if I can help in anyway!'

Hearing this one sentence over and over made Tamao more sad, for she knew that there really could only be one or two ways of helping here, and one of the ways is now pretty much completely gone. She couldn't do anything to bring that way back, it would be selfish of her to do that to her dear friend Nagisa-chan, who loves Shizuma dearly and carringly. She knew that the big way to fill the one empty spot in her heart, was love.

Tamao felt like she was the only one to go through a situation like this, but is she really the only one?

Author Note: Thank you very much for reading Chapter 1 of my first fan fiction! Leave any review/suggestions that could possibly improve or help the way I publish future chapters! =)