New Chapter up Disclaimer : I do not own Twilight


I watched her enter the bar and everyone turned to look at her .' Yes , she is very beautiful and she is ours ' My beast growled She started walking to the bar and immediately the bartender started flirting .

"What's your poison , beautiful ?" He asked .

"A beer , thanks ." she said ,blushing .

God that blushing would be the death ,it was sexy as hell and oh so innocent . She turned her back against the bar as she watch the humans dancing . I wish I could do dance with her griding that perfect little body against me . She took her beer , drinking as she scanned through the crowd . I could feel her eyes on me . The moment she saw me she seemed to upset about something and slam some money on the table and left . At that moment my knower told me that my mate was in danger , I immediately followed her and saw three drunks behind .

One of the drunks called out ,"Hey , beautiful."

I felt her tense immediately and I felt the need to protect with my vampire I snapped all three of their necks and ran into the shadows so she couldn't see me . Her face went into shock and the next thing her face looked as she had figured what just happened . Suddenly , she began to whisper softly , just enough for me to hear what she had just said .

"I know you are a vampire , show yourself ."She said .

I couldn't believe what I just heard , she said vampire . I slowly walked out from the shadows appearing from the darkness .

"How do you know about my kind?" I asked .

"I used to date one who was an animal feeder . Now answer my question , why are you stalking me ?"She asked .

Did she say animal feeder ? Isn't that the coven Jasper was in .

"I apologize for stalking you , I would like to get to know you ." I said , embarrassed of my actions .

"There is nothing to get to know about if you are looking for a pet please find someone else ." Bella said as her fave grew sadder .
I would never ever treat my mate as a mate , she would be my equal and would protect her any danger and cherish her . I wanted to kill whoever that treats my mate as a pet , it was obvious that vamoire ex of hers had made her upset .

"Please I really would want to get to know you . You are not a feed or a pet to me , I promise ." I said .

"Do you have a name ? I'm Isabella but just Bella . " She asked . I already knew her name but didn't know .

"Yes , my name is Peter . Peter Whitlock at your service " I said , in my southern accent .

And she something I had never expecting her to say .

"Whitlock ? You must be Captian ? Am I right ? " Bella said .

It shocked me immediately . How in the hell did she know I was Captian , she definitely knew Jasper . I was quiet surprised Jasper would tell her , that meant that she is very important to him . But I still wanted to make sure .

"How did you know I was Captian ?"I asked .

"I knew Major , Jasper , he was my brother . Until something happened ."

Brother ? She is Jasper's sister ? Which means she knew the Cullens , and dated one of them .

"Something happened ? What happened ? Did Jasper hurt you ?" I asked , worried . If Jasper hurted her , I'll kill him .

"I don't want to talk about it . I need to go , I going to Canada tomorrow ."She said . She is obviously upset about it . My house is in Canada , maybe I could ask her to stay with me , get to her better . I wondered what will her reaction will be like if I told her that she was my mate .

"Canada ? You want to come stay with me ? I have a house in Canada that I recently bulit ?"I asked , hoping she would say yes .

"Don't you have a mate ?"She asked . Jasper must have told her about Charlotte but he didn't knew that Charlotte have left me . I haven't seen him over two hundred years .

"She left me for another man . She isn't my mate . Mates can't leave each other , the thought of leaving even hurts , doing will be suicidal . I have been trying to find my true mate for over a hundred years . " I said , looking at her , hoping will figure out that she was my mate .

"Have you found your mate ? She asked . Only if she knew that my mate was her .

"Yes , I found her recently , a week ago . She is human ."I said .

"Human ? Where is she ? And if you found your mate , you should be with her not here stalking me , but thank you for saving me ." She thanked me . I stood there staring at here , not moving ,

"What are you still doing here ? Go to your mate ." She said in a commanding voice .

""I'm with her , protecting her ."I said .

"Where ?" She turns her head around looking for 'my mate' . I wondered , how can she so oblivious , can't she imagine that I was her mate , did she think that I was not good enough for her or was she not good enough for me .

"I'm looking right at her ."I said , looking at her .

The fact suddenly seemed to hit her like a ton of bricks , as she seemed to realise my mate was her .

"Me ? I'm your mate ? " She asked , not believing .

Hope you like this chapter of Forever ^^ MORE REVIEWS