She could feel it this time.

But she didn't know how to address it. So she asked Sakura.

It wasn't her brightest idea.

"That means you like him!"

"Really? It's kind of awkward between us though…is it really?"

"A crush?" came Hinata's two cents.

If Ino was there, she'd have said, 'Well—he offered to walk you home. Guys don't do that unless they want something.'

But Neji really did just 'walk' her home. What she didn't say to her friends was that it wasn't the first time Neji had walked her home. It was just the first time he had walked her without Lee in tow.

Something about the quiet walk…was peaceful—but pensive. Sweet—but lacking.


"I'm just saying," Sakura sighed, "If your cheeks were red and you felt nervous—then you are cautious of him. And if you are aware of what he is doing—how he talks, laughs, and stares? You are in tune to his feelings. And if you are detailing him, then that means"

"That you like him!" Hinata squeaked, surprised at herself. Sakura nodded at her, but Hinata only worried her hands.

Tenten stared at the bareness of Hinata's hands and frowned. She knew something was off.

"You're wearing a long sleeve shirt today?" That stops at your wrists?

Shyly, Hinata nodded, "I'm giving. Long pullovers. A break…"

Tenten noted that the purple long-sleeve look suited Hinata…it was fitting—and surprisingly so. She had a modest chest, and her figure was thin, but shapely. Tenten blinked.

"Wow…you should look into a sport Hinata." To that, Hinata shook her head with a shy "No, no, I couldn't..!"

Sakura gave Hinata a knowing look and smirked.

Tenten looked between the two girls and cocked her head.

What was that look? And why didn't she know what it meant?

Suddenly, Sakura took Tenten's hands into her own, and with a lewd smile said, "Trust me. You're not overreacting to Neji. You like him."

With a blush, Tenten yanked her hands out of Sakura's hold, embarrassed.

"I don't have a crush!" She stuttered.

"Maybe. He has. A crush. On. You instead?" Hinata suggested, but Tenten shook her head fast—completely red.


Hearing it was different from saying it. Both made her blush, but hearing it made her doubt it. Saying it made her feel like it was plausible.

"Who knows" Sakura said, sipping her iced tea, "You'll never know unless you ask."

Tenten rolled her eyes, "Why would I do that? I'll just sound like a moron!"

"My cousin…" Hinata began, "He really needs. Someone. To like. Him."

Feeling her friend's eyes on her, Hinata's words became quiet but strong.

"He is a good person. But has no one. That. Loves him out of. The family in that. Way. If it's you Tenten. He could be happy. Please…" Hinata looked at Tenten with hard eyes—pleading.

"Please try."

"Try what?"

"Loving him!" Sakura stressed—a little too loudly—too excited. Tenten gave her friend a look, but Sakura was running at the mouth—something about double dates and matching outfits and activities…

She couldn't tune into the details of Sakura's imagination—she was unnerved and annoyed.

Neji didn't like her.

Or did he?

Neji was to himself. Did he really want the company of a girlfriend? And would he want


It was such a strange thing for her to wrap around her brain.


What if…



He likes me?

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Just popping in to say that this story will officially take a hiatus (like the rest of my stories) since finals are next week-and I have to cram cram cram :/!
