A/N: Bella is very OOC. Mark and Jake have their reasons for not being so excepting to izzy.

Im so so so so sorry its taken me so long to update ive been having computer problems hopefully my next update will be up A LOT quicker, Thanks everyone who has reviewed! It really means a lot to me (: Hopefully you all like it.

Colin (17) and Brady (15)( I know I already put that he's 16 but I decided to change it) are brothers the reason Brady phased before his older brother is because he is an extremely angry kid, his older brother is pretty mellow and hardly ever gets angry.

OOOOOkay well enjoy(: PLZ review and let me know what you'd wanna see in the story I am soooo open to ideas.

I wrote this chapter really quickly not really knowing how long id have the computer before it was taken away, It's a filler the next chapter is where all the fun begins I promise! Hope you enjoy!


Chapter 3

Izzy POV Friday June 17th 2 days later…

"Cut my life into pieces
this is my last resort, suffocation, no breathing
don't give a fuck if I cut my arms bleeding
this is my last resort"

My hand shot out from under my pillow blindly patting around looking for the source of what was rudely interrupting my sleep. Unable to find the evil that was my phone that loud ass ringtone continued to blare echoing throughout my room.

"Cut my life into pieces
I've reached my last resort, suffocation, no breathing
Don't give a fuck if I cut my arms bleeding
Do you even care if I die bleeding?
Would it be "

Finally finding it somewhere next to me I swiped across the screen bringing it up to my ear without looking at the caller i.d didn't matter much because I was gonna cuss them out, hang up, and continue sleeping.

"What" I growled into the speaker. Hearing laughter from the other end I almost shouted a fuck you and hung up. Until I realized who was on the other end of this call.

"Dy why the hell are you calling me so early" I mumbled while rolling over. All the while refusing to open my eyes, I still hadn't put up a curtain and blinds just didn't stop the sun from streaming in my room goading me to awaken before noon. Yea not happening buddy.

"Early? Girl it's 2 in the afternoon! Get your ass up and meet me at first beach in an hour we'll be by my car waitingggggg for you. If you're not here by then I will come get you! " She threatened before hanging up.

I checked the screen on my phone; sure enough it was 2:14 p.m.

I laid there staring at my ceiling for about 15 minutes just thinking about the last two days I've been living here. Out of 48 hours I've seen my father all of 3 time the longest being about twenty minutes of him explaining why I needed to show more respect to my older brothers that they were worried about my disappearance and that mark didn't deserve my harsh words. Yea whatever it's been the exact same way with my brothers I haven't seen mark since are little chat in the kitchen with all his half naked friends watching, Jake well I see him but not long enough for conversation psht like I'd actually get that much even if he stayed long. I'll get a little heated glare here and there but for the most part I get ignored, he's always coming for a couple hours then leaving again. Last night he came home at 4 in the morning waking me up by slamming his door like I wasn't sleeping in the room across the fucking hall or anything.

With a shake of my head to clear it of thoughts of my absent father and asshole brothers I reluctantly got up and headed to the bathroom I have to share with Jake. Surprisingly for a teenage guy he's pretty neat, No pee stains on the toilet, the shower was clean and the sink didn't have any dried toothpaste. Turning the shower on I sat on the toilet and waited for it to get warm. When steam started to rise I figured the shower was warm enough peeling away the thin cotton of my tank and shorts I stepped in willing the hot water to run down my body in rivulets the warmness eliminating any stiffness from sleeping so long. I quickly washed my hair and body before shaving my legs.

Once I was done in the shower I practically ran back to my room in only my towel, luckily for me, dad was out like always and Jake well who knew, Thank fuck for him being nowhere in sight I didn't want to run into my brother with only a tiny towel wrapped around my body for someone so tan I knew for sure I'd be bright as a tomato if it were to happen.

I quickly found an outfit, ran a brush threw my hair and left it down to air dry before throwing on my favorite dc martins and made my way to first beach.

Dad's house wasn't that far from first beach so I was coming face to face with who I was pretty sure was becoming my new best friend at this point, I know I've only known the chick like two days but she's been here and that's exactly what I needed was someone here for me so here I was face to face with Dy who looked like an over exuberant 5 year old.

"YOUR HEREEEEE, Finally c'mon the guys found this pretty cool spot to smoke in the woods." She practically yelled before pulling me towards the tree line.

"My dad said its dangerous though" I found myself quite reluctant to walk into though woods… I was not very fond of the idea of being eating by a bear or wolf or some shit thank you very much.

"Oh girl c'mon its perfectly fine"

Meanwhileeeee… Paulies POV.

I watched as he ran down the beach opposite from where I was standing, he was so distracted by his destination that I don't think he realized a tall lean body was running at him from the side launching themselves off their feet sending them towards Brady's running form I held my breath as I anticipated the tackle that I just knew was seconds away from happening but to mine and everybody else's surprise he shimmied inches out of reach as Embry fell to the sand with a loud grunt picking his head up a look of disbelief had crossed his features as he watched the retreating boy. As Brady reached his destination he threw down the football while jumping up and down yelling "TOUCH DOWN MOTHER FUCKERS, WE WIN!"

I looked over at Quil who practically had steam shooting out his ears, he must have felt my gaze because he looked over at me and as soon as he did I raised a hand above my groin moving it in an up and down motion and swiveled my hips back and forth in sync motioning for him to 'suck it bitch'.

Usually Q is as cool headed as they come, he's the jokester of the pack so I was expecting a laugh or maybe a gritted out 'fuck you Lahote' at the most but here he was eyes narrowed a golden yellow began over taking the usual dark brown almost black color, his upper lip was pulled over his white teeth which were starting to look more wolf than human at the moment and an animalistic growl was making its way out of his throat low enough for only the supernatural to hear. My own lips came up on one side in a barely there smirk, I knew rather than felt my own eyes flash yellow quickly before returning back to brown mocking him, challenging him even. My smirk grew into a full out shit eating grin as I noticed his hands begin to tremble trying to suppress the phase when he noticed me grinning his whole body started to shake. He took a step towards me in return i crouched into a defensive position forgetting we were on a crowded beach full of normals.

"QUIL INTO THE TREELINE NOW!" a very pissed off Mark bellowed from a few feet away the alpha tone in his voice gave Q no other option but to tense up, his entire frame was now blurring trying to hold off on his oncoming phase and turn swiftly but not before growling once more at me and running for the cover of the forest where nobody would notice him turn into a big ass chocolate brown wolf.

"Embry why don't you go ahead and take over for Jake on patrol and let Sam know Q will be taking over his shift." He ordered before turning to me " Paul leave Q the fuck alone, he's been tense these last couple of days trying to stay away from Clair so he his wolf is going to be on edge until he can see her and you messing with him like that is going to piss him off then he's going to lose his shit and phase in public."

"Why hasn't he seen Clair? If he's the one denying his Imprint how is it that Paul has to watch himself? Tell Q to just stay at his house and sulk like a little bitch instead of getting butthurt when we play around" Brady said while walking up to us football in hand eyeing up our alpha. They didn't exactly see eye to eye actually Brady pretty much hated Mark, Sam is Brady's cousin and he just could comprehend how Mark was shaking up with Emily imprint or not because supposedly he and Sam were best friends. He was a strong believer in the guy code and you just do not do that to your 'best friend'. Plus he was fiercely loyal to family, he may consider his pack his brothers but Sam was family by blood and like the old saying blood is thicker than water always.

I could get where he was coming from but I also could get where Mark was coming from you had to be whatever it is that your imprint wanted, he told Emily this he let her know they could have the brother/best friend bond and she didn't want it. She wanted Mark to be the romantic type imprint so that's what she got.

Mark's hand came up to rub at the back of his neck while his eyes strayed down the beach a few feet away where Emily sat talking wedding plans or some shit with her cousin Leah.

" Q's not the one trying to stay away" he replied eyes never leaving his imprint.

I snorted at the same time Brady came back with "shoulda known".

"Shoulda known what?" Mark snarled

"That your bitch of an imprint wouldn't want anyone else happy, she's apparently the only one who gets to be happy getting whatever the hell she wants not giving a fuck about anybody she screws over in the process, it obvious that Q doesn't have romantic feelings towards a five year old " he growled back just as angrily

Kids got some balls..

"Watch what you say about her PUP, I won't think twice about handing you your ass and making sure YOU know YOUR place in this pack." Marks whole posture had now changed he was standing tall, shoulders squared while his arms crossed in front of his chest.

And just like the gods had sent him themselves Sam walked outta the tree line looking between the two trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

"As entertaining as this whole sizing each other up thing is to watch with all the awkward tension and what not, why don't we go cliff diving lil B. We don't need you becoming puppy chow just yet kid" I suggested while throwing an arm over his shoulders steering him towards the cliff while throwing over my shoulder "YO RED YOU COMING TO THE CLIFFS?" looking over my shoulder at jared to see why he so easily ignored me I see him hand in hand with his imprint and at this point im rolling my eyes because of course he looks like he's totally..

"2 words bro; Pussy Whipped" Brady stated

I chuckled a little before adding "or at least he would be if kim was actually putting, Ouccch waiting till marriage blowwsssss"

By then we had reached Sam who was shaking his head and trying to keep the smile off his face at the same time "once Reds away from Kim he's going to stick his foot up both of y'all asses"

"Only part of him that he'll be sticking anywhere for a while." Brady howled while wiggling his eyebrows up and down and of course I laughed cause that shits funny.

With a quick slap to both me and the kid Sam was urging us towards the cliffs.

6 Hours Later still paul's P.O.V (on patrol)

Did you see that fucking double back I did! You pussies wouldn't even try to flip. –Paul

I replayed the memory of what it was like from my point of view.

Fuck you Lahote ! I wasn't trying to kill myself asscunt –Brady

He replayed what it looked like from where he had been in the water.

Guess my head had gotten pretty close to the rocks – Paul

I was still stuck inside my head about my dive when Brady turned and took off repeating


Yo kid calm the hell down what the shit is going on! You gotta give me something here! COMUNICATION IS KEY.! –Paul

VAMPIRE he managed to think between his mantra of HOLY SHITS

HOLY SHIT! On the rez?

Before he answered he lifted his muzzle high and howled alerting our brothers that a leech was once again on our lands, that somehow the motherfucker got passed our defenses.

Ok they know kid back the scent does it smell familiar like the red head that's been around the last couple months – Paul

Its not the redhead tick, it is familiar though but not personally I recognize it from some of y'alls memories –Brady

Any other scents? –Paul

Yea 3 humans I recognize two of them, One is that skater kid Micas kid brother Mato and That pale face Dyani but the third I've never smelt before … Strawberries and some kind of flowers, I don't know it but man.. it's nice –Brady

Strawberries and flowers… fuck! You don't recognize it from the pack meeting a couple of nights ago? –Paul

Dude I was in Port A with my family celebrating Collins birthday it's the only night both my parents could do it – Brady

Just as I was about to respond their was a shimmer in the air alerting me someone had phased in followed by 5 more shimmers telling me the whole pack was now phased.

What's going on Paul..Brady? Our alpha demanded

Leech got past our patrol but not only that there are 3 humans also roaming around somewhere too –Brady


Do you recognize the stench? Jake

That red head bitch? –Jared


Two of them I do know the scents Mato and a Pale-Face, The third Paul seemed to know just by the way I described the smell… -Brady

PAUL? –Mark, Jake

He smelled Strawberries and Wild Flowers… -Paul

Recognition came across almost everyone's mind at the same time

Its Bella..