February 6, 1974

It was quiet in Wiltshire as the people of England minded their business in the cold windy weather that strangely occurred earlier. . Crowds of people walked by, not taking note of the two strange people in cloaks pushing past them as they rushed down the street. Both had their cloak hoods up, hiding their faces as they continued on to their destination. They pushed past people, tripping old men and pushing kids away from them with hisses and gaining glares from parents.

"Rodolphus, hurry up! I need to be there!"one hissed in a gutteral growl. With a harsh whip, the wind pulled the hood down, revealing the dark face of a woman. Her hair was raised in bunches and curls though not like the ones in magazine but more like in a maniacal way. Her eyes were hooded and her skin stood out against the dark blue gown she wore underneath.

"Relax, Bellatrix. I'm sure your sister will be bloody fine."the man hissed back. The woman, Bellatrix, bared her teeth before turning back and rushing down the street before turning into an alley. The man followed and the only thing that was heard was a huge CRACK as the two disappeared.

"Push, Mrs. Malfoy. I need you to push."a woman ordered as she position herself at the edge of the bed where a gasping woman let out a scream as she did as she was ordered. The woman on the bed laid back as she let out another scream, her forehead shining with sweat. Women bustled around the bed, some wiping the woman or helping the doctor at the edge of the bed.

"Mrs. Malfoy, you're almost there. I see the head right now. I need you to push harder."the doctor ordered, her eyes trained on the new life being born. The woman let out a grunt as she pushed as hard as she could. She was in pain, the most pain she was in ever since she was born. Hearing the doctor ordering her to push once again, she let all of her strength into pushing the thing stuck inside of her through the small hole her body had. Hearing a light pop!, she felt her body becoming emptied and with her strength gone, she sagged against the mound of pillows behind her to support her body.

"Mrs. Malfoy, I'm proud to say that-"the doctor congratulated before being interrupted when the door slammed open to reveal Bellatrix, her eyes glancing around before spotting her sister upon the bed.

"Cissy! You're alright!"Bellatrix rushed over to her sisters side, giving her a quick smile when it was replaced with a frown when she was suddenly pushed away from the side.

"Narcissa, thank Merlin you're alright."A man with shocking white hair stood by Narcissa side, his face bent close to hers and he kissed her gently on her forehead. Narcissa whispered breathlessly, "Lucius." before looking eagerly at the impatient doctor who stood by with a wriggling bundle in her arms.

"Well? What is it? A boy? A girl?"Bellatrix questioned, her hand twitching near her wand. The doctor gave her a disdain look but forced a smile to the expecting couple.

"Mr. Malfoy, Mrs. Malfoy. I'm happy to say that you have..."as the doctor drawled her words, she walked over and gently placed the bundle into the waiting arms of Narcissa, "a baby girl."

"A girl? We have a baby girl?"Narcissa whispered, her eyes trained on her baby. The baby was quiet as she sensed her mother nearby. Snuggling into the warmth by her side, the baby let out a sigh before drifting off into sleep. Instantly, Narcissa knew she was in love with her baby girl and from the look on her husband's face, he too was sure that he would spoil his little girl. Hearing some shuffling, she saw Bellatrix moving closer, her hooded eyes alight with a bit of curiosity.

"Bella, do you want to hold her?"Narcissa offered. The shock on Bellatrix face was almost enough to make her laugh in her tired state. Gesturing her forward, she with the help of the doctor, positioned the baby to be placed comfortably into the awkwardly formed arms of Bellatrix.

"She's heavy for a girl. Cissy, you must make her lose weight when she gets older."Bellatrix muttered, staring into the wrinkled face of her niece. She tilted her head, her eyes tracing over the baby's fair skin and the slight tuff of white hair. With the white hair, Bellatrix knew that underneath those closed eyelids would lay the brightest icy blue eyes of her sister's and her husband's combined. With the difference in the arms, the baby squirmed a bit before opening her eyes, revealing the truth in Bellatrix words. Her eyes sparkled an icy blue and staring into the cold grey eyes of her aunt in curiosity. Reaching her arms out, she tried grabbing a loose curl that dangled nearby. Seeing her niece wanting a bit of her hair to play with, she indulged her a bit and handed the curl over to her. The baby happily gurgled and with her chubby arms, grabbed the curl and began running its fingers through it.

"Isn't she beautiful, Bella? She'll grow into a beautiful woman."Narcissa spoke, her smile widening as she looked at her sister. Lucius wiped away the few tendrils of hair away from her forehead, kissing his wife before turning to his newborn girl. Seeing her smile as she played with his sister-in-law's hair, he knew that he would give her everything from toys to clothes and anything else she wishes.

"Yeah, she'll be a charmer. But what should you called her, Cissy? Something like Gretchen or maybe Edith?"offered Bellatrix, her eyes on her sister but her hands taking her curl and dangling it above the baby. Narcissa pursed her lips in concentration before her blue eyes alighted.

"Lilian,"she spoke, her eyes glancing for her husband's reaction,"Lilian Ara Malfoy." Lucius's eyebrow raised a bit but he said nothing about their newborn girl. Turning back to her daughter, she reached for her baby and her sister happily obliged. Settling her daughter with a few "Sh.." she looked over baby with loving eyes.

"Welcome to the Malfoys, Lilian Ara Malfoy."