I do not own Teen Wolf.

So I know I haven't updated in forever you would not believe the few months I've had. The next chapter will be up much faster. I hope you enjoy this one. Sorry it took so long. Reviews make me happy and therefore my characters have better days when I get reviews. (Unless of course it's a review asking for them to have a really bad day)

Peter's POV

I wasn't particularly surprised when my niece decided to run upstairs other than talk about how she knew the twins. If she had been dressed she probably would've gone for the door and disappeared all day. Despite the fact that the last time she did that I'd told her never to do it again. She had up and vanished a few times, normally for hours at a time and without telling anyone where she was going or what she was doing. Something I was far from okay with. She was a sixteen year old girl. I was okay with giving her space but she didn't need that much space in my opinion.

I gave her twenty minutes before I headed upstairs. I didn't bother to knock I just walked in or tried to. She had locked the door. I suppressed a growl. Why her door even could be locked was a mystery to me as it was the only door in the entire loft that did lock. Aly had probably changed the door a bit so she could lock it. Oh the problems with teenagers with unrestricted access to their own nearly unlimited funds.

"Let me in, Princess," I said, hoping she wouldn't fight me. I wasn't a fan of breaking the door but I would if I had to. Luckily, she opened the door. She didn't say anything. She just sat down on her bed. She looked so much like a scared and lonely lost puppy that I found I couldn't find it in myself to be angry with her.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I'm so sorry, Uncle Peter, I just couldn't," her voice was so quiet I had to strain my ears to hear her. I didn't know what to do with this version of Aly. I was used to the angry and sarcastic teenager who had a smart remark for everything. I was expecting a shouting match, not this. She wasn't crying but it was clear that she was on the verge of tears. I hadn't seen her cry since she was seven years old. I was sure she would've cried after the fire but even as a child she rarely cried. What had happened with those twins that the mere memory of it could drive my arrogant, devil-may-care niece to tears?

"Princess, you need to tell me how you know the alphas," I said as gently as I could as I sat down next to her. At those words she buried her face in her hands, not willing to let me see the tears that I knew were streaming down her face. I tried to put my arm around her shoulder, she flinched away from my touch. I held up my hands low and wide in the age old gesture meaning 'I won't hurt you'.

"Okay Princess, how about I ask questions and you answer them if you can. Alright?" I asked. Aly looked up her eyes red and puffy, but she wasn't crying. Slowly, she looked me in the eye and nodded.

"Okay, how long have you known the twins?" I asked.

"Six years," she muttered.

"You met them shortly after the fire?" I asked.

"A few days after, I don't know the exact number," she told me.

I could see this direct line of questions was calming her down so I kept going. "Was that when you met the other alphas too?"

"No, we met Duke, Kali, and Ennis about three years later."

"You knew the twins during the three years you were missing?" I asked, surprised. I had done everything from gentle coaxing to taking my belt to her to get Aly to tell me about those years. So far, nothing had worked.

She nodded, "We were in the same pack together."

"The twins weren't alphas then? Were they betas with you?" I asked. My curiosity getting the better of me, this could be priceless information on the youngest members of the alpha pack.

She shook her head and her quiet voice returned as her eyes once again filled with tears, "We were omegas."

Oh, no, Princess, I thought. Not Nick's baby girl, not my princess. No wonder she didn't like being touched, especially by me, an alpha. That sentence explained every personality change in my niece and every stubborn refusal to talk to me.

"You're okay, Princess, if you don't want to talk about it, I won't make you," I said. Aly took me by complete surprise by throwing herself at me clinging to my shirt. I carefully put my arm around her as she soaked my clothes in her tears.

Derek's POV

I could hear Peter and Aly talking upstairs. I personally was waiting for Peter to come back and continue yelling at me like he had been before the twins turned up or for Isaac to wake up. But when Aly said she and the twins had been omegas I felt a strong urge to find that pack and rip them to shreds with my claws but if they had been the twins' pack then they should be dead. But, Aly was still alive. Peter came down a few minutes later, stripping off his wet shirt.

"Ugh, you couldn't have changed upstairs?" I asked. I had no desire to see Peter half naked. Peter spared me on admonitory glare before he headed up the stairs to get a clean shirt. When he came down again he focused his attention on me.

"I believe you and I have few more things to discuss," he said his tone was calm and even but I knew better than to let that make me think that he wasn't still angry with me for arguing with him earlier.

"Yeah, about that, see Peter I was just-"I began before Peter cut me off.

"Just what, Derek?" he asked impatiently, "Just making everything more difficult? Because in case you haven't noticed, I don't need your help with that!" I winced, mainly because what he was saying was true. Peter, however, hadn't finished yet, "If you actually cared about this pack you would stop thinking that everything I do is some sort of evil plot! You would realize that this pack is falling apart because it consists of a bunch of recalcitrant juvenile delinquents! I am trying to keep you and all of them alive! A task that may become much more difficult if things go awry with the Alpha pack, in case you didn't know that!"

"I-"I began when Peter paused to draw breath, but I was not destined to finish my sentences. Peter held up a hand to silence me.

"I don't want to hear it. There's a pack training session in the woods soon, get Isaac up and go. You start the training. I'll be along shortly," he ordered me.

"What about Aly?" I asked.

"Princess has had a rather trying morning; I'll let her out of training at the moment. Now go!" he told me.

I went to wake Isaac as I considered Peter's reprimand and wondered if I was really making Peter keeping us all alive and being a good Alpha more difficult.