Monster Desire

Chapter 13

The place was soggy and sopping with ultra-cold water and made the place a mist zone, a light layer of it floating above the ground as they walked through it. Helena couldn't count how many times she'd been in an environment exactly like this one, with someone she didn't particularly like nor trust, minus the time she spent with Leon.

After a couple of years of swearing to herself she wouldn't bring him up in her mind again, it happened just that quickly. She would never be able to forgive that he forgave that slimy woman he's in love with so much, not after she shot her precious Deborah in the forehead with a crossbow. The last conversation they had was one of blame and misunderstanding. He claimed she didn't understand Ada and the past they went through, and Helena retorted that their past didn't matter nor amount to the series of sneaky and under handed things that Ada had done already; slightly including that she also shot her sister that she was trying to save. Then his next words, which weren't really well thought out before he said them, hurt Helena more than Ada had and just reminded her why she didn't look to men the way that other women did anymore.

"You're just pushing the blame on Ada for something you couldn't do, which was saving your sister"

It was an incredibly unfair thing for someone like him to say and that marked the point where the two of them stopped talking, and stopped trusting each other with such open and deep topics. They were able to hurt each other that way. Now that Helena remembered such an awful event it put her in a rather sullen mood, her steps and recent determination fading into the dim, clammy air around them.

The soldiers filed in one by one behind Helena and Galloway leading the way. The flashlights they had on their guns illuminated the place with spotlights and revealed how massive the mansion truly was, their hallowed sounding footsteps even further pointed how big the place was with perhaps an underground room or floor beneath them.

Helena tried to take in the room they were in with her eyes (even that was hard seeing that the place was just too massive), seeing multiple scorch marks from the fire, floorboards piercing into the ceiling above their heads, and various sized holes that let in the moonlight outside.

Leo Galloway turned around to face Helena suddenly and almost made her run into him, he frowned at her for her absent-mindedness and directed his attention to the group as a whole, assuming his leader position rather quickly.

"Now that we're in there's no time to lose. As you all know, our little ex-agent Alomar currently resided here until now. Your captain that you all know and love had found this place on his own and met face to face with the vixen herself" Galloway announced.

Helena's eyes widened as multiple murmurs filled the air around her, questions of why the captain didn't tell them arising and some new recruiters that were breached and approached with the subject of Sheva confirmed their doubts in the captain. She realized that Leo left out the part that she was with Chris at the time they found this place and he left out the biggest part that Wesker was indeed alive. There was too much room left for suspicion with the man in front of her.

"Quiet!" Helena said throwing her hand back at the men still muttering things about the situation.

They all shut up as soon as the order was given and Galloway took the silence as a chance to continue. "Before we blow this place to bits ourselves, I want the whole thing searched and turned over by the time we're done with it. The smallest thing could be of help, even a hair follicle would have some use" He told them all as a whole.

He made a shooing gesture with his hand and the band of soldiers dispersed, some starting their search in the room they were standing in, and others exploring the rest of the place out. Helena herself was about to explore the upstairs suite of the place by herself when Leo called to her.

She raised her eyebrows at him in question, what could he possibly need her for now? "Yes?" she answered him.

"You're coming with me" he ordered. "And we'll heading to the floor above us first" he said.

It only unsettled Helena all the more that he was requesting that she be with him while he did his own little investigation, but clearly that wasn't the case. She was more surprised that he was even conducting an investigation himself in the first place, she was more familiar with him walking around the site and make sure others were doing their job (in other words being a straight-up jackass to everyone who had the unfortunate luck of being in his line of vision and doing absolutely nothing himself in the process). But apparently, he had a general interest towards the case itself. Who wouldn't? Everyone in the BSAA organization was itching for a chance to get on this case and were silently grumbling when they realized their division was getting the case because of where it was originated.

Helena followed Galloway up the velvet covered, wooden steps to the second floor where a few soldiers already were, saluting the two as they walked past. She acknowledged them with the small incline of her head, but Leo did not (she noticed) the case was the main thing on his mind. They continued to walk the long blue colored velvet corridors before finding to massive doors, almost the same size as the two they found not too far from the entrance in the fields (those were just as large). Galloway pulled out a polished silver gun that glinted when the moonlight hit it just right and prepared to enter through the virtually untouched room that was begging to be snuffed out by him.

He pushed through them and pointed his gun at the most likely the only inhabitant that lived here in a long time. Helena vaguely wondered if he lived here with Wesker and Sheva the same time they were, she questioned that thought as she pointed the barrel of the gun at him. The man was old, spores covering his well over balding head as well as his arms that were infested with wrinkles, and he sat in a wheelchair that was hooked to a bag of chemicals she was pretty sure wasn't water.

"Who are you?" Leo questioned the old man "more importantly…why aren't you dead?"

Helena turned sharply on the director, did he know something she didn't? Who was the man in front of them and why exactly was he alive? This place was swimming in an inferno a couple hours ago and here this man sat as if he had no other care in the world.

The man sat at his desk, which was scorched beyond repair and gallantly gazing out the massive windows behind him. It was impossible to tell what he was thinking with him turned away from them.

"You shouldn't be here. Either of you" the man croaked. "I would prefer if my home wasn't invaded by the dogs of the BSAA"

Okay, not a big fan of the organization. There's one thing.

"You didn't answer my question. This is my last warning" Leo said putting his finger on the trigger of his gun.

The man turned around then, slowly perhaps for added effect, before Helena realized in horror the color of his eyes and the intensity in which they glowed. She shivered seeing the sight for the second time.

"Oh?" asked the man amused. "And just will you do with that gun of yours? That gun in which cannot harm me, nor anything else for that matter"

Helena lowered her gun slowly and so did Galloway, they both recognized the eyes and knew that he was right and that it wouldn't do anything at all.

"Get the doors Harper" Leo commanded her.

Helena wanted to protest but knew this was a serious and dangerous situation, they had to tread carefully. She quickly closed the doors to the room, giving the soldiers nearby a death glare which screamed for them not to come in, they both nodded and she knew they would prevent anyone else from coming in. When she turned back around, she spotted Leo sitting in a chair in front of the man's desk and resumed to calmly yet nervously sit next to him.

"I assume you know who I am, BSAA dog" he referred to Leo, who narrowed his eyes at the title given to him.

He nodded anyway. "It took me awhile to recognize you without your youth, Oswell E. Spencer"

A cold chill went through Helena at the horrified rumors she remembered going around about him, this was the man that started it all, a man more terrifying to her than Wesker himself.

Oswell's eyes glowed the more at the recognition and the measure of fear at his name being spoken, he still to this day sparked anxiety and wariness into the organization after all these years.

"Yes. I am Oswell Spencer, still alive, still breathing the same air as you disgusting humans" he waved the matter away with a wrinkled hand. "I no longer have the desire of blowing the whole thing to bits and watching it full into its own pitiful destruction"

Leo squinted uncertainly at him. He wasn't prepared to meet such a huge piece in the game at this point, Wesker was already enough, now the one who's been behind everything for the pass century is looking at him straight in the eyes. This only peaked his interest further.

"Your words would inquire me to think otherwise" Leo said trying to see into the man in front of him.

Spencer chuckled. "A lowly human such as yourself wouldn't know what to do with the real meaning behind my words anyway, but I'll give you a hint" he wheezed slightly. "My son has taken up the task for me, and there is no longer a need for me to rise to the occasion, and he would prefer I not step in anyway"

Helena looked at Galloway with worry, looking back and forth between the two men that seemed to be facing off.

"Aside from your son following in his 'fathers' footsteps, what was the purpose of him leaving you here. No father-son bond to bind you two together?" Galloway asked.

Spencer simply shook his head, his mouth straightening into a thin line. "That bond is with my only daughter. I would never have that with my eldest son, it's too bad really. I could've morphed him into something greater than what he is at this moment"

Leo pondered on the man's words heavily, reviewing what he did know in his mind and looking at what he didn't know from all of its angles. "Do you know of a young woman named Sheva Alomar?" he asked the man.

"Sheva Alomar.." he mused aloud. "I believe your going about her name the wrong way"

Helena had to butt in. She wouldn't say she could coherently follow behind the cryptic conversation they were having, but certain pieces of the puzzle were falling just too easily and she didn't like it. Just how far would this woman (Sheva) go with her secrets?

"What does that mean? What are you saying exactly?" Helena asked the elder, becoming more horrified every second that went on.

He held up a hand to silence and she did immediately, that was probably the only thing he liked about the dogs of the BSAA, they were very obedient. "Alomar is the name her incredibly insignificant, step-in father gave to her. Her name is Sheva Elizabeth Spencer"

It was safe to say that Leo Galloway was honestly shocked. Not only was he here in the presence of a man who he believed was dead ,but that one of his many offspring happened to be an ex-agent.

"She lied to us this whole time" Helena said stunned.

Spencer was quick to defend his only daughter. "She didn't even know it herself, nor did she even know me until two months ago when I saved her from you miserable fools. It was quite the shock for me to see her again, my little daughter who was taken from me at birth"

"But she could've known something about her heritage. Who wouldn't know they were a Spencer?" Leo asked the man incredulously.

Spencer's gaze were trained solely on Leo, it never wavered even when Helena's outburst came to pass. It was hard enough trying to keep in tune with the conversation in the first place considering the man's eyes were almost illuminating the space around him, pointing out drastically that he was of a different being from them…and if he was anything like his 'son' (whom Helena was pretty sure that was Wesker) then he was even more dangerous.

Spencer shook his head at Leo as if he was a simple child that was confused and assuming all the wrong things.

"If I, Oswell E. Spencer, didn't want anyone to know something, don't you think I would go to great lengths to keep that from happening?" he cleared his throat the best he could. "It would be foolish to ask what your team is doing here, answers would be among one of those reasons I am sure"

Leo nodded, it was even better that he could get answers out of this senile old man knowing that Wesker would reveal nothing and neither would his little friend.

"If you're wondering where they are right now—the two of them—I don't know. They're out of my range to sense believe it or not" he continued after a short while of catching his breath. "Even if I did know where they were I would not tell you…they're still my children"

Galloway nodded again in what seemed like understanding and slight sympathy for the man before he pulled out his gun again, pulling the trigger in the blink of an eye and watching the bullet fly towards the old man straight between the eyes. Blood splattered on Helena's face and gear as she gasped in complete surprise, gritting her teeth angrily at the rather calm man next to her.

"Galloway! What the hell were you thinking?!" she screeched.

He blew the smoke rising out of his silver gun and shoved it back in its holster. "I was thinking that even if he knew something, which I'm sure is everything that's been going on, he still wouldn't tell us. You heard what he said…they're his 'special' children"

Helena couldn't believe what she was hearing. How she wished Chris was there next to her then, she wasn't the person that was supposed to be the person hearing these things about Sheva.

"His children—they're related" Helena said almost gagging.

"Half. The resemblance is there between Sheva and Spencer but there's no doubt they have different mothers" he looked at the man in his wheelchair, his head tilted back at a painful angle and steam rising from his forehead, "do you really think this man would know anything about morality?"

She sighed and shook her head, still not over the fact that Wesker and Sheva were related by the most tainted blood they could have.

"And what did he mean by—if he could 'feel' them? From all we know, they aren't here but he said he could feel them if they were within range.." she said thinking aloud. "What the hell does that even mean?"

Leo stayed silent. He was pondering on the same thing himself, but he actually had a few ideas as to what the man spoke of. The blood that was running through Spencer's veins le him to have superhuman abilities—which could very well mean he was telepathic of some sort, but only amongst himself and his offspring. That was one theory, but one he could not prove and also one that he was sure the man himself would not reveal.

The fact that the three most powerful beings he knows of were related by blood led to even more problems that he knew would come up, it didn't help that they were immortal either, even worse that they had some connection going on. A family of monsters is what Galloway called it.

"Well…that wasn't very polite"

Helena's eyes widened as the presumably dead man in front of her rose his head, bones popping back into place as he chuckled lowly. "It seems like you two didn't believe me when I said that I was immortal"

"Please don't take it to heart" Leo said keeping his hand on the hilt of his holstered gun, "we just needed some time to talk in privacy. I bet you have super-hearing too so I put a stop to it momentarily. I had no doubt in my mind that you were what you said you were"

Spencer gave him a narrowed look and Helena's skin instantly crawled. It would be dangerous if the two of them sparked the old man's annoyance in the slightest. If Wesker, spawned from the man in front of her then she had no doubt that he had to be equally or more powerful than said man. Now that Leo felt that he had gotten all that he wanted (or all that he could) out of the man he was quick to fire another bullet towards the old man in front of him, to which he already rolled out of the way of. His wheelchair plus himself in it was near the shattered ceiling to floor windows in an instant.

With the distance further separating the two of them from the old man, Leo quickly reached for Helena and yanked her out of her seat, a slight cry of protest coming from her parted lips as they headed for the door swiftly. The large double doors closed behind them and Helena breathed heavily next to Galloway, who didn't seem tired in the slightest.

"Now what do we do?" she found herself asking him.

He looked at her momentarily before turning away and continuing to walk out of the mansion with Helena on his heels. She watched as he began pulling the unit out of the place quickly and asking repeatedly if everyone was out.

Chris stared at the infant that lay in front of him, no light reflecting from in or out of his brown eyes. It slept quietly, at total peace with its surroundings and moving slightly in its dreams. From what Chris knew, her name was Isabelle Valentine, taking no name from her father at all. It took everything in Chris not to think about his lingering anger. Fury in the thought that this beautiful little girl should be his daughter, but Wesker had stole that from him too.

Barry watched from afar as the veteran he knew well put a hand over his eyes, and softly wept, careful to make sure no one heard him, not even the exhausted Jill that blinked her sleepy eyes at him, an emotion of pity or regret lurking behind her dulled blue eyes. He shook his head and walked away from the scene, thinking it best that he leave the three of them alone as he went to find Claire. Maybe she could help her brother out of his despair.

He opened his eyes again, and stared at the infant again. It stirred and he could feel his skin crawl with disgust and love all at the same time. Chris was pissed that he couldn't dig deep enough into his hatred for Wesker to despise his daughter, he couldn't help but love her the more he looked at her. She stirred more in her little plastic box with blankets and eventually opened her eyes, a luminescent blue meeting Chris's surprised brown pools. Her little wrinkled hand reached up for him and he smiled, putting his finger in the box with her and watching her squeeze it.

Jill watched what happened off to her side, a tired smile coming across her face. She knew he would love her. It was the same with herself really, she wanted to hate the child and wished its death multiple times as she was giving birth to it, but her heart melted when Jill saw her face. Her dirty blonde hair was a trait she was inevitably going to get from her father, but her eyes...they reflected all the innocence a infant could give. Before Jill knew it, she was begging the doctors to let her hold her daughter, to cradle her beloved child in her arms and love her to the fullest of her abilities. That's when she knew she couldn't let anything happen to her precious little girl, and it was then that Jill cried with the heaviest heart she's ever had.

Now she watched as Chris held her little girl in his massive arms, she could hardly see her face. Isabelle seemed to be enjoying it too, her wiggling around and smacking him on the chest was evidence that she was fond of Chris. Jill knew just how much this hurt him, she could see it in the tears welling up at the corner of his eyes and the gentleness in which he held her small little body. He was chocking on his own emotions, his own fear leaking in front of him and forming into a small child in front of him with bright blue eyes and looking at him as if she was seeing her father for the first time. He felt eyes on him and looked up, seeing Jill look back at him tears streaming down her face.

'You did this' he mouthed to her while mustering the most hateful look he could bear towards the mother of the beautiful child in his hands.

She nodded her head lazily, fatigue still lingering over her body and motor skills. 'I'm sorry Chris' she mouthed back.

He shook his head at her, the angry look on his face dissipating inch by inch as he stood up with little Isabelle in his arms. Isabelle's lip trembled as she felt herself being lowered gently into her mother's arms and watching the man she adored walk out of the room.

Meanwhile, Chris leaned on a nearby wall in the hallway not far from Jill's hospital room, his hand covering his eyes again and weeping in his lonesome. It was some hours far into the morning and that led the hospital to be scarce of any nurses at all that didn't work the graveyard shift, that left Chris to cry in peace. His heart crumbled as soon as Jill's baby was put in his arms, the hard resolve he came with left as soon as he looked into her glowing blue eyes. He was disappointed in himself, in Jill, in his fate, in Sheva, in everything. The most important people in his life hurt him incredibly, what occurred only a few minutes ago only twisted the knife. He couldn't even be upset, but he did feel the pain. His anger wouldn't aid him in escaping from it this time.


He didn't bother looking up. Hopefully the person calling out to him would get the picture and walk away and leave him alone. Chris didn't need the pity of anyone else. A hand landed on his shoulder and Chris angrily glared at the person that dared to touch him, what part of he wanted to be left alone didn't that person get?! His rigid expression went elsewhere as a familiar face greeted him with a sad smile, a male he hadn't seen since their mission in China.

"Leon.." Chris said shocked. "What are you doing here?"

He removed his hand off the veteran's shoulder, fully noticing the red under his eyes. "Probably for the same reason your here. I heard Jill was delivering tonight and I hoped I didn't miss it"

"Well you did" Chris said getting off the wall and walking a couple inches away from Leon. "The baby's sleeping and Jill is resting. Delivering that kid took a lot of energy out of her, but she's doing fine now"

Leon looked around wondering where Barry was considering he was the one that told him the news. "And Barry?"

"Out looking for Claire. She went missing and no one knows where she is" Chris murmured dejectedly.

Leon couldn't help but feel for the broken man standing before him. He heard the horror stories about his partner from the other side of the world. It seemed like everyone in the BSAA knew and wanted in on the mission for reasons that were unknown to the blonde, other than the obvious, fame. With Chris and Sheva's name being blown sky high as the people that exterminated Albert Wesker, one of them gone rogue and on the loose was an opportunity for others to achieve the same recognition the two of them have. It was a vicious process and just one of the many dark sides of the BSAA ,but there was nothing he could personally do about it.

When he first heard the news, he immediately dismissed it as jealous people doing their jobs and fabricating stories from the depths of their minds, until he spoke briefly with Barry and witnessed the destruction of flames eating away at their BSAA tower through a tv screen. After that he still wouldn't have liked to believe it, but the chaos at the news being spread around at his job just further proved the inevitable. It was utterly shocking.

"I'm sure you know about it too" Chris muttered aloud.

Leon got the gist and nodded his head slowly. "I do. Everyone does"

Chris shook his head in mild disbelief at how fast the news seemed to spread in just a short month. Even Leon, who was sent to Europe immediately after their mission in China, caught whiff of the news on the other side of the world. He could only imagine what kind of judgements and ideas went through the man's head at the fact.

"You probably think its stupid for me to go after her don't you? That I still want to save her despite what that would say about everything I've worked for?" Chris found himself asking aloud.

The blonde man shook his head, an image of him and Ada somehow reminding him of this very moment.

"Many people said the same things about Ada and I, why I still chase after her after all the things she's done..." Leon looked elsewhere, somewhere distant. "I can't stop...I can't stop loving her"

Chris's head that was originally bent in somewhat shame was brought to attention by Leon's words, he was one of the people that didn't know why he kept going after Ada when it was clear as day that she wasn't going to change for anyone. Not even him. Now he could see where the blonde was coming from. With history and strong feelings involved, it was definitely hard enough to forget about Sheva and her well missed smile. It's what haunted his dreams at night too.

"It's probably going to be a long time before Ada ever decides to settle if she ever comes around to the idea, but at least she knows she has someone to come back to when she's ready" Leon continued.

"Ada isn't the one "shacking" up with Wesker either—

Leon stopped him there. "Wesker?! What the hell does he have to do with this?!"

Thats right. Most BSAA employees only knew the half of the whole situation, anything pertaining to Wesker was always top secret and prohibited for all regular personel except the higher ups and the S.T.A.R.S unit. Information like this passing over Leon's head like this was a little questionable at the most, but nothing Chris would look into at the time considering his mood at the moment.

"You didn't hear? Wesker is alive and well" Chris said in a low monotone.

Leon gritted his teeth, if this was a way to make him feel just as bad as he was right now then he didn't know what to think of him now. He knew he was in a bad place, but he didn't know to what extent. Maybe it was a psychological thing, something to help him cope with the fact that the woman he thought he knew was actually evil enough to slaughter a group of scientists and then flee the scene.

"Chris.." Leon decided to tred carefully with his words. "Wesker is dead. There was nothing left of him after you and Sheva killed him in that volcano. We made sure there was nothing left of him" he said gently.

Chris glared at him. Did he really think he was lying? That he was a nutcase or that far gone in his despair to fabricate stories to please himself?

"I wish that were true. I wish I was crazy enough to somehow imagine that the bastard we all know was somehow alive but he is. I don't know what's going on anymore Leon, I really might be going crazy here" the veteran admitted openly.

Leon knew that Chris was going through something awful if the strong willed man himself questioned his own sanity, something was very wrong here and Leon would look into it if it meant he could help the person in front of him.

"I'll help you out with this one" Leon announced.

Chris looked at him sharply. "No. I don't want anyone else I care about getting caught up in my mess" he looked elsewhere. "I've lost enough as it is"

The blonde shook his head. "It's fine Chris really. I've been through Raccoon City and back I'm pretty sure I can handle this much. We've all had our fair share of encounters against Wesker"

Chris exhaled in relief, he was sure for a second there that Leon didn't believe him. Now he could relax a little knowing that there was somebody else on his side.

He had a brand new resolve after the short talk with an old friend and felt his spirits lift a little, now he could help Barry find Claire and also have a reason to leave out of the suffocating hospital. Chris would leave Jill in the care of Leon for now and make his way out into the cold air once again.

The blonde watched the veteran retreat out of the doors of the hospital and quickly made his way to Jill's room. He was surprised to find her awake and staring off into space, she looked pale and a little underfed. Jill's eyes caught Leon's in her gaze as he sat down near her bed, looking from her to her little one sleeping soundly in her arms after Chris left.

"He's gone?"

Leon nodded and put a hand over her's that wasn't holding the baby. She seemed so fragile and weak, almost mirroring how she looked when she first got back to the BSAA and out from under Wesker's control. The strength left over in her eyes was all Leon could do to prevent himself from hugging her, something about her was terribly wrong.

"She's beautiful" Leon said softly looking at the swaddled thing in her arms.

Jill couldn't help but smile at the compliment despite knowing that most of her broadest features came from her father. She was still innocent and lovely, and Jill couldn't love her more. This would probably be the only thing in her whole life that she would thank Wesker for, the little girl she was holding in her arms. Leon couldn't help but stare at the sight in front of him. It wasn't like he hadn't thought of a scene like this, having his wife (whoever that may be considering there was slim to no chance that Ada would fill that space) give birth to his kid and be present at a moment like this, watching lovingly from afar. He knew that at least everyone on the S.T.A.R.S unit had dreams or hopes of living a full life with a couple of kids on the side by the time they at least reached their early thirties (or later, maybe earlier than that Leon couldn't know for sure), and of course Leon was among those that wanted a family. But the woman he deeply cared about the most didn't...she was in a total different world compared to his, a little dark and slightly gray, but mostly vacant of any white at all. Everything about her was shady and mysterious but that's probably what drew him to her, what made his love for her burn with a new intensity every time.

Jill gazed at the deep in thought Leon and finally noticed how handsome he truly was, seeing exactly what other women were talking about the more she gazed at his slightly unshaven face. She scoffed at herself and shook her head, she was really thinking about him now? Jill could almost see why exactly Chris despised her now. She couldn't seem to make up her mind about things, and always found her eyes wandering whether pervertedly or not she couldn't focus on one thing at a time. Everything about her life seemed to spiral more out of control the more years that passed her by.

Wesker's eyebrows furrowed together in thought as a strange scent flew by his acute nose for only a second. It smelt familiar and blood related, but the very thought just gave him more stress he didn't need. It was the same scent he noticed before Spencer brought his 'long lost daughter' into the estate and something similar to his own blood, the very smell interested him greatly until his attention was turned elsewhere.

Outside, was Sheva and Piers sharing an embrace. The logical side of Wesker knew there was absolutely nothing behind the hug itself, but the hot-headed side of him still didn't like the scene. Knowing to just keep to himself was the best course of action, he couldn't help but snarl at the younger halflings as soon as they got in the truck he was intended upon driving.

Sheva narrowed her eyes at him as she got in the backseat with Piers while said man looked out the window, not sharing gazes with either of them. She hated how she felt like she needed to defend Piers from Wesker, it was stretch thinking they could ever get along, but when she first met the blonde it was a stretch thinking they could ever get along too. But she had to remember that Wesker had some deep psychological problems he had to work out. Their father was crazy, and Wesker had to grow up looking to someone as ruthless as him, it was only natural that he came out screwey in the mind too.

Piers, who sat next to Sheva, couldn't hold it in any longer and burst into a fit of chuckles. The sound made Sheva jump and Wesker look in his rear view mirror suspiciously wondering what could possibly be so funny at a time like this. Sheva then realized that she left her thoughts open for Piers to receive.

"Piers" she scolded him.

He put up both of his hands in defense. "I'm sorry but that was funny..."holier than thou" over here being 'screwey in the mind' " he burst into chuckles again and Sheva could only cross her arms in annoyance that she let what just happened happen.

"A bunch of children" Wesker muttered in annoyance. "My very demise could be right here right now if I spend another second with you two"

Sheva thought that his comment was really amusing considering he had not only slept with a so called 'child' but done so on many accounts, and if she recalled correctly, enjoyed every minute of it.