So, this is my first time trying my hand at a Vampire Diaries story. Feedback is much appreciated and helpful! I guess this story would fit in somewhere in Season 5, but will be a bit AU depending on what I decide to go with and what I don't.

The mansion stood just beyond the trees, a looming silhouette visible only by the light of the moon. The windows were all dark; it appeared either everyone was asleep or no one was home. Either way, she felt a sense of foreboding as she crept up to the front door. Part of her wanted to turn back, to find somewhere else to crash for the night, but she was cold and hungry and tired, and it was the only house in sight.

Months of living on the run had taught her how to get in and out of places undetected. It didn't hurt that she was small, even for her age, and could fit in tight spaces with ease. She eased the unlocked door open just enough to slip into the house. Even with the moonlight streaming through the windows, she couldn't make out more than shadows. Moving slowly, she used her hands to find her way.

Her best bet was to find an unoccupied room, one where she wouldn't likely be found before morning. It was all she needed. She was used to rising before the sun did, and would then be out of the house before anyone was the wiser. Upon ascending the stairs, she discovered several rooms that could fit her needs. She picked one in the middle and wasted no time setting her backpack on a nearby chair and climbing under the covers. The comforter was thick, fluffy, and warmer than anything she'd felt in a while.

She was asleep before her head touched the pillow.