The one for me

As I stare into her shining sapphires,

The gem that sees all

I know she can see my soul

The shell I built crumbles

For only she can see

How lonely I truly am

When I look into her eyes

The world fades away

For I can only see her

The girl of my dreams

Her golden tread flowing

In the soft breeze

Passed her tiny hips

Done in her own style

So unique, yet so beautiful

My little lost Luna princess

Just for me

When she smiles

Her whole face lights up

She takes my breath away

That's when I know

I don't want to see

Sadness and pain

In those eyes of hers

The pain I know she saw

I will walk the road

That is full of her pain and sadness

I will take it all

Just to see her smile

My ray of hope

I will be her knight

And a prince for thee

She is my light

She glows when she's around

She makes people smile

The whole room lights up

When she walks right in

And hates to see sadness

In people anywhere

She is the one

The one for me