Hey, I just thought that there haven't been that many OC Halo stories and there haven't been many at all from a girls perspective.
Either Halo doesn't have many female fans or men just have worse luck when it comes to falling through dimensions.
In this story the character isn't going to be some military smarty pants with in depth knowledge of every working gun and has been doing drill since she was 5. Nor will she be some gamer shut in that knows the game inside and out.
Nope, she's just an average teenager with a minimal knowledge of the Halo universe and of the military life. This is my first time doing a story like this.
Also I should warn you there will be action and such but I have little to no interest in fight scenes so they won't be elaborate, plus this is more about her new life than about kicking ass in outer space. Although there will be some of that, so sarge i wish you were here. (Sorry for the bad Halo 2 reference)

Disclaimer: I do not own Halo, if i did Halo 4 never would have been made the way it was and the Spartan 4's would have only ever existed in my worst nightmares.

Stranger Things Have Happened

Chapter 1 Ow:

Why did I decide to walk home the long way, why did I decide to walk over the hill and through the trees just to get away from the world for awhile longer. If I hadn't have done that I might not have left that world behind in a way that I never intended.

I was on my way home from school when it had all happened, it had been a long day full of boring lessons and good friends and I was prepared for it to end with unpleasant interactions with my family until I could leave for school again. But that wasn't meant to be.

It all happened when I tripped over a tree root and fell down the small hill and landed with a crash. Now I'm not a complete klutz but when I'm thinking I'm oblivious to the world around me. My friends could be stealing my shoes or drawing on my arms and the teacher could be yelling loud enough to wake the dead, but I'd never know. And at that point in time I was busy thinking about the ear full I was going to get when I reached home, which quickly became an if.

I was just an ordinary fourteen year old, maybe a bit shorter than most, okay a fair bit shorter, but I certainly wasn't tiny no matter what my tall friends would say. But with my big brown eyes and long and quite plain brown hair I could quite easily blend into a classroom, with everyone seated.

Yep that was me, Joe Blogs, well actually Alexa Smith but it was still as plain to me. I was nobody particularly special, I wasn't particularly strong or fast, nor am I smarter or more social than anyone else. I was just me. I could hold my own in a fight or a race, I achieved fair but not excellent grades and I only really had five people I would call friends. Only five people who would care if I went missing.

I know what your thinking, surely no matter how dysfunctional a family I may or may not possess, surely they'll care. But you'd be wrong, we had a strict I need you until I come of age and your obligated to look after me so you don't look bad in front of your friends and neighbours kind of relationship. Though sometimes that kind of relationship had it's perks mostly it was filled with loneliness and boredom.

As I drifted in the sea of unconsciousness I thought back to what it was that I was trying to avoid when I took the long path home, it was the inevitable conversation on why I was later home on Mondays and Fridays than other days. Now most would take this as a sign that their family cared, but they simply asked out of their own curiosity and usually wouldn't ask in a manor that would entice me to answer in a way that wouldn't escalate things. Now the actual answer was that the school had new clubs and one of them happened to be a kendo club and in an attempt to increase my strength and my social situation I joined, but my family would see it as useless dancing about with planks of wood.

Plus they thought that the sword arts were terribly out dated, that sentiment also carried over to pretty much all hand to hand combat and basic weapons. This was mostly due to my farther being in the military and my mother in the police force. My older brother had his share of both, but not really by choice and yet my family still picked him, I never understood why.

Anyway that was pretty much the foundation of why I hated my house, while I was perfectly free, I was quite alone. Well alone but I always had a good book to rely on to pass the time when I couldn't sneak out and meet my friends. Lately I had gotten into human anatomy, now as I said before I wasn't smart and I'd never hope to become anything medical but I could probably name all the parts here and there and maybe realise if someone was going to die or if they could perhaps survive a little longer.

But again that wasn't the point of it, the point was I was bored and the boring factual books were pretty much the only ones I'd yet to read. These books would never help me amount to anything special, sure it could teach me a bit about engineering or biology and even chemistry and how to survive in the forest but I'd never pass a test.

But I always figured that if my life ever hung in the balance of a test then life probably wasn't worth living. I mean I've never heard of a case of someone being forced to remember their alkali metals to walk down the street.

Enough joking aside I wondered what had actually happened to me, I was still unconscious, I knew that, but I felt strangely too awake to be asleep. I felt weird. My thoughts drifted to the possibilities, I could actually be asleep and the whole day was a dream or I could be in a hole and it could be incredibly dark or I could be in a coma after hitting my head or something.

After that last one I thought back to the few people that would care if I was in a coma or down a hole. We were a random group of misfits, Jack was the sporty one and his twin Jill was the social one, I still thought their parents had a bad sense of humour. Rebecca was the smart one and nobody could out run Sophie. Lastly there was Katie and like me couldn't really fit any of the categories, but me and her had been best friends for as long as I could remember.

With that I knew I had to get back, out of this hole, out of this dream, out of this coma. Whatever it took I had to get back, to my sucky home and my sucky family and my sucky school with my sucky lessons just to get back to my friends. My friends meant the world to me, and as I spent what felt like an eternity I came to realise that they were the only good point in my sucky life and I needed to live for them.

It was just as I came to this small epiphany that my consciousness faded and my being felt as if it was dissolving, now if I were a religious person I might have thought I died and that I had been waiting until I could be judged, but I'm not a religious person so this idea was way to out there for me.

When I came too again I was cold, which was good, it made a change from the boring neutral I had been for who knows how long. Although as soon as I began to feel again I instantly regretted it, I was freezing and I hurt all over, as if I rolled down mount Everest. I knew I was covered in bruises as I ached all over. It was then I heard a loud click, followed by another and another and another, until I forced my eyes open with my arm raised gingerly to block out the light to let my weary eyes adjust.

"Place your hands on your head and no sudden moves. Now!" A loud intimidating voice resonated in my ears. I slowly obeyed.

I managed to look up into the face of the shouter, and then down into the barrel of the rifle she had pointed at me, and then the identical barrels of all the other guns in the room, pointed at me.

I didn't have a clue what to say or do, I was practically speechless, how did my day go from a walk in the forest, to a small fall, to sitting in a room a surrounded by soldiers.

"Ow," it was all I could think to say before a small flash and my world went hazy again.

So what did you think for a start?Please tell me what you think if you get the chance, hope you enjoyed it.
This chapter was only a very in-depth introduction into this character and her previous life, so you all know her and what she's leaving behind and what will be new as she develops and even maybe a couple of things she kept even from herself as she spent her time thinking while unconscious in the void between worlds. And yes the entire chapter was spent with her unconscious.

Anyway really hope you enjoyed it, just wanted to create another story that was different and that would entertain a few people people for a few minutes. But i do plan on continuing this story and making it as long as i can, but life can be hectic and updates can take awhile.

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