"Demons of the Ubus variety believe in the notion that they have fated partners. People who they are destined to be with above all others." Doctor Strange spoke, "These partners are always human, which is why incubi and succubi never mingle with each other, they also have the ability to temper an ubus demon's lusts."

"How will I know when I've found her?"

"That…. I don't know…."

Steve looked down at his hands, once strong fingers looked willowy and decrepit. Thick muscular arms now appeared emaciated.

His knees buckled and shook as he came to his feet, eyeing the thick iron door that kept him locked inside his room.

Avengers Tower had once been his home. Now it was just a prison. A prison he made for himself weeks ago after his first visit to doctor strange.

"Prey upon members of the opposite sex."

Kagome stepped slowly through the large hallway, her heels clicking against the metal floor as she walked. Her arm tightening around a thick stack of research notes her boss had asked her to deliver.

"Why couldn't Dr. McCarthy send Sadie up here?" She thought aloud.

She'd been working for Stark Industries for a little under a year now, long before the place had been converted into Avengers Tower. And before today she'd never gone any higher than her own floor in the building.

Kagome worked as a lowly researcher slash data entry specialist, nifty words for what basically amounted to a desk jockey position. She spent all of her time in a tiny office all her own, compiling every last bit of information her boss brought her on what ever invention he was working on.

Usually when she was done sorting through everything from thick notebooks to random napkins of thoughts and theories, she'd hand the compiled information to her co-worker Sadie to deliver the notes to the big boss, or more often than not, Ms. Potts. Seeing as Mr. Stark was usually off stopping some massive natural disaster.

And to top it all off Ms. Potts was away in some place called Wakanda, which meant she had to find Mr. Stark's lab and deliver the research notes…. herself.

I'm starting to really miss the good ol' days of firing arrows into the faces of demons, she thought to herself as she cautiously made her way through what was now the home of the avengers.

"Mr. Stark?" She asked allowed, her voice echoing through the hexagonal hallway.

No one answered her. Which meant she had to trek further into the den of super heroes.

And that made her nervous. Why? Well she'd been working in the scientific field long enough to know what exactly the Hulk was. A walking, talking, weapon of mass destruction with the higher reasoning functions of a child.

Steeling her nerves she took another step forward. Shoulders back, eyes front, confidence Kagome. Ooze Confidence just like Mama told you. And no one not even Ironman himself will stand in your way.

A loud, yet some how muffled, crashing sound resounded through the hallway and she jumped.

Confidence won't stop the hulk from making me into a bloody smear on the bottom of his foot.

Steve growled, actually growled like some kind of beast, as he glared down at the fifty pound dumbbell. It wasn't long ago that the weight felt like common paper weight to him, he used to lift it with such ease that he would hardly notice the burn in his arms as he casually worked out.

Now… Now he felt like the old Steve, the feeble runt he had been prior to the super soldier serum.

And all because he didn't have the "balls" as Tony had so eloquently put it, to go out and have a one night stand with a lady.

Steve how ever was very much aware of his balls at the moment, they felt like they were swollen almost all the time and ached with a need he had never felt before. And it was almost constant. The only time he didn't feel the need for release was when he eventually passed out from exhaustion each night.

To make matters worse…. he couldn't even… take care of himself.

Or at least… every time it just made it worse, his balls just started to hurt more.

"Umm… let's see. Sadie said the lab was the first large door on the… left?" Kagome thought, fishing a note out of her lab coat pocket. The ink was smudged, Sadie having been in a hurry to write it down, had smeared the ink with her quick sloppy handwriting. "Door. Left. Keypad?"

She looked to her left and eyed the first door she had come upon, it looked thick as if it had been made to keep out unwanted guests, and it had a keypad built into a depression in the wall next to it.

Here's hoping this is it. Kagome mused, stuffing the note back in her pocket and pulling out another that had the password information necessary to get into Mr. Stark's laboratory.

"Welcome, Ms. Higurashi," spoke the digital voice of Jarvis. She missed the conversations she used to have with the AI. But in light of recent events involving Ultron… Tony had dumbed the AI down just a bit.

The thick metal doors groaned as they opened, rolling off into a large slot in the in the side of the walls.

The sight that greeted her was not one of a laboratory though. But instead, that of a large sparsely furnished room, occupied by a thin, malnourished looking man.

"Oh! Excuse me I must have the wrong-" Her voice caught in her throat when ice blue eyes met hers. They looked…. hungry. But not the kind of hungry she'd expect of someone whose ribs looked to be sticking out.

Steve's frustrations were gone in an instant. The instant his gaze locked onto the deep blue gaze of what he thought to be the most gorgeous woman he'd ever seen.

Soft, delicate asian features. Long wavy black hair, pert lips, a thin yet possibly curvey body obscured by a long white lab coat and a thick stack of papers.

His mouth was suddenly wet, he could practically feel his gums and teeth aching as the corners of his lips became wet with saliva.

Prey upon them.

Steve shoved the horrid thought away, his mind filling with thoughts of need. Need for this beautiful woman who had somehow stumbled into his lair.

His entire body felt hot, strength flooding his system from an unknown source, he could actually feel some of the muscle returning to his form.

Just from making eye contact.

It has to be her… please dear god, let it be her.

He could see smoke leaving his nostrils with each breath as he stood to his full height and slowly made his way towards her. His vision tinting as he neared her, everything was starting to look slightly more pink.

Reaching forward with a noticeably clawed hand he gently caressed her cheek.

Kagome didn't know what to do, ever since she had walked into the room everything suddenly felt incredibly warm. And she couldn't pull her gaze away from this man's eyes. They looked so cold and hard, yet so inviting.

She couldn't even force her self to move as she watched him stand, his body at one point looking weak and malnourished, now looked thick and muscular. Masculine to a point that made something in her gut clench.

He looked at her with a need. A need so intense she was sure she would burst into flames at any moment.

The man towered over her tiny five foot frame, and yet she didn't feel the slightest bit intimidated. Quite the contrary in fact, seeing this man invoked a sense of safety in her she hadn't felt in years.

Who the hell is he? She thought for all of a millisecond before he reached out and touched her cheek.

Suddenly her nose was filled with the scent of spices, pine, mint, it was like her nose was just suddenly remembering every last pleasant smell she'd ever experienced. Her body felt like it was on fire, her legs weak, arms no longer able to hold the research notes she had been carrying. As the papers fell to the floor Kagome felt like she wasn't far behind, her legs giving way beneath her.

"I've got you," He spoke, his muscular arms wrapping around her and pulling her close. His voice was deep and rich, sending a shiver down her spine as she clenched the fabric of his white athletic shirt.

"I've got you," he whispered again, a soft pink mist leaving his lips as he spoke this time and for some reason unbeknownst to her she leaned her head up and breathed it in, as if by instinct.

From there everything seemed like it was in a haze. She only vaguely heard the sound of the thick metal door sliding back into place, as she felt one of his powerful arms hook under her legs so he could carry her bridal-style towards the large bed that sat against the far wall.

Nothing seemed to matter any more. Only the powerful male currently holding her. And the overwhelming sense of safety he seemed to blanket her with.