Hello people! Anyway, this is the last and the final chapter, and No, there would be no sequel to this.Sorry.

MY First Language isn't English so you have the rights to sue me though I'll value it more if you can just tolerate it. I mean, no one's perfect, right? Well, anime are exception. It's an image of true beauty and perfection!
----------------------------- Symbol's meaning

( ) - author's notes

[ ] - inserted lines

* - it means it is a japanese term and the translation is available after the ending.

" " - dialogues --------------------------- Last chapter's end++++++++++++++++++++++++++


The girl smiled as she saw a silver haired young man come into her view. She skips happily towards him as she raised her hands to wave.

"Inuyasha!" She called as she came into her side.

"Kagome." He stands up as the girl noticed something. His voice is hoarse and his eyes were.

"Your eyes are red!" She pointed at him and she wondered on how this happened. She felt herself moving backwards as Inuyasha step forward to her. She also knew that her life is in danger when the hanyou turned into a youkai. When he's like this, he just cut anyone in sight into half.

"Inuyasha, Please turn back to your normal self!" Nothing happens

"Inuyasha, if you change back without my help, I'll shout the 's' word!" She threathened but Inuyasha is coming so close to her as he stretches his claws. She sighed and

"Osuwari*." As much as she hates it, he left her no choice. If he saw himself that he hurted her, she knew he'll hate himself and he hated hurting humans. But much to her surprise, he wasn't dashed into the ground but he kept on going. He put his hands on the rosary and struggled to take it off. She watches him as she hears the rosary making a creeking sound threathening to be broken. At last, he had destroyed it as the beads sprinkle to the ground.

"What the?" She stumbled backwards as she looked up at him. He raised his claws to attack her and she closed her eyes tightly waiting for inevitable.

"Inuyasha." She found herself murmur his name.
To be continued. +*-----------------*+


Disclaimer: It isn't mine!!! I would love it to be mine but I don't.So there's no reason to sue me!!!!

The Trust of the Heart----Part 2

By: Sakura2649



"Inuyasha." She whispered under her breath as she felt cold claws stabbed her right arms. She held up the scream of pain as she ran out of his reach when he started to bring his claws on her again. But she knew, even if she run, he'll catch her in no time.

"Inuyasha, what's wrong with you? I didn't do something wrong, did I?" She shouted as she winced from the pain. She could hear the hanyou gaining speed as they raced towards the pretty lake Kikyou revived. She couldn't help but stop.

"Inuyasha." He stopped in front of her to growl loudly at her and licked the blood stained claws. She looked at him with sudden disgust.

"What happened to you Inuyasha? Don't you remember me?" She said soothingly, though a faint worry and shock could be heard in her voice.

He turned to her with a frightful smirk in his face, which freaked Kagome out of her wits. She crawled back bit by bit as the hanyou stepped closer to her.




From the back of his mind, something triggered him to let his head shot up.

"Kagome?" He questioned. Just then, from his seating position, he heard a scream, which was suspiciously from Kagome.

"Where did that came from? Kagome, can you hear me?" He yelled from the eternal blackness surrounding him. Of course, just as he thought, no one answered him except his breathing. He sat back with crossed legs. He knew he shouldn't be in this place. He knew Kagome was nearby. He knew Kikyou had planned something. He knew there's something wrong.

From those things in his mind, it formed something he inferred from all these. And he is aware that it's definitely not a good one especially when Kikyou's in it (Well, damn right! *got cheers from the anti-Kikyou fan club*.tee hee! Anyway, I'll get on with the story). He let his worry resurface as the thought sink in to him.

"Damn it! There has to be a way to get out of this place!" He bellowed. Anger, hurt, worry and betrayal mixed all in one in his heart as he stood up in the blissful darkness.

"That double-traitor Kikyou (Yeah.You know, I'm good when writing bad words to that bitch! God, it took out those stresses in my mind!) was making me hurt Kagome with some fuck! This is all her god damn trap to make me or Kagome hate each other!"




Meanwhile, the taijiya and the monk were making frantic search around the area where Shippo smelt Kagome and Inuyasha's scent. They almost explored the whole forest near the scent and they haven't got the trace to where they are.

"Miroku-sama, I think it's more serious than I thought. What kind of power can hid them from us?" Sango announced, her eyes threaten to spill the tears she thought were already dry.

"I could think of one and I can perfectly relate it to the person I think is the suspect." Miruko said letting his weight be supported by his holy staff. The girl's head almost snapped from turning wildly to him.

"Please don't tell me it's." She hissed but was cut wisely by Miroku.

"I'm afraid it's yes, it's Kikyou-sama. Miko power has the ability to hid persons aura, let alone their scent, and make out a certain place where only their desired person could come in. Kikyou-sama, though a mere imitation now, had powers enough to do it."

She snarled lowly as her anger to, once pure miko, the dark miko whom held hostage her two dear friends. She already lost Kohaku and she wouldn't allow two important people in her life, she considered her family, be endangered because of that corrupted heart of Kikyou. Obviously, Miroku felt her aura's anger, and lay a hand on her shoulder gently. She looked at him with mild surprise. After all, normally, his cursed hand lands directly to her butt. He smiled gently at the stressed girl.

"Don't worry, I'm sure Kagome-sama and Inuyasha could handle this. So many struggles and pains already gone through them, I'm sure this one isn't that much to handle." He gave her a reassuring smile and she placed her hand on top of his hand. She gave it a firm squeeze and smiled back before she felt something wondered around her butt. Her reserved anger spilled out as she placed hard punch on his jaws. It quickly threw him and he stumbled down on a tree, out cold.

"He sure doesn't pick good timing, huh?" Sango said, walking away with the fox youkai and began looking, more calmly this time, for their friends.




Inuyasha advanced at her menacingly as fear quickly blurred her mind. She let pure instinct guide her for she doesn't know what to do to her attacking beloved. She closed her eyes and she held out her right hand as if reaching for something. And suddenly, light pink surrounded her body, responding to her fear, and a blast appeared out of nothing and shot Inuyasha like bullet. He was thrown from the ground to the tree that blocked the way. When she calmed a bit, she took a peek and glancing at the dismantled body against the tree, her eyes widened. She winced when she tried to stand up but she ignored all her pains to fulfill her promise to be by his side always. She sat him up using her good arm and tried to shake him gently.

"Inuyasha." She said weakly, realizing what she had done.

"Oh god, please let him live, I'm sorry."

She pulled him into an embrace and let tears flow to her cheek because of her fear. Not for her life but for her beloved Inuyasha. The last one that tasted that full blast power, which drained her for releasing excess power abruptly, had been blown into pieces. The hanyou's lucky enough to be in one piece even if he received it directly.

All of a sudden, a low growl escaped the dog demon's lips as Kagome blinked in surprise when at that exact moment, his claws found its way to her back, slightly bruising it. All Inuyasha did was smirk.

"So you really like to kill me, don't you?" Kagome smiled weakly as she placed both her hands to cup his clawed hands and carefully placed it, pointing to her neck.



From the place where Kikyou was watching, the shock on her face was clearly placed.

"What is that bitch doing?" She clearly underestimated her that she could risk her life for the hanyou nor did she expect such scene.

And the next thing that surprised her more was what she said after.



"Then, kill me, Inuyasha, if that could let your soul be free from this sort of spell." She smiled at his expressionless face and leaned to kiss him. She let it be as long as she could handle, though she knew he wouldn't respond to her passionate kiss, as if tomorrow might not rise again for her and she wouldn't have a chance to taste his lips. She broke the kiss and gave him a nod. If she were going to die, she would like to be by his side, embracing him. She could feel her back pained but she just smiled lovingly at him until she couldn't bare the pain and unconsciously limped to Inuyasha.

After a few minutes, Inuyasha blinked to reality and he looked around to know where he is. His sense of smell was flooded with the smell of. Blood?!

He stared at his claws and found tinted with dark red. His eyes widened when he recognized the scent of the blood and gaped disbelievingly to the girl limping in his arms.

"K-kagome!" He embraced her tighter as the lifeless girl just lolled her head over his shoulder.

"Wake up, you can't die on me yet, Kagome! I.I LOVE YOU! Damn it, you have no right to die on me just when I had the guts to tell this!" He said, exasperatedly, holding her pale face with his hands and looked directly to her closed eyelids.

Kikyou couldn't believe that her reincarnate could do such noble thing. She died to free him from the spell. How could a reincarnate like Kagome do such thing without hesitation? If she was in her place, Kikyou think of what she would do to save her life and her beloved. She frowned, none. Apparently, Kagome knew there's no other way to save both their lives. She just gave up her life to let Inuyasha lived for another good century. She couldn't help but put a sad smile to her face.

"What have I done?"

She can't believe that she let her reincarnate to experience what happened to her. Reincarnation or given second chance rather to change the mistakes 50 years ago was wasted because of her corrupted heart. She decided. She can't let her corrupted heart rule over her. She thrust the tip of her arrow to her heart and pushed it fully through her. I couldn't feel pain since I was empty clay with bones, she thought bitterly. Why do I have to end it this way? I such a fool to even think that I can live like this. I hope Kagome wouldn't absorb the darkness of my heart, she thought. And she heard a breaking noise, which means she's breaking apart and a few moments later, she shattered to the ground and the souls were release.

It was said in an old legend or belief rather, that once a soul was separated and two of them died, the souls would reunite and choose its rightful owner. But it rarely occurs, but with them who have powers, they could attract their soul back to at least, open her mind again. In this case, since Kikyou was made up of bones or just an imitation of the past, Kagome is the new owner of the soul.

As expected, the soul from Kikyou shot back to Kagome as it reunited with its rightful owner. Inuyasha looked in awe as Kagome rose from his grip and accepted the soul to her. There was blinding light enveloping Kagome as she came back to life. Once the light subdued, he reached out to her and shook her.

"Kagome?" He questioned, hoping she would ask him 'what is it?', with her little voice. A surprised growl came out from him when Kagome blinked her eyes open and looked at Inuyasha who smiled at her.

"Inu.?" She hadn't had a chance to finish it when he caught her lips to a kiss. She moaned as she let him have his way. She's just glad she's here alive in the arms of her love.




Sango turned to her right when she felt something and saw an unfamiliar forest that she never saw while searching. She quietly asked Miroku to come with her to the unfamiliar forest. They made it to the clearing and saw Inuyasha and Kagome kissing each other. Miroku made a tutting sound which woke the hell out of them.

"Boy, we were very worried where you had gone and you're just here, lusting with Kagome?! How could you?!" Miroku scolded. But Sango knew it's not the reason why, in the way Kagome's shirt and skirt covered with blood, that can't be just the reason. She knew their first theory is more plausible than what Miroku's saying now. She stepped towards them and hugged Kagome, sobbing in the arms of her friend while careful not to sting the girl's wounds. Inuyasha let them have their 'girl talk' while he pound on Miroku.

At least he wouldn't worry about anything now. Naraku's gone, Sesshoumaru left them in peace; Kikyou let herself die because of guilt, so what's the problem?

He looked at Kagome as she went towards the revived lake by herself and he decided to tell her what he feels.

"Kagome?" he said, uncertainty in his voice. The girl looked over her shoulders and smiled weakly at him.

"What is it?"

"I have something to tell you." Kagome interrupted him.

"I know, I know. And I love you, too." She said, walking towards him as he stared, dumbfounded. She put her delicate arms around his neck.

"I heard you, I don't know how but I just can. I wanted to reply but I simply can't. So when I felt my soul came back to me, completely this time, I thought about to say 'I love you' but you interrupted me by.mffp!" It happened again, he caught her lips and pulled her to his loving, passionate kiss. They broke it with pants while Inuyasha smirked.

"Like that?" She smiled.

"I love you, Inuyasha and I promise to be always by your side." She embraced him and his reply was to tighten it.

"I love you too, Kagome and I'll protect you until I die." She couldn't help but smile.

"We just proved that, didn't we?"

"Hai." They smiled at each other as their bonds strengthen as they found love with each other.





+*------The End------*+
Finished!!!! Reviews please!!!! I know it became a little boring at the end but just review!!!! Thanks