Full Circle

By Kyizi

Disclaimer: The WWE, Buffy, Angel and all related items do not belong to me; only the story is mine. No copyright infringement intended.

Rating: PG

Pairings: Willow/Edge, Lillian/Giles, Faith/Benoit, Dawn/Jeff, Lita/Jericho

Spoilers: WWE – Up to just before Summerslam 2002, Buffy – up to end of S6 and Angel – up to end of season 3 (all subject to change! I'll keep you posted in future parts).

Distribution: Please ask.

Feedback: is a wonderful gift, give generously.

E-mail: kyizifanfic hotmail . com

Summary: When Lillian, Faith and Willow disappear, will their friends be able to get them back in time to stop what could be the ultimate apocalypse?

Notes: I'm jumping ahead a few years with the Buffy and Angel universes, but spoilers only until the points mentioned above. This is because I want Dawn to be older, basically, and also because I want to ignore all the crap after the above mentioned points.


Part Five


"Anything?" Gunn asked with a sigh, leaning back in his chair and closing the large volume with a thud.

"Nothing on flashy light things," Cordelia answered. "Anything your end?" she asked the telephone speaker.

"Nothing. I don't get it. Why Faith and why Willow?"

"I don't know, Spike."


"Sorry, William. I don't have a clue. Where's Dawnie?" Cordelia said, using the nickname Angel had never let the young woman outlive, despite the fact that she was nearly nineteen years old. The rest of Angel Investigations had picked it up, but the girl didn't seem to mind.

"She muttered something about calling Giles and then went into her room with the telephone."

"I guess we should keep him informed." Cordelia sighed.

Gunn frowned. "You don't think this has anything to do with the case that he and his coven had us looking into, do you?"

"Anything is possible I suppose," Spike said gently. "I mean…I mean I'm still…"

"Yes, Spike, you're still here, you're of the good, we get it, please don't start crying!" Cordelia begged. She'd had only one encounter with the newly human Spike and she didn't much care for the weepy man.

"This is stupid."

"Yes, Xander," Cordelia said, rolling her eyes at the speaker phone, "very stupid. So, why don't we just stop looking and leave Faith and Willow wherever they are, right?"

"Not funny." Cordelia heard the man sighing. "So where's deadboy?"

"Angel went out," Gunn said.

"He went out?" Buffy asked, speaking for the first time. "What do you mean he went out?"

"He means he went out," Cordelia said, rolling her eyes again. "As in opened the door and went out…actually, he opened the sewer and went under, but my point is the same, he's not here."

"Did he say why?"

"I don't know," Cordelia said with a sigh, "but he mentioned Wesley."

"I thought Watcher man went all evil," Xander said darkly.

"He did and, no, before you ask, I don't know what Angel was talking about or why he'd go looking for Wesley."


Cordelia cocked her head in the direction of the door before sighing. "Okay, guys, I gotta hand over to Gunn. There's someone at the door, needing saved, no doubt."

"Okay," Spike said, "we'll talk to you later, Cordelia."

"Bye." She sent Gunn an apologetic look and ran from the room before Spike could start crying again. She moved quickly into the main entrance of the Hyperion to find five men and one woman looking around uncomfortably.

"Hi, can I-"

"Hey, Cordy," the man at the front of the group said, with a tentative smile.

"Christian?" She broke into a huge grin and squealed. "Oh, my God! How are you?" She threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly. Pulling back she grinned up at him. "You look great! How are you?" Before he had the chance to answer her, her gaze fell on one of the other men. "Oh, my God, you spoke to your brother."

"Cordy, I-"

"Oh, Chris, I'm so happy for you. I told you that he'd understand. That thing with Gangrel was just awful, wasn't it?" she said to Edge, not noticing his confusion. "I mean, I know he was just trying to protect you and all-"


"-but we kept telling him to just talk to you, especially Lillian, but would he listen? No. Well, I'm glad you guys have talked it out-"

"Cordy!" Christian closed his eyes and took a deep breath as Cordelia frowned at him. "Remember that thing we practiced where you stopped talking?"

"Oh…I'm guessing I should take my big foot out of my mouth, huh?"

"That might take surgery," Christian said with a sigh and she smiled apologetically. "Are Angel or Doyle around?"

"Oh…erm, Angel is out and…Chris, Doyle…Doyle's dead."

"Oh, God, Cordy, I'm so sorry." He pulled her into another hug and she rested her head against his shoulder.

"It's okay, it's not your fault. He was a hero and he saved us all."

Christian pulled back and looked at her. "I get the feeling, given what you do, that when you say he saved us all, you likely mean the whole world."

Cordelia laughed. "It's never simple with us, is it?" He shook his head and she sighed. "How are you, Christian? Really?"

"I'm…well, I'm here."

"Ah. As much as I'd like to think you came for a social visit, I'm guessing not." He shook her head and she frowned. "Christian? I'm hoping this doesn't get the same response as your query about Doyle, but…where's Lillian?"

"That's why we're here, Cor. Lillian's gone."

Cordelia frowned, but Christian had the feeling it wasn't so much confusion as realisation. "Gone where?"

"We don't know."

Cordelia jumped at the man's voice and pulled away from Christian to look at Edge. "Let me guess," she said softly. "She disappeared in a flash of light."

"How did you know that?" the redheaded woman demanded.

Cordelia grimaced. "Oh, this is not good."


End of Part Five


Well, the story is starting to unravel, I hope you're all enjoying!

I'm considering adding Cordelia/Christian to the pairings. I mean I already have five, what's one more? ;) Let me know what you think.