Hey, guys Johnny here with the second chapter of "The Ultimate Apocalypse." I'm glad you guys like the story so far, and I also bet you are wondering how this world ended. Well you guys, girls, and readers are going to find out now. I'll ask you readers some questions that the end of the chapter, okay I talked enough, let's get started shall we? I still do not own, Naruto or any else I use in this Fanfic, so please enjoy: Before the fall.


Naruto was now traveling with a group of scouts searching for anything they can use against "Them." Naruto was wondering how this could have happened. He looked up at the clear sky hoping that everyone that he knows is safe.

XxxxX A year before the end of the world XxxxX

Kushina stayed with Naruto at the hospital all this time after the accident. A week had pass, and today is Naruto's sixteenth birthday. All of Naruto's friends were there at the hospital to say happy birthday.

"Happy-Birthday, Naruto."

"Happy-Birthday, Sochi." Kushina said, as kissed him on the cheek.

An Anbu appeared to speak too Tsunade and Obito.

"Tsunade-sama, Obito-sama, Sandaime-sama wishes to see you two. We have some news." The Anbu stated.

"What news?" Tsunade asked.

"I'm not so sure." The Anbu replied.

"Alright, then." Obito said, as he and Tsunade left with the Anbu.

XxxxX Hokage's Office XxxxX

Hiruzen Sarutobi the Sandaime-Hokage was doing paperwork, till he heard a knock on the door.

"Enter." Hiruzen said.

"Sarutobi-sensei, what is this about?" Tsunade asked.

"I have some grave news..." Hiruzen replied.

"What news is that?" Obito asked.

Two more Anbu appeared with a Pig's mask and one with a Hack's mask.

"There have been reports of small villages being destroyed and strange creatures." Hack replied.

"Really?" Obito asked.

"Yes, but that's not the only bad news with have." Pig stated.

"More bad news?" Tsunade asked.

"Yes, the reports stated, that there are people, well..." Hack stated.

"Yes?" Obito asked.

"There are people eating... other people. The people eating people appeared to be nonliving. The other creatures are still a misery, but this is not only happening in the Land of Fire, but all over the world." Pig stated.


"We need to be preparing for the worst." Hiruzen stated.

"Of course." Tsunade and Obito replied.

XxxxX with Kushina XxxxX

Everyone was eating food or talking hoping that Naruto would wake up from his coma soon. Kakashi, Rin, and Itachi noticed that the glass of water next to the table started to vibrate. Then everyone started to feel small earthquakes. The whole room then shacked, as everyone lost their balance.

"W-What the hell was that!?" Kiba asked.

"I'm not so sure." Shikamaru replied.

Hinata and Neji wondered the same thing, so they activated their Byakugan. Their eyes widen in horror, outside the gates of Konoha, Hinata and Neji sees chakras or rather something inhuman, coming towards Konoha. They saw black, red, and violet colors of chakra coming towards Konoha soon.

"What the..." Hinata said.

"What is that? I'm sensing many colors of chakra or... I'm not sure if it even chakra... what the hell...?" Neji said.

"We need to tell the Hokages." Kakashi replied, as he and everyone left Naruto's room accept for Kushina and Hinata who stayed with Naruto.

XxxxX with Tsunade and Obito XxxxX

"Obito, Tsunade-sama! We have some bad news!" Kakashi stated.

"We now, we can see the birds flying away." Tsunade said.

"What are we going to do?" Rin asked.

"Don't worry, Rin. We will handle it." Obito replied, as he, Tsunade, and Hiruzen made some hand-signs.

"Ninpo: Okina Tetsu no Kabe! (Ninja-Art: Great Iron Wall)"

A 50 meter wall surrounds all of Konoha.

"What is this jutsu?" Kiba asked.

"Ninpo: Okina Tetsu no Kabe is a Ninjutsu that summons a 50 meter wall." Obito stated.

"This wall is made out of powerful iron of the world. Not even an army of millions of ninjas can't get through it." Hiruzen stated.

"That's amazing..." Rin replied.

"No matter what is out there, none of those things can break this wall." Tsunade stated.

"How long will this jutsu least?" Neji asked.

"This jutsu will least about three hours, that's enough time to escort all the villagers out of the secret emergency-escape route. Now then there's no time too..." Obito stated.

All of a sudden, a flash of lightning strikes down the earth. Everyone turn to see what happened, and then a hand appeared, crushing part of the iron wall. As the birds flew in the skies, all was silent. Everyone in the village was now staring at a Titan at was looking over the walls of Konoha.

"That's imposable... that wall is 50 meters high..." Tsunade said.

"W-What is that thing?" Rin asked.

"That's a T-Titan..." Sasuke said.

"God help us all..." Obito said.

With all its power, this Colossal-Titan kicked a hole in iron wall. Sending large boulders flying and crashing into the homes of the villagers, thus killing some of the villagers. As fast as the Colossal-Titan came out of no where, it suddenly disappeared.

"No way... it made a hole in the iron wall..." Obito said in disbelief.

Smaller Titans, the Infected, and Alien like creatures walked into Konoha.

"Run for it!"

The villagers run screaming, as the monsters came to make this world theirs.

"Shit! We got to do something, now!" Tsunade stated.

"Kakashi, Rin, you got the villagers out of here! Me and the other Jonin will take care of these monsters!" Obito stated, as he and other ninjas went to battle.

"Help me!"

The infected ate the man, tearing him apart.

"Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu! (Fireball)"

Chunins used their fire-style to burn and take down the zombies down, but the zombies didn't even flinch.

"Damn it! It's not working, what are we going to..! Ugh!"

The Jonin leader got bitten by a Zombie.


One of the Chunins threw a Kunai in the head of the Infected.

"Taicho (captain), are you alright?"

"Yes, the son of the bitch just bit me... I'll be fine."

"Did you see that? The head, if we hit their heads, we can..."

One of the Chunins, got grabbed by a small Titan, and ate the Chunin's head off.

"Watch out!"

The ninjas jumped on the buildings, as another Titan appeared punched the buildings. The ninjas used their fire jutsu again.

"Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu!"

Parts of the Titan got burned, but its arm started to heal.

"No way this is unreal..."

"Taicho, we need to inform the Hokages and... Aghhh!"

The Chunin got attacked by a Black-alien creature. The Jonin leader and the last Chunin retreated for now... It happened so suddenly... These creatures taking over this world and making theirs. In the streets of a little girl cried for her mother.

"Mommy! Mommy!" The girl cried.

An Alien-zombie like creature looked at the girl, as it was about to attack.

"Mommy!" The girl cried.

"Raikiri! (Lightning-Blade)"

Kakashi killed the creature with his jutsu.

"Are you okay?" Rin asked.

"Un-huh..." The girl cried.

"Rin, take her and go..." Kakashi said.

"What about you, Kakashi?" Rin asked.

"I'll kill as many creatures as I can. Now go." Kakashi said.

Rin left with the girl, as Kakashi faced a horde of Zombies and Aliens. Kakashi uses "Raikiri" once again charging at them with all his power.

XxxxX with Kushina XxxxX

"What in the world is going on?" Kushina said.

"I'm not so sure, Kushina-san..." Hinata replied.

The door slammed open. It was Mikoto, Kushina's best friend.

"Kushina, there are creatures killing people in Konoha!" Mikoto stated.

"What?" Kushina said.

"What should we do?" Hinata asked.

"The Hokages need to see us right away." Mikoto said.

"But, Sochi... I can't just leave him!" Kushina said.

"We'll come back for Naruto-kun, but for now we have to protect the villagers." Mikoto stated.


"Kushina-san?" Hinata said.

"Alright... we'll be back for you, Sochi..." Kushina cried, as she picked up her katana.

"Let's see what the Obito-san and Tsunade-sama wants and get back to Naruto-kun, as quickly as possible." Hinata said.

"Right, let's get going." Mikoto said, as she, Kushina, and Hinata left the room.

When Kushina, Hinata, and Mikoto left the room... someone came out of the shadows. He stood by Naruto's bed-side and pulls his plunge, thus turning off his life support. He then walked out of the room, and cut the door handle to Naruto's room with a sword.

"It has begun... now that you are out of the way, fox-demon. The hopes of humanity will fall on me... and your mother will be mine to have my children. Have a nice trip to Hell... and watch me be the one to save this world."

XxxxX with Obito and Tsunade XxxxX

Obito, Tsunade, Hiurzen, with 25 other Jonin fought off the Infected, Aliens, and the Akimichi-clan fought some of the Titans, as they help the villagers the secret emergency-escape route. The villagers passed through the Tetsu no Mon (Iron Gate) it was really hard to fight against these beings.

"Obito-sama, we are still escorting the villagers to safety. More and more of these things are invading the village. I not so sure how much longer we can hold out!"

"Just a little longer, we just need a little more time to escort the villagers!" Obito stated.

Then Kushina, Hinata, and Mikoto ninja jumped next to Obito and Tsunade.

"Kushina, Hinata, Mikoto, I'm glad you are safe." Tsunade said.

"Yeah, but we must hurry to get Sochi out of the hospital." Kushina stated.

"Yes, let's hurry and get as many villagers to safety." Obito replied.

"Sensei... please let Naruto be safe." Obito thought.

"Sochi... I will come back for you." Kushina thought.

"Obito-sama, Tsunade-sama! I need your help! Taicho is dying!"

Obito and Tsunade turned to see the Chunin and the pale dying Jonin. Obito's eye widen he saw what happens once you have been bitten.

"Get away from him!" Obito shouted.

But Obito's words came too late, as the new reanimated Jonin attack and bite off the Chunin's throat. Thus, killing the Chunin. Obito threw a kunai at the now Infected Jonin, the Chunin slowly bleed to death. Obito approached the dying Chunin.

"I'm sorry... Obito-sama... (Gagk!) It looks like this is the end for me..."

"I'm sorry too, I'm afraid that once someone is bitten by the Infected... will turn. What to you want me to do?" Obito asked.

"Please... I don't want my family to see me turn into one of those things..."

"I won't... you did well as a Shinobi." Obito stated, as he held his kunai to the Chunin's head.

The Chunin closed his eyes he knew he was going to die. Obito put a quick mend to the Chunin's suffering. The world that they know is no more. Obito turned his attention back on the battlefield. In the outer Tetsu no Mon Yamato, Sai, Choza, Asuma, Kurenai, Jonins and Chunins fought back as hard as they could, but the creatures were too much.

"Just a little longer! Don't let the creatures get pass the gate!" Yamato stated.

On the battlefield Choza and the Akimichi clan members fought some of the Titans, but how long can they hold them off? Choza fought about 7 Titans at once... little did he and the others know that something else was coming. Once again, the ninjas of Konoha felt small earthquakes. Yamato, and the other Jonin and Chunin saw another Titan approaching. But this Titan was about 20 meters high, with white eyes and hair, and it body was covered what looked like steel.

"What is that?" Yamato said, as his sweat dropped.

Like a football player, this Armored-Titan made its stance and charged.

"W-What is it doing?"

Yamato thought of something quickly, as he and the other Jonin made some hand signs.

"Mokuton! (Wood Style)"

"Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu!"

But the attacks of Yamato and the Jonin didn't even mark the Armored-Titan.

"No effect?!"

The Armored-Titan charged the gate with all its power and speed.

"Everyone, get out of the way!" Yamato commanded.

The Armored-Titan charged and destroyed the Tetsu no Mon without even trying. The gate was now destroyed, for the Shinobis and the villagers... Konoha is done for. This Armored-Titan let out a breath of steam.

"We lost... there is only one thing to do now." Obito stated, as he releases a black-flare.

"Obito-sama, what was that?" Hinata asked.

"It was a retreat-signal... all our ninjas will retreat. It's over, there's nothing more we can do." Obito said.

"We should go and get Sochi, and..." Kushina said.

"Don't worry, I'll use my jutsu and get Naruto to..." Obito stated, till.

"I'm afraid it's too late for that."

Everyone turned to see a young man about 27, with long white hair, grey eyes, and twin scares on his face. He is a Jonin level ninja with his headband tied in a bandana, and carried two sets of katanas. Usomaru Tsuba was this man's name.

"Usomaru, what do you mean by that?" Kushina asked.

"I'm afraid, that Naruto-kun is dead. I'm truly sorry, Kushina-chan, I did everything I could to save him, but the Infected got him before I got to him." Usomaru stated, as he looked at the ground in shame.

Kushina's eyes widen and broke out in tears. She fell to her knees and cried in pain, believing that her son is dead. Mikoto, Tsunade, and Hinata comfort Kushina, as she continued to cry and ask herself why? How could this have happen. Then all the rest of Naruto's friends, senseis, and loved ones appeared seeing Kushina heartbroken and crying.

"Obito... what happen?" Kakashi asked.

"Naruto... is dead..." Obito replied.

Everyone's eyes widen hearing this. Kushina and Hinata were in the most pain, as Tenten, Ino, Mikoto, and Tsunade held them tight. Sakura cried, Sasuke's eyes widen in sadness and anger, and everyone else just couldn't believe it that Naruto was dead. Obito, and Kakashi, still didn't feel something right, as they took a quick glance at Usomaru who had a demonic smile on his face. Obito and Kakashi slightly narrowed their eyes. Usomaru might had killed Naruto, and lied about it. But sadly they had no proof that Usomaru killed Naruto, for now, Obito and Kakashi will keep an eye on Usomaru.

"Oh, God why?! Why?! Sochi, my baby! Sochi!" Kushina cried in pain, as she lost all hope.

The world that we know... is no more.

XxxxX A year before the end of the world: Flashback end XxxxX

Naruto was still spacing out about the world ending.

"Naruto, are you alright?" Eren asked.

"Huh, oh, yeah I'm fine." Naruto replied with a smile.

Naruto continued to travel with the group that found him. They continued to walk to their base in the high mountains for about 3 hours. They finally made it back in one piece. The base had a large 50 meter gate made of iron and hard metal. Naruto was amazed how big the gates were, they were bigger than Konoha's gates. They were welcomed to their base.

"Eren, are you alright?"

"Yeah, you and scouting party were gone for hours."

"Mikasa, Armin, I'm just fine." Eren replied.

Mikasa and Armin notice a new face in the group.

"Eren, who is that?" Mikasa asked.

"Oh, Mikasa, Armin, this is Naruto." Eren stated.

"Oh, hi there." Naruto said.

"Where are you from, Naruto?" Armin asked.

"Well... I'm from Konoha, but I was also in a coma for about a year." Naruto stated.

"Amazing..." Mikasa said.

"But what about the monsters, have you seen them?" Armin asked.

"Well, when I woke up from my coma, I didn't see anything." Naruto replied.

"I can't believe you didn't see any Titans, Infected, or Aliens." Armin said.

"You are really brave, Naruto-san." Mikasa said.

"Yeah, truly brave." Eren replied.

"I wanted to found my Kaa-chan and my friends, but I don't even know where to look." Naruto stated.

"I see... well then, it's settled." Eren stated.

"Huh?" Naruto, Mikasa, and Armin asked.

"You can stay with us, until you find you mother, Naruto." Eren replied.

"Are you sure?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah, I'll tell my mom to get the guest room ready, by the mean time you should have a look around. You might know someone you recognize." Eren stated.

"Thank you, Eren-kun, I'll do that." Naruto said, as he walked around the base like town.

In the town, Naruto saw many men and women of different ages. They check their gear, they make weapons, and they have a healing center for injuries. Naruto decided to check out the healing center, he saw many people hurt, some people without their arms or legs, and some people with the look of horror on their faces. Naruto couldn't believe what these people went through during the end of the world.

"Hello there, may I help you?"

"Huh?" Naruto asked.

Naruto turns to two women, one of the women had black hair tied in a front brad, she had blue eyes, and she had some special operation tools with her. The other woman had sliver short hair, brown eyes, and was taller than the first woman.

"I was just looking around. Miss..." Naruto replied.

"Retsu Unohana and this is Isane." Unohana stated.

"Nice to meet you." Isane said.

"It's nice to meet you too, Unohana-san, Isane-chan, I'm Naruto." Naruto stated.

"I never saw you around the base before, are you here on a mission, Naruto-kun?" Unohana asked.

"Huh, mission?" Naruto asked.

"Your headband, you're a ninja right, Naruto-kun?" Unohana asked.

Naruto realized that he was still wearing his headband.

"Oh... well, no you see... I was in a coma." Naruto replied.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize..." Unohana stated.

"It's okay; anyway, I was my coma for about a year." Naruto stated.

"You were in a coma for about a year, Naruto-kun?" Isane asked.

"Yeah, to tell you the truth, I woke up hours ago." Naruto replied.

"Oh, my..." Unohana said.

"When I did, Konoha was destroyed, so I left to found my Kaa-chan and friends." Naruto stated.

"Well, if there is anything you need, Naruto-kun, just let me know." Unohana said in a sweet tone.

"Thank you, Unohana-san." Naruto replied.

"Same goes for me, Naruto-kun." Isane replied.

"Thank you, Isane-chan." Naruto said.

"Alright then, I should be going now, goodbye, Unohana-san, Isane-chan." Naruto said, as he left the healing center.

XxxxX Eren's house: Night-time XxxxX

In the house of Eren Jaeger, Naruto, Eren, and Mikasa were eating dinner, as Eren's mother, Carla Jaeger, was washing the dishes.

"I want to thank you, again, Mrs. Jaeger, for letting me stay here." Naruto said.

"It's no trouble at all, Naruto." Carla replied.

"Naruto, what are you going to do tomorrow?" Eren asked.

"Well, Eren-kun, I'm not so sure yet." Naruto replied.

"Whatever you decide, Naruto, you can stay as long as you want." Carla stated.

"Thank you again, Mrs. Jaeger." Naruto replied.

After dinner, Naruto helped cleaned up the table.

"Naruto-san, when you are ready, you can take a bath if you like." Mikasa said.

"Thank you, Mikasa." Naruto replied.

Later, Naruto took his bath and headed to the guest room. As Naruto slowly fell into his deep sleep, once again, Naruto was pulled into his mindscape.

XxxxX Naruto's mindscape XxxxX

"Are you okay, Naruto-kun?" Kurama asked.

"I'm fine... I just hope my Kaa-chan is okay." Naruto replied.

"I'm sure she and the others are fine. Remember they're tougher than they are." Kurama stated.

"Heh, I gust your right, Kurama-chan." Naruto replied with a smile.

Kurama placed Naruto's head by her chest. He slowly fell asleep, as Kurama ran his fingers through his hair. Ever in his deepest sleep, Naruto never stopped thinking about his mother and friends. He hopes to God that they are okay.

"A man needs his rest, Naruto-kun... sleep well." Kurama said, as she wrapped her arms around Naruto and held him tight.

"I will..." Naruto said in a sleepily tone.

"Kaa-chan... Baa-chan... Everyone..." Naruto thought, as he slept for the night.

For this night it was silent, even so the guards that protect the walls didn't sleep. For how could they? As the sound of "Them" kept them from even getting a moment of sleep. Truly this world belongs to the creatures now... is this the end for humanity?

Far, far away in the highest mountains of the world, there were the ninjas of different nations inside the mountain were a secret village lays within the mountain. They were preparing for a night of rest... and tomorrow they will go search for food, survivors, maybe a cure to the Infection. In the front gates, Kushina, Kakashi, and Shizune were checking the gates on last time before she goes to home.

"Kushina-san, you should get some rest." Kakashi stated.

"I will." Kushina replied.

"It seems that we will have another peacefully night." Shizune stated.

"It seems so... alright then, I'll be going now." Kushina replied.

"Let me wake you home, Kushina-chan."

Kushina turned to see it was Usomaru, making Kakashi slightly narrow his eye, as Shizune raised a brow.

"Please, Kushina-chan, I would be more than happy to walk you home." Usomaru said with a smile.

"No, but thank you, Usomaru. I'll be fine by myself." Kushina stated.

"Okay then, Kushina-chan." Usomaru replied.

"Well, goodnight everyone." Kushina said, as she left to her small house.

"Little do you know, Kushina... you will be mine." Usomaru thought evilly.

As Kushina walked away, Kakashi had something to say to Usomaru.

"Usomaru..." Kakashi said.

"Yes, what is it, Kakashi?" Usomaru asked.

"I don't want you alone or anywhere near, Kushina-san." Kakashi stated in a cold tone.

"Hmm?" Usomaru replied.

"Kakashi, what are you talking about?" Shizune asked.

"From here on out, I'm protecting Kushina-san." Kakashi stated.

"Oh, like how you protected your beloved student?" Usomaru stated.

That insult made Kakashi anger, as well as Shizune.


Everyone turned to see Obito.

"Ah, Hokage-sama, what brings you here on this lovely night?" Usomaru asked.

"I heard what you said about, Naruto..." Obito said.


"As your Hokage, and what Kakashi said, I don't want you alone or anywhere near, Kushina-san. If I catch you anywhere near her... you will answer to me..." Obito stated in a cold tone, as he glared at Usomaru, as well as Kakashi and Shizune.

"Forgive me, Hokage-sama... it was a slip of the tongue. I didn't mean to..." Usomaru stated, till.

"Just go back to your house and stay there until further notice." Obito replied.

Usomaru did just that, as he left. Usomaru felt anger within him.

"Damn that Fox-brat... no matter... Kushina will be mine one way or another." Usomaru thought, as he walked to his own house, making his evil planes a reality.

XxxxX with Kushina XxxxX

Kushina walked to her small home. She noticed a mother and her son walking together, this made Kushina feeling lonely... She let out a tear, and continued to walk home. Kushina finally reached her home, she turned on the lights. Kushina headed in the bathroom. She took all her cloths off, as she got in the showers. She held herself tight, as she cried over the lost of her only son. After her shower, Kushina got dressed and went into her room. She crawled into bed, as she cried herself to sleep.

"Sochi..." Kushina cried.

Even in her dreams, Kushina relives her nightmares of the day the world ended.

XxxxX A year before the end of the world: Day-ATA: 000 XxxxX

It had been hours since Konoha was overran by the creatures. The people of Konoha continued to run as fast as they could from the creatures.

"Obito... Tsunade... get everyone to safety... " Hiruzen said.

"What about you?" Tsunade asked.

"I'm staying here... I will take as many of these demons with me as I can... please go, the future of the world lies on her shoulders." Hiruzen stated.

"Yes, Sandaime-sama..." Obito and Tsunade replied.

And with that, Obito, Tsunade, Kushina, Naruto's loved-ones, and the some of the villagers... fled from Konoha. Kushina who was still heartbroken over Naruto's death, she went with the others to live another day. Not only in Konoha, but all over the world... is being destroyed. All ninjas from all nations retreated to the hidden village under the mountain. The ninjas quickly made an alliance with all Shinobis and the world outside. Two weeks later...

Day-ATA: 014

On the battlefield of a large mountain area... all Shinobis from each nation fought against the creatures. Obito, Ay, Onoki, Mei, Gaara, and Mifune commanded the Shinobis on the battlefield, as the looked at what they're dealing with.

"I can't believe we're being pushed back." Ay stated.

"If we don't do something soon, or this might be the end for all of us." Onoki replied.

"I agree... I believe we should retreat for now." Mei stated.

"What?! Are you saying we should just ran away like cowards?!" Ay shouted.

"We must think about our plan." Gaara replied.

"We just need to push back harder!" Ay said.

"We shouldn't take such a risk, Raikage, what do you think we should do, Hokage?" Mifune asked.

"We retreat... and rethink our next plan..." Obito stated, as everyone agreed and Ay just growled in anger.

Kushina then appeared next to Obito.

"Kushina-san, are you hurt?" Obito asked.

"No, I'm fine... but we suffered a lot of damage." Kushina stated.

"We're retreating... we lost this day..." Obito stated, as he releases a black-flare.

Every ninja on the battlefield turned to see the black-flare.

"Everyone, retreat!"

The Shinobis retreated, but the lost of many nameless ninjas were too heavy. The creatures continued their march to take more of the world, something happens...


It was a massive earthquake.

"What was that?! An earthquake?!" Kushina said.

Some of the creatures fall into an endless abyss into the earth's core, as well as some lifeless bodies of Shinobis. The mountains crumbled, the sky turned black, as thunder roared, as the air was being clouded by dust, smoke, and ashes.

"Kushina-san, are you alright?!" Obito shouted.

"Yeah, I can't see a thing!" Kushina replied.

Then some mountains a raised from the abyss, was it mountains moving, or something else?

"What is that?" Kushina thought.

The skies still clouded, something, a roused from under the mountains. It was massive... it was bigger than the Colossal-Titan. It was about 150 meters high... clouds of darkness still surrounded it... everyone witness the mighty creature raised from the earth.

"Oh my God..." Kushina whispered, as her eyes widen in horror.

Kushina and the other Shinobis saw this creature, as it slightly turned its head to the skies.


The King of the Monsters... has returned.

Well, readers, that the end of the second chapter of "The Ultimate Apocalypse." I hope you readers enjoyed it, and I also read the reviews and looked up some more ideas for this story. I love all the ideas and reviews, and I will add them all.

Here is my special thanks list for you readers/reviewers:

Eniox27 (I Love the idea of Sin.)



Shadow321 (Saw all the movies, and I loved them.)


Cerulean Knight (Thanks to you, I had a great ending for this chapter.)


Findarato (I have more ideas than just monsters, thanks to you.)




Shadow wolf125767 (Yes, I will.)


The Elemental Dragon Emperor (Loved all your ideas.)

Xero-zombie30 (Yes, I watched every Zombie movie, show, and got the idea.)

Undertaker's Ministry4life

And the hater Saltyuchiha could just go suck it and hate himself for being a total retard.

Thanks again, everybody. If there is a girl you want in Naruto's harem, just ask, (Not Sakura, but there is no Sakura or Sasuke bashing in this story.) The next chapter: "RETURN OF THE COLOSSAL-TITAN" will be the next chapter.

Once again, thank you for reading "The Ultimate Apocalypse." So that's it for now. Please review, sorry for any errors, send me a message, or send a message for the ps3 I.D., Fox_king_jm. Like I always say, I will update as soon as possible. Until next time, see ya.