p style="text-align: center;"Hey guys./p
p style="text-align: center;" /p
p style="text-align: center;"So, I know you guys have probably all turned off alerts and favorites for me by now, and how it's technically against rules to just publish an author's note, but dammit, you guys need to know what's going on./p
p style="text-align: center;" /p
p style="text-align: center;"First of all: college. It sucks. Lot's of homework. Lot's of work to pay for the ability to get homework. Lot's of stress. But now that I've gone through a whole year and have adjusted, that excuse is off the table./p
p style="text-align: center;"Second: I got engaged back in January. That's a lot that I need to focus attention to as well. But we agreed not to set a date until after college, so as not to pile on stress, so that's settled, too. (However, you can bet I'll be spending lots of time with my own personal Percy Jackson. :P )/p
p style="text-align: center;"Finally, and most importantly: I wanted to properly honor Rick Riordan with Percy and Annabeth's legacy. So it was entirely on purpose that I have surfaced right after I finished reading The Blood of Olympus. (Like, RIGHT after. My feels still hurt like crazy. I shut the book less than a half hour ago and have been just staring into space ever since, til I finally stopped by crying and squealing at the same time.)/p
p style="text-align: center;" /p
p style="text-align: center;"Don't expect an update soon, however. I want this to be properly done. No chapter-at-a-time. I'll publish it MANY-chapters-at-a-time./p
p style="text-align: center;" /p
p style="text-align: center;"Til then, I bid you all hello, and farewell./p
p style="text-align: center;"AtlantaJackson95/p