Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia, nor do I own "Kagome, Kagome" by Luka Megurine and Miku Hastune.


An old building out of the sun's reach.

Hallways with decay starting to leech.

In a dark back room.

Children were remembered by what, by whom?

They had been waiting for you to come and play with them for a long time.

"We're so happy, we're so happy!"

Please play with us for a time.


Cracking his eyes open, England looked at his surroundings. Nothing but forest. When he sat up quickly, he was hit by a pang of pain in the back of his head. It caused his vision to go blurry for a moment, but it thankfully cleared.

Carefully, the Brit stood. Where on Earth was he? Where were the others? He saw and heard no other person in the area.

"America? Where are you, you git?" England called, searching for the familiar American.

There was no answer. All he heard was the sounds of nature around him. The twittering of birds and shifting of leaves in the breeze. Normally, it would have calmed him, but there was an eeriness that bothered him. So, he decided to start walking. Maybe he'd find one of the other countries.

After about half an hour, he was tired of walking. Tired of scanning everything he saw for a sign that he wasn't alone. He'd found nothing. It was the first time in a long while that he actually felt lonely. What, with America and France always bugging him.

"Where are those wankers?" he wondered aloud. Then a voice caught his attention.

"You seek friends, yes?"

Turning, he saw a man who looked to be about 3 feet tall. A dwarf. This didn't surprise him, since he'd seen many in his lifetime.

"I suppose you could say that. Have you seen any other people around here?" he asked, concealing his hopefulness.

"Yes. Come with me, follow." The dwarf instructed, turning and walking awkwardly away. Seeing as he had no real choice, England sighed and followed.

"This is home." The dwarf said, directing towards the small cottage that sat in the middle of the woods, seeming very out of place.

"Yes, that's nice. But what does it have to do with finding my friends?" England asked, getting a bit irritated.

The dwarf smiled, revealing razor-like teeth, "Nothing."

With that, the Brit felt a sharp sting in his left arm. Everything went dark afterwards.


"Ugh…bloody little trickster…When I get my hands on him..!" England grumbled to himself as he woke up from the world of unconsciousness. He sat up, and was surprised to meet seven faces.

Feeling a sense of danger, England decided to try and play it safe and not start off negatively.

"Sorry, but where am I?" he asked. The seven dwarves did not reply. They just stared him down like a pack of wolves would look at a fawn.

Then, quickly, one hand shot out and grabbed one of England's. Before he could respond, two rows of sharp teeth sunk into his flesh, and ripped of two fingers. England cried out in shock and pain, recoiling and clutching his hand to his chest.

The assailant licked his lips a few times, and then commented, "Tasty."

The six other dwarves mumbled in approval. Now England was really feeling fear in this situation. This was bad. Very bad.

"Listen, I don't know what this is about, but you'd best let me go. I have to find my companions and get back home, if you don't mind." He said with a hint of smartness. He didn't realize what a terrible mistake he'd made by using such a tone.

The seven dwarves had formed a circle around him. A short, but frightening wall on all sides. Dread filled England's being. He found himself breathing heavily, much to the excitement of his captors.

He didn't have the time to say another word, or even let out a cry of surprise and terror. They all pounced at once.

Screams filled the air of the surrounding forest. The gut-wrenching sound did not drown out those of ripping flesh, cracking bone, hungry growls, and gushing blood.


Circle you, circle you. Children, you just lost the game.

Circle you, circle you.

Please don't run, you're the same.

Before the moon sets once more. Cut their necks off as they cried.

Circle you, Circle you. Who surrounds you everywhere?


A/N: Hope ya'll enjoyed the death of England! Now excuse me while I listen to some non-creepy music. By that I mean "The Fox (What Does the Fox Say)" by Ylvis.

I'm also going to use that to block out my mom's angry screaming. She's mad at my sister for something.