Hey all!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of the characters or anything from the Marvel universe. I'm just a fan who fancied writing up what I'd like to happen after Thor: The Dark World, which is where my Fic starts. Right from the end of Movie 2. So I hope you enjoy what you read. #MatureContent...eventually...lol

Volstagg sat on the large amber armchair in the corner of the room feasting on a large creshtern leg. The bounty was one Sif had brought for them from the kitchen. He'd been to see King Eitri and Queen Egvanda earlier in the morning to thank them for their hospitality and to inform them of their "soldiers" recovery. They were gratuitous and humble as always.

Sif sat opposite him, a slice of bread in her hands. She'd been turning it over between her fingers for a while now whilst he ate and Loki eyed them, his mouth gagged, eyes a blaze with fury.

"I think he's hungry" Volstagg said snapping Sif from her thoughts and she blinked at him before looking over to Loki, " It's been almost three days since he's eaten anything Sif."

Sif took a bite of her untouched bread as her eyes narrowed in a glare at Loki. "Then -you- feed him, he's damn lucky I haven't fed him to the vildarnbeasts outside."

"Mmhhmm nnnnuuuhhhmmm" was all that could be heard from the gagged god on the bed. Volstagg just shook his head and rose form his chair.

"You're both such children" he said gruffly before downing his mead and belching loudly. " Do as you will, I'm going to join the dwarves with their feast, at least there I'll have some entertainment and less growling and glaring from the pair of you." He marched past them both to the door and he was gone.

Loki's stomach growled loudly, much to his annoyance. He didn't want to give Sif the satisfaction of knowing he was starving. Unfortunately his body gave him away as it seemed to always do around her lately.

Sighing softly Sif got up from her chair and made her way over to Loki. Altering his cuffs so he could sit and move freely whilst still being chained to the bed, she also removed his gag.

"Well it's about time I was beg-" he started to speak before Sif grabbed him by the face, her fingers tight around his jaw.

"Do not speak, eat or I will stick your food in another of your orifices" she shoved him back and walked to the table, fixing him a plate of food and handing it to him as he clenched his jaw.

"Thank you" Loki forced himself to say through clenched teeth. Sitting up he stretched out his arms and rubbed at his tense muscles, his eyes darting back to her. She had her back to him, her gown was crimson and draped around her. Her dark waves falling down her back. Loki looked away quickly, his eyes back on the plate of food before him.

Sif sat back down in her seat at the table. She could hear him eating and she was glad he had his strength back but she was still no where near close to making a decision as to what to do with him. Loki was treacherous. She'd grieved for him twice now. Sent a light for him. He deserved none of that.

"Why do you do these things?" She found herself speaking as she stared at the wall. "I don't understand you."

Loki finished his plate and placed it to the side. Licking his fingers clean as he thought about her question.

"What things are you speaking of Sif? There are a lot of things I've done lately."

"Pretending to die. People grieved for you, you know" she clenched her hands under the table to stop herself from doing something stupid with them, like punching him in the face.

"I didn't imagine anyone would grieve for me. I expected there to be a celebratory feast for my death instead."

"Well there wasn't!" Sif was growing angry again and having difficulty containing it.

Loki dragged a hand through his dark locks and sighed slightly. "I saw what you did, the night Thor left. I followed you and I saw the box, the pendant. No one, not even Thor thought to send me out a light and yet you of all people did. You, who had more cause to hate me than most...why?"

Sif sat for a moment in stunned silence, her eyes wide and staring blankly at the wall as his confession washed over her. He'd seen her. Her fingers raised up to the pendant that was still around her neck and her fingers brushed it softly, sending a feeling of ease through her.

"We were friends once Loki, before all this. Before we followed Thor to Jötunheim that day. I looked on you as a friend. We were friends, were we not?" Sif spoke softly and dropped her hand, the pendant hidden under her gown. Twisting she looked back at him, a rare look of pain and confusion on her face. Something Loki hadn't seen on her since they were children. Since they day he'd cut her golden locks from her in her sleep.

"No, we weren't friends. None of you were my friends, you all loved Thor and I was always in his shadow. Always the butt of ever joke, every snide remark aimed at me. So no Sif, we weren't friends!" He growled back at her angrily, all those years of being made to feel worthless flooding back to him. The words he'd heard her speak of him years ago being repeated in his head a thousand times.

He's pathetic, a useless fighter and nothing but a boy in a mans armour.

He's pathetic, a useless fighter and nothing but a boy in a mans armour.

He's pathetic, a useless fighter and nothing but a boy in a mans armour.

"You mean nothing to me Sif! You are nothing but a pathetic little girl trying to bring honour to her family but do you want to know the dirty little secret Odin kept from you all this time?" His eyes were dark as he started back into her fury, the words he spoke next he regretted instantly. It was a secret he'd discovered a long time ago from his mother. The truth of how her father had died, the real reason Frigga had taken her in.

"Odin sent your father to Hel as a sacrifice to appease the great Lady Baní of Death. That is why we took you in, when Frigga found out the guilt consumed her and she swore to raise you as her own." He spat the words at her in anger, he was consumed by it and it clouded him. The words he spoke he knew would destroy her. Loki had no need for blades and such, he had always know exactly what to speak to bring people to their knees.

"Odin had your father killed Sif, and he looked you in the face everyday and smiled at you."

Author: I'm thinking of writing a Bucky(WinterSoldier)/OC story post Captain America 2. If I did who would read it?

Well hope you're enjoying it so far. Please leave a comment and tell me what you think. Good or bad I don't mind either really. {Winks} Catch you on the next chapter. Also I'm writing and posting from my iPad so excuse the punctuation and spelling mistakes from time to time.