Chapter 1: A Chance Meeting

Her horn gave one long blast as the Rosamund left port and headed ponderously for open water. On the main deck, passengers milled about, some waving to loved ones on the quay while others seemed intent on finding their quarters. Crew members darted back and forth through the throng as they rushed to finish up a few remaining tasks. The big ship rounded the last spit of land, skirting a pretty lighthouse that guarded the entrance of the harbor as it had for the past hundred years. Cameras were raised and delighted gasps filled the air as they bid arrivederci to Genoa.

Katniss Everdeen leaned against the railing and turned her face into the freshening wind. It caressed her cheeks, toying with a few loose tendrils of hair that escaped from her otherwise tidy braid. She watched until nothing was left but a blue expanse of water stretching to the horizon. That was it then. Her vacation was over and it was back to life and her responsibilities. Gale had sent her a text earlier to make sure that the ship met with her approval. She assured him everything was perfect. Of course it was. Gale Hawthorne would accept nothing less. She had taken one look at the opulent cabin adorned with sprays of white roses and bolted. She hated the pretentious flower with a passion, but Gale insisted on the best so she bit her tongue. He would give her the moon if she asked for it.

She straightened and walked toward the corridor that take her back to her cabin. A brief nap before dinner sounded ideal. She had been up since the crack of dawn and the long day was beginning to catch up with her. As she walked, her eyes were drawn to a large group clustered around the bar area. They flocked about one of the low tables, speaking in excited whispers and gesturing furiously at the unseen occupant. Katniss groaned to herself. From the furor, she surmised that there was a celebrity of sorts on board. She wearily rubbed her eyes and skirted the edge of the crowd in search of a shorter path to her room. The more deck space between her and the one responsible for the commotion, the better she liked it.

"Miss Everdeen," her name cut through the noise like a knife, pulling her head around. A young man clad in the Rosamund's blue and gold uniform strolled toward her waving a slip of paper in his outstretched hand. "Miss Everdeen, please wait a moment." She gave him a polite smile and waited until he stood before her before raising an inquiring brow. "I'm very sorry to bother you, Miss, but the Captain wishes you to join him for dinner tonight at his table. I have your new seating assignment and am instructed to tell you that if you need anything at all, Captain Abernathy will be more than happy to assist you." He paused for breath and sheepishly handed her the card. "Shall I let the Captain know that you'll be dining with him this evening?"

Katniss sighed inwardly but kept her expression carefully blank as she replied, "I'd love to. Please give Captain Abernathy my thanks." She slid the card into her skirt pocket and nodded before turning away. She took a few steps before a sudden thought made her spin to face the startled crew member once more. "Forgive me, I'm sorry but I didn't catch your name." She looked at him expectantly.

"Darius," he said eagerly. "My name is Darius, miss. Did you need something else?"

"I wondered if we have anyone of note traveling with us. I couldn't help but notice the bar as I was leaving. Is it anyone I know?" She questioned lightly.

Darius gave an enthusiastic nod, "I'm sure you do. He's been in the papers recently. You must have seen him." He gestured toward the teeming horde that, if anything, had grown larger in the last few minutes. "That's him. Peeta Mellark is his name. He's engaged to Madge Undersee, the Mayor's daughter. According to the papers, they are to be married soon after we dock in New York."

Katniss bit her lip as she considered the young man who was clearly enthralled by his brush with the high and mighty. She had been like him a long time ago. Now, she just wanted peace and quiet. It looked as if the only way she was going to get her wish was to avoid any dealings with Peeta Mellark and his admirers. "Thank you, Darius," she said softly. "I appreciate your help."

He flushed at the compliment and bobbed his head. "Of course, Miss Everdeen. Let me know if I can do anything else."

"I will," she muttered, spinning on her heel and walking swiftly to her cabin.


The orange dress was an extravagance that, if left to her own devices, Katniss would never have chosen. Not where there were other, more practical alternatives. Gale refused to listen to reason, insisting that only the best would do. She'd gritted her teeth at his blatant disregard of her opinions and wants, finally giving in to the inevitable. The dress was carefully tucked into a garment bag and sent to her apartment along with a pair of strappy heels that made her feel as if she were tottering about on stilts. She'd hung the dress in the closet and promptly forgotten about it.

She stood in front of the mirror, scowling as she smoothed the silky fabric over her hip. It flowed over her like water, rippling and swaying with every movement. The thin vee of the neckline showed just a hint of what lay below. A wide band of material cinched her waist, while the loose pleats of the skirt swirled gracefully to just below the knee. A brisk walk or a stiff breeze would part the fabric enough to give away the secret. Individual ribbons of fabric made up the bulk of the dress. A cunningly placed fold or stich gave it form and substance. It was a garment made for promises, for teasing, for seduction. It was completely wasted on Katniss, who rarely gave a thought to such matters. Love was security-a roof over her head and food on the table. It was not a bunch of knotted scarfs masquerading as a dress, designed solely to fire the blood and whet the appetite for more.

A knock on the door pulled her out of her preoccupied examination. She hurriedly pushed a tendril of hair behind her ear and secured it with a bejeweled pin before going to answer. Darius, the crew member from earlier, gave her a practiced smile as she stepped into view. "I've come to escort you to dinner if you're ready, Miss Everdeen." She gave him a tepid smile and a nod by way of reply. He waited until she closed the door before extending his arm. She snorted quietly under her breath, but rested her hand lightly on his wrist as they proceeded to the dining hall.

The room was lovely with its mint and cream paint, dark satiny wood and polished lamps. They made limpid pools that sprawled over the expanse, leaving behind intimate corners and shadowed alcoves. The Captain's Table was a mahogany trestle, masculine and imposing with its linen, chunky crystal and hand painted china. Darius led her to a chair midway down the left side and, after seeing her comfortably settled, went to get the Stoli she reluctantly ordered.

She heaved a sigh of relief once he had gone before occupying herself with the menu card placed neatly in the silver holder behind her name. She didn't notice the other diners that filled up the spaces around her, didn't spare a glance at the glass Darius placed decorously by her elbow. It was only when an arm nudged her that Katniss looked up to meet a pair of sky blue eyes watching her intently. White teeth flashed as a crooked smile broke across the hard planes of his face. Tousled blond curls fell in studied disarray over his forehead and brushed the crisp white collar of his shirt. She felt her pulse stutter at the lethal combination of that devil-may-care smile and those eyes. He dropped his glance to the place card sitting before her, brow quirking up as he read her name. She suppressed the urge to roll her eyes, used to the curiosity that her name evoked. She was somewhat dumbfounded as he leaned over her and plucked the card from the tray.

"You must tell me the story of how you came to be named after an odd little water plant," he remarked in a honeyed drawl. "Not that it isn't lovely, or even exotic. It's not something that one would run across every day." She avoided his interested look by picking up the menu card and giving it her undivided attention. Blood raced through her veins, setting her cheeks aflame as a velvety chuckle escaped him. "You don't have to tell me now, Katniss Everdeen. We have nowhere to be and nothing but time. I'll devote hours to it if that's what you require. An interesting story will be well worth the wait."

She forgot herself enough to turn toward him, her jaw sagging in disbelief at his conceit. He met her look with bland interest, spinning her place card lazily between his fingers. "I have plans that will keep me busy for most of the voyage, Mr. Mellark. I'm sorry but you'll have to find something else to keep you entertained during the crossing." She didn't know where the urge came from but she acted on it. She nimbly plucked the white pasteboard out of his hand and deftly slid it back into place. "My apologies if that sounded rude. It wasn't my intent." Hoping that he would be mannerly enough to take the hint, she resumed her study of the menu. An eddy of warm breath stirring the short curls by her ear was her only warning. She started, and then faced him with wide, angry eyes. Before she could get out a word, he stopped her cold with another of those pulse pounding smiles.

"What was your intent?" He questioned lightly. "Surely, you don't plan to leave me to my own devices. I had resigned myself to mind numbing boredom but then I saw you and realized that here was my salvation. You aren't so heartless that you would leave me here pining for the pleasure of your company. Are you, Miss Everdeen?"

Her shock couldn't be concealed, not after that statement. The man deserved to be brought down a peg or two. It would serve him right, the arrogant bastard. She leaned back pointedly, putting some space between them. "I'm sure that line usually works for you," she commiserated. "It gives the impression of being well used. You might want to take the time to come up with some new material. I'm sure your soon-to-be wife will appreciate your efforts. Now excuse me but I believe that I'd rather dine in my room this evening." She pushed her chair back from the table and climbed hastily to her feet. She left the table without a backward glance, stopping long enough to whisper to the hostess before making her way to the cabin passage.

Peeta watched her hasty exit, turning away only when she was safely out-of-sight. He avoided the curious stares from the other diners as he, too, stood and made his excuses to the staff before taking his leave. A murmured conversation and a folded bill pressed into the palm of a helpful steward assured him that his request would be carried out immediately. Peeta wandered into the star strewn night and leaned against the rail as he watched the waves rippling off the bow.

He pulled the card out of his pocket and traced the loops and whirls of her name. Katniss Everdeen. She intrigued him. Such fire and spirit! She burned like a flame in that delectable slip of a dress. The sunset hue was initially what caught his eye. It was his favorite color after all. The way she tried to fade into the background despite her eye-catching apparel made him curious. How could such a lovely woman seem so alone is a crowded room? His playful teasing had backfired, resulting in her leaving sooner than he'd expected. He absently noted the beauty of the late summer evening, the sky spangled with stars right down to the horizon. His eyes found and traced the Archer with his bow drawn to cheek and ready to loose. Sagittarius…a strong and cunning warrior.

He could feel a spark ignite and whirl madly through his veins. For the first time in ages, he felt alive in a way that had been missing for longer than he cared to know. He felt renewed. Here was a worthy challenge, one that would not easily be swayed by his usual methods. He let a triumphant smile edge up the corners of his mouth at the thought of her reaction when she received his gift. He almost wished that he would be there to see it. He touched his fingers lightly to his lips and blew the celestial Hunter a kiss. "Let the Games begin," Peeta murmured. Slipping out of his coat, he tossed it over his shoulder and thrust his hands into his pockets as he picked his way aimlessly back to his cabin.

Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxo

The knock on the door woke her up. Groggy and disoriented, she stumbled out of bed and flung open the cabin door before her eyes were opened fully. Darius gave her a knowing grin and thrust a long white box tied with an orange bow the same shade as her dress into her hands. He gave her a respectful nod and left her standing open-mouthed and wide-eyed.

She toed the door shut and then crossed the room to set the box down carefully on the desk. Sliding the ribbon down and laying it aside, she opened the lid and felt her heart do a slow turn in her chest. Katniss blossoms, dozens of them, filled the entire space. In the center was one perfect rose, its velvety petals a vibrant orange-red. The white envelope tucked into the corner beckoned her. Almost hesitantly, she pulled it free and pried the flap open. The single slip of paper bore four words and a number. My apologies, Katniss Everdeen. 405. It took her a minute to realize that he'd given her his cabin number.

Sputtering furiously under her breath, she tore the card into tiny pieces and stuffed them back in the envelope. Still not satisfied, she turned her fury on the blossoms which were soon reduced to petals and leaves. Arrogant bastard. He could keep his damned apologies and his flowers. She didn't need or want them. Picking up the phone, she keyed the steward and requested a package be sent to cabin 405. Yes, it was ready now. She put the envelope back in the box and smiled smugly to herself. Maybe now he would get the point and would leave her alone. She needed time to think, to plan. Gale had asked her a question…one she'd known was coming for a long time. She'd asked for time to consider and he'd given in to her wishes despite his disappointment that she hadn't accepted right away. She didn't need the complication that Peeta Mellark represented, tempting though it was. She didn't need it and she didn't want it.

She wished it didn't sound like she was trying to convince herself.

End part 1…

A/N I want to take this chance to thank jeeno2, sponsormusings, and malteaselivesonanisland for their support and mad pre-reading skills. Special shoutout to maltease for keeping the Italian phrases in this story on point. As stated in the summary, this story is loosely based on the movie An Affair to Remember. If you haven't seen it, please check it out.