Title: Oh, Dare: Blaise
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Blaise/Ron
Word Count: ~1.7k
Disclaimer: All characters belong to J.K. Rowling and publishers. No offence is meant by this fan fiction and this is made purely for fun.
Summary: Blaise and Draco are drunk and carrying out a very silly dare. This is Blaise's go at it.
A/N: This is for torino10154's Blow Job Friday

All right, so Blaise's propensity to brag while drunk had gotten him into a bit of an odd situation. It really was not his fault that alcohol liberated his tongue. It's always the quiet ones, right? Either way, he did not know what came over him but somehow he and Draco had wound up arguing over which of them was more talented at fellatio. It was him of course, but after who knows how much vodka the Slytherins were all itching for some sort of drama and dared them to get someone other than the pair of them to tell it like it was, and who were they to say no?

Thus Blaise found himself walking to Weasley's dorm. Weasley, of all people. He could hardly believe that Draco had put his mouth anywhere near Weasley's cock, or that Weasley let him. But alas, when they rattled off a list of their best oral conquests Weasley was fairly high on Draco's list, which meant that Weasley was the go to guy -that and Draco had said that Weasley's freckles really did go everywhere so he wanted to see.

Blaise just had to convince the bloke to drop his trousers for him.

He quietly opened the door to Weasley's dorm, hoping to Salazar that Potter and Finch-Fletchly were sleeping. Blaise closed the door behind him and waited for his eyes to adjust to the darkness before moving. It would be bad enough to walk around almost completely blind, but add the alcohol to that and had might end up in the wrong bed or, even worse, stumbling over a trunk and falling on his face. He liked his face.

With the moonlight providing him some amount of light he automatically ruled out the bed that had a Hufflepuff scarf hanging from it. Another bed had glasses on the nightstand beside it so Blaise headed to the last of them and hovered for a while before tapping the drapes, it was as good as a knock he reckoned.

"Weasley," he whispered. "Weeaasleeeey."

The drapes parted slowly and minutely. "...Zabiniā€¦.?" Weasley whispered surprisedly.

"Yes," he nodded. "I am he."

"What?" Weasley asked. He did not sound like he had been sleeping.

"Fancy a blow?" he asked.

Weasley's brows rose and his eyes widened then suddenly the drapes closed. Blaise bristled at that. How dare Weasley?! Blaise was offering him a wonderful opportunity to get his cock some first class- The drapes opened again and Weasley stared at him as if he could not believe his eyes.

"The hell, Zabini?" Weasley whispered. "I'm not even into blokes."

"You let Draco do it," he whispered accusingly.

"Wh- That little shit," Weasley muttered, rubbing his face. "That was- I didn't- Ugh, fucking Mafloy. What's in this for you?"

"Other than sucking a cock?" Blaise asked. "I suppose I get to find out if I'm better at it than Draco."

"Okay, now I know people can get competitive but this is ridiculous," Weasley muttered.

"Is that a no? Because I can find someone else to-"

"Get in here," Weasley said, opening the drapes and pulling him onto the bed. "I was wanking anyway."

"I can see," he said, Weasley's cock and balls hanging out of his pyjamas. "Mind if I cast a Lumos? I want to see if you've actually got freckles-"

"You're drunk," Weasley said, sniffing at Blaise to make sure. "Is this what you lot get up to when you're drunk?"

"Is that a no?" he asked.

"I really need to stop ending up in these situations with Slytherins," Weasley grumbled. "Cast the bloody Lumos if you want to."

Blaise smiled and did just that. He handed his wand to Weasley and then pulled the man's bottoms all the way off. He paused a moment and then kicked his house slippers off before getting comfortable.

He took Weasley in hand as he looked at him and stroked slowly.

"You really do have freckles on your cock," he said. "I approve."

"Of my cock?" Weasley asked slowly.

"Of your freckles," he clarified, running his thumb over a few of them. "Cock's nice too though I suppose. Straighter than you are, less flimsy, not as tall, thicker. And I always reckoned you were cut."

"I'm not flims-eee," Weasley objected, squeaking at the end when Blaise swirled his tongue around the head. It looked small in comparison to the shaft but he did not quite care. "And I'm not even going to ask why you've contemplated the state of my cock."

Blaise hummed in lieu of removing his mouth from Weasley's prick, the head in his mouth and his tongue rubbing flat against it. He released Weasley from his mouth and then let his nose trace down from head to balls. Blaise licked his way up to Weasley's head, taking time to suck on each testicle before moving upwards. By the time he reached the tip Weasley was twitching madly. Blaise gave Weasley a single stroke before bearing down on him as far as he could go and sucking, pulling back slowly before he went back down.

"Oh, you just- you just get right to it, don't you?" Weasley asked, his legs spreading as he leaned back on the headboard.

Blaise hummed and bobbed his head. His lips clamped tightly over Weasley as he pumped the rest of the shaft in a twisting motion. He pulled away and pumped Weasley with long, strong strokes before sucking at him again, alternating between the two. He held Weasley upright by the base and ran his mouth along the shaft, sucking as his tongue glided along smooth skin. He watched Weasley as he let his tongue glide and paused to lavish a spot when the man's breath caught.

Once he had made his way back to the head, Blaise tapped Weasley against his lips, flicking his tongue out every now and then. The man seemed to enjoy it and so Blaise turned his cheek and slapped Weasley's cock against it, keeping his mouth open so that he could slide his tongue out to meet it. He smirked as Weasley watched him and he swirled and flitted his tongue at the head before holding Weasley's hips down as he swallowed him, carefully making his way down as far as he could without gagging. He sucked in varying degrees and turned his head to be able to massage different areas with his tongue. He did not think Weasley was about to start to thrusting so he let his hands run up and down pale skin. He followed the trail of red hair from Weasley's navel to his cock with one hand, ran them both on the insides of Weasley's thighs and then carefully brushed Weasley's balls with the back of his hand once he only had the head in his mouth.

Weasley probably would have choked him if he had still had a fair amount of cock in his mouth. Honestly, the way he had jumped at the touch. Blaise had a pairs of balls himself, what, did Weasley not think he knew how to handle them? Or maybe Granger had nearly wrung them off when the two had been dating.

He kept his hands clear of Weasley's sac and went back sucking and wanking him. He focused his mouth on the head and left the rest up to his hands. He kept that up, occasionally taking Weasley in as far as he could before going back to it. When he managed to go down to the root Weasley moved his hands from Blaise's head to gripping the sheets, averting his eyes and taking deep breaths.

"Blimey, Zabini, where's your fucking gag reflex?" Weasley gasped.

Blaise went down again in response, sucking and swallowing before pulling back to the head and wanking Weasley. He kept that up, alternating between the two until Weasley bucked and came, crying out loudly. Did they even have silencing charms up? Blaise was not sure if they did. He did not put much thought to it though, not while he was swallowing everything Weasley gave him.

He went down to the root one last time, sucking and nuzzling his nose in fiery hair before pulling away.

"Mind rubbing me off, Weasley?" he panted, squeezing his cock through his trousers.

"Give me a second to breathe, yeah?" Weasley huffed. "I think you just sucked my brain out through my prick."

"Weasley," he whinged, splaying his legs.

"All right, c'mon," Weasley breathed, prompting Blaise to wiggle his arse until managed to Weasley's lap.

"So am I better than Draco?" he asked, as he thrust up to met Weasley's hand.

"Uh, you're a bit more aggressive in your approach, which I rather like," Weasley said. "And he's more-"

"Please, tell me you aren't going to say you don't have an answer," he glared, which was difficult considering the fact that his cock was in a very good place right now. A very good place.

"Well, I enjoyed very different things from both of you," Weasley said, his hand twisting at Blaise's glans.

"I call bull- hm- shiiiiit," he groaned, his balls clenching and his cock spilling over Weasley's hand. "Fuck, Weasley."

"Look, you're both really good- Merlin I can't believe I'm having this conversation," Weasley muttered. "Anyway, It's a pretty close- It's difficult to judge okay. But I'd definitely revisit either of you."

"Draco didn't slap his face with you dick did he?" he asked.

"I almost forgot you were drunk," Weasley said.

"So he didn't?" he asked.

"No, no he didn't," Weasley said. "Um, aren't you going to go-"

"You liked it though, right?" he asked, because he could have sworn Weasley did. Or it could have been that no one had done it before and he was a bit surprised.

"Um, I-" Weasley cleared his throat and stared at the bed with a flushed face.

"I mean it's fine if you like to get it slapped around a bit." he said. "I rather like doing-"

"Godric, help me," Weasley muttered, covering his face and his groin.

"Well shit, are you getting randy again?"

"Zabini," Weasley said warningly.

"Want me to smack it around a bit?"

"You Slytherins are going to be the death of me."