Daryl and Echo had soon made it back to the prison, and once they arrived, Sophia ran and jumped Echo, causing her hand to slip from Daryl's. Echo hugged her back in relief; Mark, with Nicklas in his arms, came by as well and joined in the hug.

"I'm so glad you guys are alright" Sophia said, looking at Daryl as well.

"We're alright" Echo reassured.

Sophia looked behind Echo, then she looked at her.


Echo looked at Daryl, then back at Sophia and she shook her head. Sophia looked at Daryl, then he walked over to give him a hug.

"I'm sorry" Sophia said.

"It's alright" Daryl said, patting her shoulder.

"Mark" Echo said, looking up at him with a sad look, "There's…there's been an accident"

"What happened?" Mark asked.

"…It's Ben…he…"

Mark knew the look she was given and he gave a small nod so that she wouldn't have to say it; Echo gave Mark a hug and he patted her back. She pulled back, then she looked at Nicklas and brushed his hair back.

"You alright little buddy?" Echo asked.

"I'm fine" Nicklas answered.

"Echo, we have to get packing" Mark said.


"Rick said that it was our choice whether we should stay or leave, and we decided to leave"

"…Where is he?"

Mark pointed towards the common room and Echo soon ran towards there, and as Echo made her way, she glanced into some of the rooms and saw that Carl was packing. After discussing it with Rick, they all had decided to leave the prison, so Echo went to pack and everyone else went outside to load the cars. While Echo was packing, Mark came by her room.

"Are you upset?" Mark asked.

"A little; they worked so hard to get this place, and now, we have to leave; what are we gonna do?"

"You sound like you losing hope"

"I'm not, I've never lost hope, it's just that we'll never find a place as good as this, it's rock solid and it has lots of space and rooms"

"Don't worry, we might not find a place as good as this, but as long as we can make it suitable and protected, we'll be fine"

Echo sighed a nodded, and continued to pack her things.

"So what happened with you and Daryl?" Mark asked.

"What are you talking about?" Echo asked a little vaguely; she managed to play it cool, but Mark knew her long enough to see through her charade.

"Don't play dumb, I say you holding hands before Sophia jumped you, something happened between you two while you were out"

"…I-it was nothing"

"Come on, tell me, you know you can tell me anything"

"…H-he…kissed me" Echo answered, whispering the last part.

"Oh my god!" Mark gasped quietly.

"I-I don't know why he did it"

"How do you feel about him?"

"…I-I don't know, I didn't think about him like that"

"Well, you don't have many options in this life"

"I'm not picking him because he's all that's left"

"So you are picking him?"

"W-wha- shut up!"

Mark laughed a little and Echo lightly hit him in the chest and she sat down on the bed, then Mark sat down beside of her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"What do you think about him?" Mark asked.

"I don't know; he is a good guy, and he's nice…when he wants to be"

"And a good kisser?" Mark laughed, but it turned into a groan when Echo elbowed him in the side.

"I don't know what I should do" Echo sighed.

"Like the cliché line says, 'follow your heart'" Mark said.

Rick had soon came by to double check and found them in there.

"Let's get going" Rick ushered.

Echo grabbed her bags and followed Rick out with Mark, Michonne came in as well.

"We're ready"

Rick, Mark and Echo started to climb down the stairs.

"The deal the Governor offered about me, you had to think about it" Michonne said, "You had to, I get it"

"Yeah" Rick sighed, "I'm sorry; I came real close"

"But you didn't"

Rick nodded his head; Echo and Mark soon went ahead, knowing that this should be a private conversation.

"I never thanked you" Michonne continued.

"For what?"

"For getting me out there that day, taking me in, saving Echo"

"Well if you didn't have that baby formula, I wouldn't have"

"You could have just taken the formula"

"Well, must have been something else then…you know, it was Carl who made the call, he said you belonged here, you're one of us"

Michonne didn't say anything and walked off, leaving Rick behind.

"Remember, they killed eight men back there!" the Governor shouted out as he prepared his army for departure, "They're no different than the biters, and they're not gonna stop, until they've killed us all, taken everything we've worked so hard for, we're gonna end this, once and for all!"

"Governor!" Tyreese called out, and the Governor stood in front of them, "This ain't easy to say…you're gonna have to count us out"

"This isn't our fight" Sasha said.

"We'll fight against the biters, not other people, we'll stay here and defend the children, when you return, you want us gone, no hard feelings"

The Governor kept quiet, then he walked towards one of the men holding a sniper and grabbed it. Sasha tensed up in fear, but relaxed a little when he handed it to Tyreese.

"Thank you" the Governor said.

"If we could make a request" Sasha asked, the Governor nodded, "We have a friend staying there, he wanted to stay because he met up with an old friend, he has a two year old son; do you think you can spare them? They've been with us for the longest of time"

The Governor was hesitant, but he nodded and walked towards his truck; the siblings didn't know his true intention of just killing them and coming up with a lie about walkers getting them in the crossfire. The Governor and his army were now driving up to the prison and as they were arriving, Martinez blew up one of the prison guard towers with a rocket launcher and the others were shooting at the walkers.

As they got closer, they parked around the spikes and barbed wire, but one of the trucks ran into them, popping their tires. Martinez then blew up another guard tower. The recruits were shooting at the walkers and anywhere else outside of the prison to make sure no one was hiding behind the boards that were set up.

The gunshots stopped once the walkers were all dead, then they climbed out the back; one of the trucks drove forward as the recruits trailed up behind. The truck knocked down the front gates and the recruits then spread out, looking around the place for anyone, but found the outside to be empty. Then one of the men placed a hook on the gate door to the C block to the truck and it drove back, ripping the door open and they ran inside.

Allen opened the door and Martinez went in first and they continued forward inside until they were in the common room. The Governor came in and stood in front of the gate door to the cell block and slowly opened it up. He motioned the men forward and they came in and looked around; they looked in the cells and further in. Martinez came back and shook his head.

The Governor seemed angry and walked off, but as he passed a cell, he reeled back and went in, he found the Bible on the table opened and he picked it up to look at the page, where there were words highlighted.

'And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.'

The Governor threw the book away and went back into the common room to look around; he spotted another door.

"I need a flashlight" the Governor said, "Split up, you take a group that way, pick a group, follow me"

Martinez picked the people for the group and followed after the Governor into the tombs. Allen was at point and he looked around to see if he could find anyone or anything. After looking around, the Governor thought he heard something and told everyone to be quiet to listen more closely. After listening clearly, he heard a squeaking noise and he motioned him troop to where the noise came from.

As they continued down, something was thrown in their path and it exploded, causing smoke to fill up the room, the sirens started to sound and most people accidently firing their guns off. More of the explosive bombs went off and they were starting to scatter, despite the orders by the Governor to hold their grounds. As most of the people were starting to run off, the small group ran into some walkers, but shot them down.

They ran around in there for a while before finding a way back outside; Glen and Maggie were dressed in the S.W.A.T. team uniforms from a top of the catwalk and when most of the recruits made it out, they opened fire on them. Carl, Hershel, Beth, Sophia, Axel, Big Tiny, Echo and Mark were out in the woods far away with Judith and Nicklas.

"I should be there" Carl said.

The shootout continued on until most of the recruits made it back to the trucks so they could get to the bigger guns, but they couldn't work it in time, so they all soon drove away quickly. Glenn soon came out from the gate doorway.

"We did it!" Maggie shouted from the catwalk.

"We did it" Glenn said back, "Come on down"

But out in the woods, one of the recruits were running and he came upon Carl and his group and he held his gun up.

"Whoawhoawhoawhoa! Don't shoot" the teen pleaded.

"Drop the weapon son" Hershel advised.

"Sure" the teen said and was slowly placing the gun down, "Here, take it"

As the teen was setting the gun down, Carl shot him; Sophia covered her mouth in shock and Echo pulled her in to block the site, she was shocked as well, almost everyone was shocked by what Carl had done. Rick, Daryl, Michonna, Maggie, Glenn and Carol came out and stood near the fence, looking over the deserted yard.

"We did it" Rick said as he looked over the yard, "We drove them out"

"We shout go after them" Michonne suggested.

"We should finish it" Daryl added.

"It is finished; didn't you see them hightail it out of here" Maggie said.

"They could regroup" Michonne said.

"No, we can't take the chance, he's not gonna stop" Glenn said.

"They're right, we can't keep living like this" Carol said.

"So we take the fight back to Woodbury, we barely made it back last time" Maggie said.

"I don't care" Daryl said.

"Yeah" Rick said, then moved back towards the courtyard, "Let's check on the others"

They walked back into the common room and looked around a little to make sure and then Beth carrying Judith and Carl came into the room; Rick walked over to them and kissed Judith on the head, then he kneeled down and hugged Carl.

"Dad, I'm coming to Woodbury" Carl said.

"Carl" Rick started and stood up.

"I did my job out there, just like all of you, took out one of the Governor's soldiers"

"That kid ran away, he stumbled across" Hershel said.

"He drew on us" Carl defended.

"I'm sorry you had to do that" Rick said.

"That's what I was there for, I'm going with you"

Carl walked away, Hershel and Rick watching as he left to the cell rooms.

"That kid was scared, he was handing his gun over" Hershel informed.

"He said he drew" Rick said, Hershel shook his head, "Carl said it was in defense"

"I was there, he didn't have to shoot, he had every reason not to"

"Maybe it looked like that to you-"

"Rick!" Hershel interrupted, "I'm telling you, he gunned that kid down"

Hershel had soon walked away, leaving Rick to think about what he was told. Daryl went into the cell rooms and went to the top floor and looked into Echo's room, she was there looking through her bag.

"Hey" Daryl called out, leaning against the doorway.

"Oh, hey" Echo said to him, then turned back to look through her bag.

"We're getting ready to head to Woodbury; you wanna join?"

"Who's all going?"

"Just me, Rick and Michonne"

Echo stopped rummaging through her bag and sighed a little, then she moved over and picked up her machete from her bed and strapped it to the small of her back.

"Sure… some things need to be finished after all"

"You don't sound too excited about it"

"I'm not, I don't like killing people, even if they are dangerous, they'll be their own death. But if we're stopping by there, then we should get Andrea, Tyreese, Sasha and anyone who wants to get out of that place, they can't stay there with a psycho"

"We'll do what we can, if we kill the Governor, then they'll defiantly be safe"

"…Yeah, ok"

Echo was about to leave, but Daryl placed his hand on her shoulder, then he moved his hand to Echo's chin and pulled her towards him and tried to give her a kiss, but Echo lightly pushed him back.

"W-why?" Echo asked.

"Cause I wanted to"

"You know that's not an answer"

"…I like you…like Glenn likes Maggie"

"I heard they're engaged"

"…Maybe that way too"

Echo looked at him with a little surprise, then she looked down with a small smile and looked back up at him.


"Yeah…how about you?"

"…U-um, to tell you the truth, I never really thought of you like that…but, you're starting to grown on me"

Daryl smiled back and when he leaned in to kiss her again, she leaned in at the same time. Once their kiss was over, Echo laughed a little and then lead Daryl towards the stairs. They soon headed out, Daryl rode up on his motorcycle and handed Michonne her backpack and she placed it in the car and Rick was standing with his back to them, thinking. Rick handed Michonne his gun and walked towards Carl; Sophia came out and ran towards Echo.

"Are you really leaving?" Sophia asked.

"Yeah, but we'll be right back, don't worry" Echo reassured.

Sophia glanced over at Carl and Rick, she had a worried look on her face; Echo followed to where her gaze was headed and understood.

"He only thought what was needed to be done" Echo reassured, kneeling down to her.

"But the guy was putting his gun down…I've never even seen him kill a living person, only walkers…I feel scared of him now"

"Everything will be fine, you know that he'd never hurt anyone here, he cares too much for us"

"I know, but still…will you come back soon?"

"I don't how soon we'll be back, but we will return, I'll try my best"

Echo and Sophia hugged each other and soon Glann and Maggie were with them outside and Rick had soon came back to them.

"Rick" Glenn said, "We're staying, we don't know where the Governor is, if he comes back, we'll hold him off"

"Just the four of us?" Daryl questioned, but then he nodded and strapped a gun to his back, "Alright"

"I appreciate you staying" Rick said.

"Sure" Maggie said.

Rick and Michonne got in the car and Echo hopped on Daryl's motorcycle with him; Beth and Carol were killing some nearby walkers while Glenn and Maggie opened the gate up for them. They all soon drove down the driveway and out of the prison; but it wasn't long while they were driving, they came across the Governor's cars and they were shocked to see the Governor's army shot down. They stopped and got out of the car.

"Oh my god" Echo gasped, watching as some walkers devour the recruits remains.

Michonne took the lead and killed the walkers that were eating the dead; then Rick pulled his knife out and killed a walker that was eating a person from inside the car. The was a small banging sound behind of Daryl and he stepped back and they saw that it was Karen.

"Oh my god, Karen!" Echo said and opened the door and helped Karen down from the truck.

But Rick had his gun up and pulled Echo away from her and Karen put her hands up.

"Karen, what happened?" Echo asked and tried to step forward, but Rick kept his arm out to stop her, but she pushed it away, "Rick stop it!, Karen, what happened?" Echo asked again and approached Karen.

"T-the Governor, he-he-he just…killed everyone, he just killed everyone!" Karen panted in hysteria.

"And how did you survive?" Rick questioned, his gun still raised.

"One of them fell on top of me and I pretended to be dead, I managed to get away"

"Where'd he go?" Daryl asked this time.

"I don't know"

"Did he go back to Woodbury?" Rick asked.

"I don't know, I think he left with someone he didn't kill, but I don't know if he's going back to Woodbury"

"…Then you're coming with us" Rick said and lead Karen to the car.

Echo sighed, but they soon started to drive down the road to get to Woodbury. It got dark and they parked their cars far away from the Woodbury walls and went on foot; they were quietly making their way towards the walls, but then a fire was shot and they both started to shoot out at each other; but then the gun fires stopped.

"Tyreese!" Karen called out, then stood up with her hands in the air, "It's me, don't-"

"Get down!" Rick shouted and pulled Karen back down.

"Karen!" Tyreese shouted back, "Karen, are you ok?"

"I'm fine!" Karen said and stood up again and started to move towards the walls.

"Where's the Governor?"

"He fired on everyone, he killed them all"

Tyreese and Sasha were quiet, shocked to be hearing this.

"Why're you with them?"

"They saved me!"

"…We're coming out!" Rick shouted.

But as he moved his gun to his back, Daryl was shaking his head, but then he moved to the other side of the car and they were all moving out to the front. Daryl, Michonne and Echo had their hands up in surrender as they walked towards the gates. Tyreese opened the gates up with Sasha by his side.

"Echo, are Mark and Nicklas ok?" Sasha asked.

"Yeah, they're safe" Echo answered.

"What're you doing here?" Tyreese questioned.

"We were coming to finish this" Rick answered, "Until we saw what the Governor did"

"…He-he killed them?"

"Yeah, Karen told us Andrea hopped the wall, going to the prison, she never made it; she might be here"

They were hesitant at first, but then Tyreese and Sasha let them in and they all decide to go to the place where Glenn and Maggie were held.

"This is where he had Glenn and Maggie" Rick said.

"The Governor held people here?" Tyreese questioned.

"More than hold them" Daryl corrected.

They made it around the corner and they spotted a door, the bottom was leaking with blood; Michonne and Echo drew their blades.

"Will you open it?" Michonne asked.

Rick and Daryl had their guns ready and Rick reached for the lock.

"One, two"

Rick unlocked and pushed the door open; there was a dead walker on the floor, it was Milton. Echo covered her mouth in shock, then they looked down to see bare feet around the corner of the door.

"Andrea" Echo called out in shock.

Michone and Echo soon ran in, dropping their blades and went to look at her.

"I tried to stop them" Andrea said groggily.

"You're burning up" Michonne said.

Andrea looked down, then he moved her hand to her shoulder and pulled back her jacket, revealing a bite mark that Milton made.

"Judith, Carl, Sophia, the rest of them"

"Us, the rest of us" Rick corrected.

"Are they alive?"

Rick looked back at Daryl, then back at Andrea.

"Yeah, they're alive"

Andrea sighed in relief, then looked at Michonne and Andrea.

"It's good you found them"

Michone was starting to cry and Echo was covering her eyes, sniffing and making small noises.

"No one can make it alone now" Andrea said as she looked back at them.

"I never could" Daryl said.

"I just didn't want anyone to die" Andrea said, then moved up a little, "I can do it myself"

"No!" Michonne objected.

"No, I have to, while I still can"

Michonne nodded and started to cry again, then Andrea looked back at Rick.

"Please…I know how the safety works"

Rick looked at her, then looked down and reached for his holster and pulled his gun out; Michonne and Echo tensed as Rick handed Andrea the gun.

"Well I'm not going anywhere" Michonne said.

"Me either" Echo said, moving her hand away, tears stained her face, "I'll stay with you till the end"

Andrea looked at them, then she looked at the others before looking forward.

"I tried" Andrea whispered.

"Yeah, you did" Rick said, then started to stand up, "You did"

Everyone had soon left the room, leaving Andrea, Michonne and Echo alone. They stood there, waiting in silence, then the gun went off and a clink was heard. After what seemed like a long time, the door opened back up and Michonne and Echo walked out; Daryl stood up and Echo ran into his arms, sniffing and releasing shaky breaths.

Morning had soon came and Rick, Michonne, Daryl and Echo were now riding back to the prison with a bus load of the Woodbury residents. It took a while to try and convince them to leave Woodbury, telling them the truth about the Governor and what had happened all that this time. But they had soon got them to join and they were parking their cars within the prison.

Everyone was coming out of the prison, and they were confused about seeing the bus and they turned to rick. Rick just nodded and Tyreese and Karen started to unload the bus of the residents; Rick and Carl went off a little ways.

"What is this?" Carl questioned.

"They're gonna join us" Rick answered calmly.

Carl looked back between Rick and the residents, then walked off to somewhere else. Tyreese lead the residents into the prison while everyone stood on the side and watched.

"We're starting something new now" Echo said, holding onto Daryl's hand as she leaned into him, "We're starting something new for them, for us now…a new life"

"Yeah, let's just hope it stays that way" Daryl said.

He pulled Echo closer and gave her a kiss on the head, then they went to help the residents find rooms to live in from this point on.

Ok, finally finished with this season, and after watching the other seasons, I decided not to write about them, but that ddoesn't mean that the story will end here, I'm gonna start writing more between Daryl and Echo, give them a chance to act a bit like a couple, but all couples face difficulties and some strain and it's worse when it's in the middle of an apocalypse.