TAL21: And some complications arise for Supernatural She-Wolf. Don't worry, I have been working on it, I've just been busy with school and work and all sorts of crap. But hey, this means one thing though…YOU GET TO HAVE SOME SNEAK PEEKS! Yup. The Dialogue and some form of action sequence will be put in here just to get you guys excited, but I need a little help to push my muse along. Now some of you were a little worried about why Leah is letting up her angst for Emily and Sam, that will all be revealed in the future. It's simple really, but She will still be on rocky waters with those two as well as her 'Old Pack'. So it'll be tricky.

But i'm also asking for a bit of help to push my plot along. I was pretty much stuck in Harry Potter for the time being, but i'm hoping to get out of that and get back into the swing of things seeing that NaNoWriMo is coming up. I have three stories that I will be working on. Supernatural She-Wolf, Silver Heart, and History before the X-Men. So you might be a bit surprise and what I might pull out for those three.

Again, With the dialogue and the Small Action sequence that i will be showing you, I would like to see what theories you come up with to push my muse a long to keep writing. I know I haven't been the best updater, but i really wan tot keep writing once i grab ahold of an idea. Here We Go!

Sneak Peak:

"You know. I wanted to get away from this shit in the First Place, I think it's not me that needs to let go go the past…It's YOU guys."

"Hey Leah, didn't think that we would run into you this soon. Who the guy behind you?"

"This is my little brother Seth."

"Little? What's in the water over in La Push anyways?"

"Damn it! Who the HELL pissed off this kind of a spirit?"

"It says here that a woman was betrayed by the one she loved and she cursed the tribe that if history repeats itself, the tribe won't continue it's line of Protectors. That about all it says. No sort of end to it."


The Black mass of salivating fangs growled deeply, angry that it's dinner was interrupted by a silver-white wolf. The Two Brothers were watching from afar seeing the white horse sized wolf standing in front of them. It bared it's fangs before attacking viscously. The Black mass only screamed, "I WANT MY SACRIFICE!" Blood was spilling onto the forest floor as the black mass and white wolf constantly ran in circles and attacked each other in the middle. The white wolf was suffering injuries, but still stood proudly. Sam and Dead could only watch.

"Dean…did you just see that?"

"You mean some sort of fight between a giant wolf and some sort of bloodthirsty spirit? Or the fact that the wolf didn't attack us?"

"Ow…Ow…Ow. OUCH!"

"Don't move around so much Leah, You are hurting yourself."

"Look, It's obvious that you don't give a damn about me, Sam. So just go back to your wife and take care of her. Leave the spirit hunting to me. You are out of your League."

"Leah, You almost got yourself killed out there!"

"Yeah, and?"

"There are good creatures in this world…sometimes you just don't see them."

"Thanks for the fortune cookie, Cas."

"Okay, So Looking at the history here, The Quileute tribe is the one with the legends of Shifters. And Apparently, they are Spirit Warriors to protect their tribe and some parts of humanity surrounding them."

"So…their puppies then? Just oversized Guard dogs?"

"So Elder Ravenwood, what happened to the woman who was betrayed?"

"She left the tribe. The curse lingers in the tribe. No new blood will enter the Tribe until all is forgiven."

"You know what? Why did I bother to come back here if I'm just going to be put down. You know what, Screw it. You guys can just rot in Hell for all I care. You have this problem, YOU FIX IT!"

"Just because you hate them, doesn't mean that you still don't want to help them."

" Ness, I can't help them unless THEY put the past behind them."

"Ah…I got caught."

"Will you explain WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE?"

"Well, given the fact that you have a silver knife on you, I only have a few words for ya about that. Silver doesn't work on us… and can you please take care of the gash on your arm, I'd rather not have you get attacked by an unknown vampire. It's won't be pretty."

TAL21: Now for those of you who know me well enough, some of the dialogue will be changes if i get to that point. I would like this story to be fairly short and not long winded like the other stories that i Have. So at least 15 chapters at the least maybe. That's why I'm asking for ideas for you guys to throw at me to get this story done and taken care of. Let's face it, I don't wan tot make a story that goes a certain way and people will hate it. I want it to be a pretty good story where people can just enjoy it. Not to dark, and not to light. So any ideas are welcome.

See you guys in the next chapter! I hope to put it up soon…I think. XD

Question: So, people, Give me some theories and ideas my way. What would you like to see in detail? What would you like to see happen between Leah and the tribe and the Cullens? And…what about imprinting? And How would you like Sam and Dean to react to Leah and the vamps and wolves?