Here is my first fan fiction. A sad attempt to recapture the essence of Rumiko Takahashi's beloved characters, or so I think. No, I didn't come up with these characters myself. They are the creation of the great Rumiko Takahashi in her series Inu Yasha, for all those who may actually not have seen it. So don't sue me.

Chapter 1 "Ah, a shooting star." I wish to be with Sesshoumaru sama forever.

"Come Rin. Don't fall behind."

"Hai, Sesshoumaru sama." Rin smiled inwardly to herself as she ran to catch up to the youkai. She remembered this same scene years before, when her ten year old self had made the same wish. And yet here she was, five years later, still following every path he chose to walk. Rin's smile manifested physically despite herself. His silver hair glimmered in the moonlight, his face as beautiful as the day she first stumbled upon him in the forest. His face, unmarred despite the battles he had fought. Perhaps it was his father's sword that protected him, tenseiga; or perhaps it was simply because he was too strong to truly get hurt. Well. . . there were those few times. Rin recalled the story about Inu Yasha, the hanyou half brother that cut off his arm and nearly killed him that day she found him in the forest. She couldn't help but thank him for that day. But that was the power of the sword. . Tetsusaiga. Rin looked down at the sword that hung at her waist. Inu Yasha had given it to her years ago after he became human and disappeared into another world. He knew Sesshoumaru would not take it from her forcefully, though she never had any use for it. Despite his cool exterior, Rin knew Sesshoumaru cared. She had been kidnapped once by a demon they called Naraku. But he had come then, and he had saved her. After that he had always protected her. Even in the face of unexpected battle, Sesshoumaru found ways to make sure she was safe long before any enemy was sufficiently near. So many times, he had just left her alone with Jaken, but her insistence on following him in those precocious pre- teen years made him stop.

Another memory to giggle over. She had been so afraid that night, two years ago when she followed Sesshoumaru despite his commands. He knew she came as soon as she set out, but she didn't know that. It was her ignorance and unpredictability that nearly got him hurt. She had been so afraid to face him after that. The silence between them as they walked home was unbearable. Home? Rin reflected. They had wandered so long, that they really had no home. Her home was wherever Sesshoumaru was. Sesshoumaru led the life of a wanderer. He sought the youkai of the world that promised a challenge, but seemed to be disappointed every time. Only Inu Yasha could get to him.

Rin sighed at the memory. Inu Yasha nearly killed him that time. It was the girl that held him back, and even then Sesshoumaru had difficulty accepting defeat.

"Filthy hanyou." She remembered the cold stare that went with those words. He seemed to lose his passion for battle since then. Perhaps his brother was the only one who could match him. But he was gone now. As she got older, Rin realized that all those battles she had once thought so exhilarating were annoyances to Sesshoumaru. His attempts were rarely as much as half hearted. Instead he wandered aimlessly searching for the one thing he never seemed to find: satisfaction.

They stopped at the edge of a cliff overlooking a sleeping village neatly laid out beneath them. Wisps of smoke curled from long extinguished fires and everyone was at peace. Everything that was human anyway. Rin could detect the faint houki of a youkai dwelling suspiciously near the village. Even from this distance, Rin knew it was a lesser youkai in comparison to Sesshoumaru.

"Come Rin, there's nothing here."

"You're not going to fight Sesshoumaru-sama?"

"No." He smoothly turned and walked the other way, his long silver hair gracefully following.

Rin hesitated by the edge of the cliff. A faint sense of familiarity lingered in her mind. "Inu Yasha forest!" she blurted out before clamping her mouth down quickly. Had Sesshoumaru hoped to find his brother? No, it wasn't possible. They both knew that he was gone. Rin looked over the town closely. The well, the small village, and the grave of the miko that once guarded the shikon no tama. All was as it had been years before when she had been there. . . the day Inu Yasha and Sesshoumaru fought.

The youkai's houki grew stronger and suddenly Rin could see its shadow creeping closer to the village. Then the unexpected began. Tetsusaiga began to pulse. Rin caught her breath. Never had the sword reacted to anything. Could it be this village?

Sesshoumaru slowed to a halt and turned. He too had felt the pulse of the sword.

"Tetsusaiga," he whispered. "So you finally awake. Who are you trying to protect now?"

"Maybe the sword wants to save the people in the village?" Rin nearly jumped with excitement. Fifteen and still childish as the day Sesshoumaru saved her.

"Ignore it, let's go."

"But. . . " Rin lingered. She looked down at the unsuspecting village. Rin had never made a lasting relationship with any human before. The only one who had ever accepted her was Sesshoumaru, but it seemed wrong to let all the innocent people die. The innocent children and babies. . .

"Yosh! I'm going to go save them. I'll be right back Sesshoumaru- sama!"

Sesshoumaru raised a brow at her but made no objection. Rin, taking advantage of his surprise, ran down the quickest path to the village.

She ran as fast as her legs could carry her, adrenaline pumping due to the anticipation of her solo battle.

A woman's scream drew her attention. A baby's cry pierced the still night and led Rin to her destination.

A small hut at the edge of the village had been broken into. A middle aged man was knocked out, bleeding heavily on the floor, the baby wrapped in a bundle screaming relentlessly, and a woman, caught by the wrists by a beautiful green haired youkai. The woman screamed as he slowly slid his tongue up her neck, smiling.

"Yes, you will be quite delicious." His nose perked up. "But what is that unusual scent?" He turned around and held Rin with seductive green eyes. It was like a spell. She couldn't turn away. Locked by his gaze, Rin suddenly lost some of her enthusiasm.

Stay calm she tried to remind herself. Just like Sesshoumaru sama. But the youkai released the woman and came towards Rin. The fire cast an eerie glint on his smooth pale skin, his movements fluid under his long, teal robe. The woman cowered in a corner while Rin reached for the sword.

"Stop right there or I'll use Tetsusaiga!"

"Oh. Should I be scared?" The youkai grinned as he looked over Rin. "You smell of human and youkai. A powerful one too. And such a pretty maid." his eyes roamed over her. "I always did prefer maids. It should make an interesting taste."

Rin grew uncomfortable under his gaze. Never had anyone looked at her like that. His eyes looked hungry, mischief gleaning just below the surface. She pulled out the sword and lunged at him, but he dodged it smoothly.

"Huh?" Rin blinked. The sword was still old and rusty, unlike the huge blade she had seen it transform into when Inu Yasha wielded it. Why hadn't it transformed?

The youkai chuckled. "You'll never get anywhere with that rusted piece of junk."

Rusty or not, it was all she had. Clenching her teeth, she lunged at him again, but he was too quick. He grinned, mishievious eyes laughing at her failed attempts. She swung at him a few more times, until, catching him in a careless moment of laughter, the tip reached and scratched his perfect complexion. Small beads of blood formed along the wound and suddenly his eyes were no longer laughing.

"I. . ." Rin failed to react quickly enough as the youkai lunged for her. She squealed, covering her eyes, but when all was quiet a few moments later, she peeked an eye open. The youkai's once seductive eyes now bulged, his throat firmly grasped by Sesshoumaru's hand.

"It's a pity," Sesshoumaru murmured. "I really hoped to see Tetsusaiga's power once more. But then its power was also never meant to be used by humans. As for you. . ." His hand glowed a faint green. The poison spread onto the youkai's throat, melting the flesh til it collapsed. Rin stepped back in surprise. The youkai was obviously weaker than her Sesshoumaru-sama. His use of power was rather unnecessary. It was the first time in a long series of battles, that she detected the faintest hint of emotion.

Without a word, Sesshoumaru turned and left.

Rin looked over at the dead man against the wall, the child still screaming for the mother that still huddled in a corner. Her heart went out to them. What had her parents been like, before the youkai destroyed them? Would she have had a normal life if they had been spared? It's no use thinking about those things now, she silently berated herself. She turned to face the startled villagers that had assembled during the ordeal, their rakes and spears clasped shakily in their determined hands. They looked on in fear at Sesshoumaru and Rin as they passed before them. Another villager meekly made his way into the cottage to check on the couple. Rin looked back at them, almost jealous. They cared about the family. Why hadn't anyone cared for her those childhood days she spent "stealing" from a river that wasn't hers, or a garden on land she had no rights to. An orphan so young, made an outcast because no one would claim her.

Rin followed Sesshoumaru in silence. Her thoughts tumbled forth till her mouth could no longer hold them. "What was the youkai going to do to the woman?"

"Eat her."

"Oh." Rin shuddered as she remembered the look in his eyes when he looked her over. "Then what does he do with the husbands and children of those he attacks?"

"Anything. Those youkai only eat woman's flesh. Particularly ripe maidens."

Anger filled her. To be singled out by youkai, family disregarded or destroyed merely for the sake of satisfying his malicious appetite.

"I would never let a youkai touch me if it meant separating me from my baby. No matter what, I will always be there for my children!"

Sesshoumaru paused. "You wish to leave me Rin?"

The voice was calm, emotionless monotone, except for the tiniest tint of surprise. Rin herself was completely taken aback by the question. "No. Of course not. How could I possibly? "

"You are not my prisoner Rin. You are free to join whatever village you choose and lead a human life." Sesshoumaru finished, continuing a brisk pace down the forest path.

Rin was stunned. Leave Sesshoumaru sama? Lead a normal human life? Love a human when all the ones she had known had rejected her?

"No! I cannot be with humans. I can't love them. . .I want to be with Sesshoumaru sama. Always!"

Sesshoumaru turned back on her icily. "You would give birth to a filthy hanyou?" the coolness in his voice gave no reflection of the ferocity she saw in those fiery amber eyes. "Do you think I would ever bring myself to touch a disgusting human?" He nearly sneered before turning to resume his brisk pace.

Rin didn't know what was happening inside, but it hurt more than any childhood memory, frightened her more than any demon she had encountered and confused her more than anything she had experienced in her young life. It was true. He had never touched her in the course of their companionship. She had never felt more than the piercing blade he wielded when it brought her back to life. She had never known Sesshoumaru to touch a human, or to even be able to bear being near them for long. She was the exception. For so long, she had abided his coldness, but she was startled by the stare in the green eyed youkai's stare. She had been startled into the realization that there was something she was missing, when his alluring eyes looked her over. A promise of something terrifying yet exciting that she had yet to experience. She knew something was missing from her life. And then it happened. A tear rolled down her cheek, as cold as the emptiness she suddenly felt inside. The same emptiness she was sure inhabited Sesshoumaru's heart.

It had been a long time since she cried. Not since her childhood the day she died, her small body ripped apart by wolf youkai looking for a meal. But now the tears were falling and all she could do was watch as Sesshoumaru's bleary form walked away.

Matte. . .Don't leave me. Not you too. Rin began running, her heart pounding at the thought of what she was doing. Before he could turn around, she threw her arms around him and clasped him tightly. His body was warm and strong, terrifyingly so. She could feel the power emanating from under his soft clothes and sense the growing rage her touch provoked. He was a pure youkai and she had dared defile him with her human touch. Sesshoumaru slid out of her grasp and turned on her with a deadly expression she had seen reserved for the worse youkai. Rin cowered when she realized he was beginning to transform into his true form. Rin shut her eyes and cried. She had seen his true from only a few times. Kowai.

"Look at me Rin," his youkai voice thundered. His voice pierced her deeper than any blade. "Is this the demon you want to love?" Rin opened her eyes to the fierce white dog towering over her. His white coat shone beautifully in the moonlight, but his piercing eyes and sharp fangs promised death.

Kowai. Why is he doing this to me? He hardly ever transforms.

"You wish to leave me Rin?" The words echoed in her mind. Did she imagine it earlier when she thought a trace of sadness teetered on the edge of that calm voice?

She looked up at the large dog demon, her fear subsiding while she quieted her sobs. Carefully she approached him. Sesshoumaru stepped back as though being near her was disgusting enough, but her compassionate eyes seemed to quiet his bestial growl. She walked straight up, no longer afraid, and embraced his paw. She felt his body recoil, startled almost by her touch. But she held onto him gently, resting her head against his fur.

"Kowai. Sesshoumaru-sama is scary sometimes, but it's okay. I'll never leave Sesshoumaru-sama, no matter how scared I get. Sesshoumaru-sama ga daisuki. . ." The tears came out again and trickled onto his fur. "Gomenasai Sesshoumaru-sama."

But Sesshoumaru raged at her words, kicking Rin hard against a tree. Her vision blurred from the tears and the wound she felt throbbing in the back of her head. Suddenly everything made no sense to her anymore. "Sesshoumaru-sama, gomen ne?" But she could hardly make out his form. The sharp pain in her head dulled her other senses and her vision grew to darkness. 'Gomen ne?' She whispered into the comfort of sleep.