This was so awkward. Not only was Yukio demanding that she let him give her a checkup before the mission tomorrow but Rin had refused to part from her side. So here Aurora set feet hanging off of the plain white examining table and teal tipped tail twitching in nervousness. Her Prince wasn't going to like this at all. Readjusting his glasses the 1st class exorcist marked a few things off of his clip board before setting it down and eyeing her. "Nii-san are you sure you have to be in here?" Looking up from messing with some of the no doubt expensive things setting on the counter the bluenette nodded.

"Course I do. I'm Rory's boyfriend now; I gotta be here for her." Rolling his light blue eyes the doctor sighed.

"Let's get started then." Putting a pair of gloves on the taller teen moved toward the table. "Take your shirt off." Nodding gravely the bat demon fumbled with her uniform buttons making it half way down before Rin jumped up and shoved his way between the two, back facing her.

"What the hell, man? You can't just tell her to do that, it ain't right." Catching his tail when it swung by nearly clipping her nose she tugged making glowing cerulean eyes seek hers.

"Hot-head Yu has been my doctor for years. He's seen this many times." Resting a hand on his arm she let some of her aura wrap around him, in a calming gesture. "He's a pack member. He's not going to try anything." Growling the boy glanced between the two.

"Dammit I know that, but … I don't know how to explain it. Whatever's inside me doesn't want anyone to see you or touch you or… Shit." Laughing the snowy haired girl petted his hand.

"I know sparky, that's most likely your inner demon. I have one to; every demon does really; well the ones that can take human form." Patting the table beside her she scooted over to make room. "I'll explain this while Yukio does whatever he's trying to do, even though I keep telling him I'm fine. It's been three weeks; I'm nearly back to normal." Hopping beside her the Prince nodded narrowing his eyes at his brother in warning. "So because you're a fire elemental and male your demon will be aggressive, very much so. It's an extremely good thing my element's water, and the fact I'm a girl doesn't hurt either." Jumping when Yukio straightened her leg and tested her reflexes she scowled thumping his hip with her tail.

"Yea that's what the four eyed mole face said. Dad kept you around to keep me in line." Nodding she inhaled when prompted nearly shivering when the brunette place the statoscope on her chest, it was damn cold.

"That's only part true." Rubbing a claw over the tiny bit mark on her neck the girl grinned. "When you bit me you forced some of your essence into me, a purely instinctual thing to do even for one so young. Shiro had to keep me close to you, while your youkai half was sealed, it wasn't completely dormant. If you didn't see me for even a day what happened?" Narrowing his eyes the bluenette watched his twin like a hawk daring the brunette to make even one mistake in touching her beyond that of his profession.

"I don't know I'd black out and end up wherever you were." Nodding she raised her arms and flexed when Yukio prompted her to, following the same pattern with her legs. "Come to think if it, I still do that when I'm asleep." Growling, Rin swiped at the dragoon's face when it got a little too close for his liking to Aurora's skin. Eyes flashing the taller male stood to his full height.

"Rin! I'm not doing anything I haven't done a hundred times before." Slamming his hands on the counter the younger boy sighed pulling his glasses off to clean them. "Nii-san if Aurora trusts me to do this, is there any reason you should worry?" Quickly slipping off the examining table the snowy haired girl pulled her shirt on buttoning it with a practiced ease. Forcing her way between the two she caught the would-be knight's hand.

"Come on Sparky let's go." Stopping by the door to shrug on her black jacket while Rin grumbled readjusting his white one she snorted. "Really Rin, Yu isn't the least bit interested in me. He's dating Shiemi." Wrapping her arm around his she leaned her head on his shoulder. "I love you Rin. I do care for Yukio and Shima and Bon but I'm dating you." Scowling more he sighed looking down at her from the corner of his eye.

"I know that too. But still my demon or whatever it is isn't happy about you being around anyone but me, and I don't know why. It thinks you're not safe or something I guess. You can hardly blame me for being like this. I watched you die!" Patting his arm she wrapped her tail around his middle giving him silent reassurance. "Do you have any idea how it feels to watch-" Seeing blue flames start to sprout from his body she shushed him covering his mouth with her hand.

"Sparky, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. The only reason that happened was because of multiple factors that will not be repeated. I'm perfectly fine." Slumping when her lips ghosted over his cheek Rin growled knocking her hand away from his face and covering her lips with his own. Panting when the Prince finally decided to pull back Aurora smiled resting a hand on his heaving chest. "I need to stop by Mephisto's office before we head back to the dorm." Catching her hand in his the bluenette let her pull him along behind her, content to just be able to be around her. Guiding them through the still out of place palace she cracked the double doors open, sighing when only the Time King's aura brushed her own. Amaimon had a nasty habit of getting a little to touchy-feely when she was around. Wiggling her fingers at the purple haired demon behind the desk Aurora bowed slightly.

"To what do I owe this visit?"

"Good day Mephisto, I was wondering if my books had arrived yet?" Grinning the youkai set his pen down snapping his fingers. Yelping when a rather heavy box landed on his toes Rin hoped to a nearby chair.

"Ow ow ow." Checking to make sure her boyfriend was okay the demoness pushed the package closer before cutting the shipping tape with her claws and scanning the contents. "What's in there to make it so damn heavy?" Ice blue eyes sparkling she tipped the box up. "Books?" Nodding she placed them on the coffee table before, turning to Mephisto.

"Thank you for doing this." Checking his claws for none existent dirt he hummed.

"Even though it cost me a pretty penny think nothing of it, little sister." Sputtering the bat Hanyou blushed shooting a look at Rin who was nosing through the college books not really listening to their conversation. Oh Rin knew the Time King was his brother and that he was a demon, but he didn't know that the silver scar he had given her all those years ago was as good as a wedding ring to a demon. Unless of course your name was Amaimon that is. Making gestures with her hands to keep quiet she turned to Rin when he frowned growling lowly.

"What is all this? Our classes started two weeks ago for the new semester. Why are you just now getting your books?" Looking anywhere but the bluenette she fidgeted with her shirt lining nearly shredding it on accident.

"Well remember when you were mad at me?" Biting her lip she groaned. "I wasn't sleeping at all so I would study all night. I took the high school finals four weeks ago and the college entry exams a few days after that." Taking a breath the demoness gave a meek smile. "I'm in college now." Having not been watching the emotions flash across Rin's face she wasn't expecting him to scoop her into his arms and spin her around, which was silly because Rin did that all the time.

"That's great Rory!" He was glowing with pride as he crushed her to his chest, running a hand through her snowy hair. "I'm so happy for you. We have to celebrate! I'm gonna throw you a party." Laughing she petted his tail when it wound around her back and tickled her chin. The blue-black appendage really did have a mind of its own most of the time.

"Rin we have a mission tomorrow. It can wait until after we get back, okay?" Nodding rapidly he gave his lopsided smile nearly dragging her out of the room with her books tucked under one arm and her hand in the other.

Inhaling deeply Aurora smiled, probably one of the biggest ones she'd ever given. They were at the beach! More importantly the ocean! She was in her element for the first time in years. Sure Atami was having problems with a giant sea monster but that was beside the point. Stepping out of the dressing rooms with Shiemi close behind the demoness made sure her beach skirt was in place and would stay there before setting foot on the sand. She hadn't been able to wear a swimsuit since she'd grown a tail so for the first time in nearly 6 years she was in one. But dammit if Furfur and Shura weren't trying to kill her. Just because the knight was okay with everyone seeing her didn't mean ever girl was. At least they got the color right, black and aqua were practically the only colors that didn't clash with her hair and tail.

"The beach! Oh man I love coming here. The sun, the wind, and more importantly bikinis!" Making a dramatic gesture towards Izumo the pinkette sighed.

"Come within 6 feet of me and you'll pay dearly." Sniffling like he was crying Shima turned to Bon.

"Let me tell you something. When a girl is in a swimsuit she's nearly naked. This may been my only chance to clear 2nd base before I die." Raising an eyebrow the brunette knocked his hand away taking a big step back.

"What the hell are you saying? You need to calm down." Konekomaru nodded readjusting his glasses.

"Bon's right. We're on a mission." Rubbing his chin Rin wrinkled his brow in thought.

"Wait, if Izumo's in a suit that means Rory has to wear one too… I'm both happy and pissed off about that." Blinking his eyes at the grinning pervert in front of him the Prince caught him in a headlock. "Don't even look in the same direction as Aurora, you hear me. She's mine!" Rolling her eyes and giving a cherry colored Shiemi a thumb up to go talk to Yukio the female Hanyou cleared her throat.

"Really guys, you all need to get girlfriends." It was almost comical how Rin's mouth dropped open seeing her standing there in a very modest bikini. For a second the 2nd class exorcist fidgeted before growling and starting back to the dressing rooms to change.

"W-Wait! Where are you going?!" Sprinting across the sand the blue eyed boy slid to a stop in front of her blocking her path.

"I look bad in this thing. I knew I did before I walked out here. I'll just put my clothes back on and swim in that." Laughing the knight-in-training dabbed at his eyes.

"Are you crazy? You look perfect; I just forgot you looked like that when all you wear is baggy clothes." Blushing at the once over he was giving her she picked at her claws. Did he really think she looked okay? "I'm just pissed off that everyone gets to see you like this." Wrapping her tail around his she flicked her eyes over to the others that were giving Yukio shit for wearing a full dive suit. Maybe she did look fine but she was still uncomfortable as hell. Spotting her across the beach the younger twin waved her over.

"Aurora we'll be relying on you the most for this mission. Because we're trying to exorcise a kraken you'll be the one with the most control on the water. It's also your job to keep the defenses up." Giving a mock solute the teal haired girl nodded. "You're only being grouped with the upper class exorcist because you're a water demon. The rest of us will be in the back as clean up." Body tensing Rin snarled.

"You expect me to let Rory be up front when I'm stuck on clean-up crew?" Casting a glare at his brother the dragoon pointedly ignored him.

"No one needs to worry about her, she is a demon and she is my partner she can handle herself." Placing a gentle hand on his shoulder Aurora felt him jerk against the cool contact.

"Aye Aye captain. Relax Yu I've got this." Giving a firm nod Yukio walked away followed closely by Shiemi. Whistling a random tune Shima smirked.

"Until the giant squid gets here why don't we play in the ocean? Aurora can sense when the monster gets close anyway." Glaring at the sand the demoness smacked the pinkette's leg with her tail. He wasn't supposed to know she could do that. Really you would think he knew better than that after all this time. Granted he hadn't slipped up before but with Rin being as protective as he was now anything could set him off. Scooping a wayward beach ball up the teal haired female headed for the water line.

"Come on you guys, Shima's right the kraken is still a fair ways off. We have enough time to play before it gets close." Squealing when warm arms wrapped around her waist and lifted her up Aurora laughed wrapping her legs around Rin's middle to stay in place while she tossed the ball to Bon and waved an arm at Izumo. "Come on Fox girl!" Scowling the red eyed girl made a rude gesture before turning away. Pouting she let her Prince wad into the water with her before sliding down his front bouncing away barely being hindered by the water. Popping the ball back to Bon when he smacked it her way she sighed enjoying the feel of the gentle flow of liquid around her and the moisture in the air. Her tail wove patterns in the water as she buried her toes in the sand. Without really thinking she drifted forward until she disappeared underneath the waves.

Sneaking away from the group the half-demon narrowed his eyes looking for a flash of white under the surface. Something brushed his leg and made him jump before he was jerked under the surface and Rory's smiling face filled his view. Grinning she pointed up. Gasping he sputtered. "Don't do that!" Circling him effortlessly the demoness smirked trailing a hand down his arm.

"Do what sparky?" Baring his fangs in a feral grin he swam forward laughing when she yelped and started swimming away, making something shiver inside of him at the primal instinct to chase her. Taking a deep breath Aurora dove using only her tail to push herself forward. Seeing the drop off inches ahead of her the demoness looked back nearly gasping when she saw Rin was right behind her. Twisting she glided through the water easily, leaving the demon blinking wide goggle covered eyes at her. Wrinkling her nose she patted her own face, she knew she forgot something, but she really didn't need them anyway. Turning around she continued on glancing back every now and then to make sure Rin was surfacing for air and was still keeping close. Realizing he was distracted when a decent sized shark swam by she surfaced beside him blinking the salt water from her eyes.

"I always knew the sea was pretty, but you, you make it beautiful." Blushing she ducked under water again only stopping when he tugged her back towards him and held her above water. Tilting her chin up he kissed her and purred when she cupped his face and trailed her claws over the tips of his ears. Pulling away Aurora nodded back to the shore which was a good 300 feet away.

"As much as I'm enjoying this I think the others might be wondering where we are right now." Starting a leisurely pace back she smiled when Rin looped their tails together.

Izumo had been tossed in the sea while they were gone so she floated a little ways away from the others giving Bon dark looks that held a promise of death in the near future. Jumping up Aurora head butted the beach ball to Shiemi who giggled. Spotting Yukio standing near the waterline the bat demoness hopped over tossing a water ball in his face for good measures. Sputtering the taller twin glared at her before pressing his glasses further up his nose. "You should be taking this more seriously." Scowling Aurora smacked the salt water with her tail.

"Relax will ya? As long as I'm touching the water I can feel everything that's in a certain mileage. The squid isn't close right now, but with Rin and me here it'll come soon enough." Waving at Furfur from where he set rubbing lotion on Shura's back she nudged the dragoon with her elbow. "Come on, Yu. Have a good time with Shiemi before it gets dangerous." Sighing the first class exorcist followed her into the water, dragging his feet as much as possible. Rolling her icy eyes she turned around and had to duck to dodge the ball flying towards her face. "Hey, Assholes a warning would be nice!"

Yawning Shura looked up when the bat demoness plopped down beside her on the sand panting. Swatting Furfur's hand away from places it shouldn't be going in public the upper class exorcist set up. "What all can you sense? Most water demons can tell everything that lives in their bodies of water but you don't have one." Wiggling her toes in the sand the snowy haired female rolled her shoulders.

"I can sense about 3 miles out. I'm sure if I'd been swimming in the last 6 years I'd be able to scan farther but I haven't. The only thing that worries me is the sleeping water god hiding in that island over there." Cocking an eyebrow the barely covered female's eyes darted towards the landmass. That could be a problem. Letting the incoming wave touch the tip of her tail Aurora jolted up right sensing a giant youki brush against her senses. "Oh shit… It's here!" Racing towards the edge of the water the demoness skidded to a stop when Rin appeared in front of her.

"Where are you going?" Hopping to see over his shoulder she sighed.

"Rin, I have to be up front." Mashing his teeth together the Prince snarled.

"Be careful." Giving his hand a squeeze she darted over the water keeping pace with the boats speeding out. She really hoped Rin stuck to the plan, just because she was in front didn't give him the right to disobey orders and play hero again.

Hey look i'm alive! It's been forever, sorry, sorry. I lost motivation for this fic for a bit but i found it again today. It'll still be slow but i'll try to update faster.

Read and review! Please?