A/N: Well, at long last it exists: Chapter Seven. And it isn't great... but it's here. And hopefully Chapters Eight, Nine, and Ten will follow, and then other to be written chapters. Slow... so slow... But i cross my fingers and kick myself in the back end and one day buckle down and do it. So, just know I'm not abandoning this... permanently. It just might be... a year...? Heh... between updates...


Aaernia and Nana ate with the royal family that evening. Thor insisted on being the center of attention the entire time. Nia rolled her eyes and returned to her plate.

"How was your ride?" Frigga asked. "I heard you ran into a bilgesnipe."

Thor jumped at the opportunity for glory. "You should have seen it, Mother! It was huge! Likely the largest bilgesnipe in Asgard!"

"I see," Frigga said, indulging her eldest son. "You faced it fearlessly, of course."

"Indeed," Loki put in. "He even attempted to reason with it before Aaernia stepped in."

Thor deflated, much to Nia's elation. Maybe now we'll get some intelligent conversation. She reached for her goblet. This time it contained a strange white liquid. She took a careful sip. It was... milk! She gulped it down quickly. "Mm..."

"You seem quite thirsty this evening," Thor muttered.

"It's milk!" All heads snapped to Nia. She grinned and downed the last few drops. Thor's mouth fell open.

"You mean you can drink milk?!"

"Is something wrong?" Nia asked, confused.

"You can digest milk?" Loki asked politely.

"Yes, why?" Nia frowned. "You mean none of you can drink milk?!" She clamped her hand over her mouth. Loki leaned in close so that he could whisper in her ear.

"They cannot stomach milk, but I can. Don't tell Thor," he added even more softly.

"I won't."

"Would you like some ale?" Thor asked, apparently concerned. Nia shook her head.

"Thank you, but no. I apologize for my disrespect, Allfather."

The Allfather nodded. "You are forgiven, Lady Aaernia."

Nia smiled, thankful.

As dinner progressed the men melted into one conversation and the women another. Oddly, both conversations were drawn to the same topic−that of Aaernia's parents.

"What did my mother look like?" Nia asked.

Frigga smiled. "Not as thin as you, but about the same height. She had the most elegant light green eyes." Nia glanced at Loki. "Lighter than Loki's. Her skin was naturally tanned, though much darker due to her constant time in the sun. Her hair... was very dark. Not quite black."

"She sounds beautiful."

"She was very beautiful." Frigga took a sip of wine. Nia smiled, trying to picture her mother.

"You have Dagnija's smile," Nana said. Nia blushed.

Meanwhile, the men discussed Folkvar.

"He was a fine man," Odin reflected, "and a warrior to be feared. He enjoyed riding and hunting, and never turned down a good ale. He saved my life many a time." Thor grinned. He obviously liked the sound of Folkvar. "He was very intelligent." Now Loki was interested. "He and his wife both knew how to pick their fights. They would avoid combat whenever possible. Folkvar would often talk his way out of a difficult situation and set traps or ambushes rather than charge straight in. Perhaps a bit crazy, he was, fine Sir Folkvar."

"Does his daughter resemble him?" Loki asked. All eyes turned to Aaernia. She was blushing and trying to avoid Frigga's gaze.

"Very much," the Allfather said softly. "In almost every way."

There was a long silence, and then Thor and Odin launched into another conversation. Loki continued to watch Aaernia. He knew she was likely to become his sister-in-law, despite her distaste for Thor.

"No, I don't intend to marry."

Loki snapped fully to attention. Had Nia really just said that?!

"I don't want to be tied down. I have a life. I have a job. I have a village to protect and care for. If I do marry, it will only be for love."

That changes things, Loki thought, drawing his attention away. But Father will still attempt to marry her to Thor. Loki shook his head. Her problem, not mine. She'll be gone in the morning.


Aaernia lay flat on her bed, trying her best not to move. She had found herself incredibly sore after dinner. She took a deep breath, reached to the floor, and somehow managed to get her fingers around one of the rolls she had smuggled back to her chambers. She groaned, lay still again, and then started eating.

"Aaernia, didn't you eat enough at supper?"

Nia shook her head and offered Nana a roll. "I've never been this hungry in my life." She took another bite. "Oh, this stuff is delicious."

Nana snached the roll. "Aaernia! You're eating like a pregnant woman!"

"Don't judge me!" Nia snatched the roll back and wolfed it down.

"Nia. I know we are leaving in the morning, but please try not to let it bother you."

"Bother me?! I can't wait to get back! I've got to hunt, I need to get Langley more wood! Unndis' father need herbs! Madame Heffdr the soothsayer needs more beetles and teeth!" Nia growled and threw the ruby snowflake necklace across the room. It hit the wall with a clink and fell to the floor. Nana moved to retrieve it, but Nia stopped her. "I don't want it. He's a selfish jerk. I just want to go home." She took another roll and continued masticating, far more sullen than before.

"Alright, Nia." Nana patted her shoulder. "If you need anything I'm just outside."

"Yes, ma'am."

Nia continued munching. She glanced at the balcony and grimaced. Really, she did want to go home, but she didn't want Nana to see her crying. She would miss Asgard, Sif, Alvaro... and yes, even Loki. He wasn't really as bad as she'd claimed. Sighing, she rolled over again, and groaned.

Someone knocked on the door. "Lady Aaernia?"

Nia sighed. It was a servant. "Come in."

The servant opened the door and walked over to the bed. "Lady Sif sent this, Lady Aaernia." She held out a small cylindrical container, made of plain, clouded glass. Nia took it.

"What is it?"

"A balm for sore muscles, My Lady."

Nia popped the lid off. It smelled like roses. "Thank you. Please thank Lady Sif for me."

The servant bowed and left. Nia stared at the balm for a few seconds before putting it to use. She attempted to be as frugal with it as possible. Thankfully, every bit helped enormously.

"Thank you, Sif," Nia muttered, setting the balm on her tiny, overly lavish dark wood night table−she certainly wasn't going to miss that. She sat there for a moment, enjoying the relief, and then sighed and hauled herself to her feet to retrieve her discarded necklace.


Nana and Aaernia stood at the palace entrance. They had already said farewell to the King and Queen, and now waited to be released by the rest of the palace. Nana talked with her acquaintances among the servants and Nia carefully avoided being crushed within the strong embraces of the Warriors Three.

"You would make a fine warrior," Hogun said. It was just about the most Nia had heard from him, and the least grim.

"He's right," Fandral prompted. Nia smiled and hugged him.

"Thank you for the offer, but I've got a job to do back home."

"You could catch the finest meals in Asgard!" Volstagg boomed.

"I've got a date with a deer."


Nia laughed. "I'm sorry, but I have to go." She turned to Sif. "Thank you for the muscle stuff."

"Like you said, you've a job back home." Sif hugged Nia and then gripped her shoulder. "I look forward to our spar."

"So do I." Nia turned to Thor. "Goodbye, Prince Thor."

"Farewell, Lady Aaernia." Thor sniffled and then wrapped Nia in a tight hug. "I will miss you!"

"Yes, Thor, I'll miss you too." I think maybe I will… "I have to go."

Thor sniffed again and released her. "Indeed. You must."

"I'll be back." Nia stepped back and looked around. Loki was missing. "I guess that's it, then." She picked up her satchel, filled with food and gifts, and sighed. "Ready, Nana?"

Nana barked ten more words to her gaggle and then took Nia's hand. "No Loki?"


"Let's go."

The women said one last goodbye, Nana's particularly heartfelt, and then began their long walk to the Bifrost−the Allfather had again neglected to provide transportation.


"She took my book!" Loki screeched.