Guarded By The Deadman 2

Note: Welcome to the last chapter of this story. I want to thank those that reviews and favorite the story. I want to thank Cena's baby doll and Ashtyn Cena-Orton for the reviews.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything from the WWE or TNA. I only own Athena, Destiny and other OC I bring in.


Guarded By The Deadman 2

Ten: Finally

Steve was in the road already, he needed to get there, and he didn't want to leave those children without their parents. If something happened to Mark and Athena it would be the biggest blow anyone in town would get.


Destiny had the children and they were in the living room, she had not let them go to their bedrooms because she was worried and wanted the children close.

"Destiny, where are my Mom and Dad?" Chris asked.

"They are at your Dads office." Destiny answered.

"Is everything okay?" Artemis asked her.

"Yeah." Destiny said and she hated the fact that she was lying to the children. She didn't know what that bastard was thinking and if he was going to try and hurt the children at all. They heard a noise and the children were happy about it

"They're here." Luke told her. They were going to go for the door, but Destiny stopped them.

"Don't." Destiny said.

"Open the door." Lucius said and the three children stopped, especially Artemis.

"That's the voice of the bad man that tried to take me away." Artemis told her. Destiny motioned the kids to move away from the door and they move to the back, Tombstone children were with them.


They were in Mark and Athena's room, hiding and Destiny held the children back.

"We need to call the police." Christ tells her.

"Or Uncle John." Luke tells her.


Athena and Mark, where trying to get out of the building, but everywhere seemed to be filled with flames. Lucius seemed to have done a really good job in keeping them there.

"Mark, Athena!" they heard Glenn call for them.

"We are-cough, cough- inside my office." Mark screamed. They heard another explosion inside the building and Mark covered Athena with his body.

"Are you alright?" Athena covered her mouth as cough's got her body.

"Yes." Mark told her.


The guys were outside, just as Steve arrived as well.

"Tell me, what we've got so far." Steve asked one of them.

"Someone threw bottles of gas and lit the place on fire; both Mark and Athena are inside." Evan told him.

"John, Glenn and Dave are trying to get inside." They told him and that was what Steve wanted to hear, but he knew that he needed to keep his eyes on the building as the fire-fighters were already there.

"It was that bastard, wasn't it?" Randy asks him.

"Yeah." Steve told him. He went to help with the effort and they were able to open one of the walls and the firefighters went inside to get both Mark and Athena out of it. When they came out, they were pushed to the ambulance.

Athena and Mark had the oxygen masks.

"Where are the kids and Destiny?" Mark asked.

"In your home." Steve answered and he heard the ringing.


"Steve…Steve, he's here…he's trying to get inside, Mark and Athena's room."

"Shit!" Steve cursed.

"What happened?" Mark asked.

"He's at your house; they are hiding in your bedroom." Steve told him. Athena looked at him wide eyed and the guys began to get ready.

"Destiny, calm down, I need you calm." Steve told her. "I'll be there."

"T…t-cough, cough- tell her that there is a taser on my bedside drawer at the top behind my book." Athena told him.

"Athena tells me she has a taser on her bedside drawer." Steve tells Destiny. Mark turned to Athena.

"Since when do you have taser?" he asked.

"Just to be safe." Athena told him.

"I'm going." Mark told him.


"My children are there." Mark told him, he turned to Athena.

"Be very careful." Athena told him.

"Always." He said and kissed her quickly before they left.


Destiny looked into Athena's drawer and got the taser out of it. The kids looked around and they could hear Lucius trying to open the door and take it down. Chris moved around the room and he opened the window slowly.

"Aunt Destiny, we should go out here." Chris whispered.

"You men to the other house." Destiny whispered. "Alright, but I need you to be careful."

The first one to go out the window was Luke, then Artemis, at last it was Chris and Destiny climb out the window just as Lucius was able to take down the door.

"Alright, run kids." Destiny said and they moved to the other house, they could hear Lucius stomping around the house trying to get to them.


They arrived to the house and Destiny made them go into the room in the back. She could hear Lucius break the door down.

"You can't hide form me, bitch." He growled out. "I'm to take the children to their parents I'm a friend of their father."

"No you aren't." Destiny told him. Lucius growled and grabbed his gun, he shot to the roof to scare them and he smiled when he heard the screams.


"I heard a gunshot." Mark said.

"Shit, I think it came from over there." Steve told him.


Destiny was able to push the children to the attic. She was going to climb up when she was pulled by the hair.

"I got you." Lucius said and smacked the taser off her hands.

"Close the door." Destiny told the children. Lucius grabbed her by the neck.

"They don't matter, you matter the most, your Borden's fiancé, didn't the last one get killed, he just doesn't learn does he."

"Let me go." She told him.


"Let her go." They turned around to see Steve standing there.

"Finally, how many people did both of you had to see die before you showed your face?" Lucius said. "Of course, Agent or is it Sherriff Callaway had to be here, but he is getting burned with his wife."

"We weren't the ones killing." Steve told him.

"Now let her go." Mark ordered coming out of nowhere.

"You…you're supposed to be…"

"It didn't work." Mark told him. As he said this Destiny bit into his arm and kicked backwards getting him in the shin and he let her go.

"You little…"he said but Destiny moved out of the way and grabbed the taser and pulled the trigger, hitting him with it right in the leg. Lucius was going to shoot her, but Steve shot at both his kneecaps. He gave his gun to Mark and he began to read the man's rights before he kicked him in the face.


Two Years Later

Athena and Destiny were having coffee.

"I still cannot believe you got this place." Athena told her friend. The entire family had come to visit Steve, Destiny and their new daughter to DC. It had been two years since Lucius came and this was normal for them now.

"I know." Destiny said holding her daughter close. She had given birth to a little girl a few months ago and she was very happy.

"How is Steve holding up?" Athena asked.

"He is very happy, taking less time actually from work, so he can spend time with us." Destiny told her.

"That's great.' Athena said.

"The children, how are they?" Destiny asked.

"Well, they just got out of therapy a month ago and they are fine. The three of them understand the reason it happened and they never really saw the body and they don't have nightmares anymore." Athena said.

"That's good." Destiny said.

"Mom!" they turned around and saw Chris, Luke and Artemis coming and hugging Athena. Artemis came to see Melissa and smiled at her.

"Well the kids were entertained." Mark said and gave Athena a kiss.

"I am not surprise." She told him. Both families looked happy inside the café and seemed to be calm of all things.



Note: This is the end of the story. I hope you guys liked the story. Don't forget to review.