Author's Note: I feel like I screwed up with this. It was supposed to be Blake+Weiss for the Relationship Week, but it feels like I didn't focus on them as much. It wasn't meant to be monochrome, but I had wanted the main focus to be on the pair of them. I apologize for how short it is as well! I just feel like it wraps up perfectly where it does. I hope you all enjoy!

Sweat beaded down Blake's face as she faced Weiss from across a field. The heiress was circling slowly to her left as Blake circled right, Gambol Shroud drawn.

"I always knew it would come down to this, your methods are crude and unrefined." Weiss shouted, her exhaustion showing through in her voice.

"My plan may have been crude, but at least I didn't sacrifice my partner for my own benefit!" Blake snapped back. Weiss' eyes flicked over to where Ruby lay unmoving in the mud next to the crumpled form of her sister. Seizing the moment, Blake dashed forward, shooting Gambol Shroud wide to the left into a tree, effectively sealing Weiss' escape route.

Weiss, realizing her mistake, quickly rotated her dust chamber to its light blue setting and stabbed Myrtenaster into the earth. A giant icy wall emerged from the ground, directly in Blake's path of movement. A normal enemy might react slowly to this and run right into the ice, but after having been on a team with Weiss for months now, Blake had been expecting this move. Pulling up on Gambol Shroud's return mechanism, Blake was whisked to the left as the ribbon retracted, pulling her towards Weiss' unprotected left flank.

Pulling her weapon free from the tree, Blake uses her semblance to shadow behind the heiress and throws Gambol Shroud around Weiss. The ribbon tightens and secures her in place before the blade sinks into the ground. Blake steps forward tentatively, wary as to what the girl might try in her desperation to defeat the raven-haired girl.

"It's over Weiss. Now give up like a good girl and I wont have to deplete your Aura." Blake stated, holding the blade of her machete up towards Weiss' chest.

"Ugh, fine. You're just lucky I used almost all my dust taking down Yang." Lifting her face away from Blake, Weiss reluctantly gave in. Smiling, Blake released the girl from Gambol Shroud's clutches. Weiss stepped back a bit before dusting herself off, and proceeded to wipe the mud from Myrtenaster's blade.

"Are you two going to lie around all day? The match is over now you dolts!" Weiss snapped at the two sisters, grumpy at the fact that she had been outperformed.

The two sisters rose from the mud and burst into laughter at the sight of one another. Both girls were completely covered in mud. They took turns giving each other a high five before running over to Blake to congratulate her on her victory.

"Nice one Blakey! I knew your plan of using Weiss' predictability would work out! I'm just mad that I fell for her using my sister as bait!" The blonde smiled as she wrapped Blake in a bear-hug, covering the faunus in mud as well.

Accepting her fate, Blake hugged Yang back as she smiled. "Well, if they hadn't sacrificed Ruby, I may have been in trouble. You can't really [predict her movements."

"That's right! I'm unpredictable!" Ruby chimed in, happy to hear the praise.

"That's only because you're so hyper that you disregard strategy in favor of flashing all over the place." Weiss retorted.

"Aww don't be that way! Do you want a mud-hug as well?" Ruby asked, an evil glint appearing in her eyes.

"Ruby! Don't you dare!" Weiss stammered as she slowly took a step backwards.

"Oh, I think she deserves it, don't you Blakey?" Yang said in a low voice that shouted her intentions.

All three of them slowly advanced on the heiress. Wide grins were plastered on the sisters' faces, and even Blake had trouble keeping her lips from curling into a small smirk in regards to Weiss' expression.

"You are all SO annoying! Don't you dare get me muddy, or you will be sorry!" Shrieked the heiress in an uncommonly worried tone, the seriousness of her teammates left her no room to assume this was a joke. Turning to run, Weiss only made it a few feet before their red-headed leader appeared in front of her amidst a flurry of roses.

"Got ya!" Ruby yelled as she glomped onto Weiss, knocking her into the warm, and dirty, embrace of her other teammates. "This should become a Team RWBY tradition! Every month we should come out here to fight and then group hug on Weiss!" The young huntress excitedly giggled as she spoke, enjoying the feeling of elation that had grown between the team in the past months.

"You can ditch the 'group hug on Weiss' part..." Weiss grumbled as she hesitantly reciprocated the hug be latching onto Ruby.