Thursday February 5th, 2026 (Lily: 20 weeks 1 day, Christine: 8 weeks 5 days)

Weeks went by and Christine tried to live a normal life. Her teachers and the principal knew about the baby, but didn't say anything about it. Christine and Michael continued to be the school's envied couple. Michael and Christine had decided that their friends should know about the baby. So after school, Christine, Michael, Rachel, Jennie, and Stephen went to Christine's house to "hang out".

They finished homework and were talking in Christine's room. "So, guys, Michael and I have an announcement." Christine said nervously.

Eyes shifted between the couple. They couldn't be breaking up, since Christine was happily curled up in his arms. What was going on?

"Do you want to tell them?" Michael asked her.

"Yea, I guess." She sighed. "Don't react, like, wildly. Please, please, please be supportive of us."

"Just tell us, you're freaking me out!" Jennie said.

"Okay… I'm pregnant." Christine said.

3 sets of wide eyes were on them.

"You guys are, like, having a baby?" Stephen said/asked, shocked.

"That would be the definition of pregnant." Michael said.

"Wait, so, what are you gonna do?" Jennie asked.

"What is there to do? Just have the baby and raise it together." Christine said.

"Wow. We will totally be supportive of you guys!" Rachel says.

"Yea, totally. I just wanna be called Aunty Jennie or Aunty Jen." Jennie says.

"Uncle Stephen does have nice ring to it." Stephen said.

They all laughed and Christine and Michael were instantly grateful to have such good friends. They finally kinda felt like they could do this.




Monday February 16th, 2026 (Lily: 21 weeks 5 days, Christine: 10 weeks 2 days)

Christine had been feeling nauseous in the mornings for the past two weeks, but had somehow been able to overcome it. But not today. She woke up and could feel it coming. She ran to the bathroom, kneeled on the tile, and threw up. A few seconds into it, she heard footsteps toward her, and felt her hair being gently pulled back.

"It's okay, Chrissy, it'll be okay." She heard her dad's smooth voice say.

When it finally stopped, she felt a little better and put back against the wall. Silently, her dad helped her clean up. She no longer felt nauseous, and school went fine that day.




Tuesday February 24th, 2026 (Lily: 22 weeks 6 days, Christine: 11 weeks 3 days)

It had been over a week since her first morning sickness, and it had become a daily thing now. She had somehow been able to keep it out of school though. Today, as she was throwing up, she felt someone else pull her hair back and rub her back. When she was done, she turned around to see Michael standing there. He kissed her head and helped her get cleaned up. It seemed that this was her life now.




Thank you for being patient. My laziness got the best of me. Hopefully I'll have something else up this week.