disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail.


day seven

It is the seventh day and there are two survivors left.

The rain goes on.

When she looks out the melted window Lucy thinks she can see an orange bandanna fluttering in the wind. It's dappled with spots of blood. Natsu comes up behind her and sniffs the air. "It smells like Levy…but it can't be," Natsu's eyes widen.

They've already come to the fact that the world is going to end and that they are going to die. But neither one of them are prepared to accept that all of their friends will die before them. There aren't even anymore tears to cry. Lucy merely falls back into Natsu's arms. "You're all I need," she whispers. "Everyone else is gone. I love you. I love you I love you I love you I love you so much. I need you."

"And I you," he responds, stroking her hair. "I love you too."

They kiss again and then break away. Lucy looks fearfully at the ceiling. "The end is soon, Natsu. I'm scared." She picks up her worn pink blanket. "I'm cold."

Natsu hugs her to his chest, discarding the blanket. She snuggles into him, her human heater. "Stay here until everything is over."

She nods and kisses his face all over, grasping his hands and hugging him close. She wants to feel him before she dies, to know there is someone here with her. The first drop breaks through the wooden ceiling. A flame flares up in Natsu's palm and it steams away, not even touching them.

Lucy feels hope but she brushes it away. Soon there will be millions of these drops and Natsu will run out of magic. She wants to say goodbye to the people she has left, the only people that won't die even after she has.

She pulls her keys off the floor and tries with all her might to summon each spirit. No one comes out. Faintly she can hear Loke's voice echo within her mine. 'Goodbye Lucy…the rain is here to take me away.'

So they are dead, too. Everything is dead. They have done nothing to deserve this but yet they have. They are being punished for millennia of sin – even the celestial spirits. "Goodbye Loke. Goodbye all of you," Lucy dry-sobs, holding her face in her hands. She hyperventilates, gasping and gasping. "I'll see you in heaven."

At her last word, the wood above her cracks and splits and the rain comes pouring down. Natsu quickly puts up a barrier. It'll hold long enough for them to have their emotional goodbyes. For the longest time, they stare at each other.

Natsu breaks the silence. "You know, when we met, I never thought it would end like this."

"Me neither," Lucy replies softly, kissing his lips for the last time. "I thought we could have a happy ending."

"I wish, but everything comes to an end…isn't it lucky we get to die together?" Natsu grins, bright, so bright it nearly lights up the entire room.

Lucy smiles back, dazzled by his grin. "Yeah…" and suddenly she's at a loss for words. It's the end, the thing she's been preparing herself for, for the last three days. "Everyone else has left. I guess they want us to hurry up and meet them."

"I'm going to see Happy first. What about you?" Natsu says, casually.

"If you're going to find Happy, I'll come along with you. But then we have to go see Levy, okay? I think she must be awfully lonely," Lucy says back. "I'll see you when I'm gone."

"Yeah," he says. "I'll see you when I'm gone." They stare at each other for a while longer. "So this is the end," Natsu finally says.

"It is," Lucy agrees. "I'm scared." She's afraid of dying. They all are. But if it's with Natsu, maybe she can accept it.

"Don't be," Natsu says, and then releases the barrier. He goes first, exploding in a shower of fire and gore, automatically incinerating himself as he dies. All that's left is a pile of ash.

The rain seems to come down in slow motion, then. "Natsu!" Lucy screams. Then as the first droplet touches her skin, she turns her face heavenward, welcoming the rain.

There is no pain.

Just nothing.

When she wakes up she's at Fairy Tail again, but this time, she's walking on a path of clouds.

It is the seventh day and the world has ended – everything is gone and the earth is a wasteland.

The rain goes on.

'Hey, let's live our happy ending now, okay?'

and so the world ends

Okay, so I ended up uploading them all in the same day (I actually started writing them today, too! I'm still on break, so that's why.).

It's not good for popularity and reviews and views and all that stuff but I don't really care about that too much. I got pretty excited about sharing this with the world (or the Fairy Tail fanfiction readers).

So, ah, yeah, the world has ended and they are in heaven (I'm an atheist but heaven makes for better stories so I'm all up for it.). Yay!

Not really sure what to say anymore. Anyways, if you are here, thanks for reading this far. Mind dropping a little review behind?

