
Mankind has grown quite strong since their making two thousand years ago.

As they emerged from dust mankind fought long and hard to claim every inch of land their kingdoms stand apon.

As mankind slowly lost their being to the grimm long ago mankind made a decision to delay the destruction of their species.

This decision sealed the fate of mankind's existence with the grimm, they would fight each other untill one side conceded to the other.

But this all had a price.

Years past, the preparing of forces and this conflict was long forgotten within the memories of mankind.

...but not the grimm...

They stood silent slowly growing in strength untill now.

Mankind was doomed without the help of a small group of heroes, and that is where their decisions will end or save mankind.

~Chapter 1-"It Was a Pleasure"-1 year after the Penny incident~


"Come on Romeo lets see what you're made of." Kai said in a challenging voice.

"Yeah ill make sure you see me when you're lying on the ground." Romeo taunted back

"Sure. Sure" Kai said as he bowed.

"Hmmph" Romeo mumbled as he bowed back.

Kai got into his fighting stance and balled his fists while Romeo took out his dual swords. Kai waited for Romeo to make a move as they circled each other, silently shifting positions, eyes locked. Kai saw Romeo tense and prepared himself. Just as Kai predicted Romeo launched himself forward, swords flying out before him, aimed at Kai's chest.




Romeo layed on his back, disarmed and throbbing with pain the duel was swiftly ended. Kai then offered a hand to which Romeo took.

Pulling Romeo up Kai said "We have a lot of work to do."

"Yeah. Thanks" Romeo said sarcastically, pride broken and still wirling around from the quick "spar"

"Hey I'm not the one who decided you were a childhood prodigy, that was Ozpin. And if you don't appreciate me telling the truth then I have no need to teach you." Kai said

"Yeah except for how you need a bed to sleep in at night." Romeo retaliated.

"That is true but that doesn't change the fact that you should take this more seriously, I've only known you for five minutes and I can tell you lack drive." Kai replied.

"Yeah of course I lack drive... I have nothing to fight for." Romeo said sadly.

"Not true. If you didn't have anything to fight for then you wouldn't be here at Beacon. It doesn't matter what drives you, it could be yourself, others, honor, pride, a girl you have a heart for. Anything that makes you get up in the morning and go to sleep at night. Do not tell me you lack a thing to fight for." Kai said

"Well that's easy for you to say. My family's dead, broken into little tiny peices, their all I ever had and ever will have. Now stop acting like you know me." Romeo nearly whispered, tears dripping down his feminine featured face, over his scare on his left eye, down pale white skin and dripping onto the wood panel floor.

"Ah so that is what blocks you. Guilt from your family's death, I can relate. It gets better with each passing day, I promise. But the only way to fill the hole you have in your heart is with others. Since you've only been here for 3 days I want you to take a break from our lessons until you've made at least one friend. But don't let me catch you taking off anymore time than you have too. Anyway, it was a pleasure Romeo, remember to believe in yourself." Kai said as he turned to leave.

"Wait. You said you could relate. How?" Romeo asked still wondering how his new teacher saw through him.

"That's for another day, now go talk to some people." Kai said as he walked out the doors into the hallway full of beacon's students.

Leaving Romeo to collect himself in his classroom Kai walked to the café that was in Beacon's cafeteria. He saw people stare at his person, probably unnerved by his hood that hid tan asian skin, dark brown eye's, and slightly yellow teeth. He walked onward, cloak tailing behind him, it was colored white with purple detail on it's trim, a purple hawk with two staffs crossed behind it embroidered on it's back. Finally reaching the café he ordered two coffees, one Black, one with cream and sugar. Paying for it he left and began walking to one of his favorite places In Beacon, a place he visited a lot. He walked to the entrance of beacon and began scaling the large building. The sun cast its rays down on Kai as he climbed farther up. After a decent amount of time scaling the massive building he arived at its bell tower which he then sat on the edge. He still had two cups of coffee in his hands, unspilled.

'I wonder where she could be.' Kai thought as he waited for his friend to arrive.

After five minutes he got a tap on the shoulder. Turning around he saw his friend but she friend was not alone.

"Hey Blake. How's it going." Kai asked his old friend.

"I'm fine. Same classes, same team drama." She replied to Kai, a slight smirk on her face.

"And who might you be?" Kai asked politely to Blakes friend.

"This is Yang, she's one of my teammates." Blake gestured to the blonde

"Hi." Yang said dryly

"Hello, I've heard a lot about you from Blake, not all good things either." Kai jested with a grin that wasn't necessarily visible.

"So why did Blake drag you all the way up here?" Kai asked.

"Well she told me about you and I may or may not have forced her to take me to see you." Yang explained, a hostile look on her face.

"Ah. And I suppose their is a reason for you to force my friend to take you here." Kai infered.

"Yeah. I want you to stay away from "my friend". I don't care what you think you are but you don't lay a finger on her." Yang threatened.

"This has to be a joke. Blakes like a sister to me, besides why are you so offended that she has me as a friend?" Kai asked.

"Because your a teacher! Not a 17 year old!" Yang said angrily.

"Uhm if you haven't noticed I'm 18, my birthday was three days ago." Kai replied with annoyence.

"Yeah sure. Ill believe that when I beat the pulp out of you." Yang said as she extended her ember cilia.

"Kai I would take off the hood, she didn't believe me when i said my friend was a teacher but was also 18." Blake advised with a chuckle.

"Oh yeah. That would probably help." Kai said as he took off his hood revealing his flawless asian toned skin and long black hair that was swept to the right side of his face. Flashing a smile he let his guard down. A huge mistake.

Yang punched him hard in his stomach, knocking the wind out of him and sending a wave of pain shooting up his spine. She swung again at his face to which Kai blocked, twisted his arm and then grabbed her wrist before using her arm to off balance her causing the blonde to fall to the floor. Blake just stood there facepalming at Yangs stupidity.

"Fucking hell! What was that for!" Kai exclaimed.

"Oh i don't know, you pissed me off!" She said.

"What did I do!" Kai asked as he offered a hand to the fallen girl.

"I don't know. Just let me leave." Yang said as she smacked Kai's hand away.

"There's nothing stopping you." Kai said as he shot a look at Blake saying 'why'.

"Whatever" Yang said as she stormed off, pride hurt.

"It was a pleasure" Kai called after her.

Yang just kept walking. Finally leaving the two friends alone.

"What was that about." Kai asked as he and Blake sat on the ledge of the tower.

"I told her about you and how great you were and when she found out how old you were she demanded I introduce you two to each other." Blake explained.

"So why'd she punch me in the gut?" Kai asked.

"Because she's jealous that your so young and already a graduate and probably has a crush on you" Blake said with a grin.

"That still doesn't explain why she sucker puched me, i mean if you like someone shouldn't you be nice to them?" Kai said in genuine confusion

Not in her eye's, she's testing you. Of all people you should see that since your the 17 year old genius. " Blake replied.

"18 year old genius, As of 3 days ago." Kai corrected

"That's still 17 to me." Blake teased.

It was a good moment while it lasted. After ten minutes rain started to pour down onto the towers roof. As Kai and Blake scaled down the building, soaked in rain water Kai's thoughts wandered from Yangs reasoning to his new student. 'I wonder how he's fairing.'


Romeo walked around beacons vast halls studying the artwork and structuring as he looked for someone who he could talk to. Looking around he saw a lot of people going about their business but none who were alone or looked like they needed a friend. What was good for Romeo was that he was confident in himself, talking to people didn't phase him but he also knew that some people wouldn't appreciate him talking to them considering he was only 16. Knowing this he looked for younger students, glancing from side to side he saw many grown figures walk by, all older than he was by a long run. Sitting on a bench he burried his face in his hands and thought of how stupid he was probably being, like how he was when he met his teacher who he still barely knew, he barely even knew his name. All his thoughts were disrupted by a slightly squeaky voice.

"Uhm... are you ok?" The voice said.

"What" Romeo replied as he pulled his head up and looked at the short statured person in front of him, obviously female.

"I said are you alright? You seem kind of down." She said.

"Yeah, I'm not doing so great. I just got here a few days ago." Romeo answered.

"Sounds like a story." She said sitting down next to him.

"Yeah, a long one at that." Romeo said with a half smile.

"Well,do you mind telling me it? You seem like a good person to talk to" She asked.

"Sure, why not. Names Romeo by the way." He said holding his hand out.

"Ruby, nice to meet you." Ruby said as she shook Romeo's hand and waited for him to start his story.

"Well heres the shorter version. I guess I can start from when everything goes downhill." Romeo began "I guess it all started when I was 10. I'm the son of a Huntsman named Raiden Blue and a Huntress, Sky Blue. They were taught here at this school and were friends of the current headmaster, Ozpin. When they retired relatively early they moved out to a small town where they had me. They were very protective of me and sheltered me even though they trained me to be a hunter which doesn't really go well with having a "Happily ever after" mind set. After years of training from when I was 10 until about a month or two ago our village was attacked by a horde of grimm which destroyed my village... I wasn't aloud to fight... my parents were slain and when my sister, who was 18 at the time burst through the doors, grimm right behind her, I saved her from them. Or I thought I did, she was so badly beaten she died of her injuries." Romeo's voice wavered " and so I came here and now I'm looking for "a friend" as my teacher said."

"I'm sorry about that Romeo, Im sure you did all you could for your sister." Ruby hesitated " if you want I can be that friend you need"

Romeo paused

"Sure, that be great." Romeo said in a relatively relieved and happy tone. "how old are you anyway? You look younger than most of the people here." He asked.

"Probably because I'm the youngest in the school, I was moved up two years, I'm 16." She replied sulkenly

"Hey that's all right I'm 16 too!" Romeo said estaticly

Ruby giggled "why are you so excited?" She asked

"Because I'm not the only one who's out of place...i mean...Uhh... sorry"

The two shared a laugh.

"Its fine I get that a lot." Ruby said still giggling.

"Well then, I guess you want to be a huntress?

"Yup, always wanted to be!" She beamed.

"Cool, hey did you by any chance make your own weapon too?" He asked.

"Yeah I actually did" Ruby said, elated that they had moved onto weapons.

"Well do you have it with you?" He asked.

"Its actually in my locker, maybe I can show you it later... although I'd be fine with seeing yours." Ruby inquired.

"Oh sure." Romeo said. "This is swift and gale" He said as he pulled his twin blue dual bladed swords out of matching royal blue sheaths crossed on his back. The hilts were pure white, wrapped in black leather on its grip, its guard bare but inscribed in them were the names of each blade, holes on one side of each sword's T shaped guard.

"Wow those are cool!" Ruby said estaticly, brushing each end of the swords.

"Yeah, they also do this." Romeo said with a smirk as he switched his swords into pistols, the blade folding into a sight, handles angling themselves slightly as blue triggers pooped out and the guard formed the barrel of each pistol. They were predominantly white with blue detail, opposite of the sword form. Ruby was now more awed then before, he figured she was a weapons nut, as he was a little himself.

That's when he got a real look at his new friend. Ruby was a very cute girl, petite figure, short dark hair with red highlights that complimented her grey eyes and pale complection, although she was in her school uniform she wore a red cloak. He blushed slightly as she turned to him.

"Can I hold one?" She asked with puppy eyes.

"I guess just don't..." Romeo began.

To late.

A shot rang out the halls which to Romeo's surprise were empty now.

"Thank god there's no one here." Romeo said trying to contain a smile as Ruby handed his weapon back proptly. He failed.

"Hey atleast it wasn't as bad as when I exploded." Ruby said, instantly regretting herself.

"You exploded?" Romeo asked, not very surprised.

"Its a long story." She sighed.

Before Romeo could say anything someone ran around the corner.

"Oh god that's my sister" Ruby whispered to Romeo.

"Is that good or bad?" He asked.

"Could be either" she said just as Ruby's sister stopped in front of them.

"How'd I know it be you who'd blast a hole in the wall." She said almost bursting with laughter.

"Oh come on Yang I didn't make a hole in the wall" Ruby said, blushing.

"Yeah, yet." She teased as she saw Ruby blush "Ohh is my little sister embarrassed." Yang said in a babying voice.

"Oh shut up Yang." Ruby said annoyed.

"Is it because you finally made a guy friend?" Yang said grinning at Ruby's flustered look.

Romeo was about to say sonething when two people came up behind Yang.

"You have a lot of room to talk" said a male voice.

Whirling around Yang blushed furiously. "Oh you again" she said.

"Wait... Kai?" Romeo gasped a little.

"Oh wow. Thats weird, hey Romeo." He replied.

"Wait you two know each other?" Ruby asked Romeo and Yang at the same time.

They both answered "yeah" but Yang added the detail that she punched him in the stomach and Romeo said he was his teacher.

"Wait so this kid is your student?" A figure next to Kai said.

"Yeah. Weird I know, anyway Romeo, this is Blake, and this is Yang." Kai said gesturing to the two girls standing next to him.

"This is a bit confusing." Romeo said " I was just talking to Ruby, who's sister runs over and teases her, then you and this other girl come up and apparently she punched you in the gut which suppriesed me because you beat me bare handed in a duel that lasted 3 seconds. And now we're all standing here looking at each other trying to figure out whats happening, correct?" He finished.

"Yeah that seems right except that Yang and Blake are on my team." Ruby added.

"Ok so why'd we all end up here?" Romeo asked.

"Well I guess I shot a bullet which made Yang run over and I guess she was being followed by you two because she punched...uh Kai in the stomach. Right?" Ruby asked.

"Probably" Kai said.

"Yeah" Yang agreed.

"Close enough." Blake added.

"Well can we all go our own way? I was just taking Kai's advice and finding a friend." Romeo said

"I guess as soon as I get a just answer on why I was sucker punched." Kai stated glaring at Yang.

"Look you want the truly honest answer?" She said glaring back.

"Yes, that's all I want." Kai said.

"Because I got flustered and when I get like that I tend to act out vigorously." She replied in a guilty voice.

"All right. I understand, just remember next time I'll be punching back." Kai said with a grin.

"Really after punching you in the stomach after I knew you for five seconds you forgive me that easily?" She asked.

"Well its hard not to forgive such a beautiful women." Kai replied instantly blushing.

As Romeo observed the scene he didn't know what to think, thoughts whirling around in his head, he was genuinely had no idea what was happening and thought stepping away from the conversation would yield a time to think about what was happening. But for now he couldn't, he would just have to deal with how things went.

Looking back to the events that were currently happening he saw Everyone staring at Kai.

"Yes I gave a compliment, big deal, now please would everyone stop looking at me like I'm crazy." His mentor nearly begged.

Nothing happened, nothing really could be said.

"Wonderful, well anyway it was a pleasure meating you all. Hopefully next time we meet we can have a real conversation." Kai said.

And with that he just vanished from thin air.

"Uhhh..." was all anyone said.

After a few moments Blake and Yang bid their farewells and walked off together hastily. Leaving Romeo and Ruby.

"That was interesting at the very least." Romeo said.

"Yeah. I think your mentor is... well he's mysterious." She said.

"Yeah I know, I've only known him for a few hours." Romeo said.

"Well it was nice meeting you, maybe we can hang out sometime." Ruby said as she looked at the clock in the hall.

"Yeah definetly, I basically live right over there." Romeo pointed to the doors Kai's "classroom" was. "Ill see you around.

Half the heroes had met, and in just time even though they may not know it. They would need each other in the upcoming events.

The odd begining of the soon to be team has past.

Soon judgement would be apon them by the grimm.

It will either be a slow, painful or swift end.