"He's our only chance to save Kirk!" Only chance...Illogical, he- he is dead.

They would spend long hours with him. Mostly him and Doctor McCoy, but they all came. Came to see their Captain, and their friend. Nyota thinking of all the times when she had hated him and wanted him to go away. Scotty driven by grief that he couldn't save him. Checkov praying and would occasionally slip into Russian without realizing it. Sulu who couldn't believe that his adventures with his friend could possibly be over. Bones who had curses running through his mind, swearing that all he wanted was Jim back. And all the while Spock simply watched his friend. Urging him to come back to them. Please Jim. Please do not give up. Waiting to see him stir. Waiting for any brain activity that would indicate he was alive. Waiting to see his crystal blue eyes to open. To see him flash that arrogant smile at him. Days and nights, when everyone else would be resting, Spock kept vigil at his friend's side. He would tell McCoy to go rest, that he needed to stay alert, and that he would let him know if anything changed. But he also said that to be with his friend alone.

I want to be there when he wakes.

Life went on around him, but at the end of the day he was always here. With him. He would wait forever if he had to.

His communicator beeped. "I think he might wake up soon." was all McCoy had said. Spock came at once.

Gasping his eyes shot open. "Oh don't be so melodramatic. You were only just barely dead." McCoy said as he tried to hide his relief.

Jim looked at him in confusion.

"It was the transfusion that really took its toll." he explained.

"Khan..." he whispered. "Tell me," Bones said trying, and failing to lighten to mood "are you feeling homicidal, power-man, bloodthirsty?"

He shook his head and smiled. "No more than usual." He paused.

"How'd you catch him?" he asked.

"I didn't." he replied.

Spock hesitantly stepped forward. His Captain seemed to smile a bit.

"You saved my life." he stated.

"Uhura and I had something to do with it too, you know." Bones cut in gruffly. Spock started to give an explanation but Kirk cut him off.

"Spock- Thanks."

He gave up. "You are welcome Jim." he replied. His friend smiled as he called him by his first name.

"There's going to be a hell lot of physical therapy isn't there?" he guessed.

"Considering no other individual has come back from the dead, then most likely." Spock replied. Kirk groaned. There was a long path ahead but they would make it together. All of them as a family.

As the door slid open Chekov announced "Keptain on ze bridge!" he hadn't said that for a long time. Spock watched from the sidelines as Kirk went over to McCoy and assured him things would be fine, and in return the Doctor swore under his breath. He exchanged a word with Dr. Marcus before checking in on Mr. Scott. "Scotty how's our core?" he asked. "Purring like a kitten Captain, she's ready for a long voyage." replied the engineer. Spock went and stood next to his Captain.

"Where should we go Spock?" he wondered "There's a world of possibilities." he added. Spock glanced at him.

"I do not know, for a mission of this duration has never been attempted." he stated. "But I have confidence in your good judgment."

His Captain flashed him that simile, and for once the Vulcan almost smiled back at his friend. Almost.

A/N: Whew! Finally done. (also jeez that was a cheesy ending) I've realized that I have strayed from the theme/main idea but I don't really think out my stories, I just write them *awkward laugh* Anyways thank you everyone who has supported this lil' fic of mine, I'm open to any story suggestions/prompts so just let me know.

Live long and prosper ~ Mew