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Three days later arrived but not quickly. I spent the entire previous night thinking about today's meeting. I hadn't seen Neville or Luna since the battle. I was nervous but so thankful they were alive and okay. I only had about thirty minutes left until they arrived. I made up some breakfast for myself and a pot of tea. I stared at the minute hand...slowly taking its time. I spent, which was hopefully, the last few minutes setting the tea and cups on the table in the living room. There was suddenly a loud pop throughout the house, I lifted my eyes to the fireplace.

I didn't have any words. I was so thrilled and relieved to see these three. I wasn't expecting my reaction but I ran and hugged them all. Trying desperately not to breakdown.

"I'm so glad you are all here." I looked to Neville, He still looked the same, maybe a bit worn down but he was still Neville. Luna looked...well like Luna I suppose. Professor McGonagall was smiling.

"It's good to see you Hermione!" Neville embraced me in another hug.

"We have certainly missed having you around. I am glad you are alright. I see you've made quite the home for yourself." McGonagall grabbed my hand and gave a squeeze of reassurance.

"Thank you but I could have never done it without you. You have done so much for me...Please everyone have a seat." There was no way I could ever give Professor McGonagall the thanks she deserved.

"I made tea...So how are you all? How are things back at home? Not too bad I hope?" My words were rushed. Neville laughed at my eagerness then his eyes seemed to fall slightly.

"Things have been...alright. Obviously the hardest part is over but we are all trying to recover. So many..." He didn't need to finish his sentence. I understood. We all lost precious people that day. It's hard to move on.

"Its better to grieve as a group than to do it alone." Luna's words were always hard to grasp the tone of considering she only used one, which was dreamy.

"That's true, I don't know how you are able to hold yourself together Hermione...Back at home, we have hard enough time doing it all together." Neville was giving me a pitying look.

"I just need some air...I need to be away right now." I wasn't sure how to explain it. McGonagall understood, I just hoped the other two didn't take it personally.

"You don't have to explain yourself, Neville speaks before he thinks." Luna's comment almost made me laugh.

"Well, Hermione how are your studies going? I again apologize for having to take you out of lectures today." McGonagall switched topics.

"It is alright, it's been a while since I have looked at muggle class work. I'll have to study more than usual. What business are you attending to if you don't mind me asking?" McGonagall looked like she was contemplating on telling me which made me uncomfortable. She must know I will find out whether she likes it or not. She sighed.

"Nothing too serious, the remaining Order are having a meeting to discuss approaches on how to gather the remaining death eaters." She wasn't telling me everything. Something like that wouldn't distress me.

"And?" I persisted

"Nothing for you to worry about." So she was going to be stubborn now.

"We are trying to find Bellatrix." Luna spoke. Neville and McGonagall glared.

"She will find out anyway." Was her response.

So they still hadn't found her. I assumed this would be the case, I'd be a fool if I hadn't thought of it.

"Will you please inform me of the ongoing search. I am still part of the Order, I would like to assist in any possible way. I think she has made enough influence on my circumstances that I should be involved." I looked directly into McGonagall's tired eyes. I knew she would be against it. I gave her a pleading look. I needn't ask for her permission and she knew that. I was asking for her to make this easier for herself and I.

"I will...but know so it is with reluctance. You have sacrificed enough, you are still so young." I knew she had good intentions but I was just as much a part of this as she was...perhaps even more.

"and have you not sacrificed? Not only have you done just that but you've given me a chance at a new start in life...I'm sure you have also done the same with these two. I am not a child and will not be treated as such. We are all in this as one." McGonagall looked defeated. I felt bad for being the one to cause it but I must help.

"Yes my dear, I understand." We all stared at each other. All digesting the situation we are in and understanding our feelings. We didn't have to speak...we understood. We all made far too may sacrifices, we all lost so much and yet we still must stay strong and fight for the rest of us. One day...we would at least have some physical peace.

"Well, if you don't mind me asking. How did…how did you all manage to make it out alive?" I was slightly displeased that I had been forced out of the fight but I suppose it was best.

"Well, when you left Bellatrix jumped for us but Luna here used sectumsempra on her." Neville said. I could feel my eyebrows shoot up in shock.

"I know I was surprised too. That's the spell Severus made, it slashes your opponent."

"Yes Neville, I am just surprised that you would use it, no offense Luna. You just don't seem like the fighting type."

"None taken. I was just as surprised but we were in a desperate situation." Luna's eyes shifted to the ground.

"So after that Bellatrix was stunned and very injured. She immediately dissaperated. It was a quick battle." Neville was looking at Luna with loving eyes.

"I guess you could say Luna saved us."

"Well I am glad it was quick." Hermione let out a breath of relief.

We continued talking, setting up a training schedule was mentioned to prepare for any possible trouble. Our decision would be finalized once we had more information from this weekends Order meeting. Neville made mention of the time so the three stood and began walking towards the fireplace. McGonagall nodded for the others to go on ahead. After Neville and Luna left, she came to me and handed me a very large, elegant looking envelope.

"This one is for you...I...well its time." I understood immediately what I was holding and desperately wanted to drop the paper from my hands and pretend I was never given it.

"The ministry will be holding the ceremony next weekend. It will be for all lives lost that day...there will also be specific mentions and honors as well. I know you will come but if you need someone to attend with I can arrive with you."

I stared at the envelope then back at McGonagall. Of course I would be attending. This was essentially Harry and Ron's funeral but also Remus, Tonks, Fred, Snape...the list just went on. I knew this was coming, I should have been more emotionally prepared. I could only nod in response. McGonagall gave me a hug and then proceeded to floo back.

This was going to be a very difficult week.