Title: A Different Harri Potter

Full Summary: Harri Potter was never the just the run of the mill witch. She always had an air to her that made people understand. She grew up raised by her loving parents and two wonderful godfathers who taught her growing up that Dark doesn't always mean bad and Light doesn't always mean good. Now she is starting Hogwarts being watched by Albus Dumbledore, befriending the Chosen One, and dealing with normal teenage witch stuff. She is in for one hell of a ride.

Pairings: Harri Potter/ (unknown pairing, for now.), James Potter/Lily Potter, Regulus Black/Severa Snape (I have no idea if I will keep this couple but I have to say this is one of my OTPs), and Narcissa Malfoy/Lucius Malfoy.

Warnings: This is in an Alternate Universe and there will be; Political!Independent!FemHarry, Intelligent!Overprotective!OC, Strong Language, FemSeverus Snape, Slash (Male/Male), Threesome Couplings, Manipulative!Dumbledore (But Not Evil… kinda), and Some Bashing of other Characters(cough-Bellatrix-Cough-Peter-Cough).

Disclaimer- If I owned Harry Potter, Hedwig, Fred, and Snape would not have died and Neville would have played a huge played a bigger role all the books. So Harry Potter and most of the Characters in this story belongs to J.K. Rowling.


Misplaced Trust

James Potter had wanted a son and was positive had get one after all he was a Potter and there hadn't been a female born to the Potter line in over 200 years. From the time he and his wife Lily got married he was sure he wanted a son he even had his name ready Harry James Potter. He could see it... teaching him to fly, play pranks, and mostly playing Quidditch. He could all ready see him holding the Quidditch House Cup for Gryffindor of course. James wanted him to be a seeker or a Chaser like himself.

So when Lily got pregnant they didn't even need to check the gender with the Healer and medi-witches. So right now he and two of his best friends waited as she wife gave birth. James was kicked from the room when Lily somehow got ahold of a wand and started sending hexes at him threatening to murder him for putting the baby in her.

"You don't think she's serious do you?" James said to a rather amused looking Sirius Black, who just started laughing at him.

"Well I'm sure she would if you went within fifty feet of her," Sirius teased.

"Don't worry James it'll be over soon, no need to nervous," replied a young Remus Lupin, "Sirius is just messing with your head."

Before anyone could say anything else a child's wail could be heard and there was a small burst of magic that shook the room. James, Sirius, and Remus quick ran back into the room to see the medi-witch cleaning off the newborn baby.

"Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Potter. You have given birth to a healthy baby girl!"

"Girl? But that's not… that can't be," James said as she handed her to him.

Looking down James he was anything but disappointed. The moment he looked into her pale greens eyes she was his world. This was his little princess and the center of his whole world because she now owned his heart.

James could tell the same thing had come over Sirius as he gently took the newborn out of his arms so James could set next to the very exhausted Lily.

"This is my pup. Hello there pup, I'm your godfather. I'm going to give you everything you want... Such a cute little pup..." Sirius smiled, cradling the newborn.

Lily couldn't help but giggle before reaching for the baby, "She is beautiful."

"Look what we brought in this world," James smiled through his tears and watched Lily hold the ebony haired baby girl.

Remus walked over finally to get a good look as the baby. She was born this a head full of black hair and Lily's beautiful eyes.

"What are her names?" Remus asked.

James and Lily looked at each other eyes widen before James said, "We don't have a name for her."

"Well... we had planned on naming her Harry after my father and James of course. It never crossed our mind that she wouldn't be a boy," Lily told them.

"What about that book you've been reading to her every night the one about the little people who lives under the floorboards," James said thinking of something.

Lily hummed, "It called the Borrowers why?"

"The girl her name is Arrietty… you know if we added and H it would be prefect," James said with a smile.

"Harrietty, that is a beautiful name," Lily smiled.

"Harrietty Lily Potter," James declared.

But soon James and Lily's mind fell to something else.

Albus Dumbledore came by earlier that month, to inform them of a prophecy that he had heard. Either Frank and Alice Longbottoms' new born or theirs could be the child it foretold of.

"Born to those who have thrice defied him. HE will defeat the Dark Lord with the power he knows not. Born as the seventh month dies…. Neither can live while the other survives."

As James watched his wife, and his daughter… breathing a sigh of relief she was going to be fine.

August 1st the head master looked at the list of students that would join in 11 years. He stopped as he saw that there were two new names that were added in the last days of July Neville Longbottom and Harrietty Potter. The Potter had a girl she wasn't the child of the prophecy. Dumbledore had of course only let one 'leak out' and Voldemort had already chosen the Potter child as his victim and he had known this course from Severa Snape whom had come to him of to protect Lily but now it was falling apart. Severa was so willing to hand herself over to protect the women, Dumbledore's only conclusion was that she was in love with her, he didn't care it was useful.

But he pulled his mind off of his new found spy and one to the two prophecies that spoke of this child;

The one with the power to resort the magic order was awake

The child will arrive in one years' time born to Warriors of the Phoenix.

She will be marked but the Dark Lord and scarred But the Light Lord

She the True Master of Death will bring peace this world with a

power unknown to this world.

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches ... Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies ... And the Dark Lord will mark her as his equal, but she will have power the Dark Lord knows not ... And either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives ... The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies..."

Dumbledore knew that a female couldn't be the defeater of the Dark Lord and the Master of Death so when he leaked it out he simply changed she too he. He had been researching the Hollows since he was a young man. All the signs showed that only wizard males could master the Hollows and a woman.

He knew what he was going to do was not morally right but it was for the Greater Good. If he had control over this child for he would have control over the Hollows and the new world with no Dark wizards or witches, a world without mindless beast like vampires and werewolves, a new world where it would be safe for Muggles and Muggleborns. However he should tell the Potter the good news before breaking the bad new to Frank and Alice. Grabbing a little Floo powder the old man threw the powder in the fire and after it turned green stepped in and yelled his destination in a clear voice, "Potter Residence!"

He got swept away and gracefully stepped out of the home of the Potters. He looked around and noticed that no one seemed to be in the room. He went out to the living room.

Lily was sitting on a sofa with the newborn as James and Sirius carried boxes and bags of baby things.

"Albus what are you doing here," James said, looking up at the Headmaster as he placed the bags down. "Come to look at my daughter right. She's prefect isn't!"

Albus looked over at the baby girl and couldn't help but chuckle she was wearing cute little golden snitch baby hat and a red onesie with golden words that read Mischief Managed.

"She is adorable. Moony got her that cute little hat to come home in before he left for night," Sirius said before Dumbledore could answer.

Lily smiled, "I don't understand how but she has those two and Remus wrapped around her figures already and she can't even talk. They've been out buying girl clothes for her."

"Headmaster you look upset," James said as Lily placed Harri in the bassinet.

He smiled and said, "I came here today because my source reveled that due to the gender of your child the prophecy is void."

"I thought that the Longbottom ," James said worried.

"Frank and Alice gave birth to a boy."

James, Lily and even Sirius looked relieved to know that Harri would be okay and that was all that mattered now.

Months passed and both Lily and James felt like life in the Order had gotten more complicated. Frank and Alice were now marked for death and they prepared for the worse making wills in case they died protecting their child. They had even made James and Lily the godparents of there so Neville. Although they Dumbledore whom had drawn up the agreement made it so they could only take him if Frank's overbearing mother and Alice's crazy Unlce had passed as well.

Their home life of course was better than ever they loved having a daughter. James of course spoiled the girl to death. For her first birthday James had not only got her a custom white gold necklace that read Prong's princess, a matching bracelet that said Mischief Managed, and countless plush toys not to mention Lily had to talk him out of getting her a unicorn pony. Remus and Sirius didn't really make it better when they just brought her gifts every time they visit and for Sirius that was a least twice a week and a most every day in a single week.

After the Longbottom's pasted the Potter became weary of the man they once trusted so much. He had basically made it illegal for werewolves to make a living and after the Dark Lord fell there was like a ton of anti- dark creature laws and laws on Wizards with a Dark affinity which of course affected Remus and Sirius. Not to mention he had tried to steal James's family invisibility cloak trying to give him some cheat knock off.

James had been livid that night and summoned his real cloak before left out his officewithout letting the man explain himself. James was done with the order at this point done and with that man as was Lily. They could sense that something was off with their past headmaster since he heard the prophecy.

But that night while walking home something finally had come and the wards around the street in Godric's Hollow had fallen. James didn't even see it coming until two voices shouted out;


Both James and Lily fell to the ground as they hear the cold laughter of Bellatrix Lestrange as she held Lily under the cruse. James looked up to see his attacker and was shocked to see it was his friend Peter alongside of him were Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange and a young boy around 17 or 18 that looked out of place with is company.

"Stop it you too or we won't get answers," the boy said and Rodolphus and Rabastan had you forceful stop Bellatrix. James knew that voice all too well it was the voice of Barty Crouch Jr.

"What do you know about the Dark Lord," Bellatrix demand.

"That the he's dead," James said defiantly.

"Liar," Bellatrix yelled as she and Peter through the curse at them once again. Lily was screaming and James was sure that Bellatrix curse was a hundred times worst then Peter.

James finally cracked not able to take the pained look on his love's face and yell, "Dumbledore said he's not died that his soul is somewhere in Albania."

Bellatrix smiled, "Now let me rid the world of this mud-blood. Avada-"

But she was thrown back before she could finish the curse she had been throw back four shots fired at her at four different sources. Two revealed to be Sirius Black and Remus Lupin but expertly throwing spell after at the Death Eaters. James after a moment he took to recover from the pain he sent his Patronus to the Ministry before joining the dual. No one noticed two dark figures hovering over Lily.

"Severa," Lily whispered as she saw under the hood. Her childhood best friend as she pulled out a vial containing a bright blue potion and placed it to her lips, Lily asked no questions and just drank the potion. Slow she felt her strength coming back.

"W-what is that," Lily asked in a raspy voice.

Severa cleared her throat, "Anti-Cruciatus its one of my new creations. The Ministry is coming we must go."

Severa thrust another vial of the potion into Lily's hand before disappearing with another cloaked figure and Barty Crouch Jr.

Not even a moment later the Ministry showed up in time to catch the three Lestranges. However once Sirius and Remus had showed up Peter had turned into a rat and ran off and what made it worst was that Dumbledore said he had suspected Peter's betrayal. He had suspected it and not warned them, he allowed them to keep Peter as their Secret Keeper and nearly costed them their lives. That night the Potters lost all fate in Albus Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix so along with Remus and Sirius the left England to hopefully start a new life, a life where Harri could grow up safely away from the corruption happening in England.

I Hope you enjoyed! This is my first story and I love genderbenders. I wrote one on Severa Snape but never posted it. Please Reveiw