Hi guys. These are just a short list of stories that track normal classes trying to fight regular vehicles. Based off of Star Wars Battlefront II. Hope you enjoy!

"What is that?" The massive metal monster stood a little ways away from them, lumbering slowly along the battlefield. It was massive, obliterating any Rebel fortifications that stood in the behemoths path.

"I have no idea. How are we supposed to stop that thing?" The two Rebel soldiers stood side by side, shifting there weight that was pushed down on them from their heavy packs. They stared up at the giant metal thing, trying to devise a way to take it down. So far, nothing had come to them. So, they did what they do all the time. What they were programmed to do.

"Wanna go shoot it?"

"Sure. What else can we do?"

So the two infantry class units dashed across the battlefield, dodging blaster fire and thermal detonators alike. They finally got close enough to see the thing in detail. It really was huge, and the armor looked EXTREAMLY thick. But they were infantry classes - what do they care?

"Well, let's see. What can we do now?"

"Let's shoot it."


They let loose a barrage of blaster fire aimed at the belly of the monster, quickly emptying their blasters of their remaining ammunition.

"Well, that didn't work."


"Now what are we supposed to do?"

"I don't know. I'm not the smart one. You are."

"Thermal detonators?"

"Sure. Sounds fun."

So they chucked thermal detonator after thermal detonator, each exploding against the stomach of the metal monster. Again, not even a dent was made.

"Well, that didn't work."


"What do we do now?"

"I don't know. What do you think we can do?"



"Let's just stand here, and stare it to death."

"Sure it will succumb to our almighty staring powers. You idiot."

"What? You asked?"

"Let's use our pistols. That will DEFINITELY work."


So they blasted the bottom of the metal destroyer with their tiny plasma pistols until they overheated. They stood there, scratching their heads, looking at each other.

"Wow. Um..."

"Yeah, that thing is way overpowered."

"Yeah, ummmm...now what?"

"I don't - "

The soldier was cut off as he was hit in the back with a beam of red blaster fire. He fell to the ground.


Moments later, the remaining unit was struck with a barrage of blaster fire as well, falling next to his friend. And no one noticed they were gone, and the AT AT kept lumbering on.

Believe me, this has happened to me many times before. I don't feel like going all the way back to the base to change classes, so I just stand there and shoot at the thing, and then eventually an Empire AI comes along, and I die because all of my weapons were wasted on the AT AT.

Ita quite amusing, actually.

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