The sky was pitch black, all lights were out in the Kindom of Faries. The only light what was eluminating, was the light from the moon. No on was awake at this hour of the night anyways though, except for a few guards wgo were patroling the area. Guarding the whole kingdom from anyone who dared to try and attack the kingdom.

Then, in the center of the kindgom, in the castle. Top floor, a light flickered on followed by screams of pain. The guards outside stood frozen as they looked around confused, not sure as to what caused the screaming or why it was happening, no signs of intruders was notified to them. An they had no power to go inside, only the top ranking guards were granted that access, and they were all helping the patrols or training the new requits currently.

Unknown to the guards, maids ran towards the screaming. The door to the royal bedroom flung open as the King of the Fairies fled out of the room. Pure fear and excitement was in his eyes. "It's coming! The baby's coming!" He shouted as he ran past the maids and headed towards where the doctor that was on hand at all rimes resided.

The young, queen, laid in bed. Her hands holding her swollen stomach as teard rolled down her cheeks, leaving streaks of water there. Her dull red hair stuck to her face as she felt another contraction and then let out a scream.

Soon, after the contraction ended and the young queen had time to relax, she relaxed against the headboard of the bed. Panting, with exhaustion. Her bright blue eyes looked over as her husband, the king, and the doctor came in. The stern doctor ushered the king out of the room though and slammed the door in his face. "Insolent man, stay out! You will be of no use in here!"

The stunned King was shocked at what was just said to him, but pushed the shock away as he felt two of the maids rush past him, muttering there apologies. They caried towels and a tub of hot water with them. The king, named Tybalt, growled annoyed that others were aloud in the room where his first child was being born but he wasn't. "Calm down Tybalt, it's customary that the male wait outside." A tired voice said calmly behind the worried king.

He turned around and looked at who had spoken so formaly to him. He was ready to scold whoever it was, but stopped as he saw his father, the old king, Sir Rob. Or as his wife, Eliza, a few young maids and a few soldiers, call him, granpa Rob.

"Were you this anxious when I was born?" The king asked as he pressed his back to the door so that he was fully facing his father. "Anxious? Ha ha, my boy I was terrified." The old man said as he looked at his son, then he used his cane and moved closer to the dark haired man. "I fainted at the announcement that your mother was in labor."

Tybalt couldn't help it as a small smile graced his lips, wiping away the nervous lip biting habit he had. The idea of the fearsom, King Rob fainting at such news amused him. All the kings life, he had heard stories of how fearles his father was and how he had never backed down from a fearful situation.

A loud cry snapped the king out of his thoughts of his feared father. He gulped as he stood up quickly as he heard footsteps coming his way, just in time because a moment later he would of fallen back into whoever had opened the door.

The doctor came out with a tired looking expression, wiping her hands with a clean towel. "Congratulations, King Tybalt, your daughter and wife are doing fine." She said as she walked past him and left for her quarters. It was in the middle of the night after all. "Well, go in and see your daughter." He heard his father encurage before he limped away as well, leaving the king standing by the door stunned.

Then, taking a deep breath, the king walked into the room. A bright smile gracing his lips as he saw his beautiful wife holding a beautiful baby girl. Eliza, looked up at the sound of someone walking in and grinned. "Tybalt, meet Erza, our daughter." His wife said, a bright smile gracing his lips as he moved closer to the bed. "Erza." He said quietly, the name they had come up with if the baby had been a girl. "She's beautiful." The king said as he sat on the bed and looked down at his daughter. The royal family that ruled the Kingdom if Faries, had grown and they were all happy.

Unfortunately though, a few kingdoms away in the Kingdom of Heaven, desaster struck. Sorrow was in the hearts of many who lived in the castle. The queen, Mari, had passed away just moments ago during child birth.

The news though, hadn't met King Zaref's ears yet though. Since he was in a meeting with his guards at the time of the birthing of his child, which he found un-nessacarily to know about. He sat in his chair boredly as he listened to his guards talk to him about where there defences were weak and what kingdoms were inching closer to attacking or would be easy to attack.

A knock on the door ended all talk, everyone's head looked towards the door after the king said "Enter." A pretty blonde maid entered slowly and fearfully, blood on her uniform. She bowed before she slowly spoke, her eyes on the ground as she did so. "Well speak!" The irritated king snapped as the maid fumbled over her words. "The queen has passed away, my lord." She rushed out.

Zaref froze in his spot, he must of heard her wrong. He stood up and walked over to the maid and put a hand to her throat before he pushed her against a wall. His hand squeezed slightly as he growled out. "Don't say such posposturous things again." He warned her before he left the room. Heading to his bed chambers, where he knew his beautiful queen Mari was sure to be resting.

The king walked into his room, expecting it to be empty except for his wife, but was met with bloody towels, and a few maids as well as the doctor covered in drying blood. Angered surged through the king as he walked more into the room. His dark eyes laid on his wife's lifeless body. He could not believe she was dead, she was the only one who saw past his tough exterior.

A wail erupted in the room, but the king made no move to look at where the crying was coming from, nor did he really care.

"My lord, were sorry for your loss, we did everything in our power to save her." The doctor said as she walked to where the infent was laying in a crib nearby. "But we managed to save the young lords life, as instructed by the late queen Mari." The doctor walked over to the shocked king and presented the new prince to him.

The mere thought of the doctor not being able to save his dear Mari enraged him. His black eyes turned to look at the doctor with rage as he moved his hand, succedding in hitting the newborn and almost causing her to drop him. Loud, ear piercing screams erupted from the baby as the king glared at it and the Doctor. "Get that thing away from me and out of my site!" He yelled and ordered everyone out of the room. That was no son of his, that was the thing that had killed his belove and he would never forgive it, even if it was just a child.

I do not own, Fairy Tail or any of the characters that are in Fairy Tail.

It's been a while since I posted on here, so please leave a review and follow it. Please? I don't mind criticism, it, helps to make me want to get better at writing.