I really should finish the story that have been lying for months now. Worst part is that I don`t have any excuses, but enough about that. I have had this fanfiction in my head for years and finally I got it out. I hope you enjoy it and please read and review.

I do not own Ghost Hunt.

I should have seen it coming he didn't like me, he liked my tea. His eyes were as emotionless as always, but it wasn't bothering me. What bothered me the most was how he was taking my family away, leaving an envelope with money. Surprisingly I felt calm and without a word took the envelope. My heart is breaking into tiny pieces making me hurt. I want to cry, but my body wont let me. It`s like I`m trapped in my own body. My friends that I am so happy to have, and that I am considering my family, is not even looking at me. My feet are moving on their own and the door to the outside comes closer and somehow I manages to stop before my hand pushes the door open. I bite my lip not sure if I should say a goodbye or not. I do the only thing I can do, I turn around and look at my boss. My hands take a better hold on the envelope holding it with one side in each hand. I tear it knowing fully well how much there was in it. I barely notices when the others in the room starts talking. "I never worked for you to get money" my voice is shaking and I can`t get anything more out. I walk out the door and leave. They won`t follow me, I also know that tomorrow they are leaving. Its raining outside making me feel even more that I`m drowning. My feet don't lead me home, that apartment have never been my home. I go to the only place I know that will never disappear. My hands rub my arms unconsciously trying to warm myself up. The ground is muddy when I get to the graveyard. The mud is slippery almost making me fall, but I don't. I wouldn't care if I got sick by staying out in the cold rain. I want to die, it is not the first time im thinking this thought. I was at this very place thinking the same thing only a few years ago. I sit down in front of a grave just like I did that time. It was also raining that day which reminds me even more of that awful day. I let my hands dig into the muddy earth and my eyes lifted to look at the grave. Taniyama Kaori was the name on the grave. She was my mother and she loved me with all her heart. She was the last family I had left and I didn't have anyone else, not even friends. Now I sat here again hoping that an answer would come, something that would save me. I am scared and have no clue of what to do. My friends had moved away only a month ago, it was time for them to leave their homes.

We had finished school and since I had no clue of what to do I told myself I could work for my boss a while longer. I don't know if I should go back to my apartment or not. I don't want to stay here anymore now that Naru fired me. Still the tears wouldn't fall. I know that my mom can`t help me, she`s dead and have been for a long time. I stood up starting to walk towards my place. It did not take long to get out of the dark and wet graveyard. I feel that something is wrong and look around me trying to find out what it is. Somehow I can`t find anything so I start walking again.

In my apartment I find some cloths and towels, deciding it is best to dry myself before I get sick. I don't see how some things around me starts to float. I feel tired and go to bed early. I feel empty trying to find my feelings, but I can`t. I try to think about Naru and the team, but it hurts too much so I stop. Before long I fall asleep.

I open my eyes seeing a woman in front of me. I know this person but can't remember who she is. She looks at me with a sad smile on her face. "Hi sweety, im sorry about leaving you alone" suddenly I know who she is and my hand cover my mouth in shock. "Mom?" I ask in a whisper and chokes back a sob when she nods. I want to touch her but she stops me and looks me into my eyes. "You have to leave Japan" I am confused wondering what she means. "What do you mean, mom? Why should I leave Japan?" I ask her. "Because your powers are growing, if you don't go, it will kill you" she was serious I could see it in her eyes and it scared me. "You are so much more special than you think, you have to go" my eyes wandered to the floor. "Where can I go? I don't have anyone" I didn't want to look at her but she pushed my face up so I looked her in the eyes. "Trust me my dear, we have friends all over the world that is waiting for you. They have been waiting for many years to see the somebody as special as you". somebody was waiting for me? I had tears down my face now. "These next years are going to be tough, but I believe you can endure it" she smiled comforting me. I was a little scared, but if what she said was true then I would have to leave. I didn't want to die I wanted to live, yet only hours before I wanted to die. "I have to go now my time is up, remember I love you and will always be with you" she said. "But how am I going to find these family's?" "You will find them in the little book, you know which one".

I woke up panting slightly and for a second wondered where I was. I was in my bedroom and I looked at the alarm clock, 2:30 am. I stood up going towards a small room I use to storage stuff. There were boxes upon boxes in the very small room. I lifted boxes so I could reach one that was all the way at the bottom. I took the box with me into my living room and started to search through it. All of the stuff was moms and it actually took some time before I found what I was looking for. By the time I had it in my hand the clock was 4:00 am. It was a small blue book and I found myself hesitating a bit before opening it. I had seen my mom carry this around but had never seen inside it myself.

Inside I saw name`s that was connected with addresses. Strangely enough there were no numbers. I looked at the name at the top thinking that maybe I should just start there and move downward as I go from place to place. I was happy that I had something to take my mind of Naru and the others. A long day was ahead of me and I had lots of things to take care of before I could leave. The first thing I did was buying a ticket on a plane to china cause that was where I was going first. Many people believed that I didn't have any money, but in reality I was rich or at least had more than enough money.

I called the one I rented my apartment of and said to her that I will be going away. I told her that the payment will arrive as usual just that I won`t be living here for quite a while. As I packed my bag and everything that I would need I started to think about what I was really doing. Maybe I should tell my friends that I`m leaving, but I just couldn't make myself do it. My phone rang and I was about to answer it when I saw it was Ayako calling. The strength in my hand went away and I let the phone go to the ground. I didn't want to talk to them, they were leaving today and it hurt too much to think about it. I continued to look at the phone and waited for it to stop ringing. When it did, I picked up my bag that I had finished packing and left. I was going to disappear, but nobody would care either way. I bet that nobody would even notice that I had left.

I arrived at the airport and went through the security. When I arrived at the gate I looked behind me one last time, and a long distance away I saw Naru and the others. My feet wanted to run to them, my arms wanted to hold around them, but my brain said no. A sad smile was on my face as I looked at them for the last time. Naru had a stoic face not revealing his feelings and Lin almost had an angry face. Monk, John and Yasu looked worried while Ayako, Masako and Madoka had tears in their eyes. It would almost seem as they had been fighting with somebody, but why would they. I turned my head towards my gate again when I saw Naru turning his head towards my direction. Without hesitation I walked into the airplane and said goodbye to Japan.