Disclaimer: I do not own Adventure Time.

A/N: slightly more hopeful end to the one-shot (making it a 2 shot :D )

Happy New Year!~

In the days that past, Bonnibel had begun to wonder a few things. The girl had always been prone to wondering, but this was different. Distracting her from the things she should be wondering about.

Though the semester had ended and there was little to be done, she still studiously read on for the next month's courses. As always.

But something had changed and she was sure it was-

The black text in her books would run together in the night, creating long strands of raven hair. Though there was no face attached, she knew who the locks belonged to.

As her hand wrote down notes on the sides of the page her mind would begin to wander. She found herself absentmindedly, as though her hands were guided by magic, begin to spell out the name-


If both these things were to happen in isolated instances she would have not taken heed of it. However this was becoming a daily occurrence and the more the days passed the feeling began to intensify.

All on their own.

And Bonnibel knew she had also begun to developing feelings … all on her own.

With a frustrated groan the woman, uncharacteristically, pushed her book aside. Leaning back and falling onto her pillow with a dull thump.

"Sweets?" Came her father's voice as he entered, a delayed unnecessary knock came as he entered.

Bonnibel sat up again, "Good night, father."

"Good morning." He corrected.

She looked over at her bedside clock to find it was indeed morning, technically, as it had just barely passed midnight.

"Mother's asleep." Bonnibel assumed.

"She goes to sleep early."

"I know." The young adult replied. She winced a bit as she heard a bitterness lace her words, a tone she had not meant, "I mean, I remember that a little."

Not having taken her words to heart, the older man walked over to the pink covered bed, sitting down on the corner as he had done since she was a child. Not that she remembered. He looked down at the used old text book that had been pushed away.

"Abadeer- " He read out.

With a gasp, Bonnibel shut the book, "I was, uh, doodling and it seemed … it just happened."

"You don't have to hide it." Her father's eyes seemed to chuckle though his tone reminded ever serious. "I know Miss. Abadeer well." He nodded to himself as if recalling a distant memory. "Marceline Abadeer."


When the outburst came, Bonnibel's father almost jumped, "Yes, surly the magician you went to see said her first name at some point."

Bonnibel shook her head, she felt her mind spin along with it as her heart raced, "I hadn't a clue they were one in the same! The name just felt so-" She paused, not wanting to remember what the name made her feel.

"Ah" The older man's eyes went a bit wide and he stood up slowly, as though he had said too much.

"Wait." Bonnibel called out to him, "Marceline-"

She swallowed as she watched her father intently, "She was a friend, right?"

Her father paused, looking at his daughter. Never in his life would he have dreamed he would have to remind her of the one person he had seen her look happiest around. The one person he had already approved in his head as a suitable match for his only daughter.

But was it his place to say?

"What did she tell you?" He asked her, pressed her, hoping all the while Marceline had been more brave then he.

Bonnibel thought, "I think she said we were friends, but she seemed unsure… as though we shouldn't have been."

The corners of the old face rose unnoticeable to the pondering youth, "Then perhaps that's what you were. But now, more or less seems like it would be the next logical question."


"If she was unsure of your friendship, is it because you were more or nothing at all to each other." He paused to let it sink in, "You're smart and have already remembered so much." Leaning forward he rubbed her hair, something Bonnibel herself would do to the younger Finn, "You'll remember this soon too, I'm sure of it.

Her father left to exit the door but left one last message, "And if you can't figure it out on your own, you could always talk with her again to find out."

"Marcy …Hey, Marcy?"

"Yes Simon?"

"Don't worry, that Princess girl will call."

Marceline walked around their small cold apartment, "You know she's not a real princess, right?" She informed the old man once again, completely disregarding the message in his words.

"But she smells like one, all nice and sweet-" He became lost in his little fantasy.

Growing frustrated, Marceline tried to snap him out of the daze, "How do you know she will call, hm?" She questioned.

Simon shrugged, "How could she not, you gave her the house number for when she's in town and well-" Marceline had been nodding along with him, until. "How can she resist all this charm~"

The dark haired magician stopped nodding, "Wait what?" Looking over at the white haired old man to find him motioning to his old blue bathrobed body.

"She's not going to call." Marceline stated, deadpan, "There's no-"

'Ring Ring Ring' The front door cried, intent on proving her wrong.

"Pizzzzza's here, oh ya." The old man cheered, getting up with an 'oof' to answer the door. All the way talking to himself about just how much Gunter, his imaginary friend, will love the warm pizza in her preggo belly.

Marceline shook her head, walking into the kitchen to begin setting the table.

"Marceline!" The elder ordered, "Set the table for one more!"

Marceline sighed, "Simon how many times do I have to tell you the delivery guys don't want to stay for-" But turning around she found it was definitely not the delivery guy, "-Pizza." She finished weakly.

"Hi." Bonnibel waved nervously, "Sorry, the Ice Wiz- I mean, Simon let me in."

Marceline tried to respond but nothing came, only her mouth open and closing like a fish out of water and her hands trying to convey what her lips were obviously having trouble forming.

"It is a bad time?" Bonnibel assumed. She turned, pointing at the way she had come, "I can go."

"Why did you- How did you get here!" All of a sudden it hit, stopping both girls in their tracks, "I mean not that you aren't welcome, it's just … do you remember?" She finished hopefully.

Seeing hurt and worry cross those features yet again, Bonnibel regretfully replied, "No, I actually looked up your name and found your address in one of my old address books." She had decided to leave out the fact that there were also a sickening number of hearts around her information.

Marceline was slowly coming over the shock, "I see, makes sense." She nodded, continuing the set the table. "Can I get you anything? We're having Pizza soon if you want to stay." She looked over her shoulder, "I can only assume you're here for a reason, instead of just calling."

Bonnibel nodded as she watched the other girl set some paper plates on the table. "Marceline, do you still love me?" She asked without warning.

"Pizza's here!" Ice King paused as he entered the scene. The two obviously not in the mood for pizza at the moment, "I'll just go in there." He pointed to the front room, completely unnoticed by the two.

"What?" Marceline laughed it off.

"I hope you don't." Bonnibel shifted nervously, there was only one explanation she could think of for not remembering the woman before her, "I think the reason I can't remember you in the slightest, despite us obviously being close, is that when I had lost my memories somehow I –"

"You don't have to say It-" Marceline's voice was soft and quietly begging, she knew.

"I had come to hate you…"

Marceline smiled weakly, turning her head to face the table.

"It's true, isn't it?"

"To be honest, I don't know. Yes it's true the last we spoke we fought and then you never- well you lost your memory."

Bonnibel nodded.

Marceline continued, "But how you felt about me during that time, I don't know and will probably never know. If you think you hated me then, well, that's the answer." It was as simple as that, yet just as hard to say and hear.

"What were we… before-" Bonnibel motioned with her hands in hopes of conveying 'the past'.

Marceline fumbled with her words, "Do you really want to know, care to know? I think it's best if you didn't-"

"I need to know."Bonnibel assured her, "I'm- it's been on my mind now for a while." She felt herself blushed a little, "Not that I don't already have an idea."

"We were sort of dating."

"Sort of?"

"It was really complicated." Marceline assured her.

Eyes locked, Bonnibel could feel as though she was reliving a memory she couldn't understand, just seeing those eyes and nothing else.

Marceline was the first to break the silence, walking passed her to call for Simon, "If that's all you came for, I'm glad you got your answer."

To Marceline, the girl she used to care for, the one who had broken her heart had just come back with the same message. It should have brought closer but ended up opening up more old wounds then it healed.

"But it wasn't what I came to ask!" Bonnibel hurriedly called to her.

Marceline slowly turned around, emotionally drained from the unpleasant reminders, "What was it then?" She asked, a tired edge in her voice, as though she was hurrying the girl along so she could finally put her unease to rest.

"Well." She started timidly, "You never answered my question, do you still love me?"

Marceline turn to leave but was stopped by baby pink hands. She turned around to face the owner of those hands, "Please."

"It's been 3 years." Marceline gave in.

"A long time."

"3 years of knowing you probably hated me and would never see me again."

"That sounds like it would be painful."

"It still is."

Marceline cursed her eyes as they glossed over with a yet spilt wave of tears. She looked upward to keep them in her eyes, and thankfully they obeyed, "That all?" She inquired as Bonnibel let go of her arm.

"I hope not."

Marceline gave her a look, wondering what this girl could possibly ask of her next.

"It's seems a little unfair to you but do you think we could start over?"


"I don't know about the 'me then', really, I don't remember her." Bonnibel explained, "But I know the 'me now' and somehow I really want to be close to you."

Marceline didn't say anything.

"Can we go out somewhere together sometime?"

"You guys ready yet the Pizza's getting cold." Simon peeked his head in to find the two still engrossed in each other, "Oh nope, going back in the den." He retreated, dejectedly grumbling to himself, with Pizza in hand.

"You're asking me on a date?"
